US hospitals seeing different kind of COVID surge this time

It is proven but liberalism is a lie. You will lie to get your agenda done. Don't know why you would want to mandate something that could give you a heart condition.
I'm A-political. I don't agree with Republicans and I especially don't agree with Democrats. I don't agree with libertarians or green party or tea party...I really don't like politics whatsoever because they all are wrong.

And Mandates are a human rights violation. No different than the FGM that Obama was fighting during his presidency. So I think that the hypocrisy of Biden's is over the top... especially when their mantra for abortion is it's a woman's body and a woman's choice....that choice should extend to all medical treatment or whatever.... including ear piercing.
US hospitals seeing different kind of COVID surge this time

Dr. Fritz François, chief of hospital operations at NYU Langone Health in New York City, said about 65% of patients admitted to that system with COVID-19 recently were primarily hospitalized for something else and were incidentally found to have the virus.

At two large Seattle hospitals over the past two weeks, three-quarters of the 64 patients testing positive for the coronavirus were admitted with a primary diagnosis other than COVID-19.

Joanne Spetz, associate director of research at the Healthforce Center at the University of California, San Francisco, said the rising number of cases like that is both good and bad.

Well this is where we are. Every day another new surge of some variant where the vaccines are working so well that there are surges everywhere.


The mild symptoms. So, no big deal then?



Oh, right. Demonization.
that has all it has ever been. EVER!!!!!
US hospitals seeing different kind of COVID surge this time

Dr. Fritz François, chief of hospital operations at NYU Langone Health in New York City, said about 65% of patients admitted to that system with COVID-19 recently were primarily hospitalized for something else and were incidentally found to have the virus.

At two large Seattle hospitals over the past two weeks, three-quarters of the 64 patients testing positive for the coronavirus were admitted with a primary diagnosis other than COVID-19.

Joanne Spetz, associate director of research at the Healthforce Center at the University of California, San Francisco, said the rising number of cases like that is both good and bad.

Well this is where we are. Every day another new surge of some variant where the vaccines are working so well that there are surges everywhere.


The mild symptoms. So, no big deal then?



Oh, right. Demonization.

Now that vaccinated DemoKKKrats are getting sick by the millions, EVERYTHING is going to be different. Just watch.
Now that vaccinated DemoKKKrats are getting sick by the millions, EVERYTHING is going to be different. Just watch.
All of the blame...

ALL OF THE BLAME to the non compliant, better known as the UNVACCINATED.

The left deny this is the same exact tactic used to round up the Jews into the camps.

Hence the reason the worldly educational system never really let us know. Only that a holocaust happened and it happened at the hands of white fascists who the left call American white capitalist Christians.

Really easy to connect the dots. So here we are. Not learning from history and it is certainly rhyming.
All of the blame...

ALL OF THE BLAME to the non compliant, better known as the UNVACCINATED.

The left deny this is the same exact tactic used to round up the Jews into the camps.

Hence the reason the worldly educational system never really let us know. Only that a holocaust happened and it happened at the hands of white fascists who the left call American white capitalist Christians.

Really easy to connect the dots. So here we are. Not learning from history and it is certainly rhyming.

When the left are talking about denying unvaccinated people healthcare and other basic services, this is who they're REALLY targeting:

HALF of the black population in the US.

Nearly HALF of the hispanic population in the US.
All of the blame...

ALL OF THE BLAME to the non compliant, better known as the UNVACCINATED.

The left deny this is the same exact tactic used to round up the Jews into the camps.

Hence the reason the worldly educational system never really let us know. Only that a holocaust happened and it happened at the hands of white fascists who the left call American white capitalist Christians.

Really easy to connect the dots. So here we are. Not learning from history and it is certainly rhyming.
Demofks don’t have the capacity to learn
When the left are talking about denying unvaccinated people healthcare and other basic services, this is who they're REALLY targeting:

HALF of the black population in the US.

Nearly HALF of the hispanic population in the US.
View attachment 584523
As we have been saying, every minority (especially blacks) are political pawns which turn into cannon fodder for the demoncrat politicians acquiring and keeping power.

Biden, "Poor kids are just as smart as white kids."

That's what they are in a nutshell.
Who gives a shit? They weren't even there for covid. What would be the point of being vaccinated for something that doesn't even make you sick or die?
Now one has to be vaccinated to have hip replacement?
Who gives a shit? They weren't even there for covid. What would be the point of being vaccinated for something that doesn't even make you sick or die?
Where did you get this brilliant deduction? Most are there for Covid.
Where did you get this brilliant deduction? Most are there for Covid.
I got this from the opening post where it said:

"Dr. Fritz François, chief of hospital operations at NYU Langone Health in New York City, said about 65% of patients admitted to that system with COVID-19 recently were primarily hospitalized for something else and were incidentally found to have the virus."
I was driving by a testing location yesterday morning. (A mall converted to outpatient medical center)

The line for Covid tests went out the door and down the sidewalk... everyone was bunched up if someone wasn't infected they sure were going to be by the time they actually got tested.

I drove past to use a different entrance no where near those sick pups.
Were you
Not that has been PROVEN by a non-politically driven study.
Examples of these studies being done about the increase of myocarditis?

Covid-19: Sweden, Norway, and Finland suspend use of Moderna vaccine in young people “as a precaution”

So, the Norway Swedish and Finnish scientists find the increase of myocarditis and that is a political agenda?

Myocarditis risk from mRNA COVID vaccines re-evaluated in Canadian study (Research Now Withdrawn)

The Canadian scientists are driven by politics to go AGAINST the agenda of the vaccine pushing world?


Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians

You think the sudden significant uptick in heart issues in the UK is stress related or is it possible that the 70 percent of the country vaccinated had a reaction similar to what the Norway, Swedish, Finnish, and Canadian scientists are finding?

Why aren't pharmacists giving us informed consent?

Why has Pfizer been given a free pass to NOT PROVIDE DATA for 55 years?


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