US invades Yemen w/o Congressional approval.

seems like no matter who is in charge we get involved in these little piss pot wars that usually escalate into bigger wars....
He promised he would defeat can't do that unless you wage war against them...Maybe othets weren't listening, also, when he said that...

He made a lot of promises. You would be a fool to believe any of them.

You can't wage war against terrorists. You can only cut off their support. If they are unable to eat, buy weapons, bombs, ammo, etc. If they are unable to afford to move around, buy gas, afford plane tickets, etc., then they aren't a threat. It is the powerful forces that enable them that must be combated. There will always be poor and disenfranchised that are willing to struggle and be brainwashed into doing despicable acts for clandestine interests. The supply of potential terrorists is infinite, the ability of powerful forces to create terrorists? Well, that is up to the international forces that create terrorists and whether we are serious about addressing this issue.

Trump's first 100 days were unlike any we've ever seen — here are all the promises he's kept and broken

Every Promise President Trump Has Broken That Candidate Trump Made

Remember what we thought of Obama zombies? Yeah, don't be like that with Trump.
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seems like no matter who is in charge we get involved in these little piss pot wars that usually escalate into bigger wars....
Controlled by shadow government: Mike Lofgren reveals how top U.S. officials are at the mercy of the “deep state”

Opinion | The deep state is still alive. Reality Winner proved just that.

This was a disgustingly honest piece before the election. . . . I didn't agree with it, but at least it told the truth.
No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things


What the bloody hell, when will this madness stop?

U.S. troops are on the ground in Yemen for offensive against al-Qaeda militants
U.S. troops are on the ground in Yemen for offensive against al-Qaeda militants

A contingent of U.S. troops is involved in a Yemeni operation to push al-Qaeda militants from one of their key strongholds in central Yemen, the Pentagon said Friday.

A small number of troops are there to help with “intelligence sharing,” Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said, though he did not rule out that more U.S. forces could be committed to the operation in the coming weeks.

Where was your outrage when Obama invaded Libya and Syria without Congress?
You must have missed it, b/c it was there.

I called Hillary out with this article by Seymour Hersch, I KNEW what the hell was going on with the whole Benghazi thing, and what it was being used for way before the ambassador was ever killed to cover the whole program up. I knew how it was being used to create ISIS long before ISIS was ever a thing.
LRB · Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels

I even posted article about how the US met with Saudi, Qatari, Israeli, and Turkish bureaucrats in Turkey to discuss how they would form ISIS back in 2013. (Unfortunately, that article is no longer available, sorry.)

Perhaps you missed it when I posted this video explaining that before the attack on Libya, it had the Highest GDP in Africa, higher in fact than even Russia? Ya? Missed that did you?

Wonder how he can drive through downtown Tripoli w/o anyone wanting to shoot him? Do you think Obama or Trump could do that in NY? Maybe the bullshit propaganda you were fed in the west was just that, bullshit?
What else is new? Undeclared Wars are the 'New Norm.' Just like the rapid erosion of our Freedom & Liberty. These 'New Norms' will be the end of us. It's very sad.
A serious analysis of the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, the military industrial production establishment, the privatized Intelligence establishment, and how it all ties together at this point would reveal that the US federal establishment, like the Roman Empire, could not survive unless war is being fought some place on the planet by our troops.

Yes, it is a Permanent War Agenda.

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