Zone1 US has never been a racist country

If there is anything to reproach about "Americans", it is that they are just too similar to everyone else. No culture or country has an unblemished record of humanitarian conduct. We can take solace from the fact that European civilization led the way in acknowledging women's equality, ending slavery and improving the lot of the poor.
Racist nation is a bullsh#t accusation in the first place. Though, it is absolutely true we have always had our share or more than our share of racist in this country, acting out their racist beliefs and sometimes with government at various levels looking the other way. But, no. The United States is not a racist nation and was not designed to be one.
When you hear, or see, the words "racist nation," what do you think that is?

Is or has there been a racist nation in the world as you understand it?

Serious question. I hope you respond.
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When you hear, or see, the words "racist nation," what do you think that is?

Is or has there been a racist nation in the world as you understand it?

Serious question. I hope you respond.
Old South Africa. under white minority rule.
Old South Africa. under white minority rule.
Okay, that's a good start.

However, I was wanting more of a description, like something we can refer to and/or apply to other situations.

Care to give it another shot?
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Okay, that's a good start.

However, I was wanting more of a description, like something we can refer to and/or apply to other situations.

Care to give it another shot?
Not really. It is not a subject I follow and travels outside CONUS have only been European countries, during the 80s and 90s, so I can't help you prove your point.
I don't think we're racist, I think we just hate everyone. Equally.
Maybe tto whites on the right this isn't racist, but to those of us on the other end not trying to gain the approval of a righttwing extremist base, America has been a racist country.
There is a system that has been maintained based on race that is embedded in every institution that makes this country operate that has hindered progress for people of color.

Yet it is people who make policies that are embedded in institutions. Then its people who interpret and act on these policies.

My point is that everyone is not a racist. Its a percentage of the total population was my point

affirmative action is a policy.

Obama became president

I am not saying that its perfect but there has been progress
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Yet it is people who make policies that are embedded in institutions. Then its people who interpret and act on these policies.

My point is that everyone is not a racist. Its a percentage of the total population was my point

affirmative action is a policy.

Obama became president

I am not saying that its perfect but there has been progress
Who said everyone was racist? It's time whites stopped doing this defensive fragility stuff and face what this natiion is. Nobody walks around with a sign sayiing I'm a racist sso that we can determine exactly who is and who is not a racist. Racism is a probleem hhere, whites started it, and innstead of doing what we see get done when race is discussed, whites have a responsibility to make racism irrelevant.

Last, if you are getting a house built, it is progress when 4 walls are put up. But you won't be satisified with the progress until the house is finshed. There has been progress but we can't be satisfied with that, we can only be satisfied when complete equality is achieved. That means blacks have 13 percent of the wealth instead of 2.7. That means blacks are 13 percent representation in every field. That means when a black person is hired in any executive postion, their qualifications don't get questioned by a bunch of uneducated yahoos. And it means that whites start understanding they are a race and as a race they are part of things like DEI.
I only really know of it by news and media but get the picture.

I had some black South African friends in college and they told me horror stories. They dreaded going home in the summer. I got shown passcard, told about bantustans. Apartheid was awful and that's why I get irritated when the extremists here start whining about black South Africans taking their land back.
(1) I guess that it depends on one's definition of "racist."

(2) I am 86 years old, and I feel that of course this was a racist nation until the Civil Rights laws in the 1960s.

(3) Until then, African Americans and Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans and Native Americans were regularly discriminated against.

(4) Most people of those four minorities just accepted it, and did their best under the circumstances.

(5) Here in California, for example, discrimination against the Chinese was written into the state's constitution.

(6) When I was in secondary school, California voters were asked to repeal a part of the state constitution that had long been ignored (the Chinese were not allowed to buy land). It was repealed, but many voters voted to retain the prohibition.

(7) This is 2024. The minority groups will soon be the majority.

(8) I hope they treat one another in an equal fashion. But there is no guarantee that they will.
You are a racist now and laws in the 1960's apparently have not stopped you from continuing to be one.
It is a totally false debate. The nation was not established to be racist. In fact, "race" was not much of a topic in that time. Attitudes everywhere about many things were different from now and would be judged in another light today. Effectively, there has been a great deal of "racism" in America, and we should be able to recognize that honestly. Insisting that the country is or has been fundamentally "racist" is a propaganda effort to undermine unity and community spirit.
Yeah that's why the first naturalization act stated that only whites could be citizens. Truthfully facing our past allows us to move towards reconciliation and by reconciling we beecome united.
I had some black South African friends in college and they told me horror stories. They dreaded going home in the summer. I got shown passcard, told about bantustans. Apartheid was awful and that's why I get irritated when the extremists here start whining about black South Africans taking their land back.
If they got out, to come to America to study, I am surprised they went back, back in the day. For right or wrong, I look at it like The Jeffersons TV show. You never saw George and Louise going back to the ghetto to visit. Bad things can happen. Look at how many famous rap music stars failed to learn that lesson and died, due to not severing the ties, once they rose above it. I have seen it happen with non-famous people, right here. If you get out, DON'T FRIGGIN GO BACK, and be careful of who you invite to visit. Simplistic, but true.
If they got out, to come to America to study, I am surprised they went back, back in the day. For right or wrong, I look at it like The Jeffersons TV show. You never saw George and Louise going back to the ghetto to visit. Bad things can happen. Look at how many famous rap music stars failed to learn that lesson and died, due to not severing the ties, once they rose above it. I have seen it happen with non-famous people, right here. If you get out, DON'T FRIGGIN GO BACK, and be careful of who you invite to visit. Simplistic, but true.
That was their home. They had no family here and they would have become illegal immigrants. Many rappers and pro athletes have gone back into the hood without getting killed. Jeffersons cleaners was in the hood, so was Sanford Salvage. Whites get killed in the suburbs,, so let's stop this.
Not really. It is not a subject I follow and travels outside CONUS have only been European countries, during the 80s and 90s, so I can't help you prove your point.
You're doing the Nikki Haley thing, gripped by fear at the mere mention of race in America, due to the truth of it, or just repelled by it, again, due to the truth of it.

Don't shirk it off on me as I'm trying to prove some point.

We're on this site to communicate w/other people here, and we use words to communicate, words have meaning, so when you use a word, it should have the same meaning to me as it does to you for communication to be effective.

That said, whenever someone is purposefully choosing to be vague w/their communication, it says more about them than anything else.

I honestly thought you were better than this, but I guess you're not immune.

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