US intel: Ukraine war caused ‘one of the most disruptive periods’ for global food security....B...b..b...b...but Biduhn!


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2022
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused deep disruptions in the global food supply, raising prices and increasing the risk of food insecurity in poorer nations in the Middle East and North Africa, America’s top spy agency said in an unclassified report released by Congress on Wednesday.

The direct and indirect effects of the war “were major drivers of one of the most disruptive periods in decades for global food security,” the eight-page report found – in large part because Ukraine and Russia were among the world’s largest pre-war exporters of grain and other agricultural products

I and the authors of the report are surely embarrassed to have to labor the obvious....large scale land wars are inherently inflationary, more so when they involve substantial acreage of fertile land on which the world has come to depend...

BIden isn't the cause of global inflation, and his policies only mitigate it at the margin.

The entire narrative, constantly catapulted by substandard media, is a fiction. Another in a long line promoted on behalf of a political faith that has proven an economic disaster.
That OP is descriptive of effects but not of causes.
The US .
The world's greatest terrorists .Who manipulated and betrayed NATO for selfish and greedy reasons
Could you please throw your tantrum somewhere else?
It might have helped a lot if the breadbasket of S. Africa (Rhodesia/South Africa) was not being run by low IQ tribal blacks.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused deep disruptions in the global food supply, raising prices and increasing the risk of food insecurity in poorer nations in the Middle East and North Africa, America’s top spy agency said in an unclassified report released by Congress on Wednesday.

The direct and indirect effects of the war “were major drivers of one of the most disruptive periods in decades for global food security,” the eight-page report found – in large part because Ukraine and Russia were among the world’s largest pre-war exporters of grain and other agricultural products

I and the authors of the report are surely embarrassed to have to labor the obvious....large scale land wars are inherently inflationary, more so when they involve substantial acreage of fertile land on which the world has come to depend...

BIden isn't the cause of global inflation, and his policies only mitigate it at the margin.

The entire narrative, constantly catapulted by substandard media, is a fiction. Another in a long line promoted on behalf of a political faith that has proven an economic disaster.
Yea I’m sure the US State Department applauding the coup of 2014 in Ukraine so they could install a pro-US puppet regime, which led to a civil war in Ukraine, had nothing to do with it.
Yea I’m sure the US State Department applauding the coup of 2014 in Ukraine so they could install a pro-US puppet regime, which led to a civil war in Ukraine, had nothing to do with it.
So is the American conservatives' position now in complete alignment with Pootie's?
That OP is descriptive of effects but not of causes.
The US .
The world's greatest terrorists .Who manipulated and betrayed NATO for selfish and greedy reasons
Someone's salty that Russia only has a few years left as a country
So is the American conservatives' position now in complete alignment with Pootie's?
I like how you can’t even deny that those events happened.

Do you deny a coup happened and the democratically elected Ukrainian president was removed by force in 2014?

Or you would have us believe the state department just sat out the Euromaiden Revolution?

Remember when Victoria Nuland said “Fuck the EU” because they were hesitant to start shit with Russia over Ukraine?

^^ it’s funny how Biden’s name comes up when manipulating things in Ukraine back in 2014. The corruption runs deep.
I like how you can’t even deny that those events happened.

Do you deny a coup happened and the democratically elected Ukrainian president was removed by force in 2014?

Or you would have us believe the state department just sat out the Euromaiden Revolution?

Remember when Victoria Nuland said “Fuck the EU” because they were hesitant to start shit with Russia over Ukraine?

^^ it’s funny how Biden’s name comes up when manipulating things in Ukraine back in 2014. The corruption runs deep.
Do you deny a coup happened and the democratically elected Ukrainian president was removed by force in 2014?

Yes...I deny is bullshit..
^^ there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. The left will just deny historical facts. Even ones that can be easily found on leftwing website Wikipedia.

Thousands of protesters advanced towards parliament, led by activists with shields and helmets, and were fired on by police snipers.[20] On 21 February, Yanukovych and the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections.[32] Police abandoned central Kyiv that afternoon and the protesters took control. Yanukovych fled the city that evening.[33]

The next day, 22 February, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (about 73% of the parliament's 450 members).[34][35][36][32] Yanukovych claimed this vote was illegal and asked Russia for help.[37]

Revolution of Dignity - Wikipedia
Thousands of protesters advanced towards parliament, led by activists with shields and helmets, and were fired on by police snipers.[20] On 21 February, Yanukovych and the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections.[32] Police abandoned central Kyiv that afternoon and the protesters took control. Yanukovych fled the city that evening.[33]

The next day, 22 February, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (about 73% of the parliament's 450 members).[34][35][36][32] Yanukovych claimed this vote was illegal and asked Russia for help.[37]

Revolution of Dignity - Wikipedia
Yes, removed by force.

Opposition was occupying government buildings. Which is what you call terrorism now.

A coup.

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