US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt':

Infowars does not have a lot of credibility. That chemical weapons were used by the rebels is still more likely than used by Assad. The victims were mostly children, not fighters, which is a hallmark of terrorists from Palestine to Afghanistan.

Actually it's the hallmark of Al Qaeda and United States drone strikes, not Assad.

Also, we're funding, arming, training and directing Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, so it's actually a hallmark of both.


Are you claiming that Al Qaeda doesn't kill children?

Are you claiming US drone strikes don't kill children?

Now can you tell me how many children Assad has killed?
Once again we see that 'Conservatives' with absolutely tin hat conspiracy theories. And these people actually think that they are capable of making judgements involved in running a nation?

Replace the word "COnservatives" with "Libertarians" like myself.

Now, as to running a nation, it's Despotcrats and Repugnatcans like have done the following:

Tens of Trillions of National Debt
Shredded the 4th Amendment
Suspended Jury Trials when they actually matter (NDAA kidnapping)
Overturned the Sixth Amendment with red light cameras (right to face accuser)
Expunged the Eighth Amendment (torture)
Eradicated the Ninth Amendment
Ignore the 10th
Suspended Habaes Corpus when it actually matters (NDAA)
Are in the process of nullifying the Third Amendment (quartering Drones over our local Skies)
Asad is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of children, yes.

Shredded the 4th Amendment: I agree with you on this

Suspended Jury Trials when they actually matter (NDAA kidnapping): I agree with you on this.

Overturned the Sixth Amendment with red light cameras (right to face accuser): Wrong. You can challenge it in court. You have no expectation of privacy on public roadways when operating vehicles, the improper use of which (running red lights) endangers others.

Expunged the Eighth Amendment (torture): I agree with you on this.

Eradicated the Ninth Amendment: Merely your opinion

Ignore the 10th: You are wrong on this.
Once again we see that 'Conservatives' with absolutely tin hat conspiracy theories. And these people actually think that they are capable of making judgements involved in running a nation?

Replace the word "COnservatives" with "Libertarians" like myself.

Now, as to running a nation, it's Despotcrats and Repugnatcans like have done the following:

Tens of Trillions of National Debt
Shredded the 4th Amendment
Suspended Jury Trials when they actually matter (NDAA kidnapping)
Overturned the Sixth Amendment with red light cameras (right to face accuser)
Expunged the Eighth Amendment (torture)
Eradicated the Ninth Amendment
Ignore the 10th
Suspended Habaes Corpus when it actually matters (NDAA)
Are in the process of nullifying the Third Amendment (quartering Drones over our local Skies)

I see you're parroting the rants of the one percenters with something to sell.
Once again we see that 'Conservatives' with absolutely tin hat conspiracy theories. And these people actually think that they are capable of making judgements involved in running a nation?

Replace the word "COnservatives" with "Libertarians" like myself.

Now, as to running a nation, it's Despotcrats and Repugnatcans like have done the following:

Tens of Trillions of National Debt
Shredded the 4th Amendment
Suspended Jury Trials when they actually matter (NDAA kidnapping)
Overturned the Sixth Amendment with red light cameras (right to face accuser)
Expunged the Eighth Amendment (torture)
Eradicated the Ninth Amendment
Ignore the 10th
Suspended Habaes Corpus when it actually matters (NDAA)
Are in the process of nullifying the Third Amendment (quartering Drones over our local Skies)

I see you're parroting the rants of the one percenters with something to sell.

I really can't wait until lead starts spewing across their country, then we'll see who the real 1%'s are.
Yeah, sure...Obabble is really into risky schemes.
If anything/ He remains unattached to his job, and lets others take the risk...that way? He comes out smelling like a rose...and others take the fall...Some leader, eh?

Just look at the scandals we deal with right now? Obama ignores them all, or calls them 'false'.
Replace the word "COnservatives" with "Libertarians" like myself.

Now, as to running a nation, it's Despotcrats and Repugnatcans like have done the following:

Tens of Trillions of National Debt
Shredded the 4th Amendment
Suspended Jury Trials when they actually matter (NDAA kidnapping)
Overturned the Sixth Amendment with red light cameras (right to face accuser)
Expunged the Eighth Amendment (torture)
Eradicated the Ninth Amendment
Ignore the 10th
Suspended Habaes Corpus when it actually matters (NDAA)
Are in the process of nullifying the Third Amendment (quartering Drones over our local Skies)

I see you're parroting the rants of the one percenters with something to sell.

I really can't wait until lead starts spewing across their country, then we'll see who the real 1%'s are.

Yeah, let's put a kegger in the back of the pickup and go out and shoot something. I'm sure you're one of the 29% that believe the Katrina response was Obama’s fault.

Keep up the deception while the Republicans continue the economic terrorism on the middle class.
Last edited:
Yeah, sure...Obabble is really into risky schemes.
If anything/ He remains unattached to his job, and lets others take the risk...that way? He comes out smelling like a rose...and others take the fall...Some leader, eh?

Just look at the scandals we deal with right now? Obama ignores them all, or calls them 'false'.

And yet the ones starting the scandals are the same that are committing economic terrorism on the middle class.
The clawn plays again.

Colin Powell: U.S. was set for war with Iraq before his U.N. speech

Jeff StacklinMay 10, 2012The Lookout

The George W. Bush Administration was set on going to war with Iraq even before Colin Powell made his infamous 2003 weapons of mass destruction pitch to the United Nations, writes the former secretary of state in his new book, "It Worked For Me: In Life and Leadership."

Powell points a finger at Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby, the former vice president's chief of staff, as the ones responsible for providing the inaccurate information about Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction, the Huffington Post reports.

Colin Powell: U.S. was set for war with Iraq before his U.N. speech
Yeah, let's put a kegger in the back of the pickup and go out and shoot something. I'm sure you're one of the 29% that believe the Katrina response was Obama’s fault.

Keep up the deception while the Republicans continue the economic terrorism on the middle class.

You always try to put a partisan slant on everything.

I'm a Libertarian, every Repugantcan and Despotcrat will be hung for treason.

You're nothing but a partisan shill, and it's rather irrelevant on this particular board.
2dA just described himself.

And no one is going to be hung for treason for his beliefs.
2dA just described himself.

And no one is going to be hung for treason for his beliefs.

You going to hang the United Nations for treason now?

UN Official, Syrian Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas, Not Assad?s Army | Live Trading News

I am not going to even ask how you came up with that.

You are entitled to think as you wish, speak as you wish with very few limits, but you can be punished for specified behaviors.

You are an individual subject to the law. The UN is a separate entity of government organized by the nations. You have limits it does not.
Two conflicting assessments of blame for the most recent Sarin gas attack in Syria:

"Testimony from victims now strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin Nerve Gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior UN diplomat said Monday.

"Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,' that rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent."

Live Trading News | Live Trading News

Today, Wednesday, 28 August, RT is quoting Foreign Policy Magazine's opposite verdict:

"3:12 GMT: Foreign Policy Magazine reports that US intelligence has intercepted communication that allegedly proves that government forces used nerve agent in the attack in Damascus last Wednesday.

"The publication claims that after the attack an official at the Syrian Ministry of Defense 'exchanged panicked phone calls with a leader of a chemical weapons unit, demanding answers for a nerve agent strike.'

"The publication speculates that this is the evidence which makes the US and its allies certain that Assad troops were responsible for the attack."

Syria 'chemical weapons' crisis: LIVE UPDATES ? RT News

Two more good reasons to sort this out at the UNSC before killing more innocent Muslims for money.
Two conflicting assessments of blame for the most recent Sarin gas attack in Syria:

"Testimony from victims now strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin Nerve Gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior UN diplomat said Monday.

"Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,' that rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent."

Live Trading News | Live Trading News

Today, Wednesday, 28 August, RT is quoting Foreign Policy Magazine's opposite verdict:

"3:12 GMT: Foreign Policy Magazine reports that US intelligence has intercepted communication that allegedly proves that government forces used nerve agent in the attack in Damascus last Wednesday.

"The publication claims that after the attack an official at the Syrian Ministry of Defense 'exchanged panicked phone calls with a leader of a chemical weapons unit, demanding answers for a nerve agent strike.'

"The publication speculates that this is the evidence which makes the US and its allies certain that Assad troops were responsible for the attack."

Syria 'chemical weapons' crisis: LIVE UPDATES ? RT News

Two more good reasons to sort this out at the UNSC before killing more innocent Muslims for money.

Two conflicting assessments of blame for the most recent Sarin gas attack in Syria:

"Testimony from victims now strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin Nerve Gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior UN diplomat said Monday.

"Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were 'strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,' that rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent."

Live Trading News | Live Trading News

Today, Wednesday, 28 August, RT is quoting Foreign Policy Magazine's opposite verdict:

"3:12 GMT: Foreign Policy Magazine reports that US intelligence has intercepted communication that allegedly proves that government forces used nerve agent in the attack in Damascus last Wednesday.

"The publication claims that after the attack an official at the Syrian Ministry of Defense 'exchanged panicked phone calls with a leader of a chemical weapons unit, demanding answers for a nerve agent strike.'

"The publication speculates that this is the evidence which makes the US and its allies certain that Assad troops were responsible for the attack."

Syria 'chemical weapons' crisis: LIVE UPDATES ? RT News

Two more good reasons to sort this out at the UNSC before killing more innocent Muslims for money.

Because Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya have all worked out so well?
Just think, once the planes are in the air Al Quaida will have it's own Air Force.
But for which war

From "The Scotsman" Friday 30 August 2013:

"The Syrian imbroglio is far messier and more complicated than David Cameron imagines. For a start, we are dealing with four different wars going on at the same time. Interfere in one and you are liable to cause unforeseen ructions in the others..."

"First, there is the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran for leadership of the Middle East. This, of course, has a religious dimension in the age-old conflict between the Sunni and Shia versions of Islam. But it is also the modern form of an equally age-old rivalry between the Persians and the Arabs, with Assad’s pro-Tehran regime merely a pawn in the game..."

"The second war stems from the West’s own concern to contain Iran by overthrowing the vexatious Assad. Mixed up in this is our naïve attempt at bringing western-style democracy to the Middle East..."

"Third, there is the war of the Sunni jihadi groups to destroy Israel and recreate a united caliphate in the area French and British imperialists sub-divided into the cartological fictions of Syria and Iraq..."

"The fourth war concerns Russia’s embarrassing attempts to hang on to a semblance of its former superpower status by backing Assad..."

Ready for the bad news?

"It is difficult to see any replacement for Assad being secular or democratic. That implies war, whether with Iraq or Israel..."

FWIW, I think you nailed it when you wrote Syria's fate is of little concern to those marching toward Tehran.
It's a shame that there are all these people that want an explanation. Obama could just jump right in if it weren't for all these nosey bastards. Kerry was right. The internet is making America a really tough place to govern.

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