US Embassador to Lybia Killed

1) Obama didn't say that, the Embassy Staff did.
2) They didn't apologize, they said it was wrong for assholes to say offensive things about their religion.

Your boy stepped in it, big time with this one.

Politics stop at the shoreline. It's the oldest adage in politics.

The last time I checked, the Ambassador to Egypt was appointed by Obama.

The official statement from the embassy website:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Sec or State Clinton is also appointed by and speaks for the President all over the world. This was her statement:

"We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims"The U.S. deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others," Clinton said. "Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation," she added.

And Obama said:

While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.”

Apologies all!

I think you fail to understand the difference between an apology and a condemnation.

An apology is saying what YOU did is bad.

A condemnation is saying what someone else did was bad.

Now, while I'm sure you are all going to get the DVD of this awful movie, most sensible people agree it was in bad taste.

The DVD had absolutely nothing to do with the murder of the Ambassador in Libya. That attack was planned to coincide with 911 by Al Qaeda.
Don't get in the way of Hillary's campaign to get the filmakers and Terry Jones killed, and hopefully anyone else who makes things difficult for Islam.
Distancing ourselves from the film in an effort to stop violence was exactly the right thing to do.

So, dedicating ourselves against 1st amendment rights in order to appease terrorists in hopes that they won't be violent is the right thing to do?

Now THAT is some fucked up "thinking!"

Hell ,if the embassy has issued an actual apology thinking that would have helped I wouldnt be online berating them for it. And if I thought an apology could have saved those Americans, I would be furious with the state department for not issuing one.

What the embassy did was stupid, what Obama did was far more so.
I will attack the presidents actions after I see what he does. New intel is coming in constantly, I don't plan on condemning the man(if you're a wingnut read apology here) until all the facts are in.

No one wants to appease the terrorists who killed Americans, it shows your partisan blindness and is seriously disgusting that you would suggest otherwise.

You, Dear, are the one who suggested a more concilatory approach--read that apology/appeasement--to calm the anger was the appropriate approach.

Distancing ourselves from the film in an effort to stop violence was exactly the right thing to do. Hell ,if the embassy has issued an actual apology thinking that would have helped I wouldnt be online berating them for it. And if I thought an apology could have saved those Americans, I would be furious with the state department for not issuing one.

It didn't save them though, did it? All it did was encourage the violence, something that an astute and well informed national leader should have known would happen. He saved his own reputation with 'them' by distancing himself from it while incriminating all the rest of us. That is not sound or responsible leadership,.
You, Dear, are the one who suggested a more concilatory approach--read that apology/appeasement--to calm the anger was the appropriate approach.

Distancing ourselves from the film in an effort to stop violence was exactly the right thing to do. Hell ,if the embassy has issued an actual apology thinking that would have helped I wouldnt be online berating them for it. And if I thought an apology could have saved those Americans, I would be furious with the state department for not issuing one.

It didn't save them though, did it? All it did was encourage the violence, something that an astute and well informed national leader should have known would happen. He saved his own reputation with 'them' by distancing himself from it while incriminating all the rest of us. That is not sound or responsible leadership,.
It did not work, but then the attack had nothing to do with the video.

He did not incriminate "us", I'm not even sure where you're pulling that from...
The movie/video was not the seminal incitement; celebrating 9-11 was, and it should've been warning enough of what to expect everywhere in the Middle East. There were no Marines at all at the Benghazi Consulate where the Embassador was murdered. And with the attack going on the embassador was hurried away to a pre-arranged safe place by Libyans, after which the attackers were informed of his presence there to find him and kill him.

Spot on, American Horse. This was premeditated.

speculation at best, with no real proof to back it up.
Simple phone call settles your whole opinion really fast, But then again typical. Seeing how this speculation is full of holes.

Let me see, the government of Libya is saying the attack was planned. The State Department has dropped hints that the attack was planned. The attackers knew precisely where to go, and even knew where the safe house was. There was a large demonstration at the same time that drew away police. The attackers were all well armed, and they had an escape route planned.

Gotta admit, it looks entirely spontaneous to me.
Don't get in the way of Hillary's campaign to get the filmakers and Terry Jones killed, and hopefully anyone else who makes things difficult for Islam.

Do you masturbate to the thought of exterminating muslims?

Did I say anything about exterminating Muslims?

This is about Islam's campaign to exterminate Americans; and the part that Obama and Hillary have determined they will play in it.

You obviously maturbate to the thought of exterminating Americans, since that is what is happening, and you see quite gleeful about it...
Let me see, the government of Libya is saying the attack was planned. The State Department has dropped hints that the attack was planned. The attackers knew precisely where to go, and even knew where the safe house was. There was a large demonstration at the same time that drew away police. The attackers were all well armed, and they had an escape route planned.

Gotta admit, it looks entirely spontaneous to me.

Had RPG's and heavy machine guns - had to be spontaneous.....
Don't get in the way of Hillary's campaign to get the filmakers and Terry Jones killed, and hopefully anyone else who makes things difficult for Islam.

Do you masturbate to the thought of exterminating muslims?

Did I say anything about exterminating Muslims?

This is about Islam's campaign to exterminate Americans; and the part that Obama and Hillary have determined they will play in it.

You obviously maturbate to the thought of exterminating Americans, since that is what is happening, and you see quite gleeful about it...

Who's Islam? :confused:, maybe you just hate Muslims? It's okay to admit it we have freedom of speech here....just open a thread "I hate Muslims" if you want ....just don't pretend that you don't hate Muslims
Spot on, American Horse. This was premeditated.

speculation at best, with no real proof to back it up.
Simple phone call settles your whole opinion really fast, But then again typical. Seeing how this speculation is full of holes.

Let me see, the government of Libya is saying the attack was planned. The State Department has dropped hints that the attack was planned. The attackers knew precisely where to go, and even knew where the safe house was. There was a large demonstration at the same time that drew away police. The attackers were all well armed, and they had an escape route planned.

Gotta admit, it looks entirely spontaneous to me.

Yeah, especially when the attackers were armed with grenade and rocket launchers that they used to destroy the Embassy. You always expect that in a spontaneous mob thing.
Did I say anything about exterminating Muslims?

This is about Islam's campaign to exterminate Americans; and the part that Obama and Hillary have determined they will play in it.

You obviously maturbate to the thought of exterminating Americans, since that is what is happening, and you see quite gleeful about it...

Prison converts are often the most dangerous Muslims. People like "BecauseIKnow" are violent and often racist BEFORE they join Islam. It is the violent nature of Islam that attracts them. Someone born into Islam may reject the more evil aspects, but prison converts embrace the violence above all.
Distancing ourselves from the film in an effort to stop violence was exactly the right thing to do. Hell ,if the embassy has issued an actual apology thinking that would have helped I wouldnt be online berating them for it. And if I thought an apology could have saved those Americans, I would be furious with the state department for not issuing one.

It didn't save them though, did it? All it did was encourage the violence, something that an astute and well informed national leader should have known would happen. He saved his own reputation with 'them' by distancing himself from it while incriminating all the rest of us. That is not sound or responsible leadership,.
It did not work, but then the attack had nothing to do with the video.

He did not incriminate "us", I'm not even sure where you're pulling that from...

If the video had nothing to do with the attack, then why bring it up at all? And yes, when he chose to infer that the Muslims were justifiably insulted and angry over something Americans did, he incriminated us all to those militant Muslims. An insult to them justifies killing us all. A competent statesman would know that.
You should look harder.

Jesus Christ, Superstar, and The Life of Brian are two that pop into my head without thinking about it at all. Want to challenge me to find more?

If those were the best two examples you could come up with... (Life of Bryan being a British film) then that was kind of lame, dude.

Life of Brian was critical of religion, not Jesus. As John Cleese said, "We really couldn't criticize Jesus, because Jesus was an okay guy, but we criticized religion and what it makes people do."

And if you have to go back 30-40 years to find examples, then you are kind of proving my point.

I was only supposed to use American films? Why is that? Are you saying no Christians were offended by The Life of Brian? What about DOGMA? Were they offended by that film? The Magdalene Sisters isn't 40 years old, I remember some outrage over that one too. The point still stands, you don't know what you are talking about?
Did I say anything about exterminating Muslims?

This is about Islam's campaign to exterminate Americans; and the part that Obama and Hillary have determined they will play in it.

You obviously maturbate to the thought of exterminating Americans, since that is what is happening, and you see quite gleeful about it...

Prison converts are often the most dangerous Muslims. People like "BecauseIKnow" are violent and often racist BEFORE they join Islam. It is the violent nature of Islam that attracts them. Someone born into Islam may reject the more evil aspects, but prison converts embrace the violence above all.

Not a convert dumbo.....and I ain't embracing on the other hand actually want alll muslims exterminated
I fully support the right of people to make anti-Christian videos and put them on the internet. I would loudly and openly condemn anyone seeking violence against such film makers. If there were violence, I would NEVER excuse or justify it by condemning the film makers.
We're so sorry we insulted your religion
In the English language, saying you are sorry is an apology!

1) Obama didn't say that, the Embassy Staff did.
2) They didn't apologize, they said it was wrong for assholes to say offensive things about their religion.

Your boy stepped in it, big time with this one.

Politics stop at the shoreline. It's the oldest adage in politics.

  1. The embassy staff is part of the Obama administration, which explains why Obama released a statement saying that what they said does not reflect the position of the US government, and ordered them to delete the statement.
  2. They were absolutely wrong to say that it is wrong to criticize religion.
If we lived in a world where it is actually illegal to offend a religion you would be in prison. You really should think about that before you argue that the embassy was right.

Since Obama actually agrees with Romney I fail to see how he stepped in anything, feel free to explain that one from your prison cell.
1) Obama didn't say that, the Embassy Staff did.
2) They didn't apologize, they said it was wrong for assholes to say offensive things about their religion.

Your boy stepped in it, big time with this one.

Politics stop at the shoreline. It's the oldest adage in politics.

The last time I checked, the Ambassador to Egypt was appointed by Obama.

The official statement from the embassy website:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Sec or State Clinton is also appointed by and speaks for the President all over the world. This was her statement:

"We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims"The U.S. deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others," Clinton said. "Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation," she added.

And Obama said:

While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.”

Apologies all!

I think you fail to understand the difference between an apology and a condemnation.

An apology is saying what YOU did is bad.

A condemnation is saying what someone else did was bad.

Now, while I'm sure you are all going to get the DVD of this awful movie, most sensible people agree it was in bad taste.

When the embassy said it was wrong to make a movie that offended religions they were condemning the Muslims who attacked them? When did respect for religious beliefs become a cornerstone of American Democracy? Does that fact that you, as an individual, have no respect for religious beliefs mean you have no respect for American Democracy?

Seriously, how can you defend them when they are so far wrong?
Not a convert dumbo.....and I ain't embracing on the other hand actually want alll muslims exterminated

Well, you're a liar; but you're a Muslim so that's no surprise.

I oppose Islam. Like Nazism and Communism, Islam is evil. It advocates and delivers murder, totalitarianism, despair and misery wherever it infects. I believe that 90% of Muslims are peaceful and just want to live their lives. But you know as well as I that a peaceful Muslim is apostate, one who does not follow the religion closely. Because the religion is evil, the product of a megalomaniac, the warlord Muhammad.

You have the attitude of a prison convert.
The video is being used by the administration as convenient damage control. This attack was a planned event. It reeks of Iranian intelligence services likely sending Obama a message of what to expect if the USA sides with Israel in the coming air attacks. I also imagine that in a few weeks we will hear how drone attacks took out the people responsible for the embassy attacks, if they get the actual people that carried out the attacks will be irrelevant to the press releases.

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