US decriminalised homosexual acts decades ago, and just legalized SSM, should we now...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Threaten economic sanctions for India's 2013 ruling declaring homosexual acts as illegal?

Indian minister says country's gay sex ban needs to be 'reconsidered'

"In 2013, the country’s highest court upheld a colonial-era law which criminalises gay sex, in what activists described as a “black day” for gay rights.

The Supreme Court threw out a 2009 New Delhi High Court decision that ruled the law was unconstitutional.

Section 377 of India’s penal code bans “sex against the order of nature”, which is widely interpreted to mean gay sex, and can be punished with up to 10 years in jail. The rule dates back to the days of British colonial rule in India.

Earlier this month the Grey’s anatomy was subject to a notice issued by the Indian Broadcasting Content Complaints Council of India for depicting a lesbian character talking about her inability to please her partner in bed. "

Homosexuality isn't against 'the order of nature' as evidenced by the hundreds of animal species exhibiting preferential homosexual relationships. And if the US is applying economic sanctions against other countries fro human rights violations, why not India as well?
"Widely interpreted"? Is there any human conduct that is more blatantly contrary to the known biological functions of the organs utilized?

Do you think that a man sticking his erect penis up another man's ass, and simulating sexual intercourse until he ejaculates is "natural"?

Are you unaware of the purpose of the penis and semen in human reproduction? Are you unaware of the normal and natural functions of the colon and anus?

One can oppose anti-sodomy laws on a number of grounds, but to assert that homosexual intercourse is normal and natural is patently absurd. Read a biology book, for Christ sake.
Animals occasionally engage in homosexual sex. They never, however, have, "preferential homosexual relationships." Stop lying.

There are only two species that have ever been documented in these types of perverted relationships, both have been enclosed, contained, and artificially domesticated, sheep, and man.

Clearly signs this is a sign of mental disorder, or a social coping mechanism.

Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity."[8] One species in which exclusive homosexual orientation occurs, however, is that of domesticated sheep (Ovis aries).[9][10] "About 10% of rams (males) refuse to mate with ewes (females) but do readily mate with other rams."[10]
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Animals occasionally engage in homosexual sex. They never, however, have, "preferential homosexual relationships." Stop lying.

There are only two species that have ever been documented in these types of perverted relationships, both have been enclosed, contained, and artificially domesticated, sheep, and man.

Clearly signs this is a sign of mental disorder, or a social coping mechanism.

Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity."[8] One species in which exclusive homosexual orientation occurs, however, is that of domesticated sheep (Ovis aries).[9][10] "About 10% of rams (males) refuse to mate with ewes (females) but do readily mate with other rams."[10]
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sexual partner preference in female Japanese macaques. - PubMed - NCBI

The Neurobiology of Sexual Partner Preferences in Rams

Dunno what to tell ya except you need to read more.
...Threaten economic sanctions for India's 2013 ruling declaring homosexual acts as illegal?

Indian minister says country's gay sex ban needs to be 'reconsidered'

"In 2013, the country’s highest court upheld a colonial-era law which criminalises gay sex, in what activists described as a “black day” for gay rights.

The Supreme Court threw out a 2009 New Delhi High Court decision that ruled the law was unconstitutional.

Section 377 of India’s penal code bans “sex against the order of nature”, which is widely interpreted to mean gay sex, and can be punished with up to 10 years in jail. The rule dates back to the days of British colonial rule in India.

Earlier this month the Grey’s anatomy was subject to a notice issued by the Indian Broadcasting Content Complaints Council of India for depicting a lesbian character talking about her inability to please her partner in bed. "

Homosexuality isn't against 'the order of nature' as evidenced by the hundreds of animal species exhibiting preferential homosexual relationships. And if the US is applying economic sanctions against other countries fro human rights violations, why not India as well?

Which countries are we applying economic sanctions for human rights violations- and for what kind of violations?
...Threaten economic sanctions for India's 2013 ruling declaring homosexual acts as illegal?

Indian minister says country's gay sex ban needs to be 'reconsidered'

"In 2013, the country’s highest court upheld a colonial-era law which criminalises gay sex, in what activists described as a “black day” for gay rights.

The Supreme Court threw out a 2009 New Delhi High Court decision that ruled the law was unconstitutional.

Section 377 of India’s penal code bans “sex against the order of nature”, which is widely interpreted to mean gay sex, and can be punished with up to 10 years in jail. The rule dates back to the days of British colonial rule in India.

Earlier this month the Grey’s anatomy was subject to a notice issued by the Indian Broadcasting Content Complaints Council of India for depicting a lesbian character talking about her inability to please her partner in bed. "

Homosexuality isn't against 'the order of nature' as evidenced by the hundreds of animal species exhibiting preferential homosexual relationships. And if the US is applying economic sanctions against other countries fro human rights violations, why not India as well?

Which countries are we applying economic sanctions for human rights violations- and for what kind of violations?

I'm not your paid research assistant. Will give you a freebie but if in doubt, learn how to use google.

"Below is a list of 19 countries where the U.S. Department of the Treasury, specifically the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has imposed sanctions."

Countries the U.S. has Imposed Sanctions Against

Forum List
