US invades Yemen w/o Congressional approval.

Is it like that asshole Obama bombing Libya without Congressional approval or is it somehow, you know, "different"?
Has Trump illegally given thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels like Obama did


Nearly every single weapon the ATF watched during it's so called Gun Walking scandal, were actually legally purchased under AZ lax gun laws. They paid retail baby. That's the way the NRA likes it. Remember, guns don't kill people.......

For all your other partisan nonsense, you're like a little Red Chatty Cathy doll..........
Oh, I am sorry - I mis-spoke. Barry illegally SOLD, not 'gave', those weapons to the Mexican Drug Cartels...

Happy now? I 'made it all better'... :p

Not according to the State of AZ. They refused to file any charges because they wouldn't be able to get a conviction. I blame the head of the ATF. Oh wait Congress refused to allow an Obama appointment to that post. Thank GOP obstructionist.

It was a phony scandal the GOP tried to tie to President Obama.

Try again.
You are living proof you can't fix 'stupid' or snowflake self-delusion. :p

No charges were ever pressed because Barry owned the US AG...who became the 1st US AG in US history to ever be Censured - bipartisanly - for commiting Felony Perjury while trying to cover that scandal up.

You are a shameless liar or hopelessly delusional.
Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump started 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved wars to help terrorists like Obama did?
- No
In just six months, Trump has started one, in Yemen.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Does Trump have his own personal drone assassination program where HE decides who is killed or not, a program with which he has Un-Constitutionally murdered Americans abroad like Obama did?
- No
Should we be scared of Trump's drone reforms?

Barack Obama was much criticised for his dramatic escalation of drone strikes in non-battlefield settings such as Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

But Trump is already surpassing Obama's record. According to Micah Zenko, an expert on drones at the Council on Foreign Relations, Obama conducted one strike every 5.4 days; Trump has thus far averaged one strike or raid every 1.25 days.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected terrorists like Obama has?
- No
Yes. Trump is giving huge sums to Saudi elites, they fund the folks we are fighting. It is a cluster fuck.
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally given thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels like Obama did?
- No
The "Fast and Furious" scandal and that tracking program was started under the Bush regime, as I am sure you are well aware but your partisanship won't allow you to admit. Top that off with the fact that the CIA is the one that runs the drugs. Private arms dealers run the guns still with complicity of the ATF. Only the really naive think this will end.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally shared classified information, illegally leaked information, committed Felony espionage, illegally used the IRS to target Americans like Obama did?
- No
Who is doing what within the clandestine world is anyone's guess. You don't know what is going on, nor do I. Get over yourself already. How do you know that Trump isn't leaking all this information himself in an attempt to keep the entire population and the Congress focused on things other than governing and doing the people's business? You really have no idea what is going on, do you?

If Obama did half of what you said, why isn't he in prison? We are made to believe he did them. Then again, maybe he did do them. You have heard the folks on the left accuse Trump of all those terrible heinous things, do you believe any of that silly shit? And what about Hillary? Don't you see a pattern here? You are SUPPOSED to be focused on scandals, it is necessary so you are not outraged that none of these presidents, or congressional representatives or Senators are doing anything about the fact that the Constitution is now null and void, none of the people's business and real pressing issues are being addressed. These are smoke screens, distractions, and you are falling for them. This isn't a partisan issue. THAT is what I am getting at.
I stopped reading your bullshit when you said Trump started a war in Yemen. It is blatabtly obvious you are clueless about the continued war in Yemen and the US' participation helping the Saudis, dating back YEARS.

That explains your ignorant, factually incorrect post.

Educate yourself and then come back to discuss so you don't humiliate yourself further and will have more credibility.
The Rats ain't used to a president trying to WIN a war...Barry couldn't bring himself to say that was our objective in one interview...the same interview the putz claimed Hirohito surrendered to MacArthur. Barry lost two won wars, didn't support the Greens in Iran when they could have overthrown the mullahs. And it goes without saying how bad he fucked up Syria, Libya, and almost Egypt before their generals threw out his Muslim Brotherhood.
You are living proof you can't fix 'stupid' or snowflake self-delusion.

You are a shameless liar or hopelessly delusional.

Obviously with sound reasoning like that, combined with all the facts you provided proving President Obama sold the Drug Cartels those weapons, you win......

Alright, I tried. I am officially ignoring you because you are intentionally intellectually dishonest, and that won't change...or you are just stupid, and tbat won't change. Have a good day...

One last thing before I ignore you:

Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress after historic vote

I really have no problem with snowflakes who are's just the ones who keep tunning their mouths while making no attempt to educate themselves I can't tolerate...

At least make an attempt to learn how to use 'Google'...
Last edited:
Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump started 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved wars to help terrorists like Obama did?
- No

Does Trump have his own personal drone assassination program where HE decides who is killed or not, a program with which he has Un-Constitutionally murdered Americans abroad like Obama did?
- No

Has Trump aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected terrorists like Obama has?
- No

Has Trump illegally given thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels like Obama did?
- No

Has Trump illegally shared classified information, illegally leaked information, committed Felony espionage, illegally used the IRS to target Americans like Obama did?
- No

No, sweetheart, Trump is nothing like Barry. No one is quite like El Generalissimo Obama....
Give it time. . .

It's only been six months.
I thought war might be different with him. Luckily, i didnt get my hopes up too high :/
Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump started 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved wars to help terrorists like Obama did?
- No
In just six months, Trump has started one, in Yemen.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Does Trump have his own personal drone assassination program where HE decides who is killed or not, a program with which he has Un-Constitutionally murdered Americans abroad like Obama did?
- No
Should we be scared of Trump's drone reforms?

Barack Obama was much criticised for his dramatic escalation of drone strikes in non-battlefield settings such as Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

But Trump is already surpassing Obama's record. According to Micah Zenko, an expert on drones at the Council on Foreign Relations, Obama conducted one strike every 5.4 days; Trump has thus far averaged one strike or raid every 1.25 days.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected terrorists like Obama has?
- No
Yes. Trump is giving huge sums to Saudi elites, they fund the folks we are fighting. It is a cluster fuck.
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally given thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels like Obama did?
- No
The "Fast and Furious" scandal and that tracking program was started under the Bush regime, as I am sure you are well aware but your partisanship won't allow you to admit. Top that off with the fact that the CIA is the one that runs the drugs. Private arms dealers run the guns still with complicity of the ATF. Only the really naive think this will end.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally shared classified information, illegally leaked information, committed Felony espionage, illegally used the IRS to target Americans like Obama did?
- No
Who is doing what within the clandestine world is anyone's guess. You don't know what is going on, nor do I. Get over yourself already. How do you know that Trump isn't leaking all this information himself in an attempt to keep the entire population and the Congress focused on things other than governing and doing the people's business? You really have no idea what is going on, do you?

If Obama did half of what you said, why isn't he in prison? We are made to believe he did them. Then again, maybe he did do them. You have heard the folks on the left accuse Trump of all those terrible heinous things, do you believe any of that silly shit? And what about Hillary? Don't you see a pattern here? You are SUPPOSED to be focused on scandals, it is necessary so you are not outraged that none of these presidents, or congressional representatives or Senators are doing anything about the fact that the Constitution is now null and void, none of the people's business and real pressing issues are being addressed. These are smoke screens, distractions, and you are falling for them. This isn't a partisan issue. THAT is what I am getting at.
I stopped reading your bullshit when you said Trump started a war in Yemen. It is blatabtly obvious you are clueless about the continued war in Yemen and the US' participation helping the Saudis, dating back YEARS.

That explains your ignorant, factually incorrect post.

Educate yourself and then come back to discuss so you don't humiliate yourself further and will have more credibility.
Seems Congress disagrees with you. Up till now there has only been, as you said, material support for the Saudis, and CIA targeted drone strikes.

Actually going to war is a horse of another color. It's staring to become clear, your partisan blinders are making you appear uninformed on this particular subject, sorry. If Congress is telling the President what he is doing is not right, why can't you see it?

Lawmakers tell Trump to get approval for military action in Yemen
Lawmakers tell Trump to get approval for military action in Yemen

Bipartisan Effort: 55 U.S. Representatives Call on Trump to Come to Congress Before Taking Military Action in Yemen
Bipartisan Effort: 55 U.S. Representatives Call on Trump to Come to Congress Before Taking Military Action in Yemen
He promised he would defeat can't do that unless you wage war against them...Maybe othets weren't listening, also, when he said that...

You are living proof you can't fix 'stupid' or snowflake self-delusion.

You are a shameless liar or hopelessly delusional.

Obviously with sound reasoning like that, combined with all the facts you provided proving President Obama sold the Drug Cartels those weapons, you win......

Some folks will do the most inane things to preserve their world view. . . .

Even if it means scraping the bottom barrel.
Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump started 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved wars to help terrorists like Obama did?
- No
In just six months, Trump has started one, in Yemen.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Does Trump have his own personal drone assassination program where HE decides who is killed or not, a program with which he has Un-Constitutionally murdered Americans abroad like Obama did?
- No
Should we be scared of Trump's drone reforms?

Barack Obama was much criticised for his dramatic escalation of drone strikes in non-battlefield settings such as Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

But Trump is already surpassing Obama's record. According to Micah Zenko, an expert on drones at the Council on Foreign Relations, Obama conducted one strike every 5.4 days; Trump has thus far averaged one strike or raid every 1.25 days.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected terrorists like Obama has?
- No
Yes. Trump is giving huge sums to Saudi elites, they fund the folks we are fighting. It is a cluster fuck.
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally given thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels like Obama did?
- No
The "Fast and Furious" scandal and that tracking program was started under the Bush regime, as I am sure you are well aware but your partisanship won't allow you to admit. Top that off with the fact that the CIA is the one that runs the drugs. Private arms dealers run the guns still with complicity of the ATF. Only the really naive think this will end.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally shared classified information, illegally leaked information, committed Felony espionage, illegally used the IRS to target Americans like Obama did?
- No
Who is doing what within the clandestine world is anyone's guess. You don't know what is going on, nor do I. Get over yourself already. How do you know that Trump isn't leaking all this information himself in an attempt to keep the entire population and the Congress focused on things other than governing and doing the people's business? You really have no idea what is going on, do you?

If Obama did half of what you said, why isn't he in prison? We are made to believe he did them. Then again, maybe he did do them. You have heard the folks on the left accuse Trump of all those terrible heinous things, do you believe any of that silly shit? And what about Hillary? Don't you see a pattern here? You are SUPPOSED to be focused on scandals, it is necessary so you are not outraged that none of these presidents, or congressional representatives or Senators are doing anything about the fact that the Constitution is now null and void, none of the people's business and real pressing issues are being addressed. These are smoke screens, distractions, and you are falling for them. This isn't a partisan issue. THAT is what I am getting at.
I stopped reading your bullshit when you said Trump started a war in Yemen. It is blatabtly obvious you are clueless about the continued war in Yemen and the US' participation helping the Saudis, dating back YEARS.

That explains your ignorant, factually incorrect post.

Educate yourself and then come back to discuss so you don't humiliate yourself further and will have more credibility.
Seems Congress disagrees with you. Up till now there has only been, as you said, material support for the Saudis, and CIA targeted drone strikes.

Actually going to war is a horse of another color. It's staring to become clear, your partisan blinders are making you appear uninformed on this particular subject, sorry. If Congress is telling the President what he is doing is not right, why can't you see it?

Lawmakers tell Trump to get approval for military action in Yemen
Lawmakers tell Trump to get approval for military action in Yemen

Bipartisan Effort: 55 U.S. Representatives Call on Trump to Come to Congress Before Taking Military Action in Yemen
Bipartisan Effort: 55 U.S. Representatives Call on Trump to Come to Congress Before Taking Military Action in Yemen
Where were these hypocritical ass-clowns when Barry Un-Constitutionally dragged the country to war in Libya and Syria...and North Africa?

Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should have been in Iraq, Libya, Syria, or North Africa...or now Yemen...
So many people knowing nothing factual and going to great lengths to prove it.
You are living proof you can't fix 'stupid' or snowflake self-delusion.

You are a shameless liar or hopelessly delusional.

Obviously with sound reasoning like that, combined with all the facts you provided proving President Obama sold the Drug Cartels those weapons, you win......

Alright, I tried. I am officially ignoring you because you are intentionally intellectually dishonest, and that won't change...or you are just stupid, and tbat won't change. Have a good day...

One last thing before I ignore you:

Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress after historic vote

I really have no problem with snowflakes who are's just the ones who keep tunning their mouths while making no attempt to educate themselves I can't tolerate...

At least make an attempt to learn how to use 'Google'...

As if that somehow proves President Obama gave them, no, sold them weapons, in AZ.

But as usual when pressed for any clarification of your bogus talking points, you respond with more baseless insults.

Par for your course.

Where were these hypocritical ass-clowns when Barry Un-Constitutionally dragged the country to war in Libya and Syria...and North Africa?

Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should have been in Iraq, Libya, Syria, or North Africa...or now Yemen...

Liberals are hypocritical partisan assholes for the most part.

Republican wars bad, Democrat wars good.

Republican debt bad, Democrat debt good.

You never see these Moon Bats taking responsibility for Obama's interventionism and being at war for every day of his administration. The most you will get out of the snowflakes would be to blame it on Bush or something.
He promised he would defeat can't do that unless you wage war against them...Maybe othets weren't listening, also, when he said that...

I play plenty of strategy games, lots a very complex ones.

He isn't doing shit to defeat terrorism, other than making folks that don't know shit about what is going believe that he that he is.

Defeating terrorism is NOT about winning on the battlefield, you can never win there. It is about cutting off funding, blocking the means of radicalization, and stopping the training and arming of extremists.

The Deep State, the International Banking Cartel, and the Military Industrial Complex benefits from terrorism. He can't stop ISIS or AQ, even if he wanted to while his administration is staffed with people the is composed of.

If he really wanted to, he would clean house, starting with folks in his administration that have connections to industries that directly gain from the benefits of arming, funding, and training terrorists as a policy tool.
Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump started 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved wars to help terrorists like Obama did?
- No
In just six months, Trump has started one, in Yemen.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Does Trump have his own personal drone assassination program where HE decides who is killed or not, a program with which he has Un-Constitutionally murdered Americans abroad like Obama did?
- No
Should we be scared of Trump's drone reforms?

Barack Obama was much criticised for his dramatic escalation of drone strikes in non-battlefield settings such as Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

But Trump is already surpassing Obama's record. According to Micah Zenko, an expert on drones at the Council on Foreign Relations, Obama conducted one strike every 5.4 days; Trump has thus far averaged one strike or raid every 1.25 days.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected terrorists like Obama has?
- No
Yes. Trump is giving huge sums to Saudi elites, they fund the folks we are fighting. It is a cluster fuck.
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Trump in Saudi Arabia signs $110B arms deal with Persian Gulf ally
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally given thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels like Obama did?
- No
The "Fast and Furious" scandal and that tracking program was started under the Bush regime, as I am sure you are well aware but your partisanship won't allow you to admit. Top that off with the fact that the CIA is the one that runs the drugs. Private arms dealers run the guns still with complicity of the ATF. Only the really naive think this will end.

Trump is no different than Obama.


Has Trump illegally shared classified information, illegally leaked information, committed Felony espionage, illegally used the IRS to target Americans like Obama did?
- No
Who is doing what within the clandestine world is anyone's guess. You don't know what is going on, nor do I. Get over yourself already. How do you know that Trump isn't leaking all this information himself in an attempt to keep the entire population and the Congress focused on things other than governing and doing the people's business? You really have no idea what is going on, do you?

If Obama did half of what you said, why isn't he in prison? We are made to believe he did them. Then again, maybe he did do them. You have heard the folks on the left accuse Trump of all those terrible heinous things, do you believe any of that silly shit? And what about Hillary? Don't you see a pattern here? You are SUPPOSED to be focused on scandals, it is necessary so you are not outraged that none of these presidents, or congressional representatives or Senators are doing anything about the fact that the Constitution is now null and void, none of the people's business and real pressing issues are being addressed. These are smoke screens, distractions, and you are falling for them. This isn't a partisan issue. THAT is what I am getting at.
I stopped reading your bullshit when you said Trump started a war in Yemen. It is blatabtly obvious you are clueless about the continued war in Yemen and the US' participation helping the Saudis, dating back YEARS.

That explains your ignorant, factually incorrect post.

Educate yourself and then come back to discuss so you don't humiliate yourself further and will have more credibility.
Seems Congress disagrees with you. Up till now there has only been, as you said, material support for the Saudis, and CIA targeted drone strikes.

Actually going to war is a horse of another color. It's staring to become clear, your partisan blinders are making you appear uninformed on this particular subject, sorry. If Congress is telling the President what he is doing is not right, why can't you see it?

Lawmakers tell Trump to get approval for military action in Yemen
Lawmakers tell Trump to get approval for military action in Yemen

Bipartisan Effort: 55 U.S. Representatives Call on Trump to Come to Congress Before Taking Military Action in Yemen
Bipartisan Effort: 55 U.S. Representatives Call on Trump to Come to Congress Before Taking Military Action in Yemen
Where were these hypocritical ass-clowns when Barry Un-Constitutionally dragged the country to war in Libya and Syria...and North Africa?

Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should have been in Iraq, Libya, Syria, or North Africa...or now Yemen...

What hypocritical ass-clowns?

Every single person that liked my OP, HATED Obama and Hillary, and they know I did as well. All of them had high hopes for Trump that immediately evaporated when Goldmansachs entered his cabinet.

Every single one of them believes in the ideal laid out by George Washington about entangling in internationalism.

The shit the globalists are selling you on terrorism and Korean, and Russia, and all of it to get us into war? It's all bullshit.
What else is new? Undeclared Wars are the 'New Norm.' Just like the rapid erosion of our Freedom & Liberty. These 'New Norms' will be the end of us. It's very sad.
A serious analysis of the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, the military industrial production establishment, the privatized Intelligence establishment, and how it all ties together at this point would reveal that the US federal establishment, like the Roman Empire, could not survive unless war is being fought some place on the planet by our troops.

What the bloody hell, when will this madness stop?

U.S. troops are on the ground in Yemen for offensive against al-Qaeda militants
U.S. troops are on the ground in Yemen for offensive against al-Qaeda militants

A contingent of U.S. troops is involved in a Yemeni operation to push al-Qaeda militants from one of their key strongholds in central Yemen, the Pentagon said Friday.

A small number of troops are there to help with “intelligence sharing,” Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said, though he did not rule out that more U.S. forces could be committed to the operation in the coming weeks.

Where was your outrage when Obama invaded Libya and Syria without Congress?
You are living proof you can't fix 'stupid' or snowflake self-delusion.

You are a shameless liar or hopelessly delusional.

Obviously with sound reasoning like that, combined with all the facts you provided proving President Obama sold the Drug Cartels those weapons, you win......

Alright, I tried. I am officially ignoring you because you are intentionally intellectually dishonest, and that won't change...or you are just stupid, and tbat won't change. Have a good day...

One last thing before I ignore you:

Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress after historic vote

I really have no problem with snowflakes who are's just the ones who keep tunning their mouths while making no attempt to educate themselves I can't tolerate...

At least make an attempt to learn how to use 'Google'...

As if that somehow proves President Obama gave them, no, sold them weapons, in AZ.

But as usual when pressed for any clarification of your bogus talking points, you respond with more baseless insults.

Par for your course.
The proof is the fact the AG buried it and when questioned on it Obama exerted Executive Privilege. If as claimed he never talked to anyone about it why would he need to claim Executive Privilege?

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