US ambassador 'killed in Libya'. US consulate Benghazi stormed. 4 US officials "dead"

Peter Dow

Freedom lover & fighter
Mar 3, 2010
BBC: US ambassador 'killed in Libya'
The US ambassador to Libya has died after being attacked by militiamen storming the US consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi, reports say.

I am shocked and horrified at this if it is confirmed and my sincere condolences to our American friends and loved ones.

This incident confirms my concerns that diplomatic missions in "war-on-terror" countries are not being properly secured by being located in a properly secured and defended military bases.

This reminds me of the storming of a UN base in Mazar-e-Sharif when 7 UN workers were killed in April 2011. The guy responsible at the time for UN security - Gregory B. Starr, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security, is an American who used to be employed as the person responsible for the security of US diplomatic bases.

I have further concerns that the US & NATO countries' military these days lack the military knowledge and competence even to able to secure our military bases. Bases can't be properly secured in or near an urban area. You need a security zone of cleared and controlled ground of at least 6 miles, but 10 miles is better, around a military base to keep enemy fire from rockets and mortars out of range.

If you don't control the ground around a base this happens - 3 were killed at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan yesterday.

Afghanistan Attacks: Insurgents Attack Bagram Air Base

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghan insurgents bombarded a U.S. base and destroyed a NATO helicopter, killing three Afghan intelligence employees, officials said Tuesday. There were also NATO personnel aboard and wounded, the coalition said without providing further details.

We've been at war in Afghanistan for nearly 11 years now and still the US and NATO military are operating out of insecure bases! Our supply routes in Afghanistan have never been secured and recently a decision by NATO-ISAF (commanded by a US general) was taken to close bases along the main highways in Afghanistan making the roads even more insecure.

The military and security leaders we are depending on to keep our personnel safe during this war on terror are incompetent and our diplomats would be well advised to have no faith in them. If I was a diplomat in a country with security problems I would quit and come home until we get proper military and security people in charge.

So there is a pattern here of incompetence at the very highest levels of leadership in the United States, NATO and the United Nations.

The people in charge are incompetent and this is very serious folks. We need urgent action to get competent people in post. We need a shake up at the highest levels of government on the military and security side especially. This can't be allowed to go on.
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And people are still second guessing Canada's disbanding it's embassy in Iran?

If you do not, will not or cannot guarantee the safety and security of an Embassy in these fubar'd countries that have been radically Islamized and subject to spontaneous blow-out, then get the hell out! Easy peazy!
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I wonder if Romney will make some kind of deal with the killers...a la..Reagan's deal with the American Hostage takers in Iran.
Sounds good to me. Every single american official is a crook and traitor only interested in lining his own pockets.
Look what a U.S. led NATO operation in Libya has created.First,they aid & abet in arming radical Muslim agent provocateurs to go into Libya to stir up trouble to be blamed on Muammar Gaddafi,then a demonization campaign ensues to give a U.S. led NATO & and their armed radical Muslim mercenaries an excuse to remove Gaddafi.
A U.S. led NATO & it's hired radical Muslim mercenaries decimated Libya in 2011 and has made things much much worse in Libya. What happened to the U.S. embassy and the U.S. Ambassador in Libya would have never happened under Gaddafi. Gaddafi wasn't the monster that was purposely portrayed in the Western media.The same M.O. is being used in Syria to remove Assad but this time Russia and China have put their foot down at the U.N. security council. Oh what a tangled web we weave...I believe the CIA call this blowback.
Perhaps there was a method to the madness behind the U.S. led NATO operation in Libya and now in Syria. Like setting the stage for a major war?
Obama has ordered "heightened security" and the story so far is that means 50 more marines are on the way to Libya. That's an inadequate response.

It's not enough to "order heightened security" if by that you mean ordering the same incompetent fools currently in charge of security to continue in post but to try to do a proper job this time despite still having no idea what to do.

The President should -
  • Sack and replace the Secretary of Defense (Panetta) with someone who will sack incompetent generals and appoint competent ones
  • Sack and replace the Secretary of State (Clinton) with someone who will sack incompetent security officials and appoint competent ones
  • Close all vulnerable diplomatic embassies and consulates in countries with a war-on-terror connection, with an armed jihadi terrorist groups threat
  • Establish new secure embassies and consulates within new or existing military bases
  • Site new military bases for the embassies / consulates in rural areas where the land for 6 to 10 miles around the embassy can be occupied and controlled
  • Site about 60 defensive machine-gun posts 1000 metre / 1000 yard intervals around a circumference at a radius of 6 miles from the base,
  • Surround the machine gun posts with barbed wire and vehicle barriers
  • Man the 60 machine guns, 3 men per gun, 24/7 with a force of about 540 marines per base,
  • Vastly increase the size of the Marine Security Guard from the small force now of about 1000 to the many thousands of marines it will take to secure all the new bases
Sorry "ordering heightened security" simply doesn't cut it.

Perhaps there was a method to the madness behind the U.S. led NATO operation in Libya and now in Syria. Like setting the stage for a major war?
The stage was set for the war on terror 11 years ago.

"The War on Terror", by Condoleezza Rice

Act I Invade Afghanistan
Act II Invade Iraq
Act III The Arab Spring

Welcome to Act IV, "The Arab Autumn"
Scene 1. Libya on the brink :cool:
Obama has ordered "heightened security" and the story so far is that means 50 more marines are on the way to Libya. That's an inadequate response.

Yep. The marines should've been in place yesterday. It's a bit late now. FAIL!
Obama has ordered "heightened security" and the story so far is that means 50 more marines are on the way to Libya. That's an inadequate response.

It's not enough to "order heightened security" if by that you mean ordering the same incompetent fools currently in charge of security to continue in post but to try to do a proper job this time despite still having no idea what to do.

The President should -
  • Sack and replace the Secretary of Defense (Panetta) with someone who will sack incompetent generals and appoint competent ones
  • Sack and replace the Secretary of State (Clinton) with someone who will sack incompetent security officials and appoint competent ones
  • Close all vulnerable diplomatic embassies and consulates in countries with a war-on-terror connection, with an armed jihadi terrorist groups threat
  • Establish new secure embassies and consulates within new or existing military bases
  • Site new military bases for the embassies / consulates in rural areas where the land for 6 to 10 miles around the embassy can be occupied and controlled
  • Site about 60 defensive machine-gun posts 1000 metre / 1000 yard intervals around a circumference at a radius of 6 miles from the base,
  • Surround the machine gun posts with barbed wire and vehicle barriers
  • Man the 60 machine guns, 3 men per gun, 24/7 with a force of about 540 marines per base,
  • Vastly increase the size of the Marine Security Guard from the small force now of about 1000 to the many thousands of marines it will take to secure all the new bases
Sorry "ordering heightened security" simply doesn't cut it.

Perhaps there was a method to the madness behind the U.S. led NATO operation in Libya and now in Syria. Like setting the stage for a major war?
The stage was set for the war on terror 11 years ago.

"The War on Terror", by Condoleezza Rice

Act I Invade Afghanistan
Act II Invade Iraq
Act III The Arab Spring

Welcome to Act IV, "The Arab Autumn"
Scene 1. Libya on the brink :cool:

The stage was set for the "war on terror" RACKET 11 years ago by the staged attacks on the Pentagon and WTC. If you read George Orwell's 1984 or seen the movie you'll remember Immanuel Goldstein, the villain who everybody was brainwashed to hate. During the propaganda seminars when his face was put up on the screen and an audio of his speech was aired, this incited the indoctrinated masses to boo and hiss.
The Globalist power elite have wrapped their tyranny in the American flag and gave the American people an enemy to hate by setting up situations in Muslim countries that have resulted in utter chaos which incites the anger of it's people and then this gets plastered all over the Media and then this triggers the anger of Americans who have been indoctrinated by staged events harped on in the Media to foster hatred of Muslims/Arabs. See how this works? The Globalist power elite are purposely destabilizing parts of the Middle East because they have an agenda for domination. The globalist power elite are playing both sides off against the Middle. These Muslim/Arab countries are tired of being invaded and having their loved ones killed...they're tired of having their resources exploited by colonialist imperialist powers.
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Sounds good to me. Every single american official is a crook and traitor only interested in lining his own pockets.

You're probably right there. Unfortunately it seems to be ingrained in all animal's DNA (that wasn't meant to be insulting). Our thread starter is on the right track though, we need to get out of these hell holes and leave the drugged up fuckheads to deal with their own shite. Just ask any Afgan vet about the state of the Afghan police and army. They are nearly all insolent, drug infested, lazy, back-stabbing parasites.

This war is unwinnable, and the consequences will reverberate around the west for far longer than any past wars until we close our borders to all muslims, refugees or not, and expell all those currently here who won't swear allegiance on their holy koran. etc. etc. etc.
Sounds good to me. Every single american official is a crook and traitor only interested in lining his own pockets.

You're probably right there. Unfortunately it seems to be ingrained in all animal's DNA (that wasn't meant to be insulting). Our thread starter is on the right track though, we need to get out of these hell holes and leave the drugged up fuckheads to deal with their own shite. Just ask any Afgan vet about the state of the Afghan police and army. They are nearly all insolent, drug infested, lazy, back-stabbing parasites.

This war is unwinnable, and the consequences will reverberate around the west for far longer than any past wars until we close our borders to all muslims, refugees or not, and expell all those currently here who won't swear allegiance on their holy koran. etc. etc. etc.

Wars are meant to be un-winnable. The war profiteers who start them want the wars to last forever.
inbred and insane point blank! Cut off all foreign aid and get out of the Middle East and stop arming the crazy Mo Fo'ers!

US ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three embassy staff were killed in an attack on the Benghazi consulate and a safe house refuge, stormed by Islamist gunmen blaming America for a film they said insulted the Prophet Mohammad.


Egypt security forces, protesters clash outside U.S. Embassy

Egypt security forces, protesters clash outside U.S. Embassy | Reuters

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

(Reuters) - Security forces fired teargas to disperse stone-throwing demonstrators near the U.S. embassy in Cairo late on Wednesday, some 24 hours after protesters scaled the walls and tore down the flag over a film insulting the Prophet Mohammad.


U.S. Embassy in Yemen stormed; other embassies still under siege

Thursday, September 13, 2012

In Yemen on Thursday, witnesses said security forces allowed thousands to gather on a usually-sealed-off street that is in front of the embassy. Protesters stormed a wall, set fire to a building inside the compound, broke windows and carried away office supplies and other souvenirs before being pushed back and dispersed by Yemeni security forces.

“We want to expel the American ambassador,” said Abdelwadood al-Mutawa, a protester who was walking out of the embassy compound. He said he was motivated by reports of the movie mocking Muhammad, even though it was not made by, sanctioned by or connected to the U.S. government.

“We cannot accept any insult to our prophet,” Mutawa said. “It’s a red line.”

Another protester said that some of the security forces protecting the building appeared sympathetic to the demonstrators’ cause.
“Some soldiers were telling me, ‘These are dogs, and we cannot accept insulting our prophet,’ ” said Yusef Mohammad.


U.S. Embassy in Germany evacuated

Thursday, September 13, 2012

BERLIN (AP) -- The U.S. Embassy says its consulate in Berlin has been evacuated as a precaution after an employee reported a strange smell from an envelope.

Spokeswoman Ruth Bennett said the smell came from an envelope containing supporting materials for a visa application given to consular employees by the applicant in person Thursday morning.

There were no reports of injuries and American and German authorities are now examining the contents of the applicant.

Bennett says she has no immediate information on the status of the person who brought the envelope in.

Id like to know how this is possible without at least 1000 protestors laying dead in the street. Do we not have guns in our consolates?
Protest at US embassy in Tunisia

Tunisian police fired teargas and rubber bullets into the air today to disperse a protest over a US-made film depicting the Prophet Mohammad near the US Embassy in the capital Tunis, reporters said.

Around 200 protesters, many of whom with long beards and wearing robes, threw rocks at the police, burned US flags and chanted slogans such as "Obama, Obama, we are here for the triumph of Islam" and "Mohammad is the master of creation".

Police chased the protesters away while Tunisian army soldiers guarded the embassy building. There were no immediate reports of casualties.


Hillary gets tomatoes and shoes pelted at her in Egypt

Protests as Clinton holds meetings in Egypt

July 15, 2012

Egyptian protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade Sunday and shouted, "Monica, Monica, Monica" as she left the newly reopened U.S. Consulate in Alexandria.

Clinton said she was in the city to answer critics who believe Washington has taken sides in Egyptian politics. There were already vocal protesters at the start of her visit to the consulate, forcing the ceremony to be moved inside.

U.S. Embassy Attacks: 'Death To America' Chants And Flag-Burning Protests Spread To Iran, Iraq

Thursday, September 13, 2012

In Iraq, several hundred Shiite hardliners protested in Baghdad's Shiite stronghold of Sadr City. The leader of an Iranian-backed Shiite militia that previously attacked U.S. troops, Asaib Ahl al-Haq, threatened anti-U.S. attacks.

The movie "will put all the American interests in Iraq in danger," the militia leader, Qais al-Khazali, told The Associated Press.

In Iran, about 50 protesters shouted, "Death to America," outside the Swiss Embassy, which looks after U.S. diplomatic interests in Iran. Riot police kept the crowd away from the building.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Reaction in Afghanistan, where US-led troops have been waging a decade-long war against the fundamentalist Taliban, has also been muted for now. But unwilling to take a risk, Afghan President Hamid Karzai postponed his visit to Norway.

“He won’t go. He’s worried about possible riots over the release of the film,” a presidential aide told Agence France-Presse in Kabul on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

“He prefers to stay at home at such a critical time,” the official added. LINK

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Our politicians are so STUPID they can't even buy friends with free money!

U.S. Embassy Attacks: 'Death To America' Chants And Flag-Burning Protests Spread To Iran, Iraq

Thursday, September 13, 2012

In Iraq, several hundred Shiite hardliners protested in Baghdad's Shiite stronghold of Sadr City. The leader of an Iranian-backed Shiite militia that previously attacked U.S. troops, Asaib Ahl al-Haq, threatened anti-U.S. attacks.

The movie "will put all the American interests in Iraq in danger," the militia leader, Qais al-Khazali, told The Associated Press.

In Iran, about 50 protesters shouted, "Death to America," outside the Swiss Embassy, which looks after U.S. diplomatic interests in Iran. Riot police kept the crowd away from the building.


The embassy in Berlin was evacuated. Violent protests erupted in Bangladesh. obama's policies are in shambles, a total failure. Worse than simply failing but leading directly to igniting the whole of the muslim world against us. And, our ally in this kind of conflict, Israel, is dismissed and disregarded.
Obama has ordered "heightened security" and the story so far is that means 50 more marines are on the way to Libya. That's an inadequate response.

It's not enough to "order heightened security" if by that you mean ordering the same incompetent fools currently in charge of security to continue in post but to try to do a proper job this time despite still having no idea what to do.

The President should -
  • Sack and replace the Secretary of Defense (Panetta) with someone who will sack incompetent generals and appoint competent ones
  • Sack and replace the Secretary of State (Clinton) with someone who will sack incompetent security officials and appoint competent ones
  • Close all vulnerable diplomatic embassies and consulates in countries with a war-on-terror connection, with an armed jihadi terrorist groups threat
  • Establish new secure embassies and consulates within new or existing military bases
  • Site new military bases for the embassies / consulates in rural areas where the land for 6 to 10 miles around the embassy can be occupied and controlled
  • Site about 60 defensive machine-gun posts 1000 metre / 1000 yard intervals around a circumference at a radius of 6 miles from the base,
  • Surround the machine gun posts with barbed wire and vehicle barriers
  • Man the 60 machine guns, 3 men per gun, 24/7 with a force of about 540 marines per base,
  • Vastly increase the size of the Marine Security Guard from the small force now of about 1000 to the many thousands of marines it will take to secure all the new bases
Sorry "ordering heightened security" simply doesn't cut it.

Perhaps there was a method to the madness behind the U.S. led NATO operation in Libya and now in Syria. Like setting the stage for a major war?
The stage was set for the war on terror 11 years ago.

"The War on Terror", by Condoleezza Rice

Act I Invade Afghanistan
Act II Invade Iraq
Act III The Arab Spring

Welcome to Act IV, "The Arab Autumn"
Scene 1. Libya on the brink :cool:

The stage was set for the "war on terror" RACKET 11 years ago by the staged attacks on the Pentagon and WTC. If you read George Orwell's 1984 or seen the movie you'll remember Immanuel Goldstein, the villain who everybody was brainwashed to hate. During the propaganda seminars when his face was put up on the screen and an audio of his speech was aired, this incited the indoctrinated masses to boo and hiss.
The Globalist power elite have wrapped their tyranny in the American flag and gave the American people an enemy to hate by setting up situations in Muslim countries that have resulted in utter chaos which incites the anger of it's people and then this gets plastered all over the Media and then this triggers the anger of Americans who have been indoctrinated by staged events harped on in the Media to foster hatred of Muslims/Arabs. See how this works? The Globalist power elite are purposely destabilizing parts of the Middle East because they have an agenda for domination. The globalist power elite are playing both sides off against the Middle. These Muslim/Arab countries are tired of being invaded and having their loved ones killed...they're tired of having their resources exploited by colonialist imperialist powers.
If the US government is not a major player in your "globalist power elite" then no-one is.

The notion that the US government as part of a unified "globalist power elite" would stage attacks on its own homeland against its commercial and defence assets is classical conspiracy nut truther nonsense.

I simply won't debate your rubbish point by point. It's insulting to my intellect. I also know from experience that no matter how many times it is explained to you nuts you still want to show your videos. No. I am not humouring you OK. No debate. I will explain it once in this thread in this post but then you are talking to yourself.

If you want the back-drop to the war on terror it is this.

The misuse of propaganda in the wrong hands is a major factor in the war on terror but you ought to look at the liberalisation of the control of TV satellites which happened shortly before 9/11.

The governments of the world foolishly handed control of satellite TV to business and capitalism set to work to make money and to hell with the consequences.

Dumb-ass politicians in the West with "trust the market" ideologies no doubt thought this deregulation of global broadcasting was a good idea.

Then with oil-rich backward regimes like Saudi Arabia free to fund satellite TV channels which call for jihad against us "infidels" and with military dictators of poorer populous countries like Egypt and Pakistan drooling at the profits they can make as the organisers and the arsenals of terrorism then everything we have seen in the war on terror is entirely predictable.

The Muslims of the world bought satellite TV receivers and tuned into "Kill the infidels" satellite TV and suddenly they were not tired at all but up for jihad.

So it's not a global conspiracy it's more like a global cock-up.

The governments of the world have let the power to impose peace slip from their hands into the hands of business men who have passed the power to destabilise the world to oil rich monarchs and military dictators.

The only conspirators are undemocratic state rulers like the Arab monarchs like the Saudi kings, military dictators like Mubarak and Musharraf and their like who say one thing to our government officials' faces and fund and organise the jihadi terrorism behind our backs.

Now conspiracy nuts, truthers etc. like yourself ought to wake up to the fact that these local state thugs have started a global war against us and they will keep killing our people until we defeat them and take their power away from them. Leaving them alone won't bring peace.

NileSat Know your enemy



People are leaping to a discussion about the YouTube movie that is supposed to have incited the attack on the US embassies but without it being outraged about on NileSat by jihadists deliberating trying to incite believers to attack Americans nothing would have happened.

It's not the first time that NileSat got our guys killed.

So the question is, who has allowed Egypt to get satellite broadcasting without being sure that the TV channels are responsible?

It's because some stupid politicians in the West decided to deregulate the control of satellite TV broadcasting.

Our own politicians thought that they could trust businessmen and the market to make profits by selling satellite TV broadcasting to whoever had the money.

So Americans, do you want to keep trusting the market, or do you want Americans to be safe abroad?
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