US implements socialism for 80 years, China gets rid of it for 30, China leaps ahead

Isn't it a hoot how the desperate liberals are bending over backward to avoid the real point of the thread? That China's diminishing socialism and the U.S.'s increasing socialism, are the direct causes for China's economy surpassing ours?

The leftist fanatics don't DARE acknowledge the truth, much less discuss it. :cuckoo:

The direct cause of China surpassing us is they have five times the population we do.

They had a bigger population than we did for more than a hundred years. Yet they fell behind more and more, especially under the communist government from the 1940s onward.

Nice try.

Only when Deng Xiaoping became Premier in the late 1970s and started introducing economic freedoms, diminishing the influence of China's communist party, did they reverse that trend and start surging ahead. We stayed ahead thru the 1980s, but then started falling back. And now they are poised to pass us.

I know you socialists are trying your best to pretend there was some othe reason for this historic reversal. But sorry, you can't. You're squarely in the crosshairs. China has been ignoring you more and more, and is finally claiming the birthright that is theirs. We have been going the other way, and have been reaping the results as your schemes introduce chaos and fail right and left.

And they ran a feudal state without a viable currency or international trade

China has five workers for every American worker. You don't think they will produce more?
You think the US is more socialist than China?

Economically? Absolutely.

We're economically more Socialist than China, Vietnam and Russia


I really don't understand these right winger. They make something up out of ass bubbles and then grab at straws to "prove" their strange imaginings.

China cracks down on social media with threat of jail for 'online rumours' | World news

Peking University Cracks Down On Dissidents (R-rated) ? The East-West dichotomy

China's lopsided, slowing economy

Republicans freaked out about another imaginary proplem and here they are fighting against health care, wanting to cut wages, refusing to invest in jobs, education or infrastructure. How did they get this way?
It was as inevitable as water flowing downhill and reaching the bottom.

The U.S. went into high gear in its efforts to put socialism in place in the 1930s, and have kept it up (with a few temporary reverses) to the present day.

China did the same from the 1940s thru the 1970s... but then reversed the trend in the 1980s and onward, and started freeing its people to make their own decisions, run their own businesses, and take responsibility for their own actions.

And now China is on the verge of surpassing the U.S. as the leading economy of the world.


Death knell rings for 142 years of American dominance as China prepares to leap into first place as world's largest economy | Mail Online

Death knell rings for 142 years of American dominance as China prepares to leap into first place as world's largest economy

A report out of the World Bank indicates that Chinese purchasing power will surpass that of America in 2014
The International Comparison Program is conducted every six years and accounts for exchange rates as it examines worldwide living standards

China refused to endorse the findings for fear of losing its designation as a developing nation--and the lax environmental standards that come with it

by Joshua Gardner and Associated Press
Published: 08:48 EST, 30 April 2014 | Updated: 10:20 EST, 30 April 2014

A report out of the World Bank shows rapidly expanding China is poised to overtake the once invincible United States as the world's largest economy by the end of 2014.

The International Comparison Program looks at exchange rates to reveal purchasing power of different currencies and found that yuan in China will soon pack more punch than the mighty dollar.

Meanwhile, Chinese officials bashed the report as flawed, likely for fear of losing its status as a developing nation and the pollution-spewing perks that come with it.

You've got a strange way of looking at things.

Here's what really happened:

Three groups of people pursued their personal self-interest. One group was Corporate America. Another group were American politicians. These first two groups pursued their short term interests at the expense of American employees and the citizens of this country. The other group was the Chinese Gov't which was pursuing both short term goals and longer term strategic interests of growing their economy so they could eventually challenge the status quo and challenge the Western powers in the process.

Corporate America greased the skids of electoral politics in America by making campaign contributions to politicians because they wanted favorable legislation which would allow them to export more and more jobs to take advantage of cheaper labor overseas. The whole thing was sold to the American public with what was essentially an advertising campaign that extolled the virtues of this policy. Some, but certainly not all, of the short term benefits were real. Cheaper consumer goods was the carrot that was dangled in front of our collective noses. But the longer term consequences and possible goals of such a policy were either hidden or insufficiently considered by our elected officials who had historically guarded American jobs from foreign competition.

The one group that ended up getting screwed in the process was the American worker who found himself and herself to be expendable as all the other groups pursued THEIR interests.

The point is that it didn't have a damn thing to do with socialism or any other revisionist history which is meant to lay the blame any other place than where it rightly belongs.
When Deng Xiaoping became China's Premier in the late 1970s and started introducing economic freedoms, diminishing the influence of China's communist party, the trend started toward the Chinese people increasing their prosperity, creating more jobs, and having more control over their own fate.

The trend has continued, even as the Chinese Communist Party clings to power, mostly by keeping control of the military. They have wisely let the people continue their free-market ways, knowing better than to kill the golden goose that is providing them so much tax money.

It's hardly surprising that they are surpassing the U.S.

The funniest part of the whole thing, is the way U.S. leftists are trying desperately to pretend that increasing freedom had nothing to do with China's ascendency. Such an idea would strongly imply that leftists themselves are useless and harmful to a country they purport to "lead" - an idea that comes far too painfully close to the truth.
Real talk these America loving Cons dont really care about America or its people.

Russia has a flat tax of 13%. But Russia likes its people.

Yes! Russia is awesome!

I paid a lower rate than that on about 50 grand last year and I don't have dependents or any other deductions.

13% on earnings would raise most Americans' federal taxes.
When Deng Xiaoping became China's Premier in the late 1970s and started introducing economic freedoms, diminishing the influence of China's communist party, the trend started toward the Chinese people increasing their prosperity, creating more jobs, and having more control over their own fate.

The trend has continued, even as the Chinese Communist Party clings to power, mostly by keeping control of the military. They have wisely let the people continue their free-market ways, knowing better than to kill the golden goose that is providing them so much tax money.

It's hardly surprising that they are surpassing the U.S.

The funniest part of the whole thing, is the way U.S. leftists are trying desperately to pretend that increasing freedom had nothing to do with China's ascendency. Such an idea would strongly imply that leftists themselves are useless and harmful to a country they purport to "lead" - an idea that comes far too painfully close to the truth.

The Chinese are not surpassing us...certainly not yet.

Their GDP may be approaching ours, but they've got four times the population we have. That means that they have about 1/4th the per capita output of the USA.

Another important point to keep in mind is that while China may very well have created some domestic support jobs (like building infrastructure), on balance the Chinese got where they are by taking jobs away from other countries. Texas Governor Rick Perry has personally benefited from that approach as he flies across the country trying to lure employers away from other states. That's no more a net creation of jobs than the way Mitt Romney made money was a result of wealth creation. Mitt essentially found a legal way to transfer wealth to his company and his pockets from ailing companies, leveraging debt, and finding buyers for revamped companies. But Romney wasn't building or creating anything, whether you're talking about a product, a business, or wealth in general. He basically just shuffled the deck and put more diamonds in his hand as he passed spades on to other players.

What's pathetic at this point is that conservatives just can't help themselves from blaming 'the left' for any and all of our economic ills as if conservative Republicans were merely spectators or innocent bystanders. That's nonsense. BOTH political parties did this to the country because their respective campaign contributors wanted it, and our elected officials all danced to the same tune that was played on the corporate squeeze box.

At this point, the only people who seem to buy into this feigned innocence are the conservative rank and file who seemingly are willing to buy any argument that's thrust in their general direction. And do you know what? The conservative Republican leadership thinks the conservative rank and file aren't smart enough by half to see that they're getting hoodwinked. They think they can run this game on you any time they please, and you won't catch on. I'm sorry to say that I think they're right.
Both Russia and China are leaping ahead of us economically, and militarily.

That's what democrats want. The United States is evil, a bad country and should be punished. Obama went to the Phillipines and said that America was a human rights violator.

Russia and China ahead of us militarily?


The are leaping ahead of us militarily. They are assisted in their efforts by the presidunce who can't destroy our military fast enough.
They had a bigger population than we did for more than a hundred years. Yet they fell behind more and more, especially under the communist government from the 1940s onward.

I wonder if the perpetual exploitation by foreign powers and the massacre of its people by the Japanese in WW2 might have had anything to do with that. Hmm...

Nope communism

Obviously not. We dropped atom bombs on Japan, and they were the 2nd largest economy in the world until a couple of years ago.

Just consider South Korea. Japan raped and pillaged the country for decades. It used Korean cities for germ warfare experiments. It forced tens of thousands of Korean women into prostitution to provide its solders with entertainment. It slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Korean citizens.

So why isn't South Korea doing worse than China?

Libturds are always making excuses for the failure of socialism.
Both Russia and China are leaping ahead of us economically, and militarily.

That's what democrats want. The United States is evil, a bad country and should be punished. Obama went to the Phillipines and said that America was a human rights violator.

Russia and China ahead of us militarily?


The are leaping ahead of us militarily. They are assisted in their efforts by the presidunce who can't destroy our military fast enough.

Really? My understanding is that the US has a higher level of military spending than the next dozen countries COMBINED!
Both Russia and China are leaping ahead of us economically, and militarily.

That's what democrats want. The United States is evil, a bad country and should be punished. Obama went to the Phillipines and said that America was a human rights violator.

Russia and China ahead of us militarily?


The are leaping ahead of us militarily. They are assisted in their efforts by the presidunce who can't destroy our military fast enough.

Please....please stop

Seriously, don't make yourself look dumber than you already have
In addition, China's got a resource that conservatards can only dream of: Abundant cheap labor that's more than willing to work any shit job for next to nothing.

If only we could be more like China.
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They had a bigger population than we did for more than a hundred years. Yet they fell behind more and more, especially under the communist government from the 1940s onward.

I wonder if the perpetual exploitation by foreign powers and the massacre of its people by the Japanese in WW2 might have had anything to do with that. Hmm...

Nope communism

Obviously not. We dropped atom bombs on Japan, and they were the 2nd largest economy in the world until a couple of years ago.

Just consider South Korea. Japan raped and pillaged the country for decades. It used Korean cities for germ warfare experiments. It forced tens of thousands of Korean women into prostitution to provide its solders with entertainment. It slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Korean citizens.

So why isn't South Korea doing worse than China?

Libturds are always making excuses for the failure of socialism.

Bed wetters also have to forget that the amount of people who starved to death thanks to the "great leap forward". (What is it about leftists and "forward" slogans to promote policies that do nothing but destroy?) Compared to the amount of people the Japanese intentionally slaughtered, Mao's ideas accidentally killed twice as many through starvation and disease. Then you consider the millions of dissidents intentionally killed by their own government and the effects of what happened prior too mao look like prosperity.

These moonbats are dangerously stupid. Never mind the terror inflicted on so many people at the hands of their own government. You can trust obozo with absolute power and competence in running a centralized collective economy. "He'll do it right this time"
It was as inevitable as water flowing downhill and reaching the bottom.

The U.S. went into high gear in its efforts to put socialism in place in the 1930s, and have kept it up (with a few temporary reverses) to the present day.

China did the same from the 1940s thru the 1970s... but then reversed the trend in the 1980s and onward, and started freeing its people to make their own decisions, run their own businesses, and take responsibility for their own actions.

And now China is on the verge of surpassing the U.S. as the leading economy of the world.


Death knell rings for 142 years of American dominance as China prepares to leap into first place as world's largest economy | Mail Online

Death knell rings for 142 years of American dominance as China prepares to leap into first place as world's largest economy

A report out of the World Bank indicates that Chinese purchasing power will surpass that of America in 2014
The International Comparison Program is conducted every six years and accounts for exchange rates as it examines worldwide living standards

China refused to endorse the findings for fear of losing its designation as a developing nation--and the lax environmental standards that come with it

by Joshua Gardner and Associated Press
Published: 08:48 EST, 30 April 2014 | Updated: 10:20 EST, 30 April 2014

A report out of the World Bank shows rapidly expanding China is poised to overtake the once invincible United States as the world's largest economy by the end of 2014.

The International Comparison Program looks at exchange rates to reveal purchasing power of different currencies and found that yuan in China will soon pack more punch than the mighty dollar.

Meanwhile, Chinese officials bashed the report as flawed, likely for fear of losing its status as a developing nation and the pollution-spewing perks that come with it.

Looks like all the leftists can do in response to an earth-shaking event like this, is to carefully misquote conservatives, ignore what they actually said, and call them names.

But then, that's the reponse the leftist fanatics usually have to every event. :cuckoo:

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