US Hate preacher gets another gig cancelled

Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.

Don’t get me wrong Tommy, I don’t support what this guy spews, but censoring speech is a slippery slope. Censorship is fine when you don’t like the voice being censored, but if they can censor his voice, then they can censor your voice too.
The Brits just need to be careful; their history involves well over a hundred years of killing each other over their religion.
Glasgow is the epicentre of sectarian violence in GB.
Like most hypocrites, Franklin Graham has a sad that he cannot have it both ways. :crybaby:
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.
I don’t know why USMB lets a freak like you post on here.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.

What's wrong with Religious Liberty? Not everyone in Scotland is as hot to trot for Sodomy as the established religion is.

I can appreciate that the UK has their own nation and can ban standard Christian thought if they want. However, Rev. Graham's theology was well known long before this Crusade was booked. They deserve sued to cancel this at the last moment after the preacher had already booked his rooms, prepared his sermons, etc.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.
They've got a right to their religious beliefs, Tommy. It's not all based on hate. The LGBT community should remember these people have a right to their religious beliefs and as long as Graham isn't pushing for those beliefs to interfere with the LGBT community, they ought to let him call them names and predict hellfire, etc. What difference does it make what they think?

Nobody is telling him he can't continue preaching the same hateful things he has always preached. I'm just not sure Graham has the right to force the venue to participate in his religious circus.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.
They've got a right to their religious beliefs, Tommy. It's not all based on hate. The LGBT community should remember these people have a right to their religious beliefs and as long as Graham isn't pushing for those beliefs to interfere with the LGBT community, they ought to let him call them names and predict hellfire, etc. What difference does it make what they think?

Nobody is telling him he can't continue preaching the same hateful things he has always preached. I'm just not sure Graham has the right to force the venue to participate in his religious circus.

You don't get it. The venue already signed a contract and are pulling out at the last moment.

Rev. Graham's belief in Normalcy has been known for literally decades.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.
They've got a right to their religious beliefs, Tommy. It's not all based on hate. The LGBT community should remember these people have a right to their religious beliefs and as long as Graham isn't pushing for those beliefs to interfere with the LGBT community, they ought to let him call them names and predict hellfire, etc. What difference does it make what they think?

Nobody is telling him he can't continue preaching the same hateful things he has always preached. I'm just not sure Graham has the right to force the venue to participate in his religious circus.

You don't get it. The venue already signed a contract and are pulling out at the last moment.

Rev. Graham's belief in Normalcy has been known for literally decades.

So? Recent adverse publicity is a valid reason to cancel.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.
They've got a right to their religious beliefs, Tommy. It's not all based on hate. The LGBT community should remember these people have a right to their religious beliefs and as long as Graham isn't pushing for those beliefs to interfere with the LGBT community, they ought to let him call them names and predict hellfire, etc. What difference does it make what they think?

Nobody is telling him he can't continue preaching the same hateful things he has always preached. I'm just not sure Graham has the right to force the venue to participate in his religious circus.

You don't get it. The venue already signed a contract and are pulling out at the last moment.

Rev. Graham's belief in Normalcy has been known for literally decades.

So? Recent adverse publicity is a valid reason to cancel.

There is nothing "recent" about the long time animus that Homosexuals have had against Normalcy. They have been condemning us as "straight arrows" since the days of Sodom.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.

What's wrong with Religious Liberty? Not everyone in Scotland is as hot to trot for Sodomy as the established religion is.

I can appreciate that the UK has their own nation and can ban standard Christian thought if they want. However, Rev. Graham's theology was well known long before this Crusade was booked. They deserve sued to cancel this at the last moment after the preacher had already booked his rooms, prepared his sermons, etc.
These places cant be expected to have in depth knowledge of US preachers. he isnt well known over here. When his schtick became known they dumped him straight away. I expect all the other venues to do the same.

His form of extremism is not popular over here, Or in the US either.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.
They've got a right to their religious beliefs, Tommy. It's not all based on hate. The LGBT community should remember these people have a right to their religious beliefs and as long as Graham isn't pushing for those beliefs to interfere with the LGBT community, they ought to let him call them names and predict hellfire, etc. What difference does it make what they think?

Nobody is telling him he can't continue preaching the same hateful things he has always preached. I'm just not sure Graham has the right to force the venue to participate in his religious circus.
Agreed. He'll have to find a big field and hold a Revival.
These places cant be expected to have in depth knowledge of US preachers. he isnt well known over here. When his schtick became known they dumped him straight away. I expect all the other venues to do the same.

His form of extremism is not popular over here, Or in the US either.

The Graham family has been preaching for more than half a century, his dad preached the same gospel in many countries and never glorified alternative sexuality.

I think that government over in the UK has adopted new doctrines, which are popular with those who control stadiums over there.

Not necessarily all of the people.
They have been condemning us as "straight arrows" since the days of Sodom.

All the way since Sodom?

Thank goodness there are some like you who still support those good old timey values like a father offering up his underaged girls to be gang raped and then impregnating them, himself, in a drunken orgy later on.

Maybe you aren't so vanilla after all!
They have been condemning us as "straight arrows" since the days of Sodom.

All the way since Sodom?

Thank goodness there are some like you who still support those good old timey values like a father offering up his underaged girls to be gang raped and then impregnating them, himself, in a drunken orgy later on.

Maybe you aren't so vanilla after all!

The historical record is crystal clear, Dog.

Almighty God was so pissed off that the Gay Community in Sodom wanted to engage in assrapery with His holy angels, that he burned the city with fire as well as brimstone.
Franklin Graham threatens arena with legal action as they cancel yet another stop on his ‘hate speech’ tour

US hate preacher Franklin Graham has reportedly threatened legal action against a Scottish venue after it cancelled one of his performances due to homophobia concerns.

The Trump-supporting preacher, who is known for praising Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay laws and blaming gay people for a “moral 9/11”, is set to visit the UK at the start of Pride Month in June as part of an eight-day evangelist tour.

So far three venues have cancelled his performances as a result of growing backlash led by LGBT+ activists. The latest to withdraw was Glasgow’s SEC Arena, which confirmed on January 29 it was cancelling due to “recent adverse publicity”.

I dont know why we are letting this freak into the country. He just makes a living out of hate.
I don’t know why USMB lets a freak like you post on here.

He is certainly a troll, and an obviously hypocritical one at that, but the same principles which should govern Graham's right to speak should cover his. The U.K. is extremely selective in what it calls "hate speech", as it allows limitless expressions thereof as long as it occurs in a Mosque. Speech far more tepid coming from a Christian is targeted for censorship, however.

That is the real problem here.

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