US and Qatar agree to not release 6 Billion dollars to Iran

Kerry commanded a Swift Boat in Viet Nam. His "Fellow Veterans" were later found out to have been paid off. His Commanding Officer was raging blind drunk. The Men of Kerry's Command defended him..

Mr. Kerry was awarded (among ribbons) The Silver Star, The Bronze Star with "V" (for Valor), and Navy Meritorious Unit Commandation. He a Hero,

P01135809 is shit sucking Five-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward. He attacked Gold Star Families. He called the Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces who died serving their Country, "Suckers and Losers".

Fuck that Putin Loving Orange Piece of shit.
You are confusing someone with Brandon!
I am sorry to inform you that almost all of what you stated is not true. Kerry was a well-documented fuck up, but you don't have to lie about all of the shitty things he did.

None of what I said is a lie.

Go read the book his fellow veterans wrote.

If you want to believe the Kerry/Democrat spin machine then fine. I'll believe the troops he served with.

He is a piece of shit.
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Because they did and you Dimtards believe everything you read.
Interesting timing......
It is simply amazing how many hoaxes you tards parrot just because you want to bleev them, without a single shred of evidence to support your delusions.

Iran is a funding source for terrorist like Hamas worldwide. Even if the money was for humanitarian purposes, they do not deserve it.
Good. Now they should bomb all of Irans Refineries and Oil Fields.
Please try and keep up.

Dante never said to give the money back right now. Reading and comprehension has gone into the toilet with other things. HAMAS wins. Many of the people here @ usmb have lost their minds.
Why do you refer to yourself in the third person?


As for "Dante never said to give the money back right now", then what the hell is your problem? That's precisely what the US has decided!
And the surprise attack hit on the Israelie Sabbath at 0800 Hours, kinda like Pearl Harbor on Decemeber 7, 1941.
That's not a failure of Iron Dome. That's a failure of Israeli intelligence.
Kerry has been outed by his fellow veterans, including his former commanding officer, as a coward and a liar.

He never volunteered for Vietnam. When assigned he thought he was going to have safe duty in the Port of Dang Nang. When assigned to a River Boat unit he cried like a little baby. His Commanding Officer got so sick of him being a pussy he told Kerry that if he came withing 100 ft of him he would kick Kerry's ass.

He wasn't even in country long enough to break in a pair of boots.

He is a piece of shit, a coward, a liar, a pussy and a traitor to his country and fellow veterans.

I am a real Vietnam Veteran. Kerry is a sham.
Gee, that must be why Kerry received a Silver Star and a Bronze Star.

All Donald Trump got was bone spurs and a Purple Heart "the easier" way.
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Except that they arent. What IS being said is that by releasing that money it freed up other money to be used in support of terrorism. But more to the point, it's not as if it's unknown that Iran is a state supporter of terrorism and that they support Hamas, and Hezzbollah specifically so why on earth are we releasing money to them ever for any reason? And why would anyone support that decision? Oh yeah, it was your team that made it so you have to...

The sanctions waiver was to get Iran back to the table to restore the nuclear weapons deal that Trump tore up like a retard.

Trump's actions put Iran back on the fast track to a nuclear weapon.
The sanctions waiver was to get Iran back to the table to restore the nuclear weapons deal that Trump tore up like a retard.

Trump's actions put Iran back on the fast track to a nuclear weapon.
And if you believe they ever got off that train I’ve got some beach front property in Az to sell you.
Gee, that must be why Kerry received a Silver Star and a Bronze Star.

All Donald Trump got was bone spurs and a Purple Heart "the easier" way.
He didn't earn jackshit. The awards were made based upon his own written AARs and his first commanding officer turned them down. When the second officer came in he rubber stamped them not knowing the circumstances.. Just another Kerry dishonesty. Stolen valor from an asshole. Go read the book. It is all detailed. He is a walking lie.

Go read his Winter Soldier testimony. It is another lie. The sonofabitch never witness anything that he testified to. He said he was told those things by other "veterans". Then we find out that those veterans lied. One of them never even served in Vietnam. Another one later admitted he lied after promising to be put up in a nice hotel and given free meals. The testimony was a scam.

Kerry was (is) a piece of shit. It takes a real piece of shit for somebody to blatantly lie about his fellow veterans to make them look bad. Of course Kerry wasn't much of a veteran. He was hardly in country long enough to earn the title of Vietnam Veteran.

As a real Vietnam Veteran it makes me sick to see the shithead sit at the table of the Congressional hearing wearing his jungle fatigue shirt like he had earned the right to wear it. He never earned jackshit. He wasn't even in the country long enough to break in a pair of boots.

Of course this is water over the bridge. The American people made the determination about Kerry in 2004. Bush was at risk for reelection because of the Iraqi crap. Kerry even admitted it himself. He lost because his fellow veterans exposed his cowardice, stolen valor and dishonesty in Vietnam.

What is relevant now is how Kerry is selling out his country to Iran every chance he can get. It is also shitty that Potatohead is letting the traitor influence him. Shame!
Only an idiot like this Potatohead clown would have thought it was a good thing to release billion of dollars to the Iranian Mullahs given their 50 year histroy of supporting terrorism. You can't invent that level of stupidity.
Republicans did.

Reagan Deserves Credit for 1981 Hostage Release​

American Enterprise Institute › middle-east › reagan-deserves-cr...

Jan 27, 2016 — The agreement that led to the release involved $11 billion to $12 billion in Iranian assets that Carter had frozen 10 days after the seizure of ...

Ronald Reagan Gave Iran Their Money Back After They ...​

Esquire › politics › news › reagan-ira...

Sep 8, 2016 — Six years later, he let them have $454 million more of their assets. There was a great unfreezing under the Reagan Administration. Related ...
And dishonest conservatives double-down on their lies.
What’s a lie? If I have $1000 in the bank ready for next month’s rent payment, I’m going to hold onto it. If someone tells me that $1000 is coming my way, then I can spend the money I have on something else instead of rent.
NOTE: The amount of antisemitism that has emanated from the left in the past few days is appalling. It is so extreme that they are supporting the side that hunted down, tortured, and murdered 1,000 innocent Jews - even babies.

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