US Embassador to Lybia Killed

The movie/video was not the seminal incitement; celebrating 9-11 was, and it should've been warning enough of what to expect everywhere in the Middle East. There were no Marines at all at the Benghazi Consulate where the Embassador was murdered. And with the attack going on the embassador was hurried away to a pre-arranged safe place by Libyans, after which the attackers were informed of his presence there to find him and kill him.

Spot on, American Horse. This was premeditated.

speculation at best, with no real proof to back it up.
Simple phone call settles your whole opinion really fast, But then again typical. Seeing how this speculation is full of holes.

Yeah, all the protests I've been to had grenade launchers too. :eusa_whistle:
At least an hour before the assault began, a stream of cars was seen moving toward the U.S. Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. By late Tuesday evening, as many as 50 heavily armed militants had gathered outside its high walls.
Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials - The Washington Post

The evidence in Libya suggests that the attack on the US Consulate was planned and was not part of some peaceful protest expressing outrage over a movie that some moron here in the U.S. produced. I am not for a moment giving an excuse to the man who made this movie nor am I doing the same for the man who promoted it as it's my belief that they are in part responsible here, while it's true they have a right in this nation to express themselves under our constitution regardless of how moronic their views are, perhaps when those views produce the results they are in Egypt and Yemen for example it's rather like yelling fire in a crowded movie. As for the protesters themselves there is a large difference between peaceful expression of ones views and having the local authority use tear gas to keep you from destroying and causing harm in the name of that protest. In other words 2 wrongs here do not make a right. As for Libya itself to suggest that it was part of a peaceful protest, the evidence suggests otherwise.
If it was such a smart comment, how come none of his Fellow Republicans are following him up that hill?

Because it was an idiotic comments.

1) Obama didn't issue any "apology".

Lying won't help you, you stupid Bolshevik.

{While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.}

2) The condemnation of Jones' sick film was issued before the embassy was attacked.

Terry Jones had nothing to do with the film, stupid fuck.

3) Oh, yeah, and people died...

Obama apologized to the Muslims for that.

So Romney just got caught trying to use a coffin as a soap-box. And that never works out well.

Romney was presidential, condemning an attack on Americans on American soil. Obama was a fucktard, as always, apologizing to the attackers.
The 'apology' was before the attacks

And then again after the attacks.

It is important to realize that we are dealing with two separate, but in my opinion orchestrated and related events that were occuring at approximately the same time. The first was the attack on our embassy in Cairo that started earlier folowed by the attack in Lybia. In both cases our fearless leader clearly messaged to the militant Muslims that he sympathized with their outrage. That he said the outrage did not justify the murders was almost secondary and he made it clear that we would not retaliate but would 'work with (their) authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.'

This morning it was apparent that the militant muslims are continuing to use the video to stir up violence in other Muslim countries as well.
The 'apology' was before the attacks

And then again after the attacks.

It is important to realize that we are dealing with two separate, but in my opinion orchestrated and related events that were occuring at approximately the same time. The first was the attack on our embassy in Cairo that started earlier folowed by the attack in Lybia. In both cases our fearless leader clearly messaged to the militant Muslims that he sympathized with their outrage. That he said the outrage did not justify the murders was almost secondary and he made it clear that we would not retaliate but would 'work with (their) authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.'

This morning it was apparent that the militant muslims are continuing to use the video to stir up violence in other Muslim countries as well.

A whole lot of nonsense.
Dems shunned god and so terrorists killed Americans in Lybia?

Ok then.

Lefty, missing the point as usual.

Enlighten me.

It is virtually impossible to 'enlighten' those who refuse to read and understand information presented that are supported by most credible news organizations. Your passion and obvious adulation of and defense of our President is impressive, but is often misplaced against the obvious facts.

I wish I could see him as the great person you see him to be--I once also held that hope--but that rose has bloomed and faded long ago. I prefer to deal in realities rather than partisan emotion.

It's one of those 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' kinds of things.
Lefty, missing the point as usual.

Enlighten me.

It is virtually impossible to 'enlighten' those who refuse to read and understand information presented that are supported by most credible news organizations. Your passion and obvious adulation of and defense of our President is impressive, but is often misplaced against the obvious facts.

I wish I could see him as the great person you see him to be--I once also held that hope--but that rose has bloomed and faded long ago. I prefer to deal in realities rather than partisan emotion.

It's one of those 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' kinds of things.

it's also impossible to enlighten people who are so caught up in their own idiology that they'd put it before the good of our country.

but carry on.
^^^^Ironic post of the day, from the person who wants to see Sam Racine dragged through the streets of Libya.
Lefty, missing the point as usual.

Enlighten me.

It is virtually impossible to 'enlighten' those who refuse to read and understand information presented that are supported by most credible news organizations. Your passion and obvious adulation of and defense of our President is impressive, but is often misplaced against the obvious facts.

I wish I could see him as the great person you see him to be--I once also held that hope--but that rose has bloomed and faded long ago. I prefer to deal in realities rather than partisan emotion.

It's one of those 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' kinds of things.

Your insistence that I must think the president is some sort of great man or great president is amusing to me. Disagreeing with falsehoods does not mean I back the president.

There was no apology and there was absolutely NO sympathy, the embassy was being protested and in an attempt to stop violence a condemnation of the film was sent out, they stormed the embassy and in an attempt to keep things from escalating, another condemnation was given. Saying we don't support something is not the same as saying we're sorry, it's just not. And it's disengenious to suggest it is.

What would you have done? If a condemnation could have ended things peacefully( and I think those inside the embassy hoped it would) would you really rather people have died than distance ourselves from that film?
Enlighten me.

It is virtually impossible to 'enlighten' those who refuse to read and understand information presented that are supported by most credible news organizations. Your passion and obvious adulation of and defense of our President is impressive, but is often misplaced against the obvious facts.

I wish I could see him as the great person you see him to be--I once also held that hope--but that rose has bloomed and faded long ago. I prefer to deal in realities rather than partisan emotion.

It's one of those 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' kinds of things.

it's also impossible to enlighten people who are so caught up in their own idiology that they'd put it before the good of our country.

but carry on.
Well Jill you better open your eyes, your party is actually killing this country. George bush started and your party is finishing the job.
Enlighten me.

It is virtually impossible to 'enlighten' those who refuse to read and understand information presented that are supported by most credible news organizations. Your passion and obvious adulation of and defense of our President is impressive, but is often misplaced against the obvious facts.

I wish I could see him as the great person you see him to be--I once also held that hope--but that rose has bloomed and faded long ago. I prefer to deal in realities rather than partisan emotion.

It's one of those 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' kinds of things.

Your insistence that I must think the president is some sort of great man or great president is amusing to me. Disagreeing with falsehoods does not mean I back the president.

There was no apology and there was absolutely NO sympathy, the embassy was being protested and in an attempt to stop violence a condemnation of the film was sent out, they stormed the embassy and in an attempt to keep things from escalating, another condemnation was given. Saying we don't support something is not the same as saying we're sorry, it's just not. And it's disengenious to suggest it is.

What would you have done? If a condemnation could have ended things peacefully( and I think those inside the embassy hoped it would) would you really rather people have died than distance ourselves from that film?

Condemning those who would criticize or make fun of Islam or Mohammed as justification for outrage and demonstrations among Muslims equates an apology to anybody but the most blindly partisan. From this President, there has never been any similar criticism or condemnation of Muslims or other non-Christians who attack or ridicule or denigrate religions other than their own. There has never been any commendation of Christianity from this President for that matter; certainly not to the extent that he has praised and commended Islam.

Obama was quite adament that we are not a "Christian nation" but he has never gone out of his way to express that we are not a "Muslim nation." After so much of that sort of thing, it isn't hard to form an impression of which side of the fence he comes down on, and who he will support.
Enlighten me.

It is virtually impossible to 'enlighten' those who refuse to read and understand information presented that are supported by most credible news organizations. Your passion and obvious adulation of and defense of our President is impressive, but is often misplaced against the obvious facts.

I wish I could see him as the great person you see him to be--I once also held that hope--but that rose has bloomed and faded long ago. I prefer to deal in realities rather than partisan emotion.

It's one of those 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' kinds of things.

it's also impossible to enlighten people who are so caught up in their own idiology that they'd put it before the good of our country.

but carry on.

And who would that be? You?
It is virtually impossible to 'enlighten' those who refuse to read and understand information presented that are supported by most credible news organizations. Your passion and obvious adulation of and defense of our President is impressive, but is often misplaced against the obvious facts.

I wish I could see him as the great person you see him to be--I once also held that hope--but that rose has bloomed and faded long ago. I prefer to deal in realities rather than partisan emotion.

It's one of those 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' kinds of things.

Your insistence that I must think the president is some sort of great man or great president is amusing to me. Disagreeing with falsehoods does not mean I back the president.

There was no apology and there was absolutely NO sympathy, the embassy was being protested and in an attempt to stop violence a condemnation of the film was sent out, they stormed the embassy and in an attempt to keep things from escalating, another condemnation was given. Saying we don't support something is not the same as saying we're sorry, it's just not. And it's disengenious to suggest it is.

What would you have done? If a condemnation could have ended things peacefully( and I think those inside the embassy hoped it would) would you really rather people have died than distance ourselves from that film?

Condemning those who would criticize or make fun of Islam or Mohammed as justification for outrage and demonstrations among Muslims equates an apology to anybody but the most blindly partisan. From this President, there has never been any similar criticism or condemnation of Muslims or other non-Christians who attack or ridicule or denigrate religions other than their own. There has never been any commendation of Christianity from this President for that matter; certainly not to the extent that he has praised and commended Islam.

Obama was quite adament that we are not a "Christian nation" but he has never gone out of his way to express that we are not a "Muslim nation." After so much of that sort of thing, it isn't hard to form an impression of which side of the fence he comes down on, and who he will support.

So the answer is yes, you would have prefered innocent Americans die rather then distance ourselves from that film.
It is important to realize that we are dealing with two separate, but in my opinion orchestrated and related events that were occuring at approximately the same time. The first was the attack on our embassy in Cairo that started earlier folowed by the attack in Lybia. In both cases our fearless leader clearly messaged to the militant Muslims that he sympathized with their outrage. That he said the outrage did not justify the murders was almost secondary and he made it clear that we would not retaliate but would 'work with (their) authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.'

This morning it was apparent that the militant muslims are continuing to use the video to stir up violence in other Muslim countries as well.

Good point. After the attacks in Cairo, the Administration released the first apology. Then after the murder of our Ambassador, Obama personally delivered an apology to the Muslims.

There were two events and two apologies by the Obama administration.

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