US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt':

You are the one, TASB, that is attempting to condemn the USA with disinformation assertions and no evidence.

That is the actions of a commie symp from Russia or China in alignment with Asad.

I knew you hated Obama, but I did not realize you hated America.
You are the one, TASB, that is attempting to condemn the USA with disinformation assertions and no evidence.

That is the actions of a commie symp from Russia or China in alignment with Asad.

I knew you hated Obama, but I did not realize you hated America.

You bought Chinese products, Fake. You're a communist supporter. Run along now, dipshit.
Makes sense. Although, why? In Libya, the claim was that gaddafhi was GOING to use weapons against civilians. Not that he did. Which led to a complete invasion and regime change in the country. What is the double standard with Syria?

We invaded Libya? Care to list the units with boots on the ground?
Makes sense. Although, why? In Libya, the claim was that gaddafhi was GOING to use weapons against civilians. Not that he did. Which led to a complete invasion and regime change in the country. What is the double standard with Syria?

We invaded Libya? Care to list the units with boots on the ground?

Care to tell me why the double standard from Syria to Libya instead of splitting hairs? There were agents on the ground even before the no-fly was established. Regardless, a full blown regime change was initiated over claims of the use of force against protesters/citizens.

So, why the double standard?
Once again we see that 'Conservatives' with absolutely tin hat conspiracy theories. And these people actually think that they are capable of making judgements involved in running a nation?

What is happening is that after 2014, a whole bunch of Americans are going to find that the ACA allows them health care that they never could afford before. And the economy will continue to recover, more jobs for more people, and the GOP predictons of economic disaster, which they did their best to make a reality, not only fail to materialize, but can be seen to be utter BS. The GOP is in a complete panic as the results of their missteps are coming back to haunt them. Just like the celebration of their great victory in the 2012 Presidential election a couple of weeks before 6Nov12.
Makes sense. Although, why? In Libya, the claim was that gaddafhi was GOING to use weapons against civilians. Not that he did. Which led to a complete invasion and regime change in the country. What is the double standard with Syria?

We invaded Libya? Care to list the units with boots on the ground?

Care to tell me why the double standard from Syria to Libya instead of splitting hairs? There were agents on the ground even before the no-fly was established. Regardless, a full blown regime change was initiated over claims of the use of force against protesters/citizens.

So, why the double standard?

LOL. So you really want the President to intervene in Syria? Or do you want us to stay out of that mess? Really, you don't care which we do, you have the criticism of whatever we do allready prepared.

Your objections do not concern Syria in any way. They are objections to the fact that the majority of voting Americans rejected your idiocy and re-elected our President.
Jeebus you're a retard. OK, so you cant answer the quesiotn. Shocking. Now, run along and go talk about your favorite environmental fiction, rocks.

I'm not a conservative, and Im not for interventionist policy at all. I'm simply asking what the diffeerence between syria and libya is since libya regime change (with spec ops and CIA on the ground before the no-fly) was centered on a human rightts violation. Whats the difference here? Isn't this gone passed that now?

I know, you can't answer. You just want to come in and "flap yap" about your hyperpartisanship.

OK, we know that part. Anything else, Rocks?
Dont know if it's true. Forgive me if im hesitant to accept anything the Russians claim.

All the more reason for us not to be involved in Syria at all.
Well, its not a russian "claim". There were emails hacked from a defense contractor in britain showing a conversation regarding qatar hiring them to have russians set of something in Syria. With Washington green lighting the project.

The State has refused to comment, and the defense contractor has spoken out. Do any of you people fuckin' read? Jeebius......
You are the one, TASB, that is attempting to condemn the USA with disinformation assertions and no evidence.

That is the actions of a commie symp from Russia or China in alignment with Asad.

I knew you hated Obama, but I did not realize you hated America.

You bought Chinese products, Fake. You're a communist supporter. Run along now, dipshit.

One, you have no idea, but, two, you support Russia and China, so I am sure that you make sure your clothes are made in China. You are a label shopper
Well, its not a russian "claim". There were emails hacked from a defense contractor in britain showing a conversation regarding qatar hiring them to have russians set of something in Syria. With Washington green lighting the project.

The State has refused to comment, and the defense contractor has spoken out. Do any of you people fuckin' read? Jeebius......

This disinformation all originated in Russia. Why do you deny?
It begs the most obvious question: What conceivably would Bashar al Assad stand to gain from using banned chemical weapons just at the time he has agreed to let a UN chemical weapons team into Syria?"

At the same time, it still makes no sense of the double standard from Lybia. Why would western provocatuers need to "create" a situation like this one? When Lybia was done pre-emptively. Why would they feel the need to create sucha situation when none was needed in Lybia? What is the difference here? Why the doubel standard?

Because Libya was adopting a Gold Standard and dumping the global fiat currencies, the essence was time, there was no timing for fucking around.

Syria isn't an impending doom scenario for the NWO, so they can take their time.
Infowars does not have a lot of credibility. That chemical weapons were used by the rebels is still more likely than used by Assad. The victims were mostly children, not fighters, which is a hallmark of terrorists from Palestine to Afghanistan.

Actually it's the hallmark of Al Qaeda and United States drone strikes, not Assad.

Also, we're funding, arming, training and directing Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, so it's actually a hallmark of both.
Infowars does not have a lot of credibility. That chemical weapons were used by the rebels is still more likely than used by Assad. The victims were mostly children, not fighters, which is a hallmark of terrorists from Palestine to Afghanistan.

Actually it's the hallmark of Al Qaeda and United States drone strikes, not Assad.

Also, we're funding, arming, training and directing Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, so it's actually a hallmark of both.

Yup. You guys are backing Asad and his Russian and Chinese allies: you must be commie symps.

The only alternative is backing up the Al Qaeda rebels, who eat the hearts of Syrian soldiers on Live TV.

But to be totally honest, I don't care about either side, it's not our problem.

My only concern is that we don't get majorly INVOLVED to begin with, on either side, so I'm exposing how the Neo Cons did a false flag.
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