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US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

You think tarp was a good thing? It was what the bankers said we must do or else. And that's what you give credit for? That's like crediting the bank robber for the robbery. Omg!

And btw bush wanted to give the money to the banks no strings attached. That's why Elizabeth Warren is so popular. She put an end to that bs

The money that Bush "gave" to the banks was paid back with interest. The money that Obama gave to his pet "green energy" companies and General Motors we're still missing. Funny how Elizabeth isn't up in arms about THAT!

Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.

I'm not anti any type of technology, Sealy...what I AM anti is getting scammed by companies like Solyndra who took millions in taxpayer money and then declared bankruptcy months later.
When you invest in new technology and r&d you don't always return a profit.

In fact, government often invests in things corporations won't because they don't see a roi or profit in it. But as soon as government research figures shit out corporations jump all over it.

We need to go green but we haven't completely figured out green technology. Sounds like Republicans are against even trying

What did we figure out with Solyndra?
1. That Solyndra was not a good deal.
2, That Solyndra failed.

That we should put more emphasis on whether the technology that companies are developing makes sense and less emphasis on how much money the people that run them contribute to political campaigns?
What did we figure out with:

Over 770,000 homes weatherized. A doubling of energy from wind and solar. Cleaning 688 square miles of land formerly used for Cold War-era nuclear testing.

Solyndra was a bad bet. But the latter, along with a number of new energy companies that did well, taught most a lot. And we have seen how much money the traditional energy companies put in to stopping the green energy companies. And encouraging idiots like Oldstyle. But trolls like oldstyle mentions Solyndra every time he gets a chance, because Solyndra failed. But he never mentions the great success of Tesla. Why is that, Oldstyle. Cat have your tongue again, dipshit.
While all of the impartial sources looking at the stimulus spending on green energy are generally positive, all of a hundred or so bat shit crazy con web sites are attacking those efforts. Because they are financed largely by energy companies who live on carbon based energy sales. True money in politics. Which ALL republicans support.

Last edited:
The money that Bush "gave" to the banks was paid back with interest. The money that Obama gave to his pet "green energy" companies and General Motors we're still missing. Funny how Elizabeth isn't up in arms about THAT!

Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.
Technically, they are called stupid, brainwashed, con trolls. Like Oldstyle. They do what is best for the wealthy few who pay their favorite politicians to get them what they want and tell con trolls what to believe.
Donald Trump just did what I accuse all Republicans of doing!!! He gave Mike pence credit for the economic recovery Republicans deny happened when they discuss Obama.
And he brought on a VP candidate who voted for the Iraq war that he criticizes hillary big time for. Guy makes you head swim. But then, he is the biggest liar according to fact check, period. No one else even close.

Speaking of liars...did you and the other liar want to show me that CBO report you said existed? Think I forgot about that? Another day...another Rshermr lie![/QUOTE]

Already been proven to you. that you say it was not is simply you lying, which is normal for you. And, you have become voiceless on the latest trump turn from hating anyone who supported the Iraq war to bringing a VP on board who did exactly that, voting for and fully supporting W's war on Iraq. Suddenly, oldstyle has no answer, and has to try another unrelated lie. Dipshit.
They "expect" to earn a profit, Ed? Get back to me when they actually DO make a profit! Until then it's just another Federal Government agency trying their best to make themselves look like they aren't complete idiots.
The program has already made more in profit than all the losses combined!

Obama Has Done More for Clean Energy Than You Think

The program has made a profit of nearly $1 billion in interest payments to the U.S Treasury to date. At least $5 billion more is expected over the next few decades as loans are paid back. That compares with $780 million in losses to date, the bulk of which is accounted for by the $535 million loaned to Solyndra.

Amazing, Ed...according to your source the program turned a "profit" of nearly a billion dollars yet an audit done just months before that was written showed the program still losing 2.2 billion of taxpayer monies. Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds

Poor Oldstyle. He well understands that the only sources that mean anything are impartial sources. So, off he goes to use another bat shit crazy con source, The Washington Times. Source Watch says:

"The Washington Times is a newspaper owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon'sUnification Church, through its company News World Communications. The paper was first published on May 17, 1982.

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council
The Washington Times has been a corporate funder of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).[1] See ALEC Corporations for more.
Washington Times - SourceWatch
And much much more. Talking about a nut case, Oldstyle sinks so low as to use a Sun Myung Moon rag as a source.
The money that Bush "gave" to the banks was paid back with interest. The money that Obama gave to his pet "green energy" companies and General Motors we're still missing. Funny how Elizabeth isn't up in arms about THAT!

Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.

I'm not anti any type of technology, Sealy...what I AM anti is getting scammed by companies like Solyndra who took millions in taxpayer money and then declared bankruptcy months later.
When you invest in new technology and r&d you don't always return a profit.

In fact, government often invests in things corporations won't because they don't see a roi or profit in it. But as soon as government research figures shit out corporations jump all over it.

We need to go green but we haven't completely figured out green technology. Sounds like Republicans are against even trying

What did we figure out with Solyndra?
1. That Solyndra was not a good deal.
2, That Solyndra failed.

That we should put more emphasis on whether the technology that companies are developing makes sense and less emphasis on how much money the people that run them contribute to political campaigns?
What did we figure out with:

Over 770,000 homes weatherized. A doubling of energy from wind and solar. Cleaning 688 square miles of land formerly used for Cold War-era nuclear testing.

Solydra was a bad bet. But the latter, along with a number of new energy companies that did well, taught most a lot. And we have seen how much money the traditional energy companies put in to stopping the green energy companies. And encouraging idiots like Oldstyle.
While all of the impartial sources looking at the stimulus spending on green energy are generally positive, all of a hundred or so bat shit crazy con web sites are attacking those efforts. Because they are financed largely by energy companies who live on carbon based energy sales. True money in politics. Which ALL republicans support.

It always amazes me, that after hundreds of threads by left-wingers, complaining about Corporate Welfare, you turn right around and defend the practice.

Which "impartial" sources are you referring to? I've been following green energy funding for over a decade. Haven't seen an impartial source yet that was positively viewing the waste of money known as green-energy grants.

770,000 homes that have been weatherized? You do realize that the weatherization program has been running for 30 plus years? You do also realize that big corporations with million of shareholders, are the primary beneficiary of this program?

How can you complain about the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, and then justify every possible way of taxing the poor, to pay the rich, so you can have a new window at tax payer expense, that saves $20 a year in heating?

See, the reason us "bat sh*1 crazy cons" oppose your programs, is because we actually do the research to see how they work, and not just buy left-wing propaganda that they are wonderful.

When you actually look at how they work, it's not that great.

And doubling energy from Wind and Solar, doesn't matter, if it's not sustainable, and it isn't. If you doubt that, just end the subsidies for Wind and Solar, and let's see how long they last in a free market. Of course you and I both know, or at least you should know, that Wind and Solar without subsidies is doomed. We know this because when the UK merely reduced their subsidies.... without eliminating them, the market for wind and solar crashed.

So if simply reducing the subsidy a little bit will crash the market, clearly eliminating the subsidy would utterly eliminate the market. Which ironically the Wind power industry has openly said this is so, which is why they spend hundreds of millions every single year, lobbying government officials to keep the tax dollars flowing.

Once again, it's amazing to watch leftists run around complaining about corporate influence on government, and then act like bought and paid for pawns of the corporate interests.

I was reading the story of a solar power corporate CEO. The article actually showed the CEO in his bran new sports car. In the middle of the story, they mention that the company has not yet had even a single quarter of actual profit. They have lost money every single month since the founding of the company. How do they stay open? Government subsidies have kept the company in operation, which the CEO's new sports car, is very grateful for your sacrifice. He couldn't have bought it without your tax dollars.
They "expect" to earn a profit, Ed? Get back to me when they actually DO make a profit! Until then it's just another Federal Government agency trying their best to make themselves look like they aren't complete idiots.
The program has already made more in profit than all the losses combined!

Obama Has Done More for Clean Energy Than You Think

The program has made a profit of nearly $1 billion in interest payments to the U.S Treasury to date. At least $5 billion more is expected over the next few decades as loans are paid back. That compares with $780 million in losses to date, the bulk of which is accounted for by the $535 million loaned to Solyndra.

Amazing, Ed...according to your source the program turned a "profit" of nearly a billion dollars yet an audit done just months before that was written showed the program still losing 2.2 billion of taxpayer monies. Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds

Poor Oldstyle. He well understands that the only sources that mean anything are impartial sources. So, off he goes to use another bat shit crazy con source, The Washington Times. Source Watch says:

"The Washington Times is a newspaper owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon'sUnification Church, through its company News World Communications. The paper was first published on May 17, 1982.

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council
The Washington Times has been a corporate funder of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).[1] See ALEC Corporations for more.
Washington Times - SourceWatch
And much much more. Talking about a nut case, Oldstyle sinks so low as to use a Sun Myung Moon rag as a source.

Poor Rshermr. He hasn't been able to post an impartial source yet, but claims others should. Nor can he argue with the evidence given. He well understands that the only argument that means anything, is one based on the facts, and no empty claims of biased reporting.

When all you can do, is claim the other side is biased, without any evidence the information is wrong.... that just means you don't have an argument.
They "expect" to earn a profit, Ed? Get back to me when they actually DO make a profit! Until then it's just another Federal Government agency trying their best to make themselves look like they aren't complete idiots.
The program has already made more in profit than all the losses combined!

Obama Has Done More for Clean Energy Than You Think

The program has made a profit of nearly $1 billion in interest payments to the U.S Treasury to date. At least $5 billion more is expected over the next few decades as loans are paid back. That compares with $780 million in losses to date, the bulk of which is accounted for by the $535 million loaned to Solyndra.

Amazing, Ed...according to your source the program turned a "profit" of nearly a billion dollars yet an audit done just months before that was written showed the program still losing 2.2 billion of taxpayer monies. Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds
From your own outdated link:

The Energy Department said it considers the loan program a success.

“We believe that the data presented demonstrates that the department’s Loan Programs Office is achieving its statutory mission to accelerate the deployment of innovative clean energy projects and advanced vehicle manufacturing facilities in the U.S., while being a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars,” Peter W. Davidson, executive director of the loan programs, said in an official reply to the GAO.

Mr. Davidson said the expected loss to taxpayers has dropped some $2.28 billion since the initial estimates, and he predicted that the cost will continue to drop as projects mature and repay their loans.

But most of that improvement came from one green vehicle loan where the project’s credit rating improved dramatically, making it far less likely the project would default. Another green vehicle program, Tesla Motors Inc., has already repaid its loan in full, helping the government’s balance sheet.

Gee, Ed...a Federal Government agency says that their program was a success and you think that somehow proves the program WAS a success? What exactly did you expect Peter W. Davidson, executive director of the loan programs to say...that they blew a ton of taxpayer dollars on loans to companies that were bad risks...and that those loans were based more on politics than on a sound business plan?
They "expect" to earn a profit, Ed? Get back to me when they actually DO make a profit! Until then it's just another Federal Government agency trying their best to make themselves look like they aren't complete idiots.
The program has already made more in profit than all the losses combined!

Obama Has Done More for Clean Energy Than You Think

The program has made a profit of nearly $1 billion in interest payments to the U.S Treasury to date. At least $5 billion more is expected over the next few decades as loans are paid back. That compares with $780 million in losses to date, the bulk of which is accounted for by the $535 million loaned to Solyndra.

Amazing, Ed...according to your source the program turned a "profit" of nearly a billion dollars yet an audit done just months before that was written showed the program still losing 2.2 billion of taxpayer monies. Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds
From your own outdated link:

The Energy Department said it considers the loan program a success.

“We believe that the data presented demonstrates that the department’s Loan Programs Office is achieving its statutory mission to accelerate the deployment of innovative clean energy projects and advanced vehicle manufacturing facilities in the U.S., while being a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars,” Peter W. Davidson, executive director of the loan programs, said in an official reply to the GAO.

Mr. Davidson said the expected loss to taxpayers has dropped some $2.28 billion since the initial estimates, and he predicted that the cost will continue to drop as projects mature and repay their loans.

But most of that improvement came from one green vehicle loan where the project’s credit rating improved dramatically, making it far less likely the project would default. Another green vehicle program, Tesla Motors Inc., has already repaid its loan in full, helping the government’s balance sheet.
Oldstyle is nothing but a monkey; flinging shit, hoping some of it will stick. Invariably, it ends up on him because he's just talking out of his ass to begin with.

Speaking of "flinging shit", Faun...did you want to show me the CBO report you said existed? Or did you think you could float that lie and I'd somehow buy it? Haven't the two of you figured out yet that I actually read the crap you try and pass off as proof?
They "expect" to earn a profit, Ed? Get back to me when they actually DO make a profit! Until then it's just another Federal Government agency trying their best to make themselves look like they aren't complete idiots.
The program has already made more in profit than all the losses combined!

Obama Has Done More for Clean Energy Than You Think

The program has made a profit of nearly $1 billion in interest payments to the U.S Treasury to date. At least $5 billion more is expected over the next few decades as loans are paid back. That compares with $780 million in losses to date, the bulk of which is accounted for by the $535 million loaned to Solyndra.

Amazing, Ed...according to your source the program turned a "profit" of nearly a billion dollars yet an audit done just months before that was written showed the program still losing 2.2 billion of taxpayer monies. Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds

Poor Oldstyle. He well understands that the only sources that mean anything are impartial sources. So, off he goes to use another bat shit crazy con source, The Washington Times. Source Watch says:

"The Washington Times is a newspaper owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon'sUnification Church, through its company News World Communications. The paper was first published on May 17, 1982.

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council
The Washington Times has been a corporate funder of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).[1] See ALEC Corporations for more.
Washington Times - SourceWatch
And much much more. Talking about a nut case, Oldstyle sinks so low as to use a Sun Myung Moon rag as a source.

Poor Rshermr. He hasn't been able to post an impartial source yet, but claims others should. Nor can he argue with the evidence given. He well understands that the only argument that means anything, is one based on the facts, and no empty claims of biased reporting.

When all you can do, is claim the other side is biased, without any evidence the information is wrong.... that just means you don't have an argument.

When Rshermr has no credible argument...he posts in blue.
You think tarp was a good thing? It was what the bankers said we must do or else. And that's what you give credit for? That's like crediting the bank robber for the robbery. Omg!

And btw bush wanted to give the money to the banks no strings attached. That's why Elizabeth Warren is so popular. She put an end to that bs

The money that Bush "gave" to the banks was paid back with interest. The money that Obama gave to his pet "green energy" companies and General Motors we're still missing. Funny how Elizabeth isn't up in arms about THAT!

Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.

I'm not anti any type of technology, Sealy...what I AM anti is getting scammed by companies like Solyndra who took millions in taxpayer money and then declared bankruptcy months later.
When you invest in new technology and r&d you don't always return a profit.

In fact, government often invests in things corporations won't because they don't see a roi or profit in it. But as soon as government research figures shit out corporations jump all over it.

We need to go green but we haven't completely figured out green technology. Sounds like Republicans are against even trying

What did we figure out with Solyndra? That we should put more emphasis on whether the technology that companies are developing makes sense and less emphasis on how much money the people that run them contribute to political campaigns?[/QUOTE]
How about that bush stimulus check bush sent you. I think the 2008 stimulus cost us $152 billion. And still he caused the great recession.

Did you just complain about 2 billion?
Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.
Technically, they are called stupid, brainwashed, con trolls. Like Oldstyle. They do what is best for the wealthy few who pay their favorite politicians to get them what they want and tell con trolls what to believe.
Donald Trump just did what I accuse all Republicans of doing!!! He gave Mike pence credit for the economic recovery Republicans deny happened when they discuss Obama.
And he brought on a VP candidate who voted for the Iraq war that he criticizes hillary big time for. Guy makes you head swim. But then, he is the biggest liar according to fact check, period. No one else even close.

Speaking of liars...did you and the other liar want to show me that CBO report you said existed? Think I forgot about that? Another day...another Rshermr lie!

Already been proven to you. that you say it was not is simply you lying, which is normal for you. And, you have become voiceless on the latest trump turn from hating anyone who supported the Iraq war to bringing a VP on board who did exactly that, voting for and fully supporting W's war on Iraq. Suddenly, oldstyle has no answer, and has to try another unrelated lie. Dipshit.[/QUOTE]

The fact that I don't want to be diverted into some other topic than the one this string is about doesn't mean anything except I'm not going to let you off the hook when you've been caught telling yet ANOTHER lie, Georgie! Show me the CBO report you said existed.
The money that Bush "gave" to the banks was paid back with interest. The money that Obama gave to his pet "green energy" companies and General Motors we're still missing. Funny how Elizabeth isn't up in arms about THAT!

Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.

I'm not anti any type of technology, Sealy...what I AM anti is getting scammed by companies like Solyndra who took millions in taxpayer money and then declared bankruptcy months later.
When you invest in new technology and r&d you don't always return a profit.

In fact, government often invests in things corporations won't because they don't see a roi or profit in it. But as soon as government research figures shit out corporations jump all over it.

We need to go green but we haven't completely figured out green technology. Sounds like Republicans are against even trying

What did we figure out with Solyndra? That we should put more emphasis on whether the technology that companies are developing makes sense and less emphasis on how much money the people that run them contribute to political campaigns?
How about that bush stimulus check bush sent you. I think the 2008 stimulus cost us $152 billion. And still he caused the great recession.

Did you just complain about 2 billion?[/QUOTE]

What's amusing, Sealy is you seem to think the government letting tax payers keep some of their own money is the same as giving tax payer money to politically connected CEO's of "green energy" companies who then turn around and declare bankruptcy.
How about that bush stimulus check bush sent you. I think the 2008 stimulus cost us $152 billion. And still he caused the great recession.

Did you just complain about 2 billion?

Some of it I did. When you return money to the tax payers, that's not really the kind of stimulus that I oppose.

Now I would be more interested in a tax cut, rather than a one time check. I don't think those help much.

But giving people back, the money they themselves rightfully earned is not a stimulus, anymore than a thief giving you back the $20 he removed from your wallet is "a stimulus program for victimized citizens".

The entire concept is bonkers.

It's *MY* money. You allowing me to keep MY OWN MONEY... .is not a stimulus program. So, no I don't have as much of a problem with that.

Taking money from me in taxes, and giving it to some idiotic green-energy company.... that I have a problem with. All these "stimulus programs" seem to ignore how taking money from tax payers, would seem to counter act any possible "stimulus".
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.
Technically, they are called stupid, brainwashed, con trolls. Like Oldstyle. They do what is best for the wealthy few who pay their favorite politicians to get them what they want and tell con trolls what to believe.
Donald Trump just did what I accuse all Republicans of doing!!! He gave Mike pence credit for the economic recovery Republicans deny happened when they discuss Obama.
And he brought on a VP candidate who voted for the Iraq war that he criticizes hillary big time for. Guy makes you head swim. But then, he is the biggest liar according to fact check, period. No one else even close.

Speaking of liars...did you and the other liar want to show me that CBO report you said existed? Think I forgot about that? Another day...another Rshermr lie!

Already been proven to you. that you say it was not is simply you lying, which is normal for you. And, you have become voiceless on the latest trump turn from hating anyone who supported the Iraq war to bringing a VP on board who did exactly that, voting for and fully supporting W's war on Iraq. Suddenly, oldstyle has no answer, and has to try another unrelated lie. Dipshit.

The fact that I don't want to be diverted into some other topic than the one this string is about doesn't mean anything except I'm not going to let you off the hook when you've been caught telling yet ANOTHER lie, Georgie! Show me the CBO report you said existed.[/QUOTE]
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.
Technically, they are called stupid, brainwashed, con trolls. Like Oldstyle. They do what is best for the wealthy few who pay their favorite politicians to get them what they want and tell con trolls what to believe.
Donald Trump just did what I accuse all Republicans of doing!!! He gave Mike pence credit for the economic recovery Republicans deny happened when they discuss Obama.
And he brought on a VP candidate who voted for the Iraq war that he criticizes hillary big time for. Guy makes you head swim. But then, he is the biggest liar according to fact check, period. No one else even close.

Speaking of liars...did you and the other liar want to show me that CBO report you said existed? Think I forgot about that? Another day...another Rshermr lie!

Already been proven to you. that you say it was not is simply you lying, which is normal for you. And, you have become voiceless on the latest trump turn from hating anyone who supported the Iraq war to bringing a VP on board who did exactly that, voting for and fully supporting W's war on Iraq. Suddenly, oldstyle has no answer, and has to try another unrelated lie. Dipshit.

The fact that I don't want to be diverted into some other topic than the one this string is about doesn't mean anything except I'm not going to let you off the hook when you've been caught telling yet ANOTHER lie, Georgie! Show me the CBO report you said existed.[/QUOTE]

just the same oldstyle. Diverting the thread from the subject it is about and saying he does not want things to be diverted. Which proves that he is an idiot. And a lying con troll. You prove it once, he lies, says he needs it proven, though it already has. Lie, repeat, lie, repeat.
Your turn. Show me the post I made and why it was wrong. But you can not, because you are lying again. And wasting time. And personal attacks. But, as usual, Oldstyle is unable to make a rational argument.
Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.

I'm not anti any type of technology, Sealy...what I AM anti is getting scammed by companies like Solyndra who took millions in taxpayer money and then declared bankruptcy months later.
When you invest in new technology and r&d you don't always return a profit.

In fact, government often invests in things corporations won't because they don't see a roi or profit in it. But as soon as government research figures shit out corporations jump all over it.

We need to go green but we haven't completely figured out green technology. Sounds like Republicans are against even trying

What did we figure out with Solyndra? That we should put more emphasis on whether the technology that companies are developing makes sense and less emphasis on how much money the people that run them contribute to political campaigns?
How about that bush stimulus check bush sent you. I think the 2008 stimulus cost us $152 billion. And still he caused the great recession.

Did you just complain about 2 billion?

What's amusing, Sealy is you seem to think the government letting tax payers keep some of their own money is the same as giving tax payer money to politically connected CEO's of "green energy" companies who then turn around and declare bankruptcy.[/QUOTE]

What is amazing is how ignorant you are of the fate of new businesses. Like all con trolls, Oldstyle falls right in place and criticizes the fact that over 50% of the stimulus businesses, like Solyndra, failed. But, that is a proven lie.
So, what % of new businesses fail. Here, take INC's statement:

"Why 96 Percent of Businesses Fail Within 10 Years"
Why 96 Percent of Businesses Fail Within 10 Years

Then, there was the republican claim that well over 50% of the companies that received stimulus failed. So, what does factcheck say?
Here is the claim by republicans:

Fact check: Are half of 'green' energy firms helped by stimulus out of business?
Here is the finding by FactCheck.org:
"Most of the large projects that benefited from the Department of Energy loan program remain in operation -- contrary to Romney's assertion that "almost half" of them had closed."
Fact check: Are half of 'green' energy firms helped by stimulus out of business? - CNNPolitics.com

Over half are still in operation. So, over 50%. Way better than 4% per INC. So, no question that the project has succeeded. Per scientists, things are going well. It seems that only con tools are suggesting that the project failed. Like oldstyle, the food services employee. Journalists say the stimulus has succeeded, nut case crazy con web sites and a food services employee say it failed.
So, Oldstyle lied again.

Technically, they are called stupid, brainwashed, con trolls. Like Oldstyle. They do what is best for the wealthy few who pay their favorite politicians to get them what they want and tell con trolls what to believe.
Donald Trump just did what I accuse all Republicans of doing!!! He gave Mike pence credit for the economic recovery Republicans deny happened when they discuss Obama.
And he brought on a VP candidate who voted for the Iraq war that he criticizes hillary big time for. Guy makes you head swim. But then, he is the biggest liar according to fact check, period. No one else even close.

Speaking of liars...did you and the other liar want to show me that CBO report you said existed? Think I forgot about that? Another day...another Rshermr lie!

Already been proven to you. that you say it was not is simply you lying, which is normal for you. And, you have become voiceless on the latest trump turn from hating anyone who supported the Iraq war to bringing a VP on board who did exactly that, voting for and fully supporting W's war on Iraq. Suddenly, oldstyle has no answer, and has to try another unrelated lie. Dipshit.

The fact that I don't want to be diverted into some other topic than the one this string is about doesn't mean anything except I'm not going to let you off the hook when you've been caught telling yet ANOTHER lie, Georgie! Show me the CBO report you said existed.

just the same oldstyle. Diverting the thread from the subject it is about and saying he does not want things to be diverted. Which proves that he is an idiot. And a lying con troll. You prove it once, he lies, says he needs it proven, though it already has. Lie, repeat, lie, repeat.
Your turn. Show me the post I made and why it was wrong. But you can not, because you are lying again. And wasting time. And personal attacks. But, as usual, Oldstyle is unable to make a rational argument.

Show me the CBO report, Georgie. Or did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie?
LOL...you can't help yourself...can you? When you DO get caught...you respond as you always do...by whining about "personal attacks"!
They "expect" to earn a profit, Ed? Get back to me when they actually DO make a profit! Until then it's just another Federal Government agency trying their best to make themselves look like they aren't complete idiots.
The program has already made more in profit than all the losses combined!

Obama Has Done More for Clean Energy Than You Think

The program has made a profit of nearly $1 billion in interest payments to the U.S Treasury to date. At least $5 billion more is expected over the next few decades as loans are paid back. That compares with $780 million in losses to date, the bulk of which is accounted for by the $535 million loaned to Solyndra.

Amazing, Ed...according to your source the program turned a "profit" of nearly a billion dollars yet an audit done just months before that was written showed the program still losing 2.2 billion of taxpayer monies. Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds

Poor Oldstyle. He well understands that the only sources that mean anything are impartial sources. So, off he goes to use another bat shit crazy con source, The Washington Times. Source Watch says:

"The Washington Times is a newspaper owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon'sUnification Church, through its company News World Communications. The paper was first published on May 17, 1982.

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council
The Washington Times has been a corporate funder of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).[1] See ALEC Corporations for more.
Washington Times - SourceWatch
And much much more. Talking about a nut case, Oldstyle sinks so low as to use a Sun Myung Moon rag as a source.

Poor Rshermr. He hasn't been able to post an impartial source yet, but claims others should. Nor can he argue with the evidence given. He well understands that the only argument that means anything, is one based on the facts, and no empty claims of biased reporting.

When all you can do, is claim the other side is biased, without any evidence the information is wrong.... that just means you don't have an argument.

When Rshermr has no credible argument...he posts in blue.
I never post anything with out a credible argument. That is your style, me lying con troll. You are the only person that ever posts here with either no source, or a bat shit crazy con source. Me lying dipshit.
Thing is, you post non credible arguments all the time. In any color you choose. And you post personal attacks in any color you choose. Color is really not an issue, except in your lies.
The money that Bush "gave" to the banks was paid back with interest. The money that Obama gave to his pet "green energy" companies and General Motors we're still missing. Funny how Elizabeth isn't up in arms about THAT!

Funny, Oldstyle. Out and about and lying like a rug. Where is that link, me boy. I know you hate those green energy companies. Your favorite was always drill baby drill. Because you are a con troll. How any times have you mentioned Solyndra, me boy. My guess it was about 1000. Used to be you Tesla. But that one worked out. really well, as have many others. The green car money is doing just fine. We all know you would rather build more gas powered cars, and help the oil companies. Best of luck with that idea.
I don't know what kind of person you have to be to be anti green technology. Fucking dopes.

I'm not anti any type of technology, Sealy...what I AM anti is getting scammed by companies like Solyndra who took millions in taxpayer money and then declared bankruptcy months later.
When you invest in new technology and r&d you don't always return a profit.

In fact, government often invests in things corporations won't because they don't see a roi or profit in it. But as soon as government research figures shit out corporations jump all over it.

We need to go green but we haven't completely figured out green technology. Sounds like Republicans are against even trying

What did we figure out with Solyndra? That we should put more emphasis on whether the technology that companies are developing makes sense and less emphasis on how much money the people that run them contribute to political campaigns?
How about that bush stimulus check bush sent you. I think the 2008 stimulus cost us $152 billion. And still he caused the great recession.

Did you just complain about 2 billion?

Yes, you have it correct. Con trolls like oldstyle never notice the great republican recession, because it was caused by cons. And it was ignored by cons. They simply try to attack Obama, because that is all they are any good at. Poor un-american trolls. What they really want is "drill, baby, drill." Because they believe what they are told to believe, and that includes that Global Warming is not fact. Because that is what they are told to believe, and they certainly are not going to believe science. Ignorant clowns.
Donald Trump just did what I accuse all Republicans of doing!!! He gave Mike pence credit for the economic recovery Republicans deny happened when they discuss Obama.
And he brought on a VP candidate who voted for the Iraq war that he criticizes hillary big time for. Guy makes you head swim. But then, he is the biggest liar according to fact check, period. No one else even close.

Speaking of liars...did you and the other liar want to show me that CBO report you said existed? Think I forgot about that? Another day...another Rshermr lie!

Already been proven to you. that you say it was not is simply you lying, which is normal for you. And, you have become voiceless on the latest trump turn from hating anyone who supported the Iraq war to bringing a VP on board who did exactly that, voting for and fully supporting W's war on Iraq. Suddenly, oldstyle has no answer, and has to try another unrelated lie. Dipshit.

The fact that I don't want to be diverted into some other topic than the one this string is about doesn't mean anything except I'm not going to let you off the hook when you've been caught telling yet ANOTHER lie, Georgie! Show me the CBO report you said existed.

just the same oldstyle. Diverting the thread from the subject it is about and saying he does not want things to be diverted. Which proves that he is an idiot. And a lying con troll. You prove it once, he lies, says he needs it proven, though it already has. Lie, repeat, lie, repeat.
Your turn. Show me the post I made and why it was wrong. But you can not, because you are lying again. And wasting time. And personal attacks. But, as usual, Oldstyle is unable to make a rational argument.

Show me the CBO report, Georgie. Or did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie?
LOL...you can't help yourself...can you? When you DO get caught...you respond as you always do...by whining about "personal attacks"![/QUOTE]
Nothing and no one was caught by anyone. Period. I proved what I stated, gave you the link, and still you lie. It just kills you that I never, ever lie. Which is why all you can do is make accusations. No proof because there were no lies, ever.
Apparently you did not notice, but no one believes you any more. No one, me boy. It is simply oldstyle playing games again. And posting lies.
Donald Trump just did what I accuse all Republicans of doing!!! He gave Mike pence credit for the economic recovery Republicans deny happened when they discuss Obama.
And he brought on a VP candidate who voted for the Iraq war that he criticizes hillary big time for. Guy makes you head swim. But then, he is the biggest liar according to fact check, period. No one else even close.

Speaking of liars...did you and the other liar want to show me that CBO report you said existed? Think I forgot about that? Another day...another Rshermr lie!

Already been proven to you. that you say it was not is simply you lying, which is normal for you. And, you have become voiceless on the latest trump turn from hating anyone who supported the Iraq war to bringing a VP on board who did exactly that, voting for and fully supporting W's war on Iraq. Suddenly, oldstyle has no answer, and has to try another unrelated lie. Dipshit.

The fact that I don't want to be diverted into some other topic than the one this string is about doesn't mean anything except I'm not going to let you off the hook when you've been caught telling yet ANOTHER lie, Georgie! Show me the CBO report you said existed.

just the same oldstyle. Diverting the thread from the subject it is about and saying he does not want things to be diverted. Which proves that he is an idiot. And a lying con troll. You prove it once, he lies, says he needs it proven, though it already has. Lie, repeat, lie, repeat.
Your turn. Show me the post I made and why it was wrong. But you can not, because you are lying again. And wasting time. And personal attacks. But, as usual, Oldstyle is unable to make a rational argument.

Show me the CBO report, Georgie. Or did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie?
LOL...you can't help yourself...can you? When you DO get caught...you respond as you always do...by whining about "personal attacks"![/QUOTE]
It just kills you that I have integrity, and never ever lie. And you have no integrity, and lie continuously. Everyone says the same thing when they argue with you. Everyone. That you are a LIAR. Not others. Just you. Yet no one but you tries to say others lie. Just you.
You have lost the argument, long ago.
By the way, what cbo report do you have in mind. I know of many, many cbo reports. And have shown you many, many cbo reports. Always proving you to be a liar. Did I do so again? Yeah, no doubt.

By the way, there is no Georgie here Sorry, but if you are looking for a response try a name that actually exists, instead of playing around in your delusional mind.
You are the clown saying you know so much about economics, but you can not post economic arguments that are true. Which causes you to loose your arguments, always.
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