US companies pay highest corporate taxes PLUS Shareholders taxed on dividends..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

Canada Cuts Corporate Tax Rate to 15%, Lowest Overall Rate in G-7
I used an incorrect corporate rate of 26% for Canada as they lowered to 15%

On January 1st, Canada's federal corporate tax rate automatically fell to 15 percent from 16.5 percent as the last installment of a series of corporate rate cuts launched in 2006 by the administration of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. When Harper initiated his campaign, Canada's overall corporate tax rate was 33.9 percent according to the OECD, third-lowest in the G-7. The federal corporate rate was 22 percent and the average provincial rate was 11.8 percent. Today, Canada now has an overall corporate tax rate of 25 percent, the lowest rate of the G-7 nations.

Canada Cuts Corporate Tax Rate to 15 Lowest Overall Rate in G-7 Tax Foundation

Very informative. Thanks.
What I was really also trying to show was that the tax shareholders on dividends SHOULD also be included as part of the reasons Burger King et al are going over seas.
When you consider that AFTER paying the corporate taxes, dividends are distributed the shareholders pay another 15% tax on the dividends.
So ultimately the shareholders are paying on their net profits corporate taxes BEFORE they get their dividends but when they do, they pay the 15% on their dividends.
Whether that is fair or not is another point..what it is though is a reason for companies going offshore!
This country has become antagonistic to businesses yet still expects economic growth.

Can you say schizophrenic?
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

You are I am sure ignoring a lot of loopholes and write offs they get. And actually, it doesn't even matter.

Yesterday on NPR a millionaire was on explaining the problem with income inequality and why even the rich understand the gap between them and the middle class shouldn't get too wide and although they may disagree on how to "spread the wealth", they all agree the wealth does need to be distributed. If 10% have 90% of the money, the economy doesn't work.

Anyways, I'm not going to go on and on explaining it to you, but 30 years ago the American Middle Class was the best middle class the world had ever seen. America was thriving. What went wrong? The American workers did not get greedy, but ever since Reagan, the GOP have waged a war on the American workers. They went after the Unions and once they were toast, so was the American Middle Class as we see now.

This was all by design. The rich love this economy. You fools are being conned by a corporate media. They only complain because with Obama out they can do even more damage. They got you thinking liberals are commies and socialists but the fact is, our liberal, progressive, unions, labor laws, progressive tax system, social security, new deals etc all made this country great. You can argue all you want but the fact is...

The rich didn't like us having all that money. They told us unions were bad and they got Clinton to sign NAFTA and they sent all the union/manufacturing jobs overseas to break the unions and renig on pensions and bankrupt the USA so they could start undoing the New Deal SS, Medicare, etc.

You middle class Republicans are the stupidest things on the planet. 30 years ago people in Vancouver wished they lived in Seattle. Today it's the opposite. It's better to be a Canadian than it is a middle class American. Fact.

The millionaire even talked about this. How back in the Great Depression it was still better to live here than anywhere else on earth. Today not so. It's better in Europe or Canada or Australia.

Time to figure out how to get some of that money out of the billionaires and the corporations bank accounts and put it back in the middle class' hands.

The guy being interviewed also talked about how you didn't talk about this 30 years ago because it was considered class warfare when you talk about income redistribution but when the gap becomes too wide it is the job of the government to do something about it. Call it social engineering or whatever you want. Fact is, Unregulated Capitalism doesn't work.

Inequality Is Falling On Planet Earth Planet Money NPR
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.
Dumb fucks. Canada has almost no military because they rely on us. Make the fuckers pay. And right wingers, the biggest welfare queens in the world want to spread the "free stuff".
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.

If you notice the rich and their broke ass defenders will show you how much a rich person pays in taxes and ask if that's fair. First of all, yes it is fair and that is beside the point. The question should be, what works? In the 90's the rich paid more and the middle class made more. It worked. What was the problem? The problem was that CEO's and Corporations are always looking to make more profits year after year. They couldn't find another way to max their profits so they shipped jobs overseas and renigged on pensions and lowered wages. Mission accomplished.
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.

If you notice the rich and their broke ass defenders will show you how much a rich person pays in taxes and ask if that's fair. First of all, yes it is fair and that is beside the point. The question should be, what works? In the 90's the rich paid more and the middle class made more. It worked. What was the problem? The problem was that CEO's and Corporations are always looking to make more profits year after year. They couldn't find another way to max their profits so they shipped jobs overseas and renigged on pensions and lowered wages. Mission accomplished.

And for some very strange reason, the GOP base feels that's the way it's supposed to be. And the way to avoid that is to abolish minimum wage and cut benefits like health care.

Higher education doesn't even occur to the right. But business on the other hand, wants immigration reform so they can bring in immigrants with degrees to take jobs Republicans will never, ever be qualified for.
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.

The government has now received 23% on the price paid for the television by the consumer (€69). The retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer only paid the amount of VAT they charged to the next group down the line.
Value Added Tax

AGAIN what does VAT have to do with corporate taxes???
Burger King in Ireland ADDS the 23% to the purchaser's bill IN Ireland... and in the USA does not add to the
tax paid by the consumer.
AGAIN where does the VAT add to corporate tax rate??

Good lord you're stupid.

If you notice the rich and their broke ass defenders will show you how much a rich person pays in taxes and ask if that's fair. First of all, yes it is fair and that is beside the point. The question should be, what works? In the 90's the rich paid more and the middle class made more. It worked. What was the problem? The problem was that CEO's and Corporations are always looking to make more profits year after year. They couldn't find another way to max their profits so they shipped jobs overseas and renigged on pensions and lowered wages. Mission accomplished.

And for some very strange reason, the GOP base feels that's the way it's supposed to be. And the way to avoid that is to abolish minimum wage and cut benefits like health care.

Higher education doesn't even occur to the right. But business on the other hand, wants immigration reform so they can bring in immigrants with degrees to take jobs Republicans will never, ever be qualified for.

I don't like the "education is the key" argument, because that isn't what spurred the greatest middle class the world has ever known. Unions did that. They fought and won higher wages for the workers. If not for the unions those guys would have made $5 an hour, not $17.50. My dad paid zero for healthcare every month and we had 4 people in our family. When we went to the emergency room or doctor it only cost him $5. He didn't have to pay co pays and deductables. He got a pension, overtime etc. My dad never went to college.

Long story short is these union shops brought up everyone's wages. Non union shops paid equal to union shops because they didn't want their employees to unionize.

Also guys like my dad bought 2nd homes and paid for college and went on vacations. These low skilled middle class Americans spent so much money that even waiters at Bennegans and TGIF made good money. They no longer do. There are less customers and the customers that come tip less.

Anyways, my dad is the average American. The average American isn't going to go to college. I'm talking about the factory rats and the Walmart and McD workers. We need all those people making more money, or at least paying less in taxes so what little they make gets them ahead. Allows them to save a little, pay for college, start a family, move out of their parents home. None of this is happening today.

The gop are attacking all of us. First they went after the auto unions, then the government unions. Now the market is flooded with people looking for jobs, and the corporations and the republicans love it. This keeps wages low.

So all the people who argued against unions and called us liberals socialists, you are all idiots. They got you to argue against yourselves and you lost.
Not sure why youd conflate cap gains tax with corporate taxes in such a way youre ADDING them together.

When you need to use dishonesty as a tactic, generally youre lacking somewhere.
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

Almost every country on your list has a VAT tax, which the US doesn't have. Ireland, on your list with the lowest corporate tax, has 23% VAT tax.
THat is paid by consumers. Nice try....
Have you EVER contributed to a thread with more than just drive by posts?
You are about as substantive as the vacuum of outer space
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

You are I am sure ignoring a lot of loopholes and write offs they get. And actually, it doesn't even matter.

Yesterday on NPR a millionaire was on explaining the problem with income inequality and why even the rich understand the gap between them and the middle class shouldn't get too wide and although they may disagree on how to "spread the wealth", they all agree the wealth does need to be distributed. If 10% have 90% of the money, the economy doesn't work.

Anyways, I'm not going to go on and on explaining it to you, but 30 years ago the American Middle Class was the best middle class the world had ever seen. America was thriving. What went wrong? The American workers did not get greedy, but ever since Reagan, the GOP have waged a war on the American workers. They went after the Unions and once they were toast, so was the American Middle Class as we see now.

This was all by design. The rich love this economy. You fools are being conned by a corporate media. They only complain because with Obama out they can do even more damage. They got you thinking liberals are commies and socialists but the fact is, our liberal, progressive, unions, labor laws, progressive tax system, social security, new deals etc all made this country great. You can argue all you want but the fact is...

The rich didn't like us having all that money. They told us unions were bad and they got Clinton to sign NAFTA and they sent all the union/manufacturing jobs overseas to break the unions and renig on pensions and bankrupt the USA so they could start undoing the New Deal SS, Medicare, etc.

You middle class Republicans are the stupidest things on the planet. 30 years ago people in Vancouver wished they lived in Seattle. Today it's the opposite. It's better to be a Canadian than it is a middle class American. Fact.

The millionaire even talked about this. How back in the Great Depression it was still better to live here than anywhere else on earth. Today not so. It's better in Europe or Canada or Australia.

Time to figure out how to get some of that money out of the billionaires and the corporations bank accounts and put it back in the middle class' hands.

The guy being interviewed also talked about how you didn't talk about this 30 years ago because it was considered class warfare when you talk about income redistribution but when the gap becomes too wide it is the job of the government to do something about it. Call it social engineering or whatever you want. Fact is, Unregulated Capitalism doesn't work.

Inequality Is Falling On Planet Earth Planet Money NPR
You should have stopped at NPR....Far left radio.....radical far left.
With Burger King moving to Canada ignorant people are talking of boycotting them RATHER then looking at WHY they are moving.

The attached table shows the USA is the top tax rate in the industrialized World at 39.1%.
Canada is the 14 highest with USA the highest at 26.1%.

BUT most people don't count the TAXES that are paid on the dividends paid out AFTER the corporation
has paid the federal income tax.

So when you add the 15% shareholders pay on the dividends PLUS the 39% corporate rate is it NO
wonder that corporations are moving offshore! At 54% combined taxes there is just cause to go!
With shareholder dividend payment responsibilities would want to at least the corporate tax rate so they can pay out more dividends that will be taxed to the shareholder.
Burger King like most off shore companies are just telling Americans.."your tax policies are driving us away as well as the jobs!"

View attachment 31380

You are I am sure ignoring a lot of loopholes and write offs they get. And actually, it doesn't even matter.

Yesterday on NPR a millionaire was on explaining the problem with income inequality and why even the rich understand the gap between them and the middle class shouldn't get too wide and although they may disagree on how to "spread the wealth", they all agree the wealth does need to be distributed. If 10% have 90% of the money, the economy doesn't work.

Anyways, I'm not going to go on and on explaining it to you, but 30 years ago the American Middle Class was the best middle class the world had ever seen. America was thriving. What went wrong? The American workers did not get greedy, but ever since Reagan, the GOP have waged a war on the American workers. They went after the Unions and once they were toast, so was the American Middle Class as we see now.

This was all by design. The rich love this economy. You fools are being conned by a corporate media. They only complain because with Obama out they can do even more damage. They got you thinking liberals are commies and socialists but the fact is, our liberal, progressive, unions, labor laws, progressive tax system, social security, new deals etc all made this country great. You can argue all you want but the fact is...

The rich didn't like us having all that money. They told us unions were bad and they got Clinton to sign NAFTA and they sent all the union/manufacturing jobs overseas to break the unions and renig on pensions and bankrupt the USA so they could start undoing the New Deal SS, Medicare, etc.

You middle class Republicans are the stupidest things on the planet. 30 years ago people in Vancouver wished they lived in Seattle. Today it's the opposite. It's better to be a Canadian than it is a middle class American. Fact.

The millionaire even talked about this. How back in the Great Depression it was still better to live here than anywhere else on earth. Today not so. It's better in Europe or Canada or Australia.

Time to figure out how to get some of that money out of the billionaires and the corporations bank accounts and put it back in the middle class' hands.

The guy being interviewed also talked about how you didn't talk about this 30 years ago because it was considered class warfare when you talk about income redistribution but when the gap becomes too wide it is the job of the government to do something about it. Call it social engineering or whatever you want. Fact is, Unregulated Capitalism doesn't work.

Inequality Is Falling On Planet Earth Planet Money NPR
You should have stopped at NPR....Far left radio.....radical far left.

The truth is far left? Either you are stupid and middle class or greedy and rich. I'm telling you right now, no matter how much you cry about class warfare or what's fair, eventually the gig is going to be up on your bullshit arguments. In other words, like always, eventually we always end up being right. Eventually we're going to have to look at the income gap between the rich and the rest of us. You can either cry for yourself or most likely cry for the upper class which you will NEVER belong to. Either way we don't give a fuck. Stop crying ITS NOT FAIR you stupid little ****. What works is what you should be asking. If the rich stealing 90% of the money doesn't work, we're going to have to do something to put 10 or 20% back into the hands of the masses.

Even most rich people agree. Most of them have business' and they depend on us having money for them to make money. This economy works better when everyone is doing better. You libertards and tea baggers and trickle down dick heads can eat our dicks. You are wrong and eventually the rich are going to have to spread the wealth. Call it socialism, social engineering or whatever you want, it's coming.

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