US carries out the 1st federal execution in nearly 2 decades

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
KKK repubs trying their best to start it back up again.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

An SS tattoo on his neck might indicate that he "was" a "white supremacist" at some point in time in the past, but really doesn't indicate what his ideology was at the time of his death. I presume he got it before he was pinched for this murder. Once he was condemned, there was really little point in having it removed. Condemned prisoners stay in administrative segregation and they aren't looking for a job- no need to go through the cost and bother of tattoo removal.
Tammy wants him executed for his THOUGHTS and not his crime

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

The KKK lynched white people for opposing their cause. Once again - the Nazis were ARYAN supremacists, not "white" supremacists. Read a fucking book.
Aryans are white. That's what the books I read show me.



"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1] The term was used by the Indo-Aryan people of the Vedic period in Ancient India as a religious label for themselves and as well as the geographic region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan culture is based (in this region).[2][3] The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Aryavarta, which meant "the home of Aryas"

Ancient Iranian Aryans
Although the root *h₄erós (a "member of one’s own group, in contrast to an outsider") is most likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, the use of Arya as a self-designation is only attested among Indo-Iranian peoples, and it is not known if PIE speakers had a term to designate themselves as a group.[8][9] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.[10][11][12]

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"

bolding mine

It was NEVER about skin color, you lied yet again!

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
KKK repubs trying their best to start it back up again.
KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

The KKK lynched white people for opposing their cause. Once again - the Nazis were ARYAN supremacists, not "white" supremacists. Read a fucking book.
Aryans are white. That's what the books I read show me.



"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1] The term was used by the Indo-Aryan people of the Vedic period in Ancient India as a religious label for themselves and as well as the geographic region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan culture is based (in this region).[2][3] The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Aryavarta, which meant "the home of Aryas"

Ancient Iranian Aryans
Although the root *h₄erós (a "member of one’s own group, in contrast to an outsider") is most likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, the use of Arya as a self-designation is only attested among Indo-Iranian peoples, and it is not known if PIE speakers had a term to designate themselves as a group.[8][9] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.[10][11][12]

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"

bolding mine

It was NEVER about skin color, you lied yet again!
Hey dummy. It was about being white, blond haired and blue eyed.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
KKK repubs trying their best to start it back up again.
KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
That was before they became KKK repubs.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

The KKK lynched white people for opposing their cause. Once again - the Nazis were ARYAN supremacists, not "white" supremacists. Read a fucking book.
Aryans are white. That's what the books I read show me.



"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1] The term was used by the Indo-Aryan people of the Vedic period in Ancient India as a religious label for themselves and as well as the geographic region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan culture is based (in this region).[2][3] The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Aryavarta, which meant "the home of Aryas"

Ancient Iranian Aryans
Although the root *h₄erós (a "member of one’s own group, in contrast to an outsider") is most likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, the use of Arya as a self-designation is only attested among Indo-Iranian peoples, and it is not known if PIE speakers had a term to designate themselves as a group.[8][9] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.[10][11][12]

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"

bolding mine

It was NEVER about skin color, you lied yet again!
Hey dummy. It was about being white, blond haired and blue eyed.

You didn't read the WIKIPEDIA article, the idea was coopted by a single man, then by the NAZI party. The rest of the world never sees it that way.

"Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"


bolding mine
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US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
KKK repubs trying their best to start it back up again.
KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
That was before they became KKK repubs.
Was it before you became a New Black Panther Democrat?

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
KKK repubs trying their best to start it back up again.
KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
That was before they became KKK repubs.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.

This is well supported by historical evidence, meanwhile you provide ZERO evidence....

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

The KKK lynched white people for opposing their cause. Once again - the Nazis were ARYAN supremacists, not "white" supremacists. Read a fucking book.
Aryans are white. That's what the books I read show me.



"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1] The term was used by the Indo-Aryan people of the Vedic period in Ancient India as a religious label for themselves and as well as the geographic region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan culture is based (in this region).[2][3] The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Aryavarta, which meant "the home of Aryas"

Ancient Iranian Aryans
Although the root *h₄erós (a "member of one’s own group, in contrast to an outsider") is most likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, the use of Arya as a self-designation is only attested among Indo-Iranian peoples, and it is not known if PIE speakers had a term to designate themselves as a group.[8][9] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.[10][11][12]

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"

bolding mine

It was NEVER about skin color, you lied yet again!
Hey dummy. It was about being white, blond haired and blue eyed.

You didn't read the article, the idea was coopted by a single man, then by the NAZI party. The rest of the world never sees it that way.

"Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"


bolding mine
I dont have to read the article. Hitler and his henchmen wanted blonde hair and blue eyed white people. He even started breeding them. Guess he had no clue all those traits were recessive. :laughing0301:


US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
KKK repubs trying their best to start it back up again.
KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
That was before they became KKK repubs.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.

This is well supported by historical evidence, meanwhile you provide ZERO evidence....
Its also well supported historical evidence that the KKK GOP was running the southern strategy. Matter of fact they admitted to it on 2 occassions.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

"But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages."

No the Death Penalty should be the NORM in EVERY nation, murderers, mass murderers, serial killers, rapists and especially child rapists should ALL be executed. There is no reason why law abiding decent peoples via their taxes should have to pay for ANY of this TOTAL FILTH to be in prison, being in prison for life is NO punishment when they can watch TV, read books, go online, work in the prison garden, have visitors, jerk off RELIVING their vile crimes night after night and usually have better access to Hard Drugs inside than outside, they STILL have a LIFE, they can STILL ENJOY things.

Their victims on the OTHER hand have ZERO LIFE, it's OVER for them, they have ZERO quality of life left.

Of course in MANY Western nations we do not have the Death Penalty BUT that does NOT mean we do NOT execute POS by transporting them to Third nations for them to be given Private Justice shall we refer to it as and this Operation has been going on for DECADES, 30-40 years even. Human filth that are Outsourced to to be executed and disposed of with NO paper trail, NO evidence or ANYTHING. I COULD name those nations that perform this crucial service on behalf of other nations, but I decide not to.
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US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
KKK repubs trying their best to start it back up again.
KKK DEMOCRATS lynched many blacks and few whites.
That was before they became KKK repubs.
Was it before you became a New Black Panther Democrat?
Never been a dem.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

The KKK lynched white people for opposing their cause. Once again - the Nazis were ARYAN supremacists, not "white" supremacists. Read a fucking book.
Aryans are white. That's what the books I read show me.



"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1] The term was used by the Indo-Aryan people of the Vedic period in Ancient India as a religious label for themselves and as well as the geographic region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan culture is based (in this region).[2][3] The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Aryavarta, which meant "the home of Aryas"

Ancient Iranian Aryans
Although the root *h₄erós (a "member of one’s own group, in contrast to an outsider") is most likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, the use of Arya as a self-designation is only attested among Indo-Iranian peoples, and it is not known if PIE speakers had a term to designate themselves as a group.[8][9] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.[10][11][12]

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"

bolding mine

It was NEVER about skin color, you lied yet again!
Hey dummy. It was about being white, blond haired and blue eyed.

You didn't read the article, the idea was coopted by a single man, then by the NAZI party. The rest of the world never sees it that way.

"Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"


bolding mine
I dont have to read the article. Hitler and his henchmen wanted blonde hair and blue eyed white people. He even started breeding them.

You make a fool of yourself when YOU admit you read the WRONG article. This is the article I was talking about:

"You didn't read the WIKIPEDIA article, the idea was coopted by a single man, then by the NAZI party. The rest of the world never sees it that way.

"Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"


bolding mine "

Right up the 1850's the concept YOU believe in (blonde hair and blue eyed white people), never existed, and that only one group adopted the lie for their own purposes, the NAZI regime. The article I posted makes clear it is about people in indo-Iranian peoples.

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

The KKK lynched white people for opposing their cause. Once again - the Nazis were ARYAN supremacists, not "white" supremacists. Read a fucking book.
Aryans are white. That's what the books I read show me.



"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1] The term was used by the Indo-Aryan people of the Vedic period in Ancient India as a religious label for themselves and as well as the geographic region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan culture is based (in this region).[2][3] The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Aryavarta, which meant "the home of Aryas"

Ancient Iranian Aryans
Although the root *h₄erós (a "member of one’s own group, in contrast to an outsider") is most likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, the use of Arya as a self-designation is only attested among Indo-Iranian peoples, and it is not known if PIE speakers had a term to designate themselves as a group.[8][9] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.[10][11][12]

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"

bolding mine

It was NEVER about skin color, you lied yet again!
Hey dummy. It was about being white, blond haired and blue eyed.

You didn't read the article, the idea was coopted by a single man, then by the NAZI party. The rest of the world never sees it that way.

"Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"


bolding mine
I dont have to read the article. Hitler and his henchmen wanted blonde hair and blue eyed white people. He even started breeding them. Guess he had no clue all those traits were recessive. :laughing0301:

So then, when many of you black dudes get rich and famous, and even if you don't, you want to breed yourselves some nice little Nazis, since you ditch your black women for a blond hair, blue eyed, white woman?

US murderer Daniel Lewis Lee has been put to death, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the first executions of federal inmates in 17 years.

Several executions were initially delayed when a judge ruled on Monday that there were still unresolved legal challenges.

The condemned prisoners had argued that lethal injections constitute "cruel and unusual punishments".

But the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that "executions may proceed as planned".

Conflcited on this. Mr Lee is obviously no loss to the community and I suspect he has many friends on this board. But the death penalty belongs i the dark ages.

What does the idea that the late Mr. Lee was white and a supremacist have to do with the crime that he sat in the electric chair for this morning?
Maybe the SS tattoo on his neck is a clue ?

What does an SS tattoo have to do with White Supremacy? The Nazis killed scores of white people, brainlet.
And they still were racists. The KKK lynched white people so I guess they aren't white supremacists either.

The KKK lynched white people for opposing their cause. Once again - the Nazis were ARYAN supremacists, not "white" supremacists. Read a fucking book.
Aryans are white. That's what the books I read show me.



"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1] The term was used by the Indo-Aryan people of the Vedic period in Ancient India as a religious label for themselves and as well as the geographic region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan culture is based (in this region).[2][3] The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Aryavarta, which meant "the home of Aryas"

Ancient Iranian Aryans
Although the root *h₄erós (a "member of one’s own group, in contrast to an outsider") is most likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, the use of Arya as a self-designation is only attested among Indo-Iranian peoples, and it is not known if PIE speakers had a term to designate themselves as a group.[8][9] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.[10][11][12]

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"

bolding mine

It was NEVER about skin color, you lied yet again!
Hey dummy. It was about being white, blond haired and blue eyed.

You didn't read the article, the idea was coopted by a single man, then by the NAZI party. The rest of the world never sees it that way.

"Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"


bolding mine
I dont have to read the article. Hitler and his henchmen wanted blonde hair and blue eyed white people. He even started breeding them.

You make a fool of yourself when YOU admit you read the WRONG article. This is the article I was talking about:

"You didn't read the WIKIPEDIA article, the idea was coopted by a single man, then by the NAZI party. The rest of the world never sees it that way.

"Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blond northern European "Aryans" who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations.

Through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Gobineau's ideas later influenced the Nazi racial ideology which saw "Aryan peoples" as innately superior to other putative racial groups.[13] The atrocities committed in the name of this racial ideology have led academics to avoid the term "Aryan", which has been replaced in some cases by "Indo-Iranian".[14]"


bolding mine "

Right up the 1850's the concept YOU believe in (blonde hair and blue eyed white people), never existed, and that only one group adopted the lie for their own purposes, the NAZI regime. The article I posted makes clear it is about people in indo-Iranian peoples.
I dont care what article you are talking about. I'm pointing out that my article proves that the Nazis wanted recessive white, blond haired, and blue eyed people as the master race.
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