US forces launch raid in Syria

11 kids 8 months ago...
Did you have ANYTHING EVER to say about kids getting killed by strikes against ISIS while Trump was in office? Did you ever blame Trump for them? Do you blame Trump for them now?

If not, then just stfu quit now, no one is buying your partisan outrage.
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Oh...did I hwert ur wittle feelings?

You insulted me first shit brains. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.

Now...would you like to tell us what other nation has done better in the 200 years or so than the United States or are you going to revert to posting pictures in lieu of coming up with something more learned?
Pictures is all your ilk understand.
Notice the TOTAL LACK of patriotism for the United States on the Right?

Let's Go, ISIS, right?
No. I don’t notice any such thing. Nobody does. It isn’t even remotely true.

That’s just your dishonest rhetoric babbling.
Dude twice in less than 6 months Biden killed innocent children...if you can live with that and lie to yourself about Trump then go ahead...but I say shame on you...I bet the troops on the ground would be on my side not yours...and to think Joe did this because of his poor approval number is sickening...there was no Immedient threat to us or anyone else...this was all for changing the bad Biden news of the day...but it is backfiring on him big time....
Sure dude.

How short of an attention span do you guys have?

TFG reduced the rules of engagement that lead to more civilian deaths that you guys all of the sudden care about. Make up your minds about whether you want to bomb them out of existence or not but stop changing your minds based on who is in the Whitehouse.
We've had legal and illegal immigration on the Southern Border for as long as there has been a Southern Border. During that time, we've created the greatest civilization the planet has ever seen.

It doesn't seem to be that much of an problem. And if one were to look at the polls before the blob came on the scene and blew the dog whistle most Americans listed it in the low single digits as the most important problem facing the nation.

But since it is a way to fire up the xenophobes on the'll never stop hearing them gin up the "crisis".
Wow! Dog whistles and xenophobes!
You’re so original!
You know what?

After hearing this Administration tell lie after lie for months and months, I find it very difficult to believe anything they say.

I take absolutely everything these thugs say, with a big grain of salt.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwestern Syria overnight Thursday, in what the Pentagon said was a “successful mission.” Residents and activists reported multiple deaths — including civilians — from the attack.

US forces launch raid in Syria, civilians also reported dead

OK, launch a raid in Syria for "national security" while at the same time our southern border is wide open.....Clown World.

Head of ISIS is killed. Leave to brain Con to find something wrong with it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwestern Syria overnight Thursday, in what the Pentagon said was a “successful mission.” Residents and activists reported multiple deaths — including civilians — from the attack.

US forces launch raid in Syria, civilians also reported dead

OK, launch a raid in Syria for "national security" while at the same time our southern border is wide open.....Clown World.
Obvious distraction, and yet again messy drone work. No doubt more than a few readers understand that there is nothing “fair” about war, but I still don’t have to accept lack of accuracy with drones. Who is responsible for the overkill of taking out unintended victims? Should the blame fall to the drone’s operator or was this another intelligence mishap?

The definition of a successful mission needs to be elaborated fully here.
The most dangerous thing in the world today....
Biden with poor approval numbers....
Bingo Rambunctious- innocent lives are not safe within any proximity to any suspected terrorists. If our government publicly declares that a “successful mission” included the death of children, what type of government does that make?
At least 10 women and children murdered

ISIS leader blew himself up before he was arrested

US lost a helicopter and was forced to then bomb it

....and who knows what else went on.
You know what?

After hearing this Administration tell lie after lie for months and months, I find it very difficult to believe anything they say.

I take absolutely everything these thugs say, with a big grain of salt.
Exactly right Skye, and I am also wondering what else is getting ready to happen so the administration can continue to ignore vast negligence with border security, drug cartels, human trafficking and so many other things that are domestically going on within the country. Biden’s handlers are only focused on foreign wars right now so Americans will stop looking around in our own backyard. It’s not working, that’s the good news and we won’t let up!
At least 10 women and children murdered

ISIS leader blew himself up before he was arrested

US lost a helicopter and was forced to then bomb it

....and who knows what else went on.
But to the dems "mah news cycle" was worth it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwestern Syria overnight Thursday, in what the Pentagon said was a “successful mission.” Residents and activists reported multiple deaths — including civilians — from the attack.

US forces launch raid in Syria, civilians also reported dead

OK, launch a raid in Syria for "national security" while at the same time our southern border is wide open.....Clown World.
We need to secure our borders BUT, Biden finally did something good. I guess after going 0 for 1000 odds are that eventually you're bound to do something right.
Biden kills kids again to try and climb his poll numbers out of the gutter....what a sick man this bastard is...the target wasn't a threat to us in any way...the scary thing is what will the kid killer Joe do next...

You're a liar. The ISIS coward blew himself up as special forces were closing in. He killed his own wife and children.

The scary thing is you trumphumpers not only support Russia over your own country, now you support ISIS over your own country.

I would have no problem with Biden using special forces or drones to take out you traitors. The sooner the better, and in large numbers.
Still waiting for any BDS dipshit to show us where they started a topic bemoaning Trump's killing of civilians.

Why now it's okay to kill civilians. The car bomb FJB ordered in Afghanistan that killed 11 civilians was barely acknowledged by libs. So let's mark the standard as killing civilians is okay, so when it happens under a republican POTUS or by Israeli you guys will celebrate.
This is mere dog and pony show.
All politics and optics

The terrorist blew himself up along with his family. So back off Trump Cult terrorist lovers! Bigly!!!

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