US and Iran strike a deal

gipper is not an international diplomat and knows nothing about making international deals.

Geaux has no idea how this treaty works in terms of material for nuclear weapons.

We have time to see how this works out.
Iran has had sanctions since the 80's, and one wonders why they have anger. Also before that there was that famous coup. Its time for Iran to become the great country it can be, and better they have nukes being a happy country than a country that is angry and getting nukes. The time has come to end this stuff, Iran has a lot to offer the world.
Have to see more of the specifics

At best, it buys us some time as Iran steps back from its nuclear development
Iranian leaders insisted the embargo had to end as their forces combat regional scourges such as ISIS. And they got some support from China and particularly Russia, which wants to expand military cooperation and arms sales to Tehran, including the long-delayed transfer of S-300 advanced air defense systems -- a move long opposed by the United States.

The last major sticking point appeared to be whether international weapons inspectors would be given access to Iranian nuclear sites. The deal includes a compromise between Washington and Tehran that would allow U.N. inspectors to press for visits to Iranian military sites as part of their monitoring duties.

However, access at will to any site would not necessarily be granted and even if so, could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal are sure to seize on as possibly giving Tehran time to cover any sign of non-compliance with its commitments.

This alone is like putting the Fox inside the chicken coop.

Any Democrat or Republican who votes to approve this insanity should not be reelected.
Write and call your 2 US Senators and Representative in the House and let them know you are opposed this insanity.
I wonder if Hillary will ever make a statement about this?

She had a hand in this while Secretary of State.

Iran has had sanctions since the 80's, and one wonders why they have anger. Also before that there was that famous coup. Its time for Iran to become the great country it can be, and better they have nukes being a happy country than a country that is angry and getting nukes. The time has come to end this stuff, Iran has a lot to offer the world.
Iran has had sanctions since the 80's, and one wonders why they have anger. Also before that there was that famous coup. Its time for Iran to become the great country it can be, and better they have nukes being a happy country than a country that is angry and getting nukes. The time has come to end this stuff, Iran has a lot to offer the world.

Peace! You and the rest of the left wingers are living in a delusional world.
So, the real question here is how long will it take the Republicans to capitulate?
The US and Iran have reached a deal regarding Iran's nuclear program. However, what's missing is the very thing that makes it worthwhile. At will access to Iran's nuclear facilities. Under the deal, inspectors would be allowed to press for access to those facilities, however, Iran would be able to deny or delay such a request. I think this qualifies as an "I told you so" moment.

Well, Tampon, I think you should get off the Couch and join Bill Krystol's Anti-Islam Legion. they will be impressed with your high "Call of Duty V" score.

On a serious note, this probably slows Iran's program, but at the end of the day, Iran is probably going to get a nuke.

Big deal.

The bigger deal is getting Iran out of its isolation and back into the international community.
This is a typical libtard folks, wrong as usual.
The US and Iran have reached a deal regarding Iran's nuclear program. However, what's missing is the very thing that makes it worthwhile. At will access to Iran's nuclear facilities. Under the deal, inspectors would be allowed to press for access to those facilities, however, Iran would be able to deny or delay such a request. I think this qualifies as an "I told you so" moment.

Iran and six world powers, led by the United States, reached a formal agreement early Tuesday aimed at curbing Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in international sanctions relief.

Diplomats from both sides confirmed the deal had been reached after the latest 18-day round of intense and often fractious negotiations in Vienna, Austria blew through three self-imposed deadlines. A final meeting between the foreign ministers of Iran, the United States, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia was underway Tuesday morning, with a press conference expected to follow. President Barack Obama was to make a statement on the agreement from the White House at 7 a.m. ET.

There was no immediate comment on the agreement from U.S. officials, but Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif described the accord as "a historic moment" as he attended the final session.

"We are reaching an agreement that is not perfect for anybody, but it is what we could accomplish," Zarif continued, "and it is an important achievement for all of us. Today could have been the end of hope on this issue. But now we are starting a new chapter of hope."


The last major sticking point appeared to be whether international weapons inspectors would be given access to Iranian nuclear sites. The deal includes a compromise between Washington and Tehran that would allow U.N. inspectors to press for visits to Iranian military sites as part of their monitoring duties. However, access at will to any site would not necessarily be granted and even if so, could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal are sure to seize on as possibly giving Tehran time to cover any sign of non-compliance with its commitments.

Iran world powers agree to nuclear deal Fox News

Been quite a month for Obama

Chalk up another victory

Cuba, now Iran.....I can see why the right is outraged
'The Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' was in charge of the (cough) negotiations'.
It's no wonder Iran's rulers are jubilant.
BOBO the fucking clown AKA Anti American Socialist is delighted. Alinsky is delighted. Soros is delighted. Putin is delighted. Hezbollah is delighted. Syria is delighted.
All the stupid LIB idiots on this forum are delighted.
What does this tell us?
All those poor defense contractors. Now who'll buy their bunker-busters and daisy cutters? :)

Nail hits head.
The very powerful defense industry (Arms industry) will have a lot less orders if people keep making peace.
I just pity the poor corrupt politicians who won't get their bribes for voting for wars.
All those poor defense contractors. Now who'll buy their bunker-busters and daisy cutters? :)

You kidding me? Those defense contractors stand to make a fortune. Everyone knows this deal is shit.
All those poor defense contractors. Now who'll buy their bunker-busters and daisy cutters? :)

Nail hits head.
The very powerful defense industry (Arms industry) will have a lot less orders if people keep making peace.
I just pity the poor corrupt politicians who won't get their bribes for voting for wars.
U.S. Offers Billions in Arms to Ease Mideast s Iran Anxiety - Bloomberg BusinessU.S. Offers Billions in Arms to Ease Mideast s Iran Anxiety - Bloomberg Business
Iran has had sanctions since the 80's, and one wonders why they have anger. Also before that there was that famous coup. Its time for Iran to become the great country it can be, and better they have nukes being a happy country than a country that is angry and getting nukes. The time has come to end this stuff, Iran has a lot to offer the world.
But you see this is where you look like the fucking dummy you are.
YOU claim Iran will be "happy" when they have nukes.
BUT Iran insists, vows it will NEVER attempt to build nukes.
"The text says also that Iran has vowed that “under no circumstances” will it ever “seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons. And it describes a joint commission composed of its seven parties to monitor the deal’s implementation".
So YOU say they'll be "happy" with nukes but they say under no circumstance do they want any nukes.
Could it be that the Iranians are lying?
Looks to me like you and Iran are bat-shit crazy.
I LOVE the wonderful irony of 'The Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' 'negotiating with one broken leg.
You can't make this shit up.

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