US forces launch raid in Syria

Horseshit, intelligent people don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.

Dead ISIS leaders is good by me.

Without being able to interrogate, we have no idea if this guy might have been the most honest person in Syria.
Who knows why we killed him now that we have silenced him.
Without being able to interrogate, we have no idea if this guy might have been the most honest person in Syria.
Next time you quote me I ask you to post something that actually responds to what you quoted instead of parroting same, already addressed, point over and over.

Just a thought. Apply your standards to those people with which whom you agree politically AND THOSE WITH WHICH YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH POLITICALLY.
Notice the new wave of false patriotism and flag waving from the leftist hacks? The usual suspects feign horror at the notion that conservatives “forget” what the evil Islamoshitbags have done to our troops and to innocent civilians. Of course, that’s bullshit. We don’t forget or forgive.

But we also recognize that the use of drone strikes and similar methods which fail to provide security for their innocent civilians isn’t something to condone either.

Yes. War is horror and there will almost always be creepy shit like “acceptable levels of collateral damage” bakes into the cake. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t seek better ways to take out slime like the ISIS fighters and it’s leaders.
Notice the new wave of false patriotism and flag waving from the leftist hacks? The usual suspects feign horror at the notion that conservatives “forget” what the evil Islamoshitbags have done to our troops and to innocent civilians. Of course, that’s bullshit. We don’t forget or forgive.

But we also recognize that the use of drone strikes and similar methods which fail to provide security for their innocent civilians isn’t something to condone either.

Yes. War is horror and there will almost always be creepy shit like “acceptable levels of collateral damage” bakes into the cake. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t seek better ways to take out slime like the ISIS fighters and it’s leaders.

You are forgetting the Moslems in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. did not a single thing against us.
The only attackers were Saudi, and had no connection to these countries were we murdered innocent people, at all.
There should never have been any US troops in the Mideast at all, and any one being there was a crime.
The only thing that would have been justifiable would have been a raid on Tora Bora, but we never did that.
So do you have any poof, logic, evidence, or even a remote reason to believe that is was a suicide or suicide malfunction?
Absolutely none.
Nor does suicide made any sense.
As any ISIS leader ever committed suicide?
The anwer is NO.
Never happened and never likely to ever happen.

ISIS is not Islamic really.
ISIS was formed from secular Sunni we captured when we invaded Iraq.
They never had any Islamic background or any clerical support.
They constantly did very un-Islamic things, like cremating that Jordanian pilot they captured.
No Moslem would ever have done that, as it is about the worst sin imaginable.

So then who really created ISIS and what is their real agenda?
I would really like to know.
So when evidence gets covered up like this, it should be very suspicious.
He blew himself up.
We are not going to solve anything by murdering people.
And likely the US citizens would have gained much from what this man could have told us.
Killing him just made people angrier and made him a martyr.
So why is it “wrong” to say that Brandon went from SNIFFING to SNUFFING?
Again. This was a Special Ops strike not a drone

The guy blew himself and his family up
So you come up with an unproven and uninvestigated incident?...what a joke and you are a joke....from the NY times? Buuuaahahaha
So you come up with an unproven and uninvestigated incident?...what a joke and you are a joke....from the NY times? Buuuaahahaha
Unproven? it's about as proven as what just happened.

But if you really believe every drone strike under TFG never killed a civilian then dream away.
Let me clarify something. I don’t condemn Brandon for getting some ISIS leader. Those vermin need to be eradicated. My criticism is mostly one of methodology. Indiscriminate killing is bad leadership.

I didn’t condemn Obumbler either when he okayed the incursion into Pakistan to get Osama bin Laden. In fact, as much as I disliked Obama, I applauded him for that one.

These aren’t subtle distinctions; but some of our more libtarded fellow Board members love to pretend that they are non-existent distinctions.
When the enemy fires rockets using kids as a bullet proof shield, better the enemies kids get killed than ours.
If the enemy does horrible shit like that, we have two choices. 1. Decline to fight them at all for fear of injuring or killing innocents, or 2. kill the enemy and accept the horror of having to perform what we consider inhumane.

The former may make us more morally pure at the cost of effectively fighting the evil bastards. The latter may make us more effective fighters but at the cost of what sure seems like immorality.

Failure to act sufficiently to protect our own innocents is the worst and most unacceptable decision.
ISIS are the scum of the earth and I have no sympathy for the devil. Collateral damage happens and in Total War it is necessary.

We need to stop fighting on their terms if we want to actually win again.
Oh how that takes me back to:

"Hey, Hey LBJ - How many kids did you kill today?"

One characteristic of Alzheimer's victims is that they have good memories of things long ago but no idea what they had for breakfast or who that new person (spouse) is who has just come to see......

Yes, poor bastard is channeling Johnson!
Using remote munitions to blow up people, like with drones, is wrong, evil, very dangerous, and prevents trials, justice, explanations, truth, etc.
But I agree Trump was wrong to assassinate Iranian Gen. Soleimani.
Assassinations are inherently criminal, evil, wrong, etc.
Was it not a Soecial Forces group?
Unproven? it's about as proven as what just happened.

But if you really believe every drone strike under TFG never killed a civilian then dream away.
Dude twice in less than 6 months Biden killed innocent children...if you can live with that and lie to yourself about Trump then go ahead...but I say shame on you...I bet the troops on the ground would be on my side not yours...and to think Joe did this because of his poor approval number is sickening...there was no Immedient threat to us or anyone else...this was all for changing the bad Biden news of the day...but it is backfiring on him big time....

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