US Embassy in Yemen attacked

A final point for the silly people who wan to feel "so superior" to "those people".

When we have an asshole shoot up a movie theatre or a town hall or a Sihk Temple because they were too dumb to tell Muslims from Sihks, we blame the individual.

When some asshole in a foriegn country does it, it's a condemnation of their culture.

You really don't think their culture has anything to do with it?


Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Um, well, let's look at that.

How many people have we killed in our two decades of conflict with Iraq? Between the first Gulf War, the 10 years of embargo that caused thousands of deaths due to lack of food, medicine, water purification supplies and insecticides? Or the 8 years of war before we pulled out?

I go back to my earlier point- Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians in Afghanistan, but a "Terrorist" when he was killing Americans in New York. But at the end of the day, he was just a killer.

We can also talk about how the greatest war in history was launched by Christians wearing "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt-buckles.

Muslim, Christians, and yes, I'll concede- even atheists- all have the potential to be killers if sufficiently provoked.

Sometimes over something as petty as a sports championship.
Tough talk. Remember your response to the last neg rep I sent you, Puppy Boi? :lol:

NOt really...

But obviously you're obsessing over it... did I hurt your feelings, too?
Not at all. You lack the horsepower, kid.

By the way, did you report my response to the Mods like you said you would? :lmao:

Oh, that was what you're on about? that I told you to stop harrassing me by PM after about 15 messages? Oh, okay, so I guess you mistake stalking for an argument...
It must stink to have your head up Obama's ass as far as you certainly do. Please log off your computer and go fuck yourself. Thank you. :lol:

Sure would save a lot of band-width.

All I'm getting is half-filled pages with "this member is on your ignore list".

I hear you. They mock you for using ignore but it sure as hell weeds out the trolls. The only one that should be on mine but isn't is jillian. She's so fucking stupid that it's comedic entertainmnet at it's best.

She trolls through here 3-4 times a day. It so predictable that you can actually write a schedule based on it. She leaves a few snarky ridiculous comments and retreats. Then she lurks like a bottom dweller, early in the morning and attacks your posts from the prior day hoping you won't see what she posts.

It gives her a sense of accomplishment thinking that she has the last say.:D

I love the woman...well I'm being kind calling her that.:D

She's a mod you know......
Sure would save a lot of band-width.

All I'm getting is half-filled pages with "this member is on your ignore list".

I hear you. They mock you for using ignore but it sure as hell weeds out the trolls. The only one that should be on mine but isn't is jillian. She's so fucking stupid that it's comedic entertainmnet at it's best.

She trolls through here 3-4 times a day. It so predictable that you can actually write a schedule based on it. She leaves a few snarky ridiculous comments and retreats. Then she lurks like a bottom dweller, early in the morning and attacks your posts from the prior day hoping you won't see what she posts.

It gives her a sense of accomplishment thinking that she has the last say.:D

I love the woman...well I'm being kind calling her that.:D

She's a mod you know......

I don't give a fuck. I was told by another that when she posts among us...she's fair game.

But you would think that she might try to be above it all and conduct herself accordingly.
Yemeni protesters storm US embassy in Sanaa
Reuters ^ | September 13 | Reuters Staff

Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 5:05:22 AM by PghBaldy

They said the demonstrators smashed windows of the security offices outside the embassy before breaking through the main gate of the heavily fortified compound in eastern Sanaa. Security guards opened fire and there were reports of casualties on both sides but no details were immediately available.

Read more at ...

Sky News:
Up to 5,000 protesters are trying to get into the US compound in Sanaa, according to local reports. Hundreds got past two police barricades and managed to get inside the building. They were then driven back by security forces firing weapons into the air. TV pictures showed Yemenis trying to scale walls to get back into the compound.

Yemen: US Embassy Stormed By Protesters

Fox just reported no casualties .. Let's pray it stays that way.


WH.. "Hush, don't bother us, we has some campaigning to do.
I hear you. They mock you for using ignore but it sure as hell weeds out the trolls. The only one that should be on mine but isn't is jillian. She's so fucking stupid that it's comedic entertainmnet at it's best.

She trolls through here 3-4 times a day. It so predictable that you can actually write a schedule based on it. She leaves a few snarky ridiculous comments and retreats. Then she lurks like a bottom dweller, early in the morning and attacks your posts from the prior day hoping you won't see what she posts.

It gives her a sense of accomplishment thinking that she has the last say.:D

I love the woman...well I'm being kind calling her that.:D

She's a mod you know......

I don't give a fuck. I was told by another that when she posts among us...she's fair game.

But you would think that she might try to be above it all and conduct herself accordingly.

Most of the mods do. However we have several new ones and they don't have any problem with making snide comments. One of the new mods I never even heard of before he made a comment on one of my threads.
Yemeni protesters storm US embassy in Sanaa
Reuters ^ | September 13 | Reuters Staff

Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 5:05:22 AM by PghBaldy

They said the demonstrators smashed windows of the security offices outside the embassy before breaking through the main gate of the heavily fortified compound in eastern Sanaa. Security guards opened fire and there were reports of casualties on both sides but no details were immediately available.

Read more at ...

Sky News:
Up to 5,000 protesters are trying to get into the US compound in Sanaa, according to local reports. Hundreds got past two police barricades and managed to get inside the building. They were then driven back by security forces firing weapons into the air. TV pictures showed Yemenis trying to scale walls to get back into the compound.

Yemen: US Embassy Stormed By Protesters

Fox just reported no casualties .. Let's pray it stays that way.


WH.. "Hush, don't bother us, we has some campaigning to do.

That's part of the reason Obama won't see anyone from Israel. He doesn't want anything to interrupt his campaign.
(CNN) -- The murky account of a man who says he is responsible for a film that ridiculed the Prophet Mohammed is raising questions about everything -- from his identity to the production.

In telephone calls with news agencies, a man identifying himself as Sam Bacile said he was the man who made the movie that roiled the Islamic world.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Bacile identified himself as a 52-year-old Israeli-American real estate developer from California.

Who is Sam Bacile? Mystery swirls around anti-Islam film -
(CNN) -- The murky account of a man who says he is responsible for a film that ridiculed the Prophet Mohammed is raising questions about everything -- from his identity to the production.

In telephone calls with news agencies, a man identifying himself as Sam Bacile said he was the man who made the movie that roiled the Islamic world.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Bacile identified himself as a 52-year-old Israeli-American real estate developer from California.

Who is Sam Bacile? Mystery swirls around anti-Islam film -

There's a strong possibility that the entire film might not exist, that it might only be the badly edited trailer.. and that Balice isn't who he says he is.
At this point, I believe the film is a diversion. The main objective is to attack American Embassies for what they stand for, the United States. I see more attacks coming and it's not due to any UTUBE movie, it's our foreign policy. It's time to close the embassies and f=the funds we send to the offending countries.

If we had a leader in the White House who could conduct policy during this crisis, we could feel that this issue was being handled with the best minds. But campaigning takes priorities.

Shouldn't there be a cabinet meeting about this?
At this point, I believe the film is a diversion. The main objective is to attack American Embassies for what they stand for, the United States. I see more attacks coming and it's not due to any UTUBE movie, it's our foreign policy. It's time to close the embassies and f=the funds we send to the offending countries.

If we had a leader in the White House who could conduct policy during this crisis, we could feel that this issue was being handled with the best minds. But campaigning takes priorities.

Shouldn't there be a cabinet meeting about this?

I seem to remember that during the Reagan years, there were attacks on our embassies in Kuwait and Lebanon... and nobody "dropped everything" to deal with them.

What is interesting is that for years we've said to these countries, "Get rid of your dictators and have elections and democracy and freedom of expression."

Well, sometimes that comes with riots.

Again, we've had riots in this country. Sometimes for things as petty as sports championships, sometimes for important things like civil rights.
(CNN) -- The murky account of a man who says he is responsible for a film that ridiculed the Prophet Mohammed is raising questions about everything -- from his identity to the production.

In telephone calls with news agencies, a man identifying himself as Sam Bacile said he was the man who made the movie that roiled the Islamic world.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Bacile identified himself as a 52-year-old Israeli-American real estate developer from California.

Who is Sam Bacile? Mystery swirls around anti-Islam film -

Does the story say he is a Jew or are they speculating?

Looks like they're speculating in the story.
(CNN) -- The murky account of a man who says he is responsible for a film that ridiculed the Prophet Mohammed is raising questions about everything -- from his identity to the production.

In telephone calls with news agencies, a man identifying himself as Sam Bacile said he was the man who made the movie that roiled the Islamic world.

A man identifying himself as Sam Bacile said he was the man.

Looks like they released the story before they knew for sure....

Just saying.
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