US Government Checks Constituted 40% Of Farmers Income In 2020; USDA

Your article missed the point of helping US farmers since China retaliated against them for Trump's tariffs:

After a series of tariff increases on Chinese imports, the government of China retaliated against U.S. exporters, as predicted by trade analysts outside of the administration. As a result, U.S. exports, particularly of agricultural goods, dropped significantly. “Losing the world’s most populous country as an export market has been a major blow to the [U.S.] agriculture industry,” reported the New York Times in August 2019. “Total American agricultural exports to China were $24 billion in 2014 and fell to $9.1 billion last year, according to the American Farm Bureau.” In 2018, U.S. farmers’ soybean exports to China declined by 75%, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission.
/---/ As one of the Einstein's of Occupy Wall Street said, "We don't need farms. We get all the food we need from the grocery store."
View attachment 436801

LOL!! Exactly!! Like when CA was going to solve their electrical grid supply problem by declaring electricity a "commodity" and no one could produce it and survive, so they had blackouts.
My point is that the tariff can be avoided by buying US goods. Trump is trying to level the trade playing field to help US manufacturers and farmers. China's subsidized goods, currency manipulation, and dumping goods hurts US workers.

If US manufacturers want to be more competitive, they need to become more efficient and produce better products.

The thing is, the entire world's manufacturing relies on international trade. Something might be made in the US, but it's often made with foreign made components.

Its' why the manufacturing sector was already slumping before Covid hit.
The issue is trade fairness for US workers.
If other countries put tariffs on US goods, why shouldn't the US put tariffs on their goods?
Trump's team of Navarro and Lighthizer have done an outstanding job of making trade deals more fair to US workers.

US workers can't compete with the low foreign wages, period.
Trump's economy was the best in US history before the pandemic (released by China) hit.
So in a naval battle we should shoot holes in our own ships. Great idea!

Reagan on Free Trade and Siren Song of Protectionism - YouTube

Your TDS overwhelms your economic creds.
View attachment 436784
I was discussing rate of growth. Trumps claim of 4% was given. GDP increases anytime we aren't in a recession. It's about the rate of growth. Decreased in 2019 after all of trumps policy put in place. Huge failure.

• Real GDP growth rate by year in the U.S | Statista
The US GDP grew from $20.5T to $21.3T no one cares about the "rate of growth", just that it grew. Look at the unemployment rate, there was limited available labor, and wages were increasing. Trump hit the "sweet spot" for the economy, growing the lower half of wages. Thanks for playing.

View attachment 436798

GDP includes the billions the Federal Reserve pumps into the markets. Take that out and tell me how we are doing?
Fair point. Except that the Fed's balance sheet can be worked off over time. Better to print money than to have the US economy tank, isn't it?

As long as you agree and understand there is absolutely nothing capitalistic about that. We also must understand it is WRONG to boost certain segments while other segments fall further behind.
Agreed. The Fed was created to protect the US economy from shocks, it seems to be working okay.
My point is that the tariff can be avoided by buying US goods. Trump is trying to level the trade playing field to help US manufacturers and farmers. China's subsidized goods, currency manipulation, and dumping goods hurts US workers.

If US manufacturers want to be more competitive, they need to become more efficient and produce better products.

The thing is, the entire world's manufacturing relies on international trade. Something might be made in the US, but it's often made with foreign made components.

Its' why the manufacturing sector was already slumping before Covid hit.
The issue is trade fairness for US workers.
If other countries put tariffs on US goods, why shouldn't the US put tariffs on their goods?
Trump's team of Navarro and Lighthizer have done an outstanding job of making trade deals more fair to US workers.

US workers can't compete with the low foreign wages, period.
Trump's economy was the best in US history before the pandemic (released by China) hit.
So in a naval battle we should shoot holes in our own ships. Great idea!

Reagan on Free Trade and Siren Song of Protectionism - YouTube

Your TDS overwhelms your economic creds.
View attachment 436784
I was discussing rate of growth. Trumps claim of 4% was given. GDP increases anytime we aren't in a recession. It's about the rate of growth. Decreased in 2019 after all of trumps policy put in place. Huge failure.

• Real GDP growth rate by year in the U.S | Statista
The US GDP grew from $20.5T to $21.3T no one cares about the "rate of growth", just that it grew. Look at the unemployment rate, there was limited available labor, and wages were increasing. Trump hit the "sweet spot" for the economy, growing the lower half of wages. Thanks for playing.

View attachment 436798

GDP includes the billions the Federal Reserve pumps into the markets. Take that out and tell me how we are doing?
Fair point. Except that the Fed's balance sheet can be worked off over time. Better to print money than to have the US economy tank, isn't it?

As long as you agree and understand there is absolutely nothing capitalistic about that. We also must understand it is WRONG to boost certain segments while other segments fall further behind.
Agreed. The Fed was created to protect the US economy from shocks, it seems to be working okay.

As long as you are rich and I would call things like 2008 a pretty big shock. They helped create that.
1. Trump used tariffs to manage China's unfair practices
2. Trump tried to juice the US economy and "grow" out of Debt...agreed that never works.
3. I'm still wondering if China owes the US for some of the cost of their Covid-19 pandemic.
1. tRump used china to distract you from his Russian troubles, and he's still doing it.

2. tRump gifted his wealthy friends with tax cuts at the expense of the average Joe and the federal deficit.

3. Stop with the crazy conspiracy theories. Also, your number 3 is clear proof of my number 1.
1. What Russian troubles? Mueller came up empty, duh. The Bidens have money-laundering troubles, and hopefully special prosecutor troubles very soon.
2. Trump tried the old "tax cut" to grow the economy stunt that never works.
3. What crazy conspiracy theories? China unleashed Covid, and then tried to cover it up. They allowed flights out of Wuhan except for in-China flights, WTF?! That is negligience on a massive scale. China owes the US reparations.
Good job doubling down, but you addressed nothing.
In a late October campaign appearance in Omaha, Neb., President Donald Trump said he believed farmers were better off getting government payments than relying solely on their farming receipts.

“In fact, some people say our farmers do better now than when they actually had a farm,” he said.

Many top farm states voted again for Trump in November, including Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Kansas. Several, however, left Trump to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

Well, now we know how red state farmers, and Trump really think about socialism.
1st cut the part where the government pays people not to grow stuff. No need for that.

Agreed. Then stop paying oil companies for drilling oil. The biggest socialism program in the country.
i have no problems with that... they make enough off oil that they don't need government help.
Is China the problem or is it those who are investing in China?

Both, that would have been like US investors investing In Germany of Japan during WW2. Why would US citizen want to invest in the country's main enemy?
Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?

How about drug testing the 535, there were demands for that too and well founded. Many have been on the fed dole all their lives. Still are. Test them, let the farmer alone and let him grow your food.
Anyone can take drugs. Why should only some welfare be subject to drug tests? Because it isn’t the right picture?
1. The number of opioid deaths keeps setting records, 81,000/yr recently
View attachment 436752

2. IMHO opioid deaths are simply chlorine in the gene pool, stupid is as stupid does.

3. The point of my post is that many companies require drug tests as required by their insurer, so druggies are less employable. Hence to get off welfare, get clean and get a job.

And that should apply to anyone getting federal subsidies, wouldn't you agree?
Is China the problem or is it those who are investing in China?

Both, that would have been like US investors investing In Germany of Japan during WW2. Why would US citizen want to invest in the country's main enemy?

But they are and who is addressing that? Trump didn't.
Is China the problem or is it those who are investing in China?

Both, that would have been like US investors investing In Germany of Japan during WW2. Why would US citizen want to invest in the country's main enemy?

But they are and who is addressing that? Trump didn't.
No One and both parties had their chance this is not something new.
Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?

How about drug testing the 535, there were demands for that too and well founded. Many have been on the fed dole all their lives. Still are. Test them, let the farmer alone and let him grow your food.
Anyone can take drugs. Why should only some welfare be subject to drug tests? Because it isn’t the right picture?
1. The number of opioid deaths keeps setting records, 81,000/yr recently
View attachment 436752

2. IMHO opioid deaths are simply chlorine in the gene pool, stupid is as stupid does.

3. The point of my post is that many companies require drug tests as required by their insurer, so druggies are less employable. Hence to get off welfare, get clean and get a job.

And that should apply to anyone getting federal subsidies, wouldn't you agree?
Agreed. We need to do something to address the opiod epidemic. CA is nothing but homeless, needles, and people fleeing. Food stamps, welfare, farm subsidies, unemployment checks, all should require periodic drug tests. Which population has the highest rate of addiction?? Any guess?
Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?

How about drug testing the 535, there were demands for that too and well founded. Many have been on the fed dole all their lives. Still are. Test them, let the farmer alone and let him grow your food.
Anyone can take drugs. Why should only some welfare be subject to drug tests? Because it isn’t the right picture?
1. The number of opioid deaths keeps setting records, 81,000/yr recently
View attachment 436752

2. IMHO opioid deaths are simply chlorine in the gene pool, stupid is as stupid does.

3. The point of my post is that many companies require drug tests as required by their insurer, so druggies are less employable. Hence to get off welfare, get clean and get a job.

And that should apply to anyone getting federal subsidies, wouldn't you agree?
Agreed. We need to do something to address the opiod epidemic. CA is nothing but homeless, needles, and people fleeing. Food stamps, welfare, farm subsidies, unemployment checks, all should require periodic drug tests. Which population has the highest rate of addiction?? Any guess?
And where would one get affordable help for their drug problems?
Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?

How about drug testing the 535, there were demands for that too and well founded. Many have been on the fed dole all their lives. Still are. Test them, let the farmer alone and let him grow your food.
Anyone can take drugs. Why should only some welfare be subject to drug tests? Because it isn’t the right picture?
1. The number of opioid deaths keeps setting records, 81,000/yr recently
View attachment 436752

2. IMHO opioid deaths are simply chlorine in the gene pool, stupid is as stupid does.

3. The point of my post is that many companies require drug tests as required by their insurer, so druggies are less employable. Hence to get off welfare, get clean and get a job.

And that should apply to anyone getting federal subsidies, wouldn't you agree?
Agreed. We need to do something to address the opioid epidemic. CA is nothing but homeless, needles, and people fleeing. Food stamps, welfare, farm subsidies, unemployment checks, all should require periodic drug tests. Which population has the highest rate of addiction?? Any guess?
And where would one get affordable help for their drug problems?
Its called fentanyl. One dose fixes their problem. Stupid fucks. Just some chlorine in the gene pool.
Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?

How about drug testing the 535, there were demands for that too and well founded. Many have been on the fed dole all their lives. Still are. Test them, let the farmer alone and let him grow your food.
Anyone can take drugs. Why should only some welfare be subject to drug tests? Because it isn’t the right picture?
1. The number of opioid deaths keeps setting records, 81,000/yr recently
View attachment 436752

2. IMHO opioid deaths are simply chlorine in the gene pool, stupid is as stupid does.

3. The point of my post is that many companies require drug tests as required by their insurer, so druggies are less employable. Hence to get off welfare, get clean and get a job.

And that should apply to anyone getting federal subsidies, wouldn't you agree?
Agreed. We need to do something to address the opiod epidemic. CA is nothing but homeless, needles, and people fleeing. Food stamps, welfare, farm subsidies, unemployment checks, all should require periodic drug tests. Which population has the highest rate of addiction?? Any guess?

Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?

How about drug testing the 535, there were demands for that too and well founded. Many have been on the fed dole all their lives. Still are. Test them, let the farmer alone and let him grow your food.
Anyone can take drugs. Why should only some welfare be subject to drug tests? Because it isn’t the right picture?
1. The number of opioid deaths keeps setting records, 81,000/yr recently
View attachment 436752

2. IMHO opioid deaths are simply chlorine in the gene pool, stupid is as stupid does.

3. The point of my post is that many companies require drug tests as required by their insurer, so druggies are less employable. Hence to get off welfare, get clean and get a job.

And that should apply to anyone getting federal subsidies, wouldn't you agree?
Agreed. We need to do something to address the opiod epidemic. CA is nothing but homeless, needles, and people fleeing. Food stamps, welfare, farm subsidies, unemployment checks, all should require periodic drug tests. Which population has the highest rate of addiction?? Any guess?

Welfare, food stamps, farm subsidies, and unemployment checks are NOT in the Constitution, they are "charity". IMHO we can put strings on those subsidies, especially health related strings.
Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?

How about drug testing the 535, there were demands for that too and well founded. Many have been on the fed dole all their lives. Still are. Test them, let the farmer alone and let him grow your food.
Anyone can take drugs. Why should only some welfare be subject to drug tests? Because it isn’t the right picture?
1. The number of opioid deaths keeps setting records, 81,000/yr recently
View attachment 436752

2. IMHO opioid deaths are simply chlorine in the gene pool, stupid is as stupid does.

3. The point of my post is that many companies require drug tests as required by their insurer, so druggies are less employable. Hence to get off welfare, get clean and get a job.

And that should apply to anyone getting federal subsidies, wouldn't you agree?
Agreed. We need to do something to address the opiod epidemic. CA is nothing but homeless, needles, and people fleeing. Food stamps, welfare, farm subsidies, unemployment checks, all should require periodic drug tests. Which population has the highest rate of addiction?? Any guess?

I don't know about CA, but in WV and Ohio and Kentucky, opined addition is a HUGE problem. In WV, it's by far the white population.
In a late October campaign appearance in Omaha, Neb., President Donald Trump said he believed farmers were better off getting government payments than relying solely on their farming receipts.

“In fact, some people say our farmers do better now than when they actually had a farm,” he said.

Many top farm states voted again for Trump in November, including Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Kansas. Several, however, left Trump to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

Well, now we know how red state farmers, and Trump really think about socialism.
Your article missed the point of helping US farmers since China retaliated against them for Trump's tariffs:

No one missed that taxes were taken from some to give to others.
Damn welfare slugs..
Farm welfare is one of the biggest government programs out there.
In a late October campaign appearance in Omaha, Neb., President Donald Trump said he believed farmers were better off getting government payments than relying solely on their farming receipts.

“In fact, some people say our farmers do better now than when they actually had a farm,” he said.

Many top farm states voted again for Trump in November, including Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Kansas. Several, however, left Trump to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

Well, now we know how red state farmers, and Trump really think about socialism.

Where were all the demands for drug tests In exchange for getting federal handouts?
Your article missed the point of helping US farmers since China retaliated against them for Trump's tariffs:

Well, that just shows Trump's trade wars were kind of stupid, since they hurt America more than they hurt China.
Your article missed the point of helping US farmers since China retaliated against them for Trump's tariffs:

Well, that just shows Trump's trade wars were kind of stupid, since they hurt America more than they hurt China.
How did Trump's tariffs hurt the US??

U.S. farm bankruptcies hit an eight-year high: court data
Very true. Its hard to make a decent living on the family farm, especially the smaller farms. They get hit with bad weather, low prices, and other costs. I'm not surprised that we're losing 500 family farm a year. However, their farm isn't scrapped, its sold and bought by a more successful farmer.
Bottom line: Trump's tariffs have zero to do with the continual loss of small family farms.
Most importantly, thank you for staying civil and on topic in the face of repeated personal insults.
From what I’m seeing you are trying to have it both ways. First, you want government intervention through trying to discourage Americans from buying imports from specific countries (tariffs) and then you want a laissez-faire approach when huge industrial corporate owned farms take over smaller family owned farms. The irony here, from my perspective, is that if President Trump never started a trade war with China, the farmers (small and big alike) wouldn’t have needed the subsidies. This has also had the affect of artificially creating a business environment for farms that gives larger farms an advantage over smaller farms simply because their profit margins are so much bigger than smaller family run farms. So, it appears that while not creating this trend (not just in farming) of larger businesses taking over smaller ones, this policy has certainly expedited the move to the edge of financial insolvency for smaller businesses that rely on China as a major share of their market.

What is happening with farmers isn't capitalism.

Farming has been socialism ever since the depression.

When the government pays farmers to not farm their land for the only reason to manipulated or control the means of production to keep the price of a commodity at a certain level, that's socialism.

That is the government controlling the means of production.
In a late October campaign appearance in Omaha, Neb., President Donald Trump said he believed farmers were better off getting government payments than relying solely on their farming receipts.

“In fact, some people say our farmers do better now than when they actually had a farm,” he said.

Many top farm states voted again for Trump in November, including Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Kansas. Several, however, left Trump to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

Well, now we know how red state farmers, and Trump really think about socialism.
Those trump tariffs lead to a giant farmer bailout. What a success!
Your article missed the point of helping US farmers since China retaliated against them for Trump's tariffs:

No one missed that taxes were taken from some to give to others.

OMG, it was TARIFF money given to farmers, NOT TAXES

The US collected $60b in tariffs from China and paid farmers $30b because China cut agri imports.
Stop with the whining already.
They didn't collect that from china, you twit. They collected it from us.
Good, real, productive, positive contributing Americans take great pride in investing in the "GENERAL WELFARE" of our nation, our food sources...We like ROi...We HATE investing in ShaQuita, her baby factory and marijuana inventory...we hate investing in Guadalupe and her litters of silver tooth filth...I can't figure out how you struggle with making simple distinctions.
Listen, lets do this one more time..Follow along.
Forcing good real productive Americans to invest in Guadalupe and her litters of filth = SOCIALISM
Forcing good real Americans to invest in the GENERAL WELFARE of the Republic = NOT SOCIALISM
Still confused?

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