US forces launch raid in Syria

This was a photo Op dummy for photo op Joe....

Just say where.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwestern Syria overnight Thursday, in what the Pentagon said was a “successful mission.” Residents and activists reported multiple deaths — including civilians — from the attack.

US forces launch raid in Syria, civilians also reported dead

OK, launch a raid in Syria for "national security" while at the same time our southern border is wide open.....Clown World.

We need to give it a few weeks to find out who we really hit this time. Joe must have had another diaper accident again.
Yep...only clowns believe our border is "wide open".

You guys are swimming in Kool-Aid.
You've been reading from right to left agin.
Admit. The Chinese model.
I wonder how you handle chopsticks.
No I doen't.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwestern Syria overnight Thursday, in what the Pentagon said was a “successful mission.” Residents and activists reported multiple deaths — including civilians — from the attack.

US forces launch raid in Syria, civilians also reported dead

OK, launch a raid in Syria for "national security" while at the same time our southern border is wide open.....Clown World.
The target blew himself up and his family. Gives an idea of the enemy we are fighting in the Global War on terrorism

As Queen says.
They killed a bunch of kids and are being vague on WHO the target was---think BIDEN is trying to do the SAUDS bidding by taking out poor alawit muslim ASSAD who was protecting christians and jews from the larger more killer muslim groups.
Too often is the murder of innocent children by radical Democrats
not called what it it: INFANTICIDE.

Xiden - doing Planned Parenthood's work by remote control.

And damned proud of it!
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwestern Syria overnight Thursday, in what the Pentagon said was a “successful mission.” Residents and activists reported multiple deaths — including civilians — from the attack.

US forces launch raid in Syria, civilians also reported dead

OK, launch a raid in Syria for "national security" while at the same time our southern border is wide open.....Clown World.
and ISIS is no threat?
Look at your screen name...No Nukes..... for a guy that voted for a clown who has us closer to a war with a nuclear power than we have been in my can't make shit like that up....of course ISIS is a themselves...they do not have the pull they use to have at least not until we started killing Muslim I'm sure recruitment is going to go up....and all while our southern border is wide open for terrorist to walk on in.....

You tards are amazing to watch...joining hands with NeoCon war hawks....boy how tables turn...who did you think you were voting for when you voted for Joe Biden?....
Who will Joe kill next to get his poll numbers up?....
until we started killing Muslim I'm sure recruitment is going to go up..

Well, it is a pity that innocent children had to die.

It certainly appears that U.S. forces warned and pleaded with inhabitants of the building to come out or the building would be destroyed.
The people on the ground floor and some children from the second floor.. two adults and 10 childen I have read.....emerged and were isolated by US forces.
And then the 3rd floor exploded.

Pity about the innocent children of the terrorist. Why did he need to kill his own children, like Baghdadi did?
Seems a pity to me.
From today's Washington Post:
"Other videos captured the sound of someone speaking in Arabic over a loudspeaker, telling children in the house to come out. “The area is surrounded by land and air,” the person can be heard saying. “The children are without blame. If there are children, they should come to me.”

"...Biden directed the senior defense officials to take every precaution to avoid civilian casualties. That was particularly challenging, the officials said, because Qurayshi lived on the third floor of a building in a residential area with “unwitting” civilians below him who were unaware of his identity.

Early in the raid, the officials said, a woman, a man and several children safely vacated the first floor of the building when U.S. troops called out to them.

Qurayshi detonated a bomb on the third floor while U.S. troops were still outside, killing himself and his family in similar fashion to the previous leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who killed himself and his family during a 2019 raid by U.S. troops, the officials said.

As long as we are discussing this guy who willfully and gruesomely killed his own children it seems fitting to discuss his resume'. He was, so it is reported, the architect of the genocide of the Yazidis. And the engineer, if you could call it that, of the trafficking of Yazidi women and girls as sex slaves.

For anyone interested in the ordeal of the Yazidi's and those women I would recommend reading (or listening to, as I did) the book, "The Last Girl", by Nadia Murad. Murad won the Nobel Peace Prize for her account and her activism in revealing of the genocide, the raping, and the slavery.
It is a gripping story. I was absorbed in it as I drove back and forth each day to the farm.

By the way, as a personal aside of my own: One of the 'aha moments' for me in listening to Murad's account was a better understanding, I think, of how the Jewish genocide by Nazis was accomplished in part.

I mean by that, I always was somewhat puzzled on how the Jews in a Warsaw, or a Vienna, or any number of other communities would willingly climb into a lorrie, or train car after they had already heard rumors of dire even fatal treatment.

Well, Murad gave me a key to understanding that.
And it was...."Hope".

Hope..... that if they cooperated and got in that truck their brothers would not be taken out behind the school and shot.
Hope ...... that if they cooperated their mother would be safely put on the next lorrie.
Hope ..... that if they were able to stick together as a family they could manage the future.
Hope.....that what the ISIS fighters were telling them was true. That they would be safe and going to a more comfortable place.

"Hope" was the key the Nazi's used to control the assembled Jews.
"Hope" was the key ISIS used to control the assembled Yazidis.

Now I understood better.
So, I highly recommend Murad's book, ...."The Last Girl".

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