US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Except again- they weren't apologizing, they were condemning.

YOu can only apologize for what YOU do, not for what others do.

You can condemn what others do.

We condemned the hateful garbage coming out of Terry Jones' church.

As we should.

I am sorry your teachers never taught you how to think.

Was that an apology or a condemnation?

Well, actually, it was a demonstration of your stupidity, since you can't answer the question for yourself, Gasbag.

I know an apology when I see one. This, for example, is an apology. Please note that it is an apology even though the person doing the apologizing is not the one that did something wrong.

President Bush has apologized to Iraq's prime minister for an American sniper's shooting of a Quran, and the Iraqi government called on U.S. military commanders to educate their soldiers to respect local religious beliefs. Bush's spokeswoman said Tuesday that the president apologized during a videoconference Monday with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who told the president that the shooting of Islam's holy book had disappointed and angered both the Iraqi people
Bush Apologizes To Iraqi Prime Minister Over Quran 'Target Practice'

Here is another example of an apology.

President Bush on Thursday apologized for the "humiliation" some Iraqi prisoners suffered at the hands of U.S. troops as he said that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is safe in his job.

Bush Apologizes for Iraqi Prisoner Abuse | Fox News

Apologies are made all the time for the actions of others, that is part of life. Anyone with a brain understands this.

Come to think of it, that would explain you confusion.
Except the examples you use are ones where BUsh had direct authority over those who committed the offending actions... So another argument fail.

You just aren't very good at this, are you?

Ah, you want an example of someone apologizing for something he had no control over.

I am always amazed that the Obama apologists who continue to point out that Obama would have been a wonderful President if he hadn't inherited such a crappy mess from George W. Bush, America's worst president ever, and then so easily shift to justifying what Obama does because George W. Bush did it first.
I am always amazed that the Obama apologists who continue to point out that Obama would have been a wonderful President if he hadn't inherited such a crappy mess from George W. Bush, America's worst president ever, and then so easily shift to justifying what Obama does because George W. Bush did it first.

Can we have an example please?
i swear my heart goes out to him, he did nothing wrong !? we have a US consul in Kurdistan we did not attack it !? if some1 does something then others cope the consequences that is totally wrong !
Don't worry, guy, some brave soldiers will keep your cowardly ass safe from the big-bad muslims.


Um, aren't YOU the one scared of "the big-bad muslims," bigot?

Um, nope, not really.

Ah, just a coincidence that you, who always goes on and on about how much you disdain religion, and talks of burning down houses of worship and assaulting women for being adherents of a given faith, suddenly finds respect for religion in the face of violent mobs. Do you really think you are kidding anyone, cowardly bigot?
1) Obama didn't say that, the Embassy Staff did.
2) They didn't apologize, they said it was wrong for assholes to say offensive things about their religion.

Your boy stepped in it, big time with this one.

Politics stop at the shoreline. It's the oldest adage in politics.

The last time I checked, the Ambassador to Egypt was appointed by Obama.

The official statement from the embassy website:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Sec or State Clinton is also appointed by and speaks for the President all over the world. This was her statement:

"We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims"The U.S. deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others," Clinton said. "Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation," she added.

And Obama said:

While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.”

Apologies all!

I think you fail to understand the difference between an apology and a condemnation.

An apology is saying what YOU did is bad.

A condemnation is saying what someone else did was bad.

Now, while I'm sure you are all going to get the DVD of this awful movie, most sensible people agree it was in bad taste.

They were all apologizing for the fact that we have a first amendment that allows free speech.
Lying won't help you, you stupid Bolshevik.

{While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.}

Except again- they weren't apologizing, they were condemning.

YOu can only apologize for what YOU do, not for what others do.

You can condemn what others do.

We condemned the hateful garbage coming out of Terry Jones' church.

As we should.

Yeah I think I've said that half a dozen times. Condemn and apologize are not synonyms. However, it has fallen on wingnut ears. *shrug*

What I read is an apology for the United States having a 1st Amendment.
I am always amazed that the Obama apologists who continue to point out that Obama would have been a wonderful President if he hadn't inherited such a crappy mess from George W. Bush, America's worst president ever, and then so easily shift to justifying what Obama does because George W. Bush did it first.

Yes, pointing out your hypocrisy is always fun.

I'm not saying everything Bush did was wrong or even that everything that went south on his watch was his fault. I did, after all, vote for him twice. This was before the Religious nutbags and corporate assholes completely hijacked the GOP.

But the hypocrisy on your part is that you guys have no problem when these exact same things happened under Bush, such as tepid responsese to embassy bombings or trying to cajole Muslims into not hating us. But Obama does it.. He's a secret Muslim who hates America! Let's see that Birth Certificate...again!
Except again- they weren't apologizing, they were condemning.

YOu can only apologize for what YOU do, not for what others do.

You can condemn what others do.

We condemned the hateful garbage coming out of Terry Jones' church.

As we should.

Yeah I think I've said that half a dozen times. Condemn and apologize are not synonyms. However, it has fallen on wingnut ears. *shrug*

What I read is an apology for the United States having a 1st Amendment.

What I read was a condemnation for someone being a complete asshole and deserving an ass-whuppin'.
Ah, just a coincidence that you, who always goes on and on about how much you disdain religion, and talks of burning down houses of worship and assaulting women for being adherents of a given faith, suddenly finds respect for religion in the face of violent mobs. Do you really think you are kidding anyone, cowardly bigot?

I don't respect their religion... dumbass. I think theirs is as silly as anyone else.

This isn't about religion. This is about 60 years of stupid American policies towards that region built on top of 100 years of even more retarded European policies towards that region.

They don't hate our God (Christians have lived peacefully in that region for centuries) and they don't hate our freedoms.

They hate our policies. Some of which ARE pretty stupid- propping up horrible dictators, supporting Israel's bad behavior, etc.

40 years ago, we had problems in that region, but no one ever talked about "Jihad" or "Islam". They talked about how certain leaders were in with the Soviets. Then Reagan got the "brilliant" idea to start funding guys like Bin Laden to counteract the socialists.

YOu can't keep sticking your dick in the hornet's nest and whine about getting stung.

But since you are the king of pussies, it's not like you'll ever have your ass on the line.
The last time I checked, the Ambassador to Egypt was appointed by Obama.

The official statement from the embassy website:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Sec or State Clinton is also appointed by and speaks for the President all over the world. This was her statement:

"We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims"The U.S. deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others," Clinton said. "Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation," she added.

And Obama said:

While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.”

Apologies all!

I think you fail to understand the difference between an apology and a condemnation.

An apology is saying what YOU did is bad.

A condemnation is saying what someone else did was bad.

Now, while I'm sure you are all going to get the DVD of this awful movie, most sensible people agree it was in bad taste.

They were all apologizing for the fact that we have a first amendment that allows free speech.

Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH? The provocateurs who instigated violence that resulted in the murder of those Us Embassy officials should be dealt with like the common criminals they are. They should be hung right along side the murderers they provoked.

These right wing rabble rousers knows the global consequences of denigrating Muslim's religious beliefs and that we have vulnerable citizens abroad who could be victimized by what our media reports to the world. Yet, they still do it for reasons that can , for now, only be speculated about. Its too coincidental and timely an event to be arbitrarily done. This whole thing smacks of SUPERPAC funded conspiracy!
I think you fail to understand the difference between an apology and a condemnation.

An apology is saying what YOU did is bad.

A condemnation is saying what someone else did was bad.

Now, while I'm sure you are all going to get the DVD of this awful movie, most sensible people agree it was in bad taste.

They were all apologizing for the fact that we have a first amendment that allows free speech.

Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH? The provocateurs who instigated violence that resulted in the murder of those Us Embassy officials should be dealt with like the common criminals they are. They should be hung right along side the murderers they provoked.

These right wing rabble rousers knows the global consequences of denigrating Muslim's religious beliefs and that we have vulnerable citizens abroad who could be victimized by what our media reports to the world. Yet, they still do it for reasons that can , for now, only be speculated about. Its too coincidental and timely an event to be arbitrarily done. This whole thing smacks of SUPERPAC funded conspiracy!

A new conspiracy theory!!!
BTW, the "apologies" that are attributed to the president exists only in the minds of Romney and his programmed diehards. We now know that the so-called :apologies: were given preemptively before the violence and subsequent murders occurred. Indeed, this was in an attempt to avert tragedy.

Now, the president's hand is being forced! He is going to really have to use that marvelous brain of his to overcome the increasing anti-American sentiment we see all across the Middle East. Last report, 9 countries were joining in Jihad -like acivities. But is it the governments of these countries or just a relativelyu few the average men in the streets? fortunately, Obama sees the difference. Romney doesn't!
Romney, rather than waiting to see what the respective governments of these nations will do in the name of justice, would probably start another war over the actions of a few rebel terrorists who may have nothing to do with their government.
I think the Obama administration and Nato allies were remiss in toppling their strongmen leaders in Libya, Iraq and to some degree the egyptian president. All of them were a**holes but they were OUR a**holes; and they kept the animals at bay. AlQueda, it seems just filled the voids left by their former suppressors!
I think you fail to understand the difference between an apology and a condemnation.

An apology is saying what YOU did is bad.

A condemnation is saying what someone else did was bad.

Now, while I'm sure you are all going to get the DVD of this awful movie, most sensible people agree it was in bad taste.

They were all apologizing for the fact that we have a first amendment that allows free speech.

Free Speech? When you yell FIRE in a crowed theater is THAT FREE SPEECH? The provocateurs who instigated violence that resulted in the murder of those Us Embassy officials should be dealt with like the common criminals they are. They should be hung right along side the murderers they provoked.

These right wing rabble rousers knows the global consequences of denigrating Muslim's religious beliefs and that we have vulnerable citizens abroad who could be victimized by what our media reports to the world. Yet, they still do it for reasons that can , for now, only be speculated about. Its too coincidental and timely an event to be arbitrarily done. This whole thing smacks of SUPERPAC funded conspiracy!
No one called fire in a theater ..... Religious and political speech is completely free in this country...You dont like it? Move somewhere else and take the president and his administration with you when you go.

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