US Farmers Losing Market Share in China

/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
/----/ What someone posted, was in 2008 there was a short term recession that Obozo turned into a two year recession.

No, what they said is that there was NO recession. Stop lying for your fellow zealots

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/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.

There’s not a lot of intelligent dialogue here. Mostly just tribal partisan bickering.
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
/----/ What someone posted, was in 2008 there was a short term recession that Obozo turned into a two year recession.

Case in point.
/——/ Libtards screamed bloody murder during the Bush years at our trade deficit with the Chinks. Now they scream bloody murder because a Republican is trying to fix it. Go figure.?
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.

There’s not a lot of intelligent dialogue here. Mostly just tribal partisan bickering.
/----/ And don't forget the Straw Man Arguments
/———/ And don’t forget Libtards want to do away with the Electoral College that protects the interests of the agricultural states.

Well, maybe the electoral college will buy their surplus soybeans soon to be rotting in some warehouse......What do you think?
/-----/ "..What do you think?" I think you see the inconsistency of the Left's position and your only retort is a lame joke. That's what I think.
Democrats were wrong then. Republicans Trump worshippers are wrong now.
economics > politics
Nice to have you around.


I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.

There’s not a lot of intelligent dialogue here. Mostly just tribal partisan bickering.
/----/ And don't forget the Straw Man Arguments
View attachment 192266

Pointing out your tribal partisan ignorance is not a straw man.

The reaction in this thread proves my point. Highly partisan people with little to no understanding frame their arguments based on their tribalist ideology, even if their arguments are the same ones the other tribe made in the past. The leader of their tribe says something, and the tribe defends it with little thought.
The problem is Trump thinking that he can undo overnight the thousands of international trade deals that have been set in place since nafta came into being and expect no serious repurcussions. He's becoming the bull in the china shop . Let's admit it Trump fans, we've probably created a monster electing his guy.
most people knew that going in . nothing new here except todays version of yesterdays whining.
Pointing out your tribal partisan ignorance is not a straw man.

The reaction in this thread proves my point. Highly partisan people with little to no understanding frame their arguments based on their tribalist ideology, even if their arguments are the same ones the other tribe made in the past. The leader of their tribe says something, and the tribe defends it with little thought.

What Trump cult members on here are "concluding", is that farmers somewhere in Iowa will stand by in PRINCIPLE to a scam artist, real estate mogul from NYC, and readily forfeit their yearly income because, "principle is much more powerful than feeding their families and possibly going bankrupt."

Believe it or not, THAT is their screwed up,delusional conclusion.

I've followed this debate for decades.

What's amazing to me is that so many so-called conservatives are parroting the exact same arguments statist anti-capitalist leftists were making 20 years ago.
A couple of days ago, I was told here that the 2008 Meltdown was actually nothing more than a slight correction, no big deal, just a blip. And that everything else was just a story sold to us by the media.

I didn't know what to say. I just sat there, mouth agape, staring at my screen.

This is reality for some people, and it's troubling if you think about it.
/----/ What someone posted, was in 2008 there was a short term recession that Obozo turned into a two year recession.
And do you believe that?
/-----/ I believe that if the Gubmint kept their stupid mitts out of the market it would have corrected much faster. Remember the Great Depression of the 1920s - 1930s was exasperated because of the Gubmint interference.
The government keeping its mitts out of the market is what LED to the....

Aw, never mind.

The government keeping its mitts out of the market is what LED to the....

I wouldn't call mandating Fannie and Freddie buy 55% of their mortgages from the subprime
end of the pool, "keeping its mitts out of the market".........
Let me get this straight;
We no longer want the government to leave the market alone?
We now want it to pick winners and losers?
No longer should people and businesses be expected to be self-reliant?

It's so hard to keep up.

virtually non of the corn is planted through the midwest because of the late spring ya retard

right now the rush is to try and find short term seed

i understand you want and need for the farmer to fail

so you can blame trump

Actually what the late spring means is that even more acres of Soybeans will be planted, making the trade war even harder on the farmers.

Right now corn is only 10% behind the 5 year average, and there was a 12% jump last week so they are catching up. The 2017 number is an outlier as it was an incredibly early spring and the farmers took advantage of it.

Planting progress right now is mirroring 2015, the last late spring.

I don't want or need the farmer to fail, I work in the Ag industry, my very livelihood is tied to the farmers. That is why Trump's trade war pisses me off so much.

And if you do not think that the farmers are no concerned about it, that is because you have not spoken to any farmers.

Actually what the late spring means is that even more acres of Soybeans will be planted


you do not know what the fuck you are talking about

beans require more btu days then corn

mods if you need to delete this post again go ahead --LOL

60 to a 100 days to mature

while soy

is 95 to 150 days

So, according to today's Crop Progress report from the USDA corn is now 45% planted and Soy Beans are 13% planted. Both are now back on track with the 5 year average.

Want to tell me again how beans are planted before corn?
Agricultural products is one of America's largest exports, and China is one of America's largest export markets. Trump's Trade War and trade taxes are beginning to hurt in states that supported him in the last election.

The U.S.-China trade spat is cutting into the flow of soybeans, pork and other commodities from U.S. farms to one of the world’s biggest markets.

Since early April, when China announced tariffs on some U.S. agricultural goods and threatened to target others, Chinese importers have canceled purchases of corn and cut orders for pork while dramatically reducing new soybean purchases, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Chinese importers’ new orders of sorghum, a grain used in animal feed, have dwindled while cancellations increased.

The chill in agricultural trade is sending jitters through the U.S. Farm Belt, which for years has dispatched farmers on trade missions to cultivate the Chinese market.

“As the summer persists and if nothing’s been resolved, it will start showing up as a pretty big hole in U.S. exports, ” said Soren Schroder, chief executive of Bunge Ltd., one of the world’s largest processors and traders of soybeans. ...

“If [the Chinese] market closes, it could be devastating for local communities across the Midwest,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) said in a statement.​

U.S. Farmers Are Already Suffering From Lost Chinese Orders for Corn, Soybeans and Pork
Industrial farmers?
Let me get this straight;
We no longer want the government to leave the market alone?
We now want it to pick winners and losers?
No longer should people and businesses be expected to be self-reliant?

It's so hard to keep up.
The government should regulate foreign products to protect Americans from theft and unfair trading practices. If foreign governments respond in a way that has a negative impact that is on them.

If you have a broken arm, it will require some pain to reset it to make it whole again.
Let me get this straight;
We no longer want the government to leave the market alone?
We now want it to pick winners and losers?
No longer should people and businesses be expected to be self-reliant?

It's so hard to keep up.
The government should regulate foreign products to protect Americans from theft and unfair trading practices. If foreign governments respond in a way that has a negative impact that is on them.

If you have a broken arm, it will require some pain to reset it to make it whole again.
Should the government also regulate the domestic market?

virtually non of the corn is planted through the midwest because of the late spring ya retard

right now the rush is to try and find short term seed

i understand you want and need for the farmer to fail

so you can blame trump

Actually what the late spring means is that even more acres of Soybeans will be planted, making the trade war even harder on the farmers.

Right now corn is only 10% behind the 5 year average, and there was a 12% jump last week so they are catching up. The 2017 number is an outlier as it was an incredibly early spring and the farmers took advantage of it.

Planting progress right now is mirroring 2015, the last late spring.

I don't want or need the farmer to fail, I work in the Ag industry, my very livelihood is tied to the farmers. That is why Trump's trade war pisses me off so much.

And if you do not think that the farmers are no concerned about it, that is because you have not spoken to any farmers.

Actually what the late spring means is that even more acres of Soybeans will be planted


you do not know what the fuck you are talking about

beans require more btu days then corn

mods if you need to delete this post again go ahead --LOL

60 to a 100 days to mature

while soy

is 95 to 150 days

So, according to today's Crop Progress report from the USDA corn is now 45% planted and Soy Beans are 13% planted. Both are now back on track with the 5 year average.

Want to tell me again how beans are planted before corn?

who said before corn fuck face

sure go try again

Corn Planting Map |

virtually non of the corn is planted through the midwest because of the late spring ya retard

right now the rush is to try and find short term seed

i understand you want and need for the farmer to fail

so you can blame trump

Actually what the late spring means is that even more acres of Soybeans will be planted, making the trade war even harder on the farmers.

Right now corn is only 10% behind the 5 year average, and there was a 12% jump last week so they are catching up. The 2017 number is an outlier as it was an incredibly early spring and the farmers took advantage of it.

Planting progress right now is mirroring 2015, the last late spring.

I don't want or need the farmer to fail, I work in the Ag industry, my very livelihood is tied to the farmers. That is why Trump's trade war pisses me off so much.

And if you do not think that the farmers are no concerned about it, that is because you have not spoken to any farmers.

Actually what the late spring means is that even more acres of Soybeans will be planted


you do not know what the fuck you are talking about

beans require more btu days then corn

mods if you need to delete this post again go ahead --LOL

60 to a 100 days to mature

while soy

is 95 to 150 days

So, according to today's Crop Progress report from the USDA corn is now 45% planted and Soy Beans are 13% planted. Both are now back on track with the 5 year average.

Want to tell me again how beans are planted before corn?

who said before corn fuck face

sure go try again

Corn Planting Map |

You did when you attacked me for saying that beans are planted later than corn. You are a fraud
Agricultural products is one of America's largest exports, and China is one of America's largest export markets. Trump's Trade War and trade taxes are beginning to hurt in states that supported him in the last election.

The U.S.-China trade spat is cutting into the flow of soybeans, pork and other commodities from U.S. farms to one of the world’s biggest markets.

Since early April, when China announced tariffs on some U.S. agricultural goods and threatened to target others, Chinese importers have canceled purchases of corn and cut orders for pork while dramatically reducing new soybean purchases, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Chinese importers’ new orders of sorghum, a grain used in animal feed, have dwindled while cancellations increased.

The chill in agricultural trade is sending jitters through the U.S. Farm Belt, which for years has dispatched farmers on trade missions to cultivate the Chinese market.

“As the summer persists and if nothing’s been resolved, it will start showing up as a pretty big hole in U.S. exports, ” said Soren Schroder, chief executive of Bunge Ltd., one of the world’s largest processors and traders of soybeans. ...

“If [the Chinese] market closes, it could be devastating for local communities across the Midwest,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) said in a statement.​

U.S. Farmers Are Already Suffering From Lost Chinese Orders for Corn, Soybeans and Pork
That's alright... so long as Chinese farmers simultaneously lose market share in the US.

I'd much rather buy food products overseen by the USDA than by its half-assed Chinese equivalent with an occasional peek by our own people.
So Monsanto will make less profits....

Nope, they will still charge the same amount for their seeds and other items. THe farmers will make less profit, but who really cares about them anyhow.

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