US Invasion started the Christian Holocaust in Iraq



How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians | The American Conservative

In March 2003, on the eve of war in Iraq, Pope John Paul II dispatched Cardinal Pio Laghi, a senior Vatican diplomat, to Washington to make a final plea to Bush not to invade. Laghi, chosen for his close ties to the Bush family, outlined “clearly and forcefully” the Vatican’s fears of what would follow an invasion: protracted war, significant casualties, violence between ethnic and religious groups, regional destabilization, “and a new gulf between Christianity and Islam.” The warning was not heeded.

Two weeks after the Bush-Laghi meeting, on March 19, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced. Shortly after combat operations concluded on May 1, the real conflict began. Amid the chaos and sectarian violence that followed, Iraq’s Christians suffered severe persecution. Neither the military nor the State Department took action to protect them.

In Iraq, ancient Christianity lies in ruins. But who cares? »

Perhaps the crowds would have been bigger if the West had been paying attention to the desperate pleas for help from Chaldeans and Assyrians over the past decade.

Bush Policies Promote Global Jihad

Bush is now working with the U.N. to create a Muslim state in Kosovo.

On July 25, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom held a major hearing on religious persecution in Iraq that made your stomach turn. It effectively demonstrated that American soldiers, many of them Christians, are giving their lives and limbs to prop up a Muslim government that encourages or tolerates religious persecution against Christians. Michael Cromartie, chairman of the group and an appointee of President Bush, said reports indicate that nearly half of Iraq’s Christians have already fled the country.

'Obliterating' Iraq's Christians | OnFaith

In 2007, Pope Benedict directly told President Bush that in Iraq, “the society that was evolving would not tolerate the Christian religion.” Yet, no American policy was directed to enable this ancient group survive the religious cleansing that the invasion unleashed.

Christian Massacres: A Result of U.S. Foreign Policy

In the wake of the U.S. invasion and occupation — which in 2007 the Congressional Budget Office estimated would cost U.S. taxpayers about $2 trillion — Christianity in Iraq might very well be fully eradicated. Reliable estimates found that about 1.4 million Christians lived in Iraq before 2003. Today, that number is less than 500,000, with some experts claiming the true figure is actually around 200,000. In all, some two-thirds of the nation’s Christians have already fled or been killed.

After the United States invaded, however, everything changed. “The Assyrians have survived the coming of the Persians, the Arabs, and the Turks,” Chancy observed. “It remains to be seen if they will survive the coming of the Americans.” Unfortunately, as Chancy and countless other analysts warned, Christians did not fare well.

Businesses were seized, churches were bombed, women were raped, Sharia law was brutally enforced, and Christians, including women and children, were viciously slaughtered. Muslim extremists throughout the nation and Kurdish nationalists in northern areas — supposedly U.S. allies — all participated in the massacres and persecution.

A year after the U.S. invasion, Chancy’s dire warnings had become reality. “In fact, the current policies of the Bush administration are threatening to absolutely devastate ancient and pious Christian communities whose blood will be on all our heads,” he observed in late 2004, saying the American people had become accomplices in the slaughter and destruction of large segments of the world’s Christian population.


Every time I brought this up, USMB Republicans have denied it ever happened. I've been writing about it since I first signed up for this site and still USMB Republicans call this a lie. And look at the links, "Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom" and the "American Conservative".

Even very conservative organizations no longer deny it. Unlike USMB right wingers. Can someone explain why they deny something that is very recent history?

And why do they insist Iraq was the Democrats war? It wasn't. Bush was president. Republicans held both houses. Remember "You are with us or with the terrorists"? After 911, not only was it political suicide to oppose the Republicans, the majority of Americans believed Iraq was involved in the terrorist attack that brought down the WTC.

Party divisions of United States Congresses

Not only are Republicans responsible for the invasion in Iraq, they were warned what would happen to the Christians there by even the Pope and took no precautions and did nothing to help the Christians while they were being prosecuted. That's a fact. It's true. It happened. It's recent history. USMB Republicans may deny that fact, but it is a fact.
A really good thread for USMB Republicans to prove I'm wrong. Go ahead. Prove it. I dare you.
Yeah it's Bush's fault. We get it. It's like Obama hasnt been president for 5years already.
A really good thread for USMB Republicans to prove I'm wrong. Go ahead. Prove it. I dare you.

Not a chance. Hell the rabbit's done been here and shit the best they've got. Blame Bush.
At least the Rabbit got something right. Finally. Blame Bush. The Republican motto.
US Invasion started the Christian Holocaust in Iraq

Stop trying to diminish the unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people. Choose another word to describe this event--"karma," perhaps.
The Christian holocaust in Asia has been going since about 750 AD.
US Invasion started the Christian Holocaust in Iraq

Stop trying to diminish the unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people. Choose another word to describe this event--"karma," perhaps.

Stop trying to claim only Jewish people suffered under the thumb if the Nazis.
right, bush and our military had the country somewhat stable and now that Obama is letting it go completely to hell, it's back to Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooshs fault

you are so frikken transparent but gotta cover you Dear leaders ass

You should be asking Obama why he doesn't care that Christians in Iraq are being slaughtered and persecuted under his regime...I have a clue why, he could give a damn about them..His hearts is with the Muslim....

he screwed up everything he's touched not only here at home but the Middle East is about ready to explode into total chaos. and he goes on vacation and rdean sits here coving his ass for him
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US Invasion started the Christian Holocaust in Iraq
Thank Hillary Clinton who both voted to authorize invasion AND recently thanked George Bush for making her proud to be an American. Both undisputed facts and no need for all the large bold red text. see how simple that was?
US Invasion started the Christian Holocaust in Iraq

Stop trying to diminish the unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people. Choose another word to describe this event--"karma," perhaps.

Stop trying to claim only Jewish people suffered under the thumb if the Nazis.

Nobody claims that. But anyone who denies that the Holocaust was directed primarily against Jews is lying.
When haven't Christians been persecuted? It all started when they hung Jesus on a cross and I can't remember a time when Christianity wasn't under attack some where on the planet.

Stop trying to diminish the unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people. Choose another word to describe this event--"karma," perhaps.

Stop trying to claim only Jewish people suffered under the thumb if the Nazis.

Nobody claims that. But anyone who denies that the Holocaust was directed primarily against Jews is lying.

unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people ? Other peoples, races, religions suffered the exact same persecution.
Stop trying to claim only Jewish people suffered under the thumb if the Nazis.

Nobody claims that. But anyone who denies that the Holocaust was directed primarily against Jews is lying.

unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people ? Other peoples, races, religions suffered the exact same persecution.

THe Holocaust was directly primarily at Jews. It was perpetrated by the most advanced civilized country of its time. That makes it unique.
US Invasion started the Christian Holocaust in Iraq

Stop trying to diminish the unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people. Choose another word to describe this event--"karma," perhaps.

Sorry, I don't think that Jewish people have a right to claim full ownership of the word holocaust. There are several examples in history of a certain race or tribes that have suffered a holocaust. The natives of North and South America suffered in a holocaust like event after the Europeans conquerors invaded.

Holocaust might not aptly describe what is happening to Christians in Iraq, perhaps a Diaspora?
US Invasion started the Christian Holocaust in Iraq

Stop trying to diminish the unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people. Choose another word to describe this event--"karma," perhaps.

Sorry, I don't think that Jewish people have a right to claim full ownership of the word holocaust. There are several examples in history of a certain race or tribes that have suffered a holocaust. The natives of North and South America suffered in a holocaust like event after the Europeans conquerors invaded.

Holocaust might not aptly describe what is happening to Christians in Iraq, perhaps a Diaspora?

Did the Europeans have a definite program for the systematic destruction of American Indians? No. Did they disarm American Indians before sending them to extermination camps? No.
Are Christians in Iraq being targetd by the most scientifically and culturally advanced civilization of their time? No.
Quit already. Attempts to minimize the Holocaust are simply anti semitism in another guise.
right, bush and our military had the country somewhat stable and now that Obama is letting it go completely to hell, it's back to Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooshs fault

you are so frikken transparent but gotta cover you Dear leaders ass

You should be asking Obama why he doesn't care that Christians in Iraq are being slaughtered and persecuted under his regime...I have a clue why, he could give a damn about them..His hearts is with the Muslim....

he screwed up everything he's touched not only here at home but the Middle East is about ready to explode into total chaos. and he goes on vacation and rdean sits here coving his ass for him

Right on queue, blaming Bushes Bug Out after Breaking it, on Obama.
Stop trying to diminish the unique suffering and persecution experienced by the Jewish people. Choose another word to describe this event--"karma," perhaps.

Sorry, I don't think that Jewish people have a right to claim full ownership of the word holocaust. There are several examples in history of a certain race or tribes that have suffered a holocaust. The natives of North and South America suffered in a holocaust like event after the Europeans conquerors invaded.

Holocaust might not aptly describe what is happening to Christians in Iraq, perhaps a Diaspora?

Did the Europeans have a definite program for the systematic destruction of American Indians? No. Did they disarm American Indians before sending them to extermination camps? No.
Are Christians in Iraq being targetd by the most scientifically and culturally advanced civilization of their time? No.
Quit already. Attempts to minimize the Holocaust are simply anti semitism in another guise.

There's no attempt to minimalize it. There is only an attempt to factualize it. Enemies of the state were sent to work camps, death camps or executed on the spot. Early on the Nazi's would have been happy if they all left willingly but no country wanted them.

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