US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

Can you present for us a limited nuclear war scenario? Choose whichever side you would imagine would be the winner.

This could add a lot tot his discussion.

I have no bias towared any one side because I don't consider that to be rational in a nuclear war.
What do you think tactical nukes are for?
The point is Stann, you make a valid point!
But it's still only valid in a war that is not governed by rules that limit both America and Russia.

There's no reason to be explicit when it only serves to insult your irrational position further.

A good question to consider would be the question of the US responding in kind to a limited tactical nuclear attack against some Nato country that exceeds the agreed upon boundaries of the war?

That would be deliberately taking the conflict to the inevitable MAD by America!
You notice in my response I said using Putin's logic. Putin is insane, an absolute psychopath of the worst kind. We cannot start community insane acts. At the same time if Putin says he's having naval war exercises in the Baltic I would shore up all our defenses immediately. No sense in being fooled by this crazy man twice.
Can you present for us a limited nuclear war scenario? Choose whichever side you would imagine would be the winner.

This could add a lot tot his discussion.

I have no bias towared any one side because I don't consider that to be rational in a nuclear war.
We're discussing nuclear war, there's absolutely no same rationale for its use. No one wins in those kind of wars.
And MAD doesn't work as well, when unstable, murderous maniacs are in charge of the nukes.
It's a very flawed impression in thinking this is either Biden's or Putin's war.

But first we have to have everybody accepting that it's America's war against Russia. Many more Americans have come to accepting that now, then there were in the early stages.
There will be no win for Ukraine without direct US boots on the ground.
You notice in my response I said using Putin's logic. Putin is insane, an absolute psychopath of the worst kind. We cannot start community insane acts. At the same time if Putin says he's having naval war exercises in the Baltic I would shore up all our defenses immediately. No sense in being fooled by this crazy man twice.
No evidence of Putin's insanity, other than arm chair speculation.
It's a very flawed impression in thinking this is either Biden's or Putin's war.

But first we have to have everybody accepting that it's America's war against Russia. Many more Americans have come to accepting that now, then there were in the early stages.
That is correct, something has to be done to stop putin before he gets any crazier.
We're discussing nuclear war, there's absolutely no same rationale for its use. No one wins in those kind of wars.
That which is critical to Russia and America is that nobody loses. I'm quite confident that America will keep this war limited to within the necessary boundaries, regardless of Russia's success or lack of.

Very big escalations are to come.
No evidence of Putin's insanity, other than arm chair speculation.
Right, just like there's no evidence that trump is crazy too. " I'd bomb Moscow. " That would bring about an end to this world as we know it.
That which is critical to Russia and America is that nobody loses. I'm quite confident that America will keep this war limited to within the necessary boundaries, regardless of Russia's success or lack of.

Very big escalations are to come.
Unfortunately, all because of putin's delusions and fears. So much for the strong man image.
There will be no win for Ukraine without direct US boots on the ground.
I can't see that happening unless putin attacks a NATO Nation. But I wouldn't count the Ukrainians out yet. They seemed very determined to be independent of Russia.
We're discussing nuclear war, there's absolutely no same rationale for its use. No one wins in those kind of wars.
Nonsense. Go back to your Xbox kid. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t even have a real world analogue to base this regurgitated “no one can win a nuclear war” trope on. Because it’s never happened between nuclear powers before. And if you think a single European NATO nation is going to sacrifice itself for the cause, and go balls out against mainland Russia, if Russia were to use a low yield nuclear strike on the battle field in Ukraine… I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
That is correct, something has to be done to stop putin before he gets any crazier.
Stopping Putin, if that is achievable, is not going to change Russia's stance in this war. It's simply a war against America for all the marbles.

I don't even include the 'West' in the war for some obvious reasons

And of course I'm rooting for peace and not for either side.

I think peace will depend on China's influence in this war.
And I think that China fully appreciates the danger in America winning the war.

We all need to explore the situation deeper and without fear if possible.
Nonsense. Go back to your Xbox kid. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t even have a real world analogue to base this regurgitated “no one can win a nuclear war” trope on. Because it’s never happened between nuclear powers before. And if you think a single European NATO nation is going to sacrifice itself for the cause, and go balls out against mainland Russia, if Russia were to use a low yield nuclear strike on the battle field in Ukraine… I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Which raises the question on whether America would reply with nuclear weapons?
(my bolding)
The US should have a plan to sink every country in the worlds Navies
They're called contingency plans. When I was in the Air Force at Office Air Force Base just south of Omaha, Nebraska; I lived in a dorm on base. We shared that dorm with strategic Air command personnel. They were always talking about contingency plans. This seems to be what they're all talking about. It is not a definite plan of action, it's a possible plan of action. They probably have a dozen such plans on different scenarios involving the same subject. Nothing to be concerned about.

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