US intelligence officials warn Nunes is risking lives with latest stunt

Oh please. Nothing. Mueller is just conducting a witch hunt to derail Trump. Everybody knows that, and the longer the Trump-derail fools drag this out, the dumber they look.

There's never been a shred of evidence of Russian collusion (nobody has plead guilty to THAT), barely beyond thanking the Russians for tipping us off to the Tsarnaev boys (which Obama failed to act on, resulting in the Boston Marathon bombing)

Here's what the American people think of the Russian collusion ruse-ploy-scam >>

You're full of shit. You think Trump is above the law. You're trying to go the Full Nixon!
In what way is having a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on your political opponent but turns out to have nothing...translate to "collusion" with the Russian government? Having meetings with people isn't illegal. It happens every day. Paying foreign agents to put out a phony dossier on your opponent isn't illegal either but it sure is sleazy! Especially when you then accuse the opponent you've smeared of doing what YOU in fact DID!
You cannot accept a "gift" from a foreign government during a campaign. You cannot accept money from foreign governments during a campaign. You cannot accept money from lobbyists during a campaign. It's called, "pay to play".

Michael Cohen is a boob. A lawyer in name only. Yet AT&T and a Russian Oligarch chose to give him millions of dollars and they keep changing their story as to why he was given this money. The only thing he had to sell, was access to Trump.
You mean the meeting that was pushed to them by the Democrats? The same ones trying to make up crimes? That's right, you choose to ignore that the base information was pushed by DEMOCRATS and the attorney misrepresented herself. That same attorney was friends with Brennen and Comey... OH my... why would you leave that little tidbit out? (makes me wonder if the real collusion with foreign government agents was with Brennen, Comey, Hillary and Obama)

This was an orchestrated meeting and a preplanned accusation by the Obama DOJ and FBI.... And the bombshell tonight.. Brennen and Comey had a planted FBI Agent in Trumps Organization.. Now why would they place a SPY inside Trumps organization as it was planted PRIOR to the FISA warrant and the dossier.... Now where did this authorization for a clandestine operation against a political opponent come from?

This pile of shit just got thrown in your fan..View attachment 192988

When this MOAB explodes there wont be a rock big enough for you idiots to hide under.
Where's your link to all this?
CIA and FBI personnel risk their lives when they sign up for such a job. Once they do that, there is no whining to be done about risk.
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[You cannot accept a "gift" from a foreign government during a campaign. You cannot accept money from foreign governments during a campaign. You cannot accept money from lobbyists during a campaign. It's called, "pay to play".
Pay to play. Oh yeah, AKA CLINTON RUMMY.
May 9, 2018

Senior FBI and intelligence officials are warning that Devin Nunes' demand for documents related to the Russia probe endangers the lives of confidential sources.

Link here.
One wonders what is the motivation behind Nunes demands? He is putting American lives in danger with these actions.
Why would he care now? He never has before.
In fact, why would any Republican care? They got what they wanted. A leader who is led by Putin.
Why would a major corporation like AT&T or a Russian oligarch give Cohen millions of dollars last year?
Nobody knows that they did. Got a video ? Come back when you do.

And don't you ever sleep ? Oh, you're in California. I might've known.

Well, I do. 2:23 AM here in Florida. I'm off the computer.

PS - they gave Bill Clinton $ 500 Million for a speech, that not a single Russian had the slightest interest to listen to. :night:
In what way is having a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on your political opponent but turns out to have nothing...translate to "collusion" with the Russian government? Having meetings with people isn't illegal. It happens every day. Paying foreign agents to put out a phony dossier on your opponent isn't illegal either but it sure is sleazy! Especially when you then accuse the opponent you've smeared of doing what YOU in fact DID!
You cannot accept a "gift" from a foreign government during a campaign. You cannot accept money from foreign governments during a campaign. You cannot accept money from lobbyists during a campaign. It's called, "pay to play".

Michael Cohen is a boob. A lawyer in name only. Yet AT&T and a Russian Oligarch chose to give him millions of dollars and they keep changing their story as to why he was given this money. The only thing he had to sell, was access to Trump.
Explain that to Hillary.

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