US has second lowest Chinese Virus fatality rate in the world.

Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.
No. Because for most you have years of data. Based on population, our death toll is nearly nothing.

You are kind of dumb. In this thread were comparing deaths per million for each country. I'm not really sure what you're doing but it appears it's about comparing the flu to COVID-19. This thread is clearly not about that. You OK?
We have 2000 deaths. How many would have happened anyway? I do Not trust the stats.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.

Most contagious diseases, however, we know a lot more about and can extrapolate the numbers much more accurately. We're still scrambling for all kinds of information and data on this one.

OK, so you're not very bright either. This thread is comparing different countries numbers with COVID-19. Not comparing COVID-19 to other diseases.

God damn, what is in the water lately?
Why would I trust these stats? Do we even know the true population of this country?
That's if you believe China's numbers, I don't. They may be getting round-2 of COVID-19.

I read an article this morning that said people in China are reporting that the mortuaries in Wuhan seem to be churning out far more cremations than the official coronavirus numbers would account for. Exponentially more.

Read this:

U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Curve Has Now Passed China's At the Same Stage

You fucks are actually happy that it's worse here. Unfuckingbelievable.
Yep. They're happy because in their tiny brains they THINK this makes our president look bad and hurts his chances of re-election. This couldn't be further from the truth. I, like over 90% of those who voted for Trump in 2016, are even MORE likely to vote to re-elect him BECAUSE of the wonderful way he's handled the Chinese Virus crisis.

I was thinking earlier today that the leftists are setting themselves up for an almost inevitable long-term failure with their behavior and rabid focus in all this.

On the one hand, they insist on making this all about Trump in an attempt to blame him for anything that ever goes wrong and to claim that anything that happens is automatically wrong. On the other hand, they're fanatical about trumpeting every worst-case scenario and catastrophic outlier projection they can find, in service of the aforementioned attempt to claim everything is both bad and Trump's fault.

The problem for them is that this isn't going to last, no matter how much they try to prolong it, and the numbers in the end are almost certainly not going to be as bad as the worst-case possibilities. The worst-case is rarely what actually happens, and in this case, it would require not just the United States but the entirety of the Western world to do nothing to try to stem to spread of the disease, nothing to treat those who are sick, and nothing to find vaccines to prevent future outbreaks. Since that manifestly is not what's happening, they are building a future - right around election time - where a lot of people see it as Trump heading off the worst.
That's if you believe China's numbers, I don't. They may be getting round-2 of COVID-19.

I read an article this morning that said people in China are reporting that the mortuaries in Wuhan seem to be churning out far more cremations than the official coronavirus numbers would account for. Exponentially more.

Read this:

U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Curve Has Now Passed China's At the Same Stage

China has been lying its ass off about the deaths. They are burning bodies by the thousands.

China invoked quarantine measures that would make the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo look like summer camp fun. China, being an authoritarian regime can do that. The USA cannot.

Also, nobody in China said "Fuck the government. My flock is gathering for worship because it's my freedom of religion/freedom of assembly". The Chinese tried that once. In Tiananmen Square. Now they do as they're told, mostly. Dumbass conservatives think their Constitutional rights will protect them from the virus.
What are you babbling about? The Chinese government is lying about how many are dead from the virus. Not to mention how many people are starving there, locked up in their foot locker sized apartments.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.
No. Because for most you have years of data. Based on population, our death toll is nearly nothing.

You are kind of dumb. In this thread were comparing deaths per million for each country. I'm not really sure what you're doing but it appears it's about comparing the flu to COVID-19. This thread is clearly not about that. You OK?
We have 2000 deaths. How many would have happened anyway? I do Not trust the stats.

Of course you don't, they don't tell you what you want to hear so you put your head in the sand. We already knew that.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.

Most contagious diseases, however, we know a lot more about and can extrapolate the numbers much more accurately. We're still scrambling for all kinds of information and data on this one.

OK, so you're not very bright either. This thread is comparing different countries numbers with COVID-19. Not comparing COVID-19 to other diseases.

God damn, what is in the water lately?
Why would I trust these stats? Do we even know the true population of this country?

No, you should trust the stats in the OP where the numbers he posted were lies by omission.
That's if you believe China's numbers, I don't. They may be getting round-2 of COVID-19.

I read an article this morning that said people in China are reporting that the mortuaries in Wuhan seem to be churning out far more cremations than the official coronavirus numbers would account for. Exponentially more.

Read this:

U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Curve Has Now Passed China's At the Same Stage

China has been lying its ass off about the deaths. They are burning bodies by the thousands.

China invoked quarantine measures that would make the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo look like summer camp fun. China, being an authoritarian regime can do that. The USA cannot.

Also, nobody in China said "Fuck the government. My flock is gathering for worship because it's my freedom of religion/freedom of assembly". The Chinese tried that once. In Tiananmen Square. Now they do as they're told, mostly. Dumbass conservatives think their Constitutional rights will protect them from the virus.
What are you babbling about? The Chinese government is lying about how many are dead from the virus. Not to mention how many people are starving there, locked up in their foot locker sized apartments.
The Chicoms most likely rounded up those who were infected by the thousands and buried them alive in mass graves. Nobody would know.
Look at it this way. This is just the beginning of the "Trump Pandemic" in America.

No, thank you, I don't believe any of us wish to look at it the way an ignorant partisan hack would.

I guess we all see what we want to see, Chinese-Virus, Trump-Pandemic or whatever you want to call it, but it is just the beginning.

No, YOU see what you want to see. I just see reality, whether I want to or not.

I see that we are in the beginning stages of "what ever you want to call it". How can anyone predict what the final outcome or statistics will be based on the inconclusive, incomplete and ever changing data that we are getting every day.

I can see you didn't understand the concept of reality, since you're gabbling about future predictions.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.

Most contagious diseases, however, we know a lot more about and can extrapolate the numbers much more accurately. We're still scrambling for all kinds of information and data on this one.

OK, so you're not very bright either. This thread is comparing different countries numbers with COVID-19. Not comparing COVID-19 to other diseases.

God damn, what is in the water lately?
Why would I trust these stats? Do we even know the true population of this country?

No, you should trust the stats in the OP where the numbers he posted were lies by omission.
Dude, that's been addressed.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.
No. Because for most you have years of data. Based on population, our death toll is nearly nothing.

You are kind of dumb. In this thread were comparing deaths per million for each country. I'm not really sure what you're doing but it appears it's about comparing the flu to COVID-19. This thread is clearly not about that. You OK?
We have 2000 deaths. How many would have happened anyway? I do Not trust the stats.

Of course you don't, they don't tell you what you want to hear so you put your head in the sand. We already knew that.
That’s not true at all. I believe in better safe than sorry. I do Not trust the stats because we cannot prove our true population. You’re a sheep.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.

Most contagious diseases, however, we know a lot more about and can extrapolate the numbers much more accurately. We're still scrambling for all kinds of information and data on this one.

OK, so you're not very bright either. This thread is comparing different countries numbers with COVID-19. Not comparing COVID-19 to other diseases.

God damn, what is in the water lately?
Why would I trust these stats? Do we even know the true population of this country?

No, you should trust the stats in the OP where the numbers he posted were lies by omission.
Why would I trust some stats and not others? Illogical. Par for the course for you.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.
No. Because for most you have years of data. Based on population, our death toll is nearly nothing.

You are kind of dumb. In this thread were comparing deaths per million for each country. I'm not really sure what you're doing but it appears it's about comparing the flu to COVID-19. This thread is clearly not about that. You OK?
We have 2000 deaths. How many would have happened anyway? I do Not trust the stats.

Of course you don't, they don't tell you what you want to hear so you put your head in the sand. We already knew that.
That’s not true at all. I believe in better safe than sorry. I do Not trust the stats because we cannot prove our true population. You’re a sheep.

Sorry, I'm not really interested in your personal philosophy.
Third, behind Germany and China, but probably 2nd because China commies do nothing but lie their fucking asses off.

Chinese Girl Fakes Singing National Anthem because real singer too ugly for Olympic Ceremony

how can we trust Germany? They are socialists who allow their country to be controlled by muslims

It all makes sense. Liberals were godless Communists and then they were members of the Muslim Brotherhood and now they are Chinese Communists because if there is one thing we know about China, they love Muslims.
That's if you believe China's numbers, I don't. They may be getting round-2 of COVID-19.

I read an article this morning that said people in China are reporting that the mortuaries in Wuhan seem to be churning out far more cremations than the official coronavirus numbers would account for. Exponentially more.

Read this:

U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Curve Has Now Passed China's At the Same Stage

China has been lying its ass off about the deaths. They are burning bodies by the thousands.

China invoked quarantine measures that would make the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo look like summer camp fun. China, being an authoritarian regime can do that. The USA cannot.

Also, nobody in China said "Fuck the government. My flock is gathering for worship because it's my freedom of religion/freedom of assembly". The Chinese tried that once. In Tiananmen Square. Now they do as they're told, mostly. Dumbass conservatives think their Constitutional rights will protect them from the virus.
What are you babbling about? The Chinese government is lying about how many are dead from the virus. Not to mention how many people are starving there, locked up in their foot locker sized apartments.
The Chicoms most likely rounded up those who were infected by the thousands and buried them alive in mass graves. Nobody would know.
An estimated 26,000 plus dead from the virus in Wuhan ALONE. Who knows how many outside the city and other large cities like Beijing.

They aren’t testing anyone. Most Chinese are locked up in their homes and can’t even leave their neighborhoods, as the Chi-coms use barbed wire around neighborhoods and apartment buildings. There are probably millions starving too.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.
No. Because for most you have years of data. Based on population, our death toll is nearly nothing.

You are kind of dumb. In this thread were comparing deaths per million for each country. I'm not really sure what you're doing but it appears it's about comparing the flu to COVID-19. This thread is clearly not about that. You OK?
We have 2000 deaths. How many would have happened anyway? I do Not trust the stats.

Of course you don't, they don't tell you what you want to hear so you put your head in the sand. We already knew that.
That’s not true at all. I believe in better safe than sorry. I do Not trust the stats because we cannot prove our true population. You’re a sheep.

Sorry, I'm not really interested in your personal philosophy.
I agree. You are sorry. So you believe we accurately predict our population? LMAO. Sheep.
Your table doesnt support your assertion.
Germany is the only country lower asswipe, so STFU

As always, you prove yourself to be the weakest link.

From your own link, dumbfuck ...

United States
South Korea
Sri Lanka
Channel Islands
Diamond Princess
Costa Rica
Hong Kong
Ivory Coast
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
New Zealand

Your table doesnt support your assertion.
Germany is the only country lower asswipe, so STFU

As always, you prove yourself to be the weakest link.

From your own link, dumbfuck ...

United States
South Korea
Sri Lanka
Channel Islands
Diamond Princess
Costa Rica
Hong Kong
Ivory Coast
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
New Zealand

Already been dealt with, moron.

Please try to keep up.

BTW, you may want to cut down on the beat juice.
Hmm another lie. The U.S. has been creeping up the ranks of deaths per capita for quite some time. These countries numbers are better:

Germany - 7
Norway - 6
Iceland - 6
Panama - 6
Slovenia - 5
Greece - 4
Dominican Republic - 4
Albania - 4
South Korea - 3
Romania - 3
Lithuania - 3
Turkey - 2
Canada - 2
Israel - 2
Finland - 2
Hungary - 2
Poland - 0.8
Australia - 0.7
Mexico - 0.2

I skipped many of the smaller countries.

We are weeks behind the likes of Italy, Spain and others. Our causality rate is going up and we have been passing by other countries and will continue to do so.
Don’t follow. Link it please or revise your post.

It's all here: Coronavirus Update (Live): 775,782 Cases and 37,109 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
How can they measure cases when many have mild symptoms and don’t report them? No one has been able to answer this. The stats IMO are false.

You could say the same for any contagious disease.

However in this thread it's deaths per million citizens for each country. So, not sure what's up with your dumb question.
No. Because for most you have years of data. Based on population, our death toll is nearly nothing.

You are kind of dumb. In this thread were comparing deaths per million for each country. I'm not really sure what you're doing but it appears it's about comparing the flu to COVID-19. This thread is clearly not about that. You OK?
We have 2000 deaths. How many would have happened anyway? I do Not trust the stats.

Of course you don't, they don't tell you what you want to hear so you put your head in the sand. We already knew that.
That’s not true at all. I believe in better safe than sorry. I do Not trust the stats because we cannot prove our true population. You’re a sheep.

Sorry, I'm not really interested in your personal philosophy.
I agree. You are sorry. So you believe we accurately predict our population? LMAO. Sheep.


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