US and the Holocaust - Ken Burns

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

I know that we get these things some time after you but I havent seen a review of this on here.

I watched part one last night and it was a sobering look at the awful treatment of European Jews in the run up to the war.

It is done from an American pespective but I didnt see any nation emerging with credit from this.

Uncomfortable truths as well. How Polish anti semites were in lockstep with the nazis. How Hitler was inspired by Americaan policies.Genocide and racism being the chief of these.

I think the most depressing part for me is that we dont seem to have learned anything from this. The information is all out there but people are still dehumanised. There is still a fear of the "other". Crude propaganda tactics are still used by the haters. Life is still cheap.

Uncomfortable viewing but essential I think. The many Hitler fans on this site will be offended but that is no bad thing.

Nb Just as a counterpoint to any percieved US bashing. Sir Nicholas Winton was a british civil servant who organised the escape of jewish children from Prague after the nazis invaded.

He was a genuine hero of the war and his Kinder transport brought children to safety in Britain Under current UK tory legislation he would be arrested and charged with people smuggling. Thinngs get worse not better.
America of the 30s was a nation of bigotry

Not just against blacks, but against anyone who did not meet the standards of a White, Anglo Saxon Christian

Even whites were distinguished by where in Europe you came from with Southern and Eastern Europeans discriminated against
" Hitler was inspired by Americaan policies.Genocide and racism being the chief of these.

I think the most depressing part for me is that we dont seem to have learned anything from this. The information is all out there but people are still dehumanised. "


Best post I have ever seen you make. Yes, Hitler was very much inspired by American scientists as they were heavily engaged in Eugenics. In fact, since the days of Darwin himself, science was convinced that the darker races were inferior. This is what prompted people like Margaret Sanger to try and exterminate the black race in America and start the organization Planned Parenthood.

And as we speak, people continue to be hehumanized. like the unborn.

Man never learns, he just chases his tail in vain.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
A good book on what happened is was written by another historian

Amazon product ASIN B000UF9VIM
Hitler's Beneficiaries examines the methods the Nazi regime used to find Jews

Essentially, the Nazi regime formed a centralized government that extracted any and all money it could for two purposes, the military and Entitlements for its citizens. Why the later? It is because Hitler was most afraid of German revolts during the war like they had during World War 1. The end result was that the average German citizen had a higher standard of living than people even in the US, up until the final days of the war.

So how did they raise their money? First of all, Hitler decided to remain off the gold standard so he could just print money into oblivion. In fact, he printed so much debt he forbade the government from passing a fiscal budget so as not to raise eye brows as to what he was doing. The end result was, world conquest or economic collapse as he burned all their bridges. There was no going back as there was no paying all that money back.

Then he saw that the Jews were a minority and wealthy, so it made since to target them by taking all their wealth and sending them all off to die. They were a minority, so who would care? The benefit was that they were already a hated minority as many coveted their wealth, which can be seen in the prior centuries of Jewish persecution. Jews over the centuries in Europe were kicked out of entire countries, as their economy promptly collapsed after their wealth left with them. In fact, Hitler heavily taxed the top 4% in Germany, which not only brought in more revenue, it delighted the people who wanted to stick it to the wealthy.

Then when Hitler invaded a country, he let his soldiers loot the county and send the loot back home to Germany, which further delighted the German people. Then Hitler would create a fiat currency in the conquered country so that his soldiers could legally loot the country with the printed currency. This then drove up inflation, as we see it doing in the US today, so as these puppet government began to fail economically, Hitler gave them a call and said, "Here is what you do, your round up all the Jews, take their gold, and send them to me". Shrug, it worked as that then helped stabilize the hyper inflation in their country.

Nazi Germany sound a lot like the US today. The Left still targets the rich and still hates the Jews in Israel. But today, a difference is the government tells everyone that if you want to get economically ahead, just have that abortion or don't have any kids at all.

Essentially Hitler bought the souls of a war weary populace so that they would embrace mass genocide. And as we saw with the Holocaust and abortion industry, as the majori9ty of women have abortions for economic reasons, it seems to work.

Most people really only care about money.
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Uncomfortable truths as well. How Polish anti semites were in lockstep with the nazis. How Hitler was inspired by Americaan policies.Genocide and racism being the chief of these.
So its the US's fault that several European nations decided to mass murder jews? The same US that later rescued Europe and all of its jews at the cost 400,000 American soldier deaths? Sheesh, talk about ingrateful!
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So its the US's fault that several European nations decided to mass murder jews? The same US that later rescued Europe and all of its jews at the cost 400,000 American soldier deaths? Sheesh, talk about ingrateful!

Euros have invented a fake 'history' to suit themselves, same sa the Japanese and others have. Just laugh at the gimps; the U.S. took in far more refugees and immigration than the rest of the world combined, even during the Depression. We already had half the world's population of Jews here, and FDR admitted 10's of thousands more and raised the quotas on immigration we had in place from 1920 onwards.

Name any country in Europe and we had hundreds of thousands and millions of them already here, so screw the commies and deviant and theri silly sniveling and fake 'facts'.

Tommy bragging about the dozen refugees his lil island let in is just cute. lol

Tommy himself of course doesn't share anything with any refugees, nothing.
Actually, President Roosevelt and the ruling libs were all antisemites.

But the people of this country weren't, and that's why FDR had to wage war against the Germans even though he didn't want to. The American people weren't going to put up with the Holocaust on their watch.
This is one of those idiotic 'issues' left wingers and their pet faggots bring up all the time, along with their idiotic sniveling about how we stole it all from the natives n stuff in other threads. They're too stupid and fashion addicted to see the cognitive dissonances in their own propaganda, and I seriously doubt they realize why these two idiotic claims are contradictory in their virtue signaling.
The thirties and forties were a terrible time. The 50s were also terrible. The 60s were pretty terrible too. The 70s had disco but were also terrible. The 80s had the A Team so they were ok.

At the end of the day the US built 50,000 M4 tanks to stop the Nazis and Imperial Japan. My Grandfather lost an eye to a German torpedo in the North Atlantic. I lost another grandfather in the Pacific.

I know that we get these things some time after you but I havent seen a review of this on here.

I watched part one last night and it was a sobering look at the awful treatment of European Jews in the run up to the war.

It is done from an American pespective but I didnt see any nation emerging with credit from this.

Uncomfortable truths as well. How Polish anti semites were in lockstep with the nazis. How Hitler was inspired by Americaan policies.Genocide and racism being the chief of these.

I think the most depressing part for me is that we dont seem to have learned anything from this. The information is all out there but people are still dehumanised. There is still a fear of the "other". Crude propaganda tactics are still used by the haters. Life is still cheap.

Uncomfortable viewing but essential I think. The many Hitler fans on this site will be offended but that is no bad thing.

Nb Just as a counterpoint to any percieved US bashing. Sir Nicholas Winton was a british civil servant who organised the escape of jewish children from Prague after the nazis invaded.

He was a genuine hero of the war and his Kinder transport brought children to safety in Britain Under current UK tory legislation he would be arrested and charged with people smuggling. Thinngs get worse not better.
The Jews were victims of genocide

The migrants flooding western countries are coming for the money
This is one of those idiotic 'issues' left wingers and their pet faggots bring up all the time, along with their idiotic sniveling about how we stole it all from the natives n stuff in other threads. They're too stupid and fashion addicted to see the cognitive dissonances in their own propaganda, and I seriously doubt they realize why these two idiotic claims are contradictory in their virtue signaling.
The Left has only one goal with history, and that is to politicize it for their cause like they do with everything else.

For example, they have no interest in admitting that the Nazi regime stands for National Socialists. They have no interest in admitting that Stalin murdered more human beings that Hitler, nor do they even know or care that Stalin split Poland with Hitler, the attack that caused the West to declare war on Germany but not the USSR. And they most assuredly don't want to talk about the fact that Marxism has murdered hundreds of millions of people last century, more than any other ideology such as Nazism.

Instead, they wish to declare the Nazi regime, which is universally seen as evil, and rightly so, as right wing.

The goal of the Left is to then reshape history, so that the sheeple will label people as either good or bad as the Left tells them who the good guys are and who the bad ones are based on such things as the color of their skin or political persuasion. . This is an effort to draw attention away from the fact that human nature is so corrupt and evil that it would then be insane to give any one person or political ideology complete control over the populace. But that is Leftism. It is centralized all powerful government with the seeded notion that the good guys are in control.

You have to understand that Leftism is a religion, so all other competing religions, like Christianity, must be either expunged or taken over. So long as Jesus bows his knee to their abortion agendas or whatever agenda they have, Jesus can remain. But once any of their ideology is slapped down by another religion, it must go.

So this is the battle today. It is to either destroy or take over the Christianity in the US, which is much more prevalent than in Europe. And in Israel, the target is the Torah. That is why the Left seems at war with only the US or Israel. It is to either expunge the Bible or rewrite or reinterpret it so that it aligns itself with the teachings of the Left.
Actually, President Roosevelt and the ruling libs were all antisemites.

But the people of this country weren't, and that's why FDR had to wage war against the Germans even though he didn't want to. The American people weren't going to put up with the Holocaust on their watch.
FDR hated Hitler but was held back by an anti semitic frrling in the US.Its in the doc and Mr Burns is someone I trust.
This is one of those idiotic 'issues' left wingers and their pet faggots bring up all the time, along with their idiotic sniveling about how we stole it all from the natives n stuff in other threads. They're too stupid and fashion addicted to see the cognitive dissonances in their own propaganda, and I seriously doubt they realize why these two idiotic claims are contradictory in their virtue signaling.
The genocide of native americans inspired Hitler. The jim crow race laws inspired Hitler.
Euros have invented a fake 'history' to suit themselves, same sa the Japanese and others have. Just laugh at the gimps; the U.S. took in far more refugees and immigration than the rest of the world combined, even during the Depression. We already had half the world's population of Jews here, and FDR admitted 10's of thousands more and raised the quotas on immigration we had in place from 1920 onwards.

Name any country in Europe and we had hundreds of thousands and millions of them already here, so screw the commies and deviant and theri silly sniveling and fake 'facts'.

Tommy bragging about the dozen refugees his lil island let in is just cute. lol

Tommy himself of course doesn't share anything with any refugees, nothing.
Its a US documentary about the US response. I do state that there isnt one country that gains credit in this.

Perhaps you should watch the doc and then comment on the content. That is how it usually works.
The Jews were victims of genocide

The migrants flooding western countries are coming for the money
That is a ridiculous statement. The Ukranians are escaping brutality. As are the Afghans and Syrians, Iranians and Iraquis.
You are dehumanising people as is illustrated in the doc.
America of the 30s was a nation of bigotry

Not just against blacks, but against anyone who did not meet the standards of a White, Anglo Saxon Christian

Even whites were distinguished by where in Europe you came from with Southern and Eastern Europeans discriminated against
The anti immigrant rhetoric echoes today. Not just in the US
Its a US documentary about the US response. I do state that there isnt one country that gains credit in this.

Perhaps you should watch the doc and then comment on the content. That is how it usually works.
PBS and NPR do not do documentaries, they do left wing smears and propaganda, period. It's why they were invented. Nobody needs advice from you on what to watch, since you wouldn't watch anything factual in the first place; most commies and faggots wouldn't.
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