US implements socialism for 80 years, China gets rid of it for 30, China leaps ahead

"The Three Years of Great Chinese Famine (simplified Chinese: 三年大饥荒; traditional Chinese: 三年大饑荒; pinyin: Sānnián dà jīhuāng), referred to by the Communist Party of China as the Three Years of Natural Disasters or Three Years of Difficult Period , was the period in the People's Republic of China between the years 1958 and 1961 characterized by widespread famine. Drought, poor weather, and the policies of the Communist Party of China contributed to the famine, although the relative weights of the contributions are disputed due to the Great Leap Forward."

"..scholars have estimated the number of famine victims to be between 20 and 43 million.[2] Historian Frank Dikötter, having been granted special access to Chinese archival materials, estimates that there were at least 45 million premature deaths from 1958 to 1962"

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Our lefties are all admiration.
Bear in mind.....the people who died off were primary the people who lived in the areas that actually produced the food. City dwellers were protected:

" In the case of these Chinese famines, the urban population (under the dictates of Maoism) had protected legal rights for certain amounts of grain consumption, whereas the rural peasantry were given no such rights and were subject to non-negotiable production quotas, the surplus of which they were to survive on."

Wow it sounds so much like what's going on in Nevada it's fucking creeping me out:

"When they eventually failed to produce enough crops even to meet the quotas to feed the cities, peasant farmers were unfairly accused of hoarding, profiteering and other counter-revolutionary activities by Chinese Communist Party officials, who cited the massively inflated production estimates of the local party leaders as evidence."

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China is a demographic ticking time bomb.

What happens when all those boys grow up and there are NO WOMEN?
Both Russia and China are leaping ahead of us economically, and militarily.

That's what democrats want. The United States is evil, a bad country and should be punished. Obama went to the Phillipines and said that America was a human rights violator.

Russia and China ahead of us militarily?


The are leaping ahead of us militarily. They are assisted in their efforts by the presidunce who can't destroy our military fast enough.

If you think China is leaping ahead of us Militarily you don't even deserve the amount of words it'd take to tell you how stupid such a notion is. Then again, I guess it must be China's new 5th Gen Plane that's got you scared...what with its being produced in numbers far larger then our own F-22, or maybe their F-35 equivalent.

Oh shit, that's some sort of fairy tail you've created in your mind.
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Russia and China ahead of us militarily?


The are leaping ahead of us militarily. They are assisted in their efforts by the presidunce who can't destroy our military fast enough.

If you think China is leaping ahead of us Militarily you don't even deserve the amount of words it'd take to tell you how stupid such a notion is. Then again, I guess it must be China's new 5th Gen Plane that's got you scared...what with its being produced in numbers far larger then our own F-22, or maybe their F-35 equivalent.

Oh shit, that's some sort of fairy tail you've created in your mind.

While the chinese may not be rolling out serious technology, and are barely able to push out a remodeled aircraft carrier, only an idiot would dismiss the potential of their military might.

They are certainly able to create knock offs of some of our best technology when it comes to Ipads and such, so it's not unreasonable to suspect that at some point they will have planes, ships and tanks that can rival ours.

I personally don't fear military conflict with China though. The nuclear deterent is too much of a factor.
The primary focus of the US Military is to project power around the globe

The primary focus of Chinas military is to keep 1.5 billion people in line
The primary focus of the US Military is to project power around the globe

The primary focus of Chinas military is to keep 1.5 billion people in line

Does that include the Tibetains, Indians, Vietmanese, Koreans, Japanese and Filipinoes?
Both Russia and China are leaping ahead of us economically, and militarily.

That's what democrats want. The United States is evil, a bad country and should be punished. Obama went to the Phillipines and said that America was a human rights violator.

America bad, China good. Got it.
Bear in mind.....the people who died off were primary the people who lived in the areas that actually produced the food. City dwellers were protected:

" In the case of these Chinese famines, the urban population (under the dictates of Maoism) had protected legal rights for certain amounts of grain consumption, whereas the rural peasantry were given no such rights and were subject to non-negotiable production quotas, the surplus of which they were to survive on."

Wow it sounds so much like what's going on in Nevada it's fucking creeping me out:

"When they eventually failed to produce enough crops even to meet the quotas to feed the cities, peasant farmers were unfairly accused of hoarding, profiteering and other counter-revolutionary activities by Chinese Communist Party officials, who cited the massively inflated production estimates of the local party leaders as evidence."

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey, I was just reading about that very policy just the other day. From Wikipedia:
From the 1932 harvest, Soviet authorities were able to procure only 4.3 million tons [of food from Ukraine] as compared with 7.2 million tons obtained from the 1931 harvest. Rations in town were drastically cut back, and in the winter of 1932–33 and spring of 1933 people in many urban areas were starved. The urban workers were supplied by a rationing system (and therefore could occasionally assist their starving relatives of the countryside), but rations were gradually cut; and by the spring of 1933, the urban residents also faced starvation. At the same time, workers were shown agitprop movies, where all peasants were portrayed as counterrevolutionaries hiding grain and potatoes at a time when workers, who were constructing the "bright future" of socialism, were starving.

The first reports of mass malnutrition and deaths from starvation emerged from two urban areas of the city of Uman, reported in January 1933 by Vinnytsya and Kiev oblasts. By mid-January 1933, there were reports about mass "difficulties" with food in urban areas, which had been undersupplied through the rationing system, and deaths from starvation among people who were withdrawn from the rationing supply. The withdrawal was to comply with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Decree of December 1932. By the beginning of February 1933, according to reports from local authorities and Ukrainian GPU, the most affected area was Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, which also suffered from epidemics of typhus and malaria.

Oops, I guess that wasn't the Chinese government starving Chinese people. It was the Russian government starving the Russian people in the 1930s, mostly in Ukraine and it surrounding areas, while trying to persuade those people that Socialism was wonderful and beneficial.

Funny how communist governments all over the world, use mass starvation against their own people as a weapon, again and again. An interesting pattern.
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It's not even necessarily intentional. They just don't care, and they insist on government interference in food growth and distribution, and land management....and it ALWAYS ends the same way.

The state is NOT your friend! People do better on their own, if the government will just leave them the hell alone and let them provide for themselves.
Yes one cannot breathe the air in Beijing. Something to be proud of. They will gladly sacrifice their peoples health for a strong economy. They are the last country to look at for a good business model. The very very last.
Bear in mind.....the people who died off were primary the people who lived in the areas that actually produced the food. City dwellers were protected:

" In the case of these Chinese famines, the urban population (under the dictates of Maoism) had protected legal rights for certain amounts of grain consumption, whereas the rural peasantry were given no such rights and were subject to non-negotiable production quotas, the surplus of which they were to survive on."

Wow it sounds so much like what's going on in Nevada it's fucking creeping me out:

"When they eventually failed to produce enough crops even to meet the quotas to feed the cities, peasant farmers were unfairly accused of hoarding, profiteering and other counter-revolutionary activities by Chinese Communist Party officials, who cited the massively inflated production estimates of the local party leaders as evidence."

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey, I was just reading about that very policy just the other day. From Wikipedia:
From the 1932 harvest, Soviet authorities were able to procure only 4.3 million tons [of food from Ukraine] as compared with 7.2 million tons obtained from the 1931 harvest. Rations in town were drastically cut back, and in the winter of 1932–33 and spring of 1933 people in many urban areas were starved. The urban workers were supplied by a rationing system (and therefore could occasionally assist their starving relatives of the countryside), but rations were gradually cut; and by the spring of 1933, the urban residents also faced starvation. At the same time, workers were shown agitprop movies, where all peasants were portrayed as counterrevolutionaries hiding grain and potatoes at a time when workers, who were constructing the "bright future" of socialism, were starving.

The first reports of mass malnutrition and deaths from starvation emerged from two urban areas of the city of Uman, reported in January 1933 by Vinnytsya and Kiev oblasts. By mid-January 1933, there were reports about mass "difficulties" with food in urban areas, which had been undersupplied through the rationing system, and deaths from starvation among people who were withdrawn from the rationing supply. The withdrawal was to comply with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Decree of December 1932. By the beginning of February 1933, according to reports from local authorities and Ukrainian GPU, the most affected area was Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, which also suffered from epidemics of typhus and malaria.

Oops, I guess that wasn't the Chinese government starving Chinese people. It was the Russian government starving the Russian people in the 1930s, mostly in Ukraine and it surrounding areas, while trying to persuade those people that Socialism was wonderful and beneficial.

Funny how communist governments all over the world, use mass starvation against their own people as a weapon, again and again. An interesting pattern.

American Progressives cheering the advance of communism in the USA end up as slaves or fertilizer

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Imagine living where profits take all precedence over people and their quality of life. Sad
Yes one cannot breathe the air in Beijing. Something to be proud of. They will gladly sacrifice their peoples health for a strong economy. They are the last country to look at for a good business model. The very very last.

Under the business model you endorse, 40 million Chinese starved to death.
well whats worse not being able to breathe or starving. Perhaps neither is the way to go and the current Chinese economic model is far from ideal. Far from it.
Imagine living where profits take all precedence over people and their quality of life. Sad

What does it mean for "profits to take all precedence over people and their quality of life?" Can you give an example of legislation that was passed with this aim in mind?
well whats worse not being able to breathe or starving. Perhaps neither is the way to go and the current Chinese economic model is far from ideal. Far from it.

No one said it was ideal, but it's better than the socialism you endorse. if you ask the residents if they would prefer starving to living in Beijing, I think 99.99% of the would say they prefer living.
I don't endorse socialism but when the air is so bad that one needs to wear a mask to breathe that does not indicate a healthy economy. Something awfully terribly wrong with that situation. I would never let my family breathe that air. Why does China think that is ok? Work in one of those ungodly factories... no thanks.
Both Russia and China are leaping ahead of us economically, and militarily.

That's what democrats want. The United States is evil, a bad country and should be punished. Obama went to the Phillipines and said that America was a human rights violator.

Russia and China ahead of us militarily?


The are leaping ahead of us militarily.

No, no, not yet. Nowhere NEAR leaping even with us, let alone ahead.

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