US forces launch raid in Syria

A fucking fool again I see

According to research from the nonprofit monitoring group Airwars, the first seven months of the Trump administration have already resulted in more civilian deaths than under the entirety of the Obama administration. Airwars reports that under Obama’s leadership, the fight against IS led to approximately 2,300 to 3,400 civilian deaths. Through the first seven months of the Trump administration, they estimate that coalition air strikes have killed between 2,800 and 4,500 civilians.

Researchers also point to another stunning trend – the “frequent killing of entire families in likely coalition airstrikes.” In May, for example, such actions led to the deaths of at least 57 women and 52 children in Iraq and Syria.

Just few. I doubt you did any research.
You are full of shit...this was a totally different one killed this morning posed an Immedient threat to America...Biden did this to change the narrative of the week...his poor approval numbers....
I remeber the days when rightwingers liked it when we killed ISIS leaders. :slap:
We still do but for the right reasons and we never have supported bringing home scalps of why are you ok with that?....
I don't sympathize with terrorists, nor families of terrorists. WTF is wrong with you?
I sympathize with innocent children...if you don't that tells me a lot about you...I've seen buildings blown up with toys and baby bottles thrown about...its a sickening sight that maybe you could benefit from seeing up close....
When Clinton did not fire go after Bin Laden because there was no assurance that it actually was him the right was all over him. This horseshit is just anti left rhetoric, it is not about Muslim kids.
There was a threat to Americans at hand...big difference...
Look!...libtards...this guy was having a hard time recruiting people to join his brand of ISIS....that will change now...dead kids can do that to people...
We still do but for the right reasons and we never have supported bringing home scalps of why are you ok with that?....
Horseshit, I don't recall any nuance like that when when Trump was talking about carpet bombing the shit out of ISIS. I don't remember any of you holding him personally accountable for ANY civilian deaths from our many strikes against ISIS.

But now all of a sudden you need "right reasons" to kill ISIS? All of a sudden you want to hold president responsible for civilian deaths? Fuck off.

Here is a list of our strikes against various targets in Afghanistan including against ISIS and civilian casualties they caused

You want to hold presidents accountable? Fine, but you can take your opportunistic, one sided political points scoring and shove it you know where.
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Horseshit, I don't recall any nuance like that when when Trump was talking about carpet bombing the shit out of ISIS.

All of a sudden you need "right reasons" to kill ISIS?
That's because you suffer from TDS..... believe me tard if Trump was killing kids as fast as Joe we would still be hearing about it today....take off the blinders....carpet bombing troops in the field of battle is not killing kids...
Well, let's look back a couple of years:

And the Trumpsters were all a-quiver, even though women & children died:

Well, let's look back a couple of years:

And the Trumpsters were all a-quiver, even though women & children died:

6 kids added to the 11 kids 8 months ago...yeah...that's a good way to win this war on terror....I imagine we look pretty bad today outside of who is next?...the most deadly thing in the world...Biden with sinking polls numbers....
That's because you suffer from TDS..... believe me tard if Trump was killing kids as fast as Joe we would still be hearing about it today....take off the blinders....carpet bombing troops in the field of battle is not killing kids...
Actually, Trump did slaughter hundreds of innocents with his drone strikes. Your propagandists kept that from you.

And there is this: Revocation of Reporting Requirement

That's Trump's EO.

Trump ended the requirement of the DNI to report civilian casualties caused by his drone strikes.
This is mere dog and pony show.
All politics and optics

Trump drone strikes mass murder Yemeni civilians: Hidden toll of US drone strikes in Yemen: Nearly a third of deaths are civilians, not al-Qaida

Trump drone strike murders 30 farmers: U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan

Trump drone strike murders five innocents, including a new mother: U.S. Drone Killed Afghan Civilians, Officials Say (Published 2019)

Trump drone strike kills a mother and child: US acknowledges civilian deaths in Somalia drone strike

Correct me if my memory is failing, but I don't recall you starting topics about these and wailing about Trump's incompetence.

If you could just link to your topics about mass murdering drone strikes on Trump's watch and demanding accountability, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks ahead of time. I'll wait here.
Actually, Trump did slaughter hundreds of innocents with his drone strikes. Your propagandists kept that from you.

And there is this: Revocation of Reporting Requirement

That's Trump's EO.

Trump ended the requirement of the DNI to report civilian casualties caused by his drone strikes.
This is ridiculous...of course there are civilian casualties in battle...this wasn't a battle... we had no troops on the ground...this was a SF mission that didn't have to happen until the target was clear of his family...wake up...Joe is desperately trying to change the news line...
Trump ordered the DNI to stop reporting how many civilian casualties were being caused by his drone strikes.

It does not get more willfully blind than that.
This is ridiculous...of course there are civilian casualties in battle...this wasn't a battle... we had no troops on the ground...this was a SF mission that didn't have to happen until the target was clear of his family...wake up...Joe is desperately trying to change the news line...
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
But any intelligent person would want to capture ISIS leaders alive.
Far more valuable that way, and much less a martyr.

But if ISIS is fake and actually created by the Saudis or the US, then that would explain why we never capture any.
Oh, according to someone on the Right, ISIS is fake. :heehee:
Notice the new wave of false patriotism and flag waving from the leftist hacks? The usual suspects feign horror at the notion that conservatives “forget” what the evil Islamoshitbags have done to our troops and to innocent civilians. Of course, that’s bullshit. We don’t forget or forgive.

But we also recognize that the use of drone strikes and similar methods which fail to provide security for their innocent civilians isn’t something to condone either.

Yes. War is horror and there will almost always be creepy shit like “acceptable levels of collateral damage” bakes into the cake. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t seek better ways to take out slime like the ISIS fighters and it’s leaders.
Notice the TOTAL LACK of patriotism for the United States on the Right?

Let's Go, ISIS, right?

Biden said that al-Qurayshi died just like al-Baghdadi — by exploding a bomb that killed himself and members of his family, including women and children, as U.S. forces approached.

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