US Embassador to Lybia Killed

You should look harder.

Jesus Christ, Superstar, and The Life of Brian are two that pop into my head without thinking about it at all. Want to challenge me to find more?

If those were the best two examples you could come up with... (Life of Bryan being a British film) then that was kind of lame, dude.

Life of Brian was critical of religion, not Jesus. As John Cleese said, "We really couldn't criticize Jesus, because Jesus was an okay guy, but we criticized religion and what it makes people do."

And if you have to go back 30-40 years to find examples, then you are kind of proving my point.

I was only supposed to use American films? Why is that? Are you saying no Christians were offended by The Life of Brian? What about DOGMA? Were they offended by that film? The Magdalene Sisters isn't 40 years old, I remember some outrage over that one too. The point still stands, you don't know what you are talking about?

Type top 10 anti-Chrsitian films or anti-religious films into your browser and you get plenty of hits. They're out there. And yes, many Chrsitian groups have objected to these and have even recommended they be boycotted, but there has never been a call for violence or an attempt to whip up angry mobs to kills people and destroy things in protest. The very very few incidents of property destruction or personal assalt have universally been condemned by the greater Christian community.

Where on the internet can you finding condemnation of the Lybian murders or the Cairo riots among the Muslim community?

Therein lies the difference.
Not a convert dumbo.....and I ain't embracing on the other hand actually want alll muslims exterminated

Well, you're a liar; but you're a Muslim so that's no surprise.

I oppose Islam. Like Nazism and Communism, Islam is evil. It advocates and delivers murder, totalitarianism, despair and misery wherever it infects. I believe that 90% of Muslims are peaceful and just want to live their lives. But you know as well as I that a peaceful Muslim is apostate, one who does not follow the religion closely. Because the religion is evil, the product of a megalomaniac, the warlord Muhammad.

You have the attitude of a prison convert.

Moderate Muslims have been and will be targets for their radical brethren. It's in the Koran to do so.
It didn't save them though, did it? All it did was encourage the violence, something that an astute and well informed national leader should have known would happen. He saved his own reputation with 'them' by distancing himself from it while incriminating all the rest of us. That is not sound or responsible leadership,.
It did not work, but then the attack had nothing to do with the video.

He did not incriminate "us", I'm not even sure where you're pulling that from...

If the video had nothing to do with the attack, then why bring it up at all? And yes, when he chose to infer that the Muslims were justifiably insulted and angry over something Americans did, he incriminated us all to those militant Muslims. An insult to them justifies killing us all. A competent statesman would know that.

It was brought up, because it was believed the video was linked to the attack. We are finding out now that is wasn't.

As to the rest of your post, it's your opinion and I've already stated I couldn't disagree more.
Moderate Muslims have been and will be targets for their radical brethren. It's in the Koran to do so.

Exactly correct.

Up until the mid-20th Century, Islam was moderating. But the fall of Iran and the rise of Wahhabism returned Islam to the 7th century. Now we have people who fear moderation and a whole lot of others who use radicalism as a means of power.

What makes Islam so insidious is the ease with which evil men can use it, and that's because Islam is inherently evil. Even at my advanced age, I view people as inherently good. Left to our own devices, we will form communities and learn to live with each other. It is men like the Warlord Muhammad who create strife and hatred. It is men like Mohammed Morsi who inflame people from moderation into literal application of Islam.
Just one simple fact, only muslims kill people and burn flags just because they think their religion get insulted. That's a simple fact that you can rely on and wrap your ideas around.
They're trying desperately to hide the fact that the guys who are responsible for these deaths are paid by the State Dept. to protect the embassies...and that the state department has known they have ties to al quaida since 2009.
It did not work, but then the attack had nothing to do with the video.

He did not incriminate "us", I'm not even sure where you're pulling that from...

If the video had nothing to do with the attack, then why bring it up at all? And yes, when he chose to infer that the Muslims were justifiably insulted and angry over something Americans did, he incriminated us all to those militant Muslims. An insult to them justifies killing us all. A competent statesman would know that.

It was brought up, because it was believed the video was linked to the attack. We are finding out now that is wasn't.

As to the rest of your post, it's your opinion and I've already stated I couldn't disagree more.

Nevertheless, the President referred to the video and has not rescinded his apology for it. And it is a fact that the video continues to be used to stir up angry mobs all over the Middle East today. And I'm sure they are also showing clips of Obama's remarks condemning Americans for that video to tie Americans to it.

My opinion will be verified by authorities on the Muslim culture and their typical and fairly consistent M.O.

I'm sure you feel your opinion is equally justified, but you'll have a hard time backing it up with anything substantive.
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

Thank goodness Obama’s president.

If trigger-happy, irresponsible neo-cons were in charge we’d have another pointless war and irreparable damage done in the ME.
Fuck Egypt and Libya, and any country controlled by Islam.

Can't say it enough.
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

Thank goodness Obama’s president.

If trigger-happy, irresponsible neo-cons were in charge we’d have another pointless war and irreparable damage done in the ME.

Funny, I think Jihad is pointless too. Watch your back though, if it gets interpreted wrong, you could lose your head over such radical statements. Always remember to ask yourself first, before you babble.... "Is what I have to say Sharia Compliant"... and you should do okay.
I'm trying to think...

So were the trigger-happy neocons who got killed with the Libyan ambassador marines?

In which case, how does being trigger-happy jibe with the fact that Hillary won't allow them to have live rounds?
Fuck Egypt and Libya, and any country controlled by Islam.

Can't say it enough.

I don't wish anyone there, ill, I just think we are wasting most of the money spent there. Something Scriptural about their force is not right. If they are so bent on destruction, and we cannot influence otherwise, we need to round up our own, and take a vacation. We don't need to be present where we are not wanted. Who, in their right mind chooses Totalitarianism? Who, in their right mind defends it and makes excuses for it...... No wait..... another trick question. ;)
I'm trying to think...

So were the trigger-happy neocons who got killed with the Libyan ambassador marines?

In which case, how does being trigger-happy jibe with the fact that Hillary won't allow them to have live rounds?

I'm a big fan of "Nuke the idol."

Give everyone plenty of warning, so no one gets hurt - you know, 6 months to clear out. Then put a small, tactical nuke on the idol of Islam, the Phallic (or Black) stone and reduce it, and the Ka'aba that houses it, to rubble.

If Allah is anything more than a chunk of rock, he can save himself, otherwise the Muslims will bow 5 times a day to a slag heap, rather than their precious idol. I suspect there would be a lot less Muslims, if Allah were reduced to molten slag.
I'm trying to think...

So were the trigger-happy neocons who got killed with the Libyan ambassador marines?

In which case, how does being trigger-happy jibe with the fact that Hillary won't allow them to have live rounds?

I'd have to live in an alternate reality to make sense of that. Common sense would dictate that if the Ambassador or the Secretary of State felt that the Marines do not need to be armed with live ammunition, that no threat is perceived, and the Marines should not be there at all. No Soldier should be anywhere that he or she is not allowed to defend themselves. The Embassy can hire Interns to open doors, pour coffee, and wipe diplomatic ass. No perceived Threat. No Military. Perceived Threat. Armed Military. We should petition OSHA to enact guide lines to ensure that Military Personal have the Right to be Armed where deployed when there is eminent danger. Make it Idiot Proof, where Politicians and Diplomats can no longer put the unsuspecting in danger with their incompetence.

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