US Governors Doing Religious Persecution! Jihadists Not Trained Like Moslems!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Jewish Rabbis regard any "Jews for Jesus" members as being no longer Jewish, even though many may still be practicing Jewish customs. Their faith is with some other fiction. In WWII, after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Americans were all thought anti-American, and so were put into concentration camps, like Jews in Europe, with the support of people like the current Fox News people, the RNC, and the now famous governors, in the United States. Anyone knows that their current affections are just like those apparent in WWII, in Europe and in the USA. USA, even, They are not for. Senators Cruz and Rubio are actually of origins of a Cuban look at the world, after the exploited and denigrated, maids and servants, had all left for Fidel, instead.

So finally in WWII there were suicidal Jihadist types, called Kamikazes: Crashing about in airplanes. The idea, like the Jihadists, was not Moslem: but was to promptly die.
As noted in Mako Sasaki’s paper, Who Became Kamikaze Pilots, and How Did They Feel Towards Their Suicide Mission, published in The Concord Review, some men were recruited to the program by way of a simple questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised of a single multi-choice question that asked: “Do you desire earnestly/wish/do not wish to be involved in kamikaze attacks?” All the men had to do was circle the statement they most agreed with. The kicker being that although the men were free to say they didn’t want to take part, they still had to sign their name to it. As Sasaki points out, the pressure on young men to do something for their country during that time was significant, and the threat of retaliation if you said no was very real, as was the fear that there would potentially be retaliation against not only the soldier, but his family back home.

According to the aforementioned Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney, in Kamikaze Diaries, other methods of encouraging men to volunteer included putting them in a room filled with their peers. After a lengthy speech on patriotism, it was asked that anyone who didn’t wish to be a kamikaze step forward. As you can imagine, volunteering by default in this way was extremely effective. Beyond any loyalty to country and emperor, few would want to appear so cowardly, or endure the shame of not being willing to die when their fellow soldiers were giving their own lives to protect their homeland, both those present when volunteers were being asked for and ultimately those who’d already fulfilled their suicide missions. This latter point was frequently written about in the letters and journals from many of the volunteers as to why they ultimately chose to do so.

If you’re wondering what happened to the few men that said no, according to Emiko,

If a soldier had managed to be courageous enough not to volunteer, he would have been consigned to a living hell. Any soldier who refused would become persona non grata or be sent to the southern battlefield, where death was guaranteed. Some soldiers actually managed to say no, but their refusal was disregarded. Kuroda Kenjirō decided not to volunteer, only to be taken by surprise when he found his name on the list of volunteers for the Mitate Navy tokkōtai corps; his superior had reported proudly that all the members of his corps had volunteered.

Not all kamikaze pilots died though. If a pilot’s plane developed a problem en route or if a suitable target didn’t present itself, there was nothing stopping him from returning to base to try again later. In fact, the manual given to kamikaze pilots stated: “In the event of poor weather conditions when you cannot locate the target, or under other adverse circumstances, you may decide to return to base. Don’t be discouraged. Do not waste your life lightly.”

There is nothing religious to see here. There is no extremist fanaticism to see here. It is not even like Jews for Jesus, which is not thought Jewish extremism, but is also not thought Jewish, but is Christian.

There was Kamikaze recruitment, and there is likely Jihadist suicidal recruitment. The patterns are common, ordinary behavior--in the fanatical, non-religious manner of a secular choice, induced with usual secular persuasion tactics.

That is what the nations of earth are now coming together to curtail, and to limit, and to get disengaged from usual business. and life.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!:
(Great Warriors now inspired by "Seven Come Eleven," even greater than fiction of Jesus being a divine, like many from Middle East allege.)
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Kamikazes and suicide bombers aren't directly comparable. Kamikaze were military pilots attacking military targets. Knowing their chance of bombing a carrier or other naval vessel and getting away was slim, thye made the most out of a bad situation and just flew their bomb laden aircraft into the ships. If you're going to die anyway, maximize the effect.

Suicide bombers are non-military personnel attacking non-military non-combatants. According to their own Qur'an, they're going to hell for it since those not actively engaged in war against you, nor women, nor children, are not to be harmed. Not having the sanction of a government in actively declared war, they are nothing like Kamikze. They're just murderers.
The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet, even more dangerous than ISIS..
Delta4Embassy poster re-states the point of the OP, just more succinctly. The Jihadists are not the Sunni, or the Shia, or anything else remotely Moslem. "They're just murderers!

The practice of any Jewish customs does not qualify the "Jew for Jesus" organization as a Jewish sect. The practice of the customs is not being included with any sense of faith in actual Judaism. The Jihadists are not "Jews for Jesus," but neither are they likely regarded Moslems. They are not likely even regarded Jewish--maybe with the exception of various Conservative Republicans, who might also call them Mormons(?).

Note also! The West is usually not the objective of the jihadist crusade. Engaging the Moslems in the 47 majority Nations, in a Caliphate, is more the common objective, generally reported out.

What the Anti-American governors--and the Catholic-hating House Speaker--are actually doing is better regarded persecution, based on a person's actual faith.

Note how supportive of the jihadists the persecution actually becomes. The jihadists want the Moslems on their side. The West doesn't want them to have any options on its side. So in steps the concept of joining with a Caliphate!

Trump, even, can now be included in the basis of that campaign, The Republicans have, "Very Stupid people running their part of Government!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes not even dirty Puritans, even--desecrating Plymouth Rock!)

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