US Food Industry Uses Products Banned in Other Countries


Designing Woman
Dec 1, 2012
Niagara Escarpment
Since this is very much health related, I am posting this article here:

How Food Companies Exploit Americans - 100 Days of Real Food

I grew up on fresh food grown in my parents' kitchen garden. My mother canned, pickled, and preserved everything they grew. In my teen years, she bought a freezer and froze extra vegetables and fruit for winter enjoyment.

Even today, all of our meals are centred around fresh produce and meat - nothing prepared, processed or canned, as much as possible. We aren't religious on it though. People comment on our "luck" in good health, and our youthful appearance (neither of us look close to our actual ages). Good fresh food straight from the earth is what God intended us to eat. Every time I get lazy and start eating processed food I start feeling sick.

When my daughter first started dating her future husband, he had a number of health problems requiring daily medication. After a year of eating organic vegan meals (and she IS religious about it), all of his digestive problems had cleared up. They've been married for nearly eight years and they still eat organic, but not vegan. My SIL has no significant health problems, a lot more energy, and he's lost 20 pounds.

Quallity of nutrition impacts on our health, our energy levels, and our ability to function well. For growing children, it impacts directly on intellectual abilities and IQ. Children receiving high levels of nutrition are more attentive in classes, and are better able to process information. Nothing is more important to our overall health and well-being than the food we put into our bodies, and yet classes which teach these basic lessons to children are being cut from schools everywhere, as MacDonald's looks to take over your school cafeteria.
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