US farmer eaten by his hogs

Why do Christians disregard the no eating hogs part of Leviticus but focus on other parts such as the anti gay part?

:lol: Right? Or the part where God advocates abortion in cases of infidelity.
They are filthy animals, which is why observant Jews haven't eaten them in 3000 yrs. it is forbidden.

Actually..they are not.

Pigs are pretty intelligent..and make good pets.

They are just kept in shit and treated the same.
Chickens would eat you if they could.

I flipping hate pigs. I was feeding one french fries once and he caught my finger and held it long enough for me to envision myself being dragged into the pend and consumed. Thankfully, he was a nice pig (despite the huge tusks) and was completely baffled by my and my ex's yelling...eventually he just let go of my finger.

Horses don't like them, either. With good reason. Pigs are flipping deadly.
"An Oregon man trying to feed his 700-pound hogs was eaten by the animals Thursday, and sheriff's deputies are trying to determine what led up to his death"

"While searching the hog enclosure, the family member found Garner's body in several pieces, with a majority of it consumed by the hogs, the district attorney said."

"A forensic pathologist examined what little was left of Garner's body over the weekend"

Man eaten by hogs at Oregon farm -
And efficient.

If they start on you while you're alive, you won't be alive long. They aren't like a regular carnivore that just holds you down and starts gnawing...not a fast way to go, because they usually start gnawing on your butthole, which is the softest part of your body.

Pigs will tear you apart and don't care if they're on a soft or hard part, they break bones, heads, legs and arms off just fine.

So all things considered, he's lucky it was pigs and not a bear, or a pack of dogs.

Still, ugh.

They haven't ruled out foul play. It's like a fad now to kill people and throw them into the pig pen...because there just won't be anything left.
can we talk about something else? In the book GRAPES OF WRATH------there is mention of a pig eating a baby (---an accident-----the details are not in the book-----only the fact that the mother remained insane after the event) I had no idea that pigs actually do consume-----living people-----given the chance ------but thanks for letting me know ----do they go after small animals-----like if allowed into the chicken house----do they EAT THE CHICKENS ? Just how aggressive are they in going after "game"???
They're just like dogs or any other carnivore/omnivore...they can be taught not to kill things, but in a group they are potentially very dangerous, and if they aren't trained/tamed, they are dangerous.

People do have gentle pet pigs, who wouldn't hurt a soul. But I would never assume any pig was *gentle*.

They're designed like a tank, and they can be quite moody.
oh ok well I am afraid of dogs-------in general -----I actually do not find animals something I want to cuddle -------cats make me itch ---and my eyes get red I used to like to LOOK at pigs-------their behavior is fascinating-----but they were fenced-------it was the school of agriculture part of my university-----long ago The mothers amused me------they would let the babies suckle------and then SUDDENLY stand up and the little things would fall off---------they they KICKED the poor little babes into the-------stall----or whatever that thing is called-------and VERY PROUDLY WALK AWAY-----they walked on their toes as if wearing high heeled shoes-----and they wiggled their asses Considering the stench ----I do not see them as "pets"
Mama pigs often squish/walk on their own babies. In fact, they're usually penned in such a way that although the piglets can nurse, the mom is prevented from walking around with them.

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