US and Qatar agree to not release 6 Billion dollars to Iran

Kerry has been outed by his fellow veterans

Kerry commanded a Swift Boat in Viet Nam. His "Fellow Veterans" were later found out to have been paid off. His Commanding Officer was raging blind drunk. The Men of Kerry's Command defended him..

Mr. Kerry was awarded (among ribbons) The Silver Star, The Bronze Star with "V" (for Valor), and Navy Meritorious Unit Commandation. He a Hero,

P01135809 is shit sucking Five-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward. He attacked Gold Star Families. He called the Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces who died serving their Country, "Suckers and Losers".

Fuck that Putin Loving Orange Piece of shit.
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Blinken: Iran Has ‘Always Been Allowed to Use’ $6 Billion, We Just Moved it to Where It ‘Could Actually Be Used’​

12 Oct 2023​

So what is it then? will they be allowed to use the money or not?:dunno:
Way friggin overdue! I also bet they will find a way to do it in the middle of the night, on pallets IE Obama
They did they, they just used their own money because it is fungible!
It's hard to explain money to a Democrat. They are probably wondering why Iran doesn't just borrow or print the six billion dollars.

There is something phony about this story.

Here a (or the?) National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, is asked if the money will be refrozen, given Biden's vow to stop the money if Iran went in the wrong direction.

Sullivan gives an obviously canned, lawyer-vetted non-answer, which he repeats. This idea that Qatar is now the gate-keeper of the money seems just as fake.

Iran is a funding source for terrorist like Hamas worldwide. Even if the money was for humanitarian purposes, they do not deserve it. and effective

....came from a bat, not the Wuhan Coronavirus Research lab next door

...if you're vaxxed, you can't get the Fauci Flu

....USA didn't release funds to Iran

"Iran’s deputy oil minister, Majid Chegeni, said on June 25 that Iraq repaid its $2.76 billion debt to Iran on purchases of natural gas using funds previously frozen by U.S. sanctions due to Tehran’s nuclear development and other malign activities. The transfer coincides with reports that the Biden administration is negotiating an agreement it says will limit Iran’s nuclear enrichment and release three Americans wrongfully detained by the Islamic Republic.

Chegeni, who is also head of the National Iranian Gas Company, told the Iranian state-affiliated Shana News Agency that Tehran does not have direct access to the funds, which is consistent with reports the Biden administration is allowing Iran to use the funds for paying off debts rather than to repatriate the money."

U.S. Releases Funds to Pay Iran’s Debts
If a stable banking system depends on facilitating Iran I'm funding international terrorism, I'll continue to keep my money under my mattress, thanks.
A stable banking system relies on secure deposits. Though I think you probably knew that and were a bit desperate to create some rhetoric.
A stable banking system relies on secure deposits. Though I think you probably knew that and were a bit desperate to create some rhetoric.

It's probably not a sound fiduciary policy to attempt to kill the citizens of the country where you choose to deposit your money.
It's probably not a sound fiduciary policy to attempt to kill the citizens of the country where you choose to deposit your money.
It's also not good practice to steal deposited money, as depositors will pull their money in case the US gets mad at them.

With is why this has not happened.

That is precisely what they are implying or stating outright.
Except that they arent. What IS being said is that by releasing that money it freed up other money to be used in support of terrorism. But more to the point, it's not as if it's unknown that Iran is a state supporter of terrorism and that they support Hamas, and Hezzbollah specifically so why on earth are we releasing money to them ever for any reason? And why would anyone support that decision? Oh yeah, it was your team that made it so you have to...

Kerry commanded a Swift Boat in Viet Nam. His "Fellow Veterans" were later found out to have been paid off. His Commanding Officer was raging blind drunk. The Men of Kerry's Command defended him..

Mr. Kerry was awarded (among ribbons) The Silver Star, The Bronze Star with "V" (for Valor), and Navy Meritorious Unit Commandation. He a Hero,

P01135809 is shit sucking Five-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward. He attacked Gold Star Families. He called the Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces who died serving their Country, "Suckers and Losers".

Fuck that Putin Loving Orange Piece of shit.
LOL You are lying. Your shit is straight out of Kerry's spin machine that has been discredited.

You Moon Bats always lie about everything to justify your stupidity.

The best money I ever spent in my life was contributing to the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth.

They stopped Kerry from being President and that is a great thing.

We real Vietnam Veterans have nothing but disdain for the cowardly, traitorous lying asshole.

We especially hate the sonofabitch for the lies he told about his fellow veterans in Vietnam.

The same asshole that has been doing everything possible to get money to the Iranian Mullahs. That is traitorous to the American people because the Iranian Mullahs spout "Death to America" and follow up by supporting terrorism.
I doubt your bs war stories about the 'nam. Can't trust anything you claim.

The men in the boats with Kerry defended him against that drunkard who was a commanding officer. :auiqs.jpg:

and John O'Neill and Jerome Corsi, are two big time losers.

I arrived in Vietnam in November of 1967 and left in April of 1970, sans going home for leave three times. For every month that coward spent in Vietnam I spent five.

I have no knowledge of Kerry's service other than what I have read and heard from the men that served with him and they say the sonofabitch is a liar, coward and pussy. By the way that fits in with the lies he told to Congress in the Winter Solder testimony, which earned the disdain of most Vietnam Veterans. It also fits in with him being a dishonest Democrat politician that has always been anti American and a Liberal asshole.

He is a real piece of shit and typical of the heroes that you filthy ass Moon Bats adore so much.
You said Iran does not deserve it's own money. Please don't suggest Dante addressed anything else.

Freezing somebody's money is an admission it's their money to begin with. I suggested you rephrase claiming people do not deserve their own money.
Does a bank robber who serves his time in jail get to keep the money he stole when he is released on parole?
Kerry has been outed by his fellow veterans, including his former commanding officer, as a coward and a liar.

He never volunteered for Vietnam. When assigned he thought he was going to have safe duty in the Port of Dang Nang. When assigned to a River Boat unit he cried like a little baby. His Commanding Officer got so sick of him being a pussy he told Kerry that if he came withing 100 ft of him he would kick Kerry's ass.

He wasn't even in country long enough to break in a pair of boots.

He is a piece of shit, a coward, a liar, a pussy and a traitor to his country and fellow veterans.

I am a real Vietnam Veteran. Kerry is a sham.
I am sorry to inform you that almost all of what you stated is not true. Kerry was a well-documented fuck up, but you don't have to lie about all of the shitty things he did.

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