US Embassador to Lybia Killed

If it was such a smart comment, how come none of his Fellow Republicans are following him up that hill?

Because it was an idiotic comments.

1) Obama didn't issue any "apology".

Lying won't help you, you stupid Bolshevik.

{While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.}

Except again- they weren't apologizing, they were condemning.

YOu can only apologize for what YOU do, not for what others do.

You can condemn what others do.

We condemned the hateful garbage coming out of Terry Jones' church.

As we should.
If it was such a smart comment, how come none of his Fellow Republicans are following him up that hill?

Because it was an idiotic comments.

1) Obama didn't issue any "apology".

Lying won't help you, you stupid Bolshevik.

{While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.}

Except again- they weren't apologizing, they were condemning.

YOu can only apologize for what YOU do, not for what others do.

You can condemn what others do.

We condemned the hateful garbage coming out of Terry Jones' church.

As we should.

Yeah I think I've said that half a dozen times. Condemn and apologize are not synonyms. However, it has fallen on wingnut ears. *shrug*
Anti-American, baby-killing fascists think it's "stepping in it" to defend the rights of humans, and specifically, American citizens.

Nothing new here.
Anti-American, baby-killing fascists think it's "stepping in it" to defend the rights of humans, and specifically, American citizens.

Nothing new here.

How is anything Romney did defending anyone's human rights?

He essentially spouted off and got his facts wrong.

You want to protect American Citizens, you take the assholes who did this film and throw their asses in the klink. They're easy enough to convict, we found out that the guy who made the film has been ripping off social security today...

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula: Anti-Islam Film Director Identified by Associated Press.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Leigh Williams said Nakoula set up fraudulent bank accounts using stolen identities and Social Security numbers, then checks from those accounts would be deposited into other bogus accounts from which Nakoula would withdraw money at ATM machines.

It was "basically a check-kiting scheme," the prosecutor told the AP. "You try to get the money out of the bank before the bank realizes they are drawn from a fraudulent account. There basically is no money."
I don't think Romney "stepped in it" nearly as much as dems hope. He spoke too soon and came off as uninformed and politicizing the attack. However I think in a week, everyone will have forgotten about it just like they will have forgotten Obamas "their not out ally" gaffe.
I don't think Romney "stepped in it" nearly as much as dems hope. He spoke too soon and came off as uninformed and politicizing the attack. However I think in a week, everyone will have forgotten about it just like they will have forgotten Obamas "their not out ally" gaffe.

I have to respectfully disagree. I think this is one of those screwups that puts an end to a campaing, like Dukakis not reacting to his wife's hypothetical rape or McCain trying to suspend his campaign when Lehman collapsed and looking like an old man who couldn't multi-task.

It'll be the thing people point to years from now and say, "The moment we realized he wasn't presidential."
If it was such a smart comment, how come none of his Fellow Republicans are following him up that hill?

Because it was an idiotic comments.

1) Obama didn't issue any "apology".

Lying won't help you, you stupid Bolshevik.

{While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.}

Except again- they weren't apologizing, they were condemning.

YOu can only apologize for what YOU do, not for what others do.

You can condemn what others do.

We condemned the hateful garbage coming out of Terry Jones' church.

As we should.

I am sorry your teachers never taught you how to think.

Was that an apology or a condemnation?
I don't think Romney "stepped in it" nearly as much as dems hope. He spoke too soon and came off as uninformed and politicizing the attack. However I think in a week, everyone will have forgotten about it just like they will have forgotten Obamas "their not out ally" gaffe.

I have to respectfully disagree. I think this is one of those screwups that puts an end to a campaing, like Dukakis not reacting to his wife's hypothetical rape or McCain trying to suspend his campaign when Lehman collapsed and looking like an old man who couldn't multi-task.

It'll be the thing people point to years from now and say, "The moment we realized he wasn't presidential."

Why isn't it destroying the Obama campaign? Do blacks get a pass because you think they are less intelligent?
Lying won't help you, you stupid Bolshevik.

{While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.}

Except again- they weren't apologizing, they were condemning.

YOu can only apologize for what YOU do, not for what others do.

You can condemn what others do.

We condemned the hateful garbage coming out of Terry Jones' church.

As we should.

I am sorry your teachers never taught you how to think.

Was that an apology or a condemnation?

Well, actually, it was a demonstration of your stupidity, since you can't answer the question for yourself, Gasbag.
So, have you burned down any churches yet, tough-guy? Beaten up any nuns? No, that's just a lot of talk, isn't it faceless? But when you think some people might really do what you just talk about doing, your fear suddenly makes you 'respect' the hell out of them, huh? That is mighty brave of you, faceless.

wooooo... looks like I hit a nerve.

So, have you burned down any churches yet, tough-guy? Beaten up any nuns?

Well? Have you?
Why isn't it destroying the Obama campaign? Do blacks get a pass because you think they are less intelligent?

Actually, it's the same standard... Embassies are attacked under EVERY president.

Under Reagan, they attacked embassies in Kuwait and Lebanon.

Under Clinton, in Saudi Arabia, Tanzinia and Kenya...

Under Bush- Jordan, Iraq, etc.

Sorry, guy. He's getting the same treatment everyone else gets... the enemy will attack your embassies.
So, have you burned down any churches yet, tough-guy? Beaten up any nuns? No, that's just a lot of talk, isn't it faceless? But when you think some people might really do what you just talk about doing, your fear suddenly makes you 'respect' the hell out of them, huh? That is mighty brave of you, faceless.

wooooo... looks like I hit a nerve.

So, have you burned down any churches yet, tough-guy? Beaten up any nuns?

Well? Have you?

Wouldn't you like to know....
Seriously, when a nun says a really stupid thing at one of your loved ones funeral, let me know how you react.

Like a typical liberal, you seem incapable of imagining that the problem is you were not equipped to understand what you heard.
Don't worry, guy, some brave soldiers will keep your cowardly ass safe from the big-bad muslims.


Um, aren't YOU the one scared of "the big-bad muslims," bigot?

Um, nope, not really.

I also think that sensible people realize that we cna't take on 1.3 billion Muslims, most of whom aren't our enemies.

That's why Bush had the good sense to call it a "war on terror" and not a "War on Islam".

Jesus, I'm using bush as a good example?
Seriously, when a nun says a really stupid thing at one of your loved ones funeral, let me know how you react.

Like a typical liberal, you seem incapable of imagining that the problem is you were not equipped to understand what you heard.

OH, I understood what the dumb old carpet-muncher was saying... I just found it totally retarded.

My mom suffered for a year from cancer, tried all sorts of crazy therapies, and one of these old butches even brought back some "saint oil" from Italy.

Frankly, I rejected what she said, because I can't believe that in a God who would be enough of a cocksucker to make anyone suffer like that.

THere is no God. That's easy. Turn on the news for 5 minutes, you draw that conclusion.

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