US Farmers Losing Market Share in China

How many posters here have actually lived and worked on a farm?

If you haven't, what do you really know about it?
Agricultural products is one of America's largest exports, and China is one of America's largest export markets. Trump's Trade War and trade taxes are beginning to hurt in states that supported him in the last election.

The U.S.-China trade spat is cutting into the flow of soybeans, pork and other commodities from U.S. farms to one of the world’s biggest markets.

Since early April, when China announced tariffs on some U.S. agricultural goods and threatened to target others, Chinese importers have canceled purchases of corn and cut orders for pork while dramatically reducing new soybean purchases, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Chinese importers’ new orders of sorghum, a grain used in animal feed, have dwindled while cancellations increased.

The chill in agricultural trade is sending jitters through the U.S. Farm Belt, which for years has dispatched farmers on trade missions to cultivate the Chinese market.

“As the summer persists and if nothing’s been resolved, it will start showing up as a pretty big hole in U.S. exports, ” said Soren Schroder, chief executive of Bunge Ltd., one of the world’s largest processors and traders of soybeans. ...

“If [the Chinese] market closes, it could be devastating for local communities across the Midwest,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) said in a statement.​

U.S. Farmers Are Already Suffering From Lost Chinese Orders for Corn, Soybeans and Pork

Why are you always behind the curve? Exports are now at an all time high and the deficit is shrinking.

The United States' trade deficit narrowed in May as exports — including industrial supplies and consumer goods — climbed to all-time highs.

The latest snapshot of trade activity, reported by the Commerce Department on Friday, showed that the nation's trade gap decreased to $59.8 billion. That was down 1.2% from April's trade deficit and was the best showing since March.

Exports of U.S.-made goods and services totaled an all-time high of $157.6 billion in May. That marked a 0.9% increase from April. The declining value of the U.S. dollar, relative to other currencies, especially the euro, is helping to make U.S. exports cheaper and thus more attractive to foreign buyers. Growth in exports has been one of the few bright spots for the U.S. economy, which has been pounded by housing, credit and financial crises.

Trade deficit down 1.2% as exports rise to record high


From your link....

The Bush administration says free-trade policies that make it easier for U.S. companies to do business in other countries are the best way to deal with the country's trade deficits.

Democrats, however, blame the president's trade policies for the trade gap and loss of millions of U.S. factory jobs over the years as U.S. companies moved production to low-wage places such as China.

On the campaign trail, GOP presidential contender John McCain supports free trade, although he has acknowledged that it is not a positive for all people. He has promised to retrain workers who lose jobs to overseas plants.

Making a fool of yourself again I see. How about this one from one of your favorite fake news outlets? I know it pisses you snowflakes off to no end but Trump is kicking ass and there's nothing you can do about it.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Record exports trimmed the U.S. trade deficit in March, the first drop in seven months in a massive gap that President Donald Trump is determined to shrink with an aggressive America first policy.

The Commerce Department says the trade deficit — the difference between what America sells and what it buys in foreign markets — slid to $49 billion, down from $57.7 billion in February and lowest since September.

Record exports cut U.S. trade deficit to $49 billion

First of all, the trade deficit doesn't matter.

Second, if I was economically illiterate and thought they did matter, I'd point out that the trade deficit under Trump had grown to the largest level since ... Bush!

Trade deficit.png

Trade Balance: Goods and Services, Balance of Payments Basis

But since I understand economics, I'm not going to criticize Trump for that.
How many posters here have actually lived and worked on a farm?

If you haven't, what do you really know about it?

I have never lived or worked on a farm but I am a statistician working in the Ag industry so I know quite a lot about it, or at least about it as it relates to the US midwest. Could not tell you much about Cali or Florida though.[/QUOTE]
Saving the family farm hasn't been any campaign issue for 50 years now. I'm not sure how much is left to save?

We will find out in about 8 months when the results of the latest Census of Ag are released.
Agricultural products is one of America's largest exports, and China is one of America's largest export markets. Trump's Trade War and trade taxes are beginning to hurt in states that supported him in the last election.

The U.S.-China trade spat is cutting into the flow of soybeans, pork and other commodities from U.S. farms to one of the world’s biggest markets.

Since early April, when China announced tariffs on some U.S. agricultural goods and threatened to target others, Chinese importers have canceled purchases of corn and cut orders for pork while dramatically reducing new soybean purchases, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Chinese importers’ new orders of sorghum, a grain used in animal feed, have dwindled while cancellations increased.

The chill in agricultural trade is sending jitters through the U.S. Farm Belt, which for years has dispatched farmers on trade missions to cultivate the Chinese market.

“As the summer persists and if nothing’s been resolved, it will start showing up as a pretty big hole in U.S. exports, ” said Soren Schroder, chief executive of Bunge Ltd., one of the world’s largest processors and traders of soybeans. ...

“If [the Chinese] market closes, it could be devastating for local communities across the Midwest,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) said in a statement.​

U.S. Farmers Are Already Suffering From Lost Chinese Orders for Corn, Soybeans and Pork

Ya see there ? !!! Gonna starve them yeller muffukz to death !!! God Blass tRump !
The rest of the world is shitholes that caint produce no soybeans, pork and other commodities like ol Numero Uno ! ( they aint got no Mezkins to pick neether)

Yeah, I’m china the North Koreans are the wet backs. They do the pickin’.
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.
Agricultural products is one of America's largest exports, and China is one of America's largest export markets. Trump's Trade War and trade taxes are beginning to hurt in states that supported him in the last election.

The U.S.-China trade spat is cutting into the flow of soybeans, pork and other commodities from U.S. farms to one of the world’s biggest markets.

Since early April, when China announced tariffs on some U.S. agricultural goods and threatened to target others, Chinese importers have canceled purchases of corn and cut orders for pork while dramatically reducing new soybean purchases, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Chinese importers’ new orders of sorghum, a grain used in animal feed, have dwindled while cancellations increased.

The chill in agricultural trade is sending jitters through the U.S. Farm Belt, which for years has dispatched farmers on trade missions to cultivate the Chinese market.

“As the summer persists and if nothing’s been resolved, it will start showing up as a pretty big hole in U.S. exports, ” said Soren Schroder, chief executive of Bunge Ltd., one of the world’s largest processors and traders of soybeans. ...

“If [the Chinese] market closes, it could be devastating for local communities across the Midwest,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) said in a statement.​

U.S. Farmers Are Already Suffering From Lost Chinese Orders for Corn, Soybeans and Pork
The United States is winning every day because of tariffs. About time we got tough on them. Cut off their whole fucking food supply and let the enemy starve.

Yeah, that's going to work.
China recently made a huge purchase of soybeans from another country. Cutting agriculture products to China, only gives other countries open opportunities, which they will jump at. The US isn't the only source of agriculture products.
Get a clue about the big picture. This will be like losing all the manufacturing we lost, starting in the 1980s. How did that work out for America?

Meanwhile, we are no longer issuing any foreign aid. I'm sure the Chinese are loving that as they spread their influence around the globe unchallenged. Meanwhile, what we're supposed to be strong in--the military--has ships that keep running into other ships and planes that can't stay airborne. If there was a benefit to electing this pig, it has remained a closely guarded secret.
How many posters here have actually lived and worked on a farm?

If you haven't, what do you really know about it?

I have never lived or worked on a farm but I am a statistician working in the Ag industry so I know quite a lot about it, or at least about it as it relates to the US midwest. Could not tell you much about Cali or Florida though.

You know anything about silage?
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
That's the combination of partisan ideology, information myopia and willful ignorance.

That's a tough nut to crack.
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?

Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.

economics > politics

Are you new to the forum? On this forum for most people party trumps country

Sent from my iPhone using
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
How many posters here have actually lived and worked on a farm?

If you haven't, what do you really know about it?

I have never lived or worked on a farm but I am a statistician working in the Ag industry so I know quite a lot about it, or at least about it as it relates to the US midwest. Could not tell you much about Cali or Florida though.

You know anything about silage?[/QUOTE]

Not much. Not many people plant fields just for silage. The process is different for corn for grain and corn for silage. A field intended for silage can have a couple thousand more stalks per acre than one for grain. The silage is also harvested much earlier, while the corn is still in the dented stage.

Sent from my iPhone using
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
/----/ What someone posted, was in 2008 there was a short term recession that Obozo turned into a two year recession.
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
/----/ What someone posted, was in 2008 there was a short term recession that Obozo turned into a two year recession.
And do you believe that?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
/----/ What someone posted, was in 2008 there was a short term recession that Obozo turned into a two year recession.
And do you believe that?
/-----/ I believe that if the Gubmint kept their stupid mitts out of the market it would have corrected much faster. Remember the Great Depression of the 1920s - 1930s was exasperated because of the Gubmint interference.
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
/----/ Can you please give an example? TIA
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
/----/ What someone posted, was in 2008 there was a short term recession that Obozo turned into a two year recession.
And do you believe that?
/-----/ I believe that if the Gubmint kept their stupid mitts out of the market it would have corrected much faster. Remember the Great Depression of the 1920s - 1930s was exasperated because of the Gubmint interference.
The government keeping its mitts out of the market is what LED to the....

Aw, never mind.

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