US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Why would anyone care? Quite's a reexamination of the limitations of Keynesian Economic Theory after eighty years of practice. It's a reexamination of what caused the Great Depression to linger as long as it did and a questioning of whether FDR's policies made things better or delayed the recovery. Milton Friedman isn't just any conservative economist! He's a Nobel Prize winner who is considered the second most important economist (behind Keynes) of modern times.
Ohhh, he's a Nobel prize winner?

So's Obama.

He's still among those Conservatives trying to rewrite history. His claims are nothing but theory and in no way, represent reality. Americans, by and large, agreed with FDR's policies as they re-elected him 3 times until he died.

So yeah... who cares what a conservative economist thinks about Liberal policies. It's often conservative policies which trashes the economy.
Yeah, but Milton Friedman actually did something to earn his Nobel Prize...Barry got his for showing up!

There are still millions of people unemployed who don't file anymore because UC is only 26 weeks. Did you know that you are you just a fool?
Oh, my. You don't even know the jobless claims figure which fell is based on new claims filed, not those whose benefits expired.

No wonder you look like such an imbecile.

So you think people all over the country are finding jobs in 26 weeks? You a special kind of stupid
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

The people who UC claims ran out are still not counted so it's FRAUDULENT NUMBERS MUTHERFUCKER
Oh, now this is fun.

The drop in initial jobless claims has nothing to do with that.

You're so stupid, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :mm:

Oh the initial fell because someone got a low paying job at Trickey D's

Why would anyone care? Quite's a reexamination of the limitations of Keynesian Economic Theory after eighty years of practice. It's a reexamination of what caused the Great Depression to linger as long as it did and a questioning of whether FDR's policies made things better or delayed the recovery. Milton Friedman isn't just any conservative economist! He's a Nobel Prize winner who is considered the second most important economist (behind Keynes) of modern times.
Ohhh, he's a Nobel prize winner?

So's Obama.

He's still among those Conservatives trying to rewrite history. His claims are nothing but theory and in no way, represent reality. Americans, by and large, agreed with FDR's policies as they re-elected him 3 times until he died.

So yeah... who cares what a conservative economist thinks about Liberal policies. It's often conservative policies which trashes the economy.
Yeah, but Milton Friedman actually did something to earn his Nobel Prize...Barry got his for showing up!

There are still millions of people unemployed who don't file anymore because UC is only 26 weeks. Did you know that you are you just a fool?
Oh, my. You don't even know the jobless claims figure which fell is based on new claims filed, not those whose benefits expired.

No wonder you look like such an imbecile.

So you think people all over the country are finding jobs in 26 weeks? You a special kind of stupid
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

Since I didn't post that...I guess the special kind of stupid might be you, Faun...just saying! LOL
You're as dumb as fbj to think my reply was meant for you and not for him.

Don't get your undies in a bunch, Faun...I knew it wasn't for me. I was giving you a little dig! My, but you progressives are sensitive today!
Anyone who believes the Jobless claims fell knowing that millions of unemployed people are no longer counted belongs in a mental institution
Why? I would love to hear your explanation of the relationship.
There are still millions of people unemployed who don't file anymore because UC is only 26 weeks
Right, but this thread is about NEW jobless claims. So it doesn't matter how long anyone receives benefits.
During the week ending April 16, there were a seasonally adjusted 248,000 new applications for state unemployment insurance benefits. That is a record low.

For that same week, a total of 2,198,093 collected benefits from federal and state agencies.

And in the 4 weeks ending then, 7.9 million people unsuccessfully looked for work and a further 5.8 million said they wanted a job but weren't looking for one.

Now, what are you thinking I don't understand, or are you going to just insult me?
Maybe you can help out Rshermr and provide us with the economic formula that the Obama folks used to come up with their number of "jobs saved"? Or are you good with his A-B=Jobs Saved?
Did you drop out of junior high? through that...then High School...a degree in History from UMass. So did you want to help the board's George Costanza out and show us what that formula would be for determining "jobs saved"?
I learned how to do algebra in jr. high, I thought maybe you did also..
Anyone who believes the Jobless claims fell knowing that millions of unemployed people are no longer counted belongs in a mental institution
Why? I would love to hear your explanation of the relationship.
There are still millions of people unemployed who don't file anymore because UC is only 26 weeks
Right, but this thread is about NEW jobless claims. So it doesn't matter how long anyone receives benefits.
During the week ending April 16, there were a seasonally adjusted 248,000 new applications for state unemployment insurance benefits. That is a record low.

For that same week, a total of 2,198,093 collected benefits from federal and state agencies.

And in the 4 weeks ending then, 7.9 million people unsuccessfully looked for work and a further 5.8 million said they wanted a job but weren't looking for one.

Now, what are you thinking I don't understand, or are you going to just insult me?

In the words of my grandmom..........."NOTHING BUT LIES"
Anyone who believes the Jobless claims fell knowing that millions of unemployed people are no longer counted belongs in a mental institution

well it seems that unemployment is down to good levels even if you include many versions of the unemployed statistics. The real problem is that incomes are way down thanks to Obamanomics.
Ohhh, he's a Nobel prize winner?

So's Obama.

He's still among those Conservatives trying to rewrite history. His claims are nothing but theory and in no way, represent reality. Americans, by and large, agreed with FDR's policies as they re-elected him 3 times until he died.

So yeah... who cares what a conservative economist thinks about Liberal policies. It's often conservative policies which trashes the economy.
Yeah, but Milton Friedman actually did something to earn his Nobel Prize...Barry got his for showing up!
Oh, my. You don't even know the jobless claims figure which fell is based on new claims filed, not those whose benefits expired.

No wonder you look like such an imbecile.

So you think people all over the country are finding jobs in 26 weeks? You a special kind of stupid
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

The people who UC claims ran out are still not counted so it's FRAUDULENT NUMBERS MUTHERFUCKER
Oh, now this is fun.

The drop in initial jobless claims has nothing to do with that.

You're so stupid, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :mm:

Oh the initial fell because someone got a low paying job at Trickey D's

Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.

Ohhh, he's a Nobel prize winner?

So's Obama.

He's still among those Conservatives trying to rewrite history. His claims are nothing but theory and in no way, represent reality. Americans, by and large, agreed with FDR's policies as they re-elected him 3 times until he died.

So yeah... who cares what a conservative economist thinks about Liberal policies. It's often conservative policies which trashes the economy.
Yeah, but Milton Friedman actually did something to earn his Nobel Prize...Barry got his for showing up!
Oh, my. You don't even know the jobless claims figure which fell is based on new claims filed, not those whose benefits expired.

No wonder you look like such an imbecile.

So you think people all over the country are finding jobs in 26 weeks? You a special kind of stupid
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

Since I didn't post that...I guess the special kind of stupid might be you, Faun...just saying! LOL
You're as dumb as fbj to think my reply was meant for you and not for him.

Don't get your undies in a bunch, Faun...I knew it wasn't for me. I was giving you a little dig! My, but you progressives are sensitive today!
Huh? Given it was you who posted that -- it is entirely plausible you thought I meant it for you.
Detroit has has one of the most horrible unemployment rates in the country.

So why do LWNJs want to send thousands of immigrants fro Syria there?
Anyone who believes the Jobless claims fell knowing that millions of unemployed people are no longer counted belongs in a mental institution
Why? I would love to hear your explanation of the relationship.
There are still millions of people unemployed who don't file anymore because UC is only 26 weeks
Right, but this thread is about NEW jobless claims. So it doesn't matter how long anyone receives benefits.
During the week ending April 16, there were a seasonally adjusted 248,000 new applications for state unemployment insurance benefits. That is a record low.

For that same week, a total of 2,198,093 collected benefits from federal and state agencies.

And in the 4 weeks ending then, 7.9 million people unsuccessfully looked for work and a further 5.8 million said they wanted a job but weren't looking for one.

Now, what are you thinking I don't understand, or are you going to just insult me?
He has no fucking clue what he's yappin' about. At this point, he actually believes if he hurls enough insults, that will somehow make him appear less retarded than he already looks.

He didn't realize that figure was based on initial claims filed. He thinks it's the number of people claiming unemployment benefits. :eusa_doh:
Yeah, but Milton Friedman actually did something to earn his Nobel Prize...Barry got his for showing up!
So you think people all over the country are finding jobs in 26 weeks? You a special kind of stupid
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

The people who UC claims ran out are still not counted so it's FRAUDULENT NUMBERS MUTHERFUCKER
Oh, now this is fun.

The drop in initial jobless claims has nothing to do with that.

You're so stupid, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :mm:

Oh the initial fell because someone got a low paying job at Trickey D's

Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.


In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

The people who UC claims ran out are still not counted so it's FRAUDULENT NUMBERS MUTHERFUCKER
Oh, now this is fun.

The drop in initial jobless claims has nothing to do with that.

You're so stupid, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :mm:

Oh the initial fell because someone got a low paying job at Trickey D's

Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.


In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.

The people who UC claims ran out are still not counted so it's FRAUDULENT NUMBERS MUTHERFUCKER
Oh, now this is fun.

The drop in initial jobless claims has nothing to do with that.

You're so stupid, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :mm:

Oh the initial fell because someone got a low paying job at Trickey D's

Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.


In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.


so Bill Clinton is lying to hurt his wives chances of becoming president??

Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
Oh, now this is fun.

The drop in initial jobless claims has nothing to do with that.

You're so stupid, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :mm:

Oh the initial fell because someone got a low paying job at Trickey D's

Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.


In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.


so Bill Clinton is lying to hurt his wives chances of becoming president??

Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
You can read charts, can't ya, Crazy Eddie? What does the chart I posted tell you?
The methodology used by Obama's minions is given in the following. Note that there ISN'T a formula to determine jobs created! It's all about jobs saved! Why? Because they can set that number at anything they want and there is no way to prove or disprove it. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors to hide how few jobs were created. They know it...I know it...anyone with a basic economics background knows it...but YOU don't have a clue!
Let's be clear...that article is only talking about jobs created attributable to the ARRA. Jobs created, by itself, is trivial and done every's the number of jobs in time period t minus the number of jobs in time period t-1.

Estimating the impact of specific legislation is a different kind of flying altogether. But that doesn't make it smoke and mirrors or dishonest. Nor does it make it correct. The accuracy depends on the validity of the assumptions.

Trying to prove that jobs saved is invalid seems to be oldstyles thing. Assuming that no jobs are saved by stimulus efforts seems a bit dangerous. Seems that is always a major wanted result of stimulus.
The formulas I have seen for jobs saved get into ue rates over time periods along with populations of workers. Simple enough, really. But to me, it is more useful to look at a simple metric, that being the ue rate, over time. And a good dose of economic history. Mostly whether the ue went up without stimulus, and where it went after stimulus was applied.
What I also am convinced of is that it is really important to look at the multipliers for the different stimulus components. The multiplier is quite different, for instance, for tax reductions, particularly to the relatively wealthy, than it is for infrastructure spending.
thanks, by the way, for your input.

So you've "seen" formulas for "jobs saved", Georgie? By all means...share one of those formulas with us!

As for the multipliers for the different stimulus components? Kindly provide the formulas that Obama's economists used to arrive at THOSE numbers!

You still haven't figured it out yet...have you? All those numbers are based on assumptions...none of it is based on proven statistical analysis. They made it up. They started from the results they wanted...and plugged in the numbers to make that happen. When you give the CBO bullshit numbers then the CBO will crunch those numbers and give you an answer that is also bullshit. That's not a reflection on the CBO...they work with the numbers they are provided.

There are indeed formulas, or at least one. But no, I will not show it to you. I am still waiting for the bills that repubs passed, me boy. But perhaps you have learned that they did NOTHING, because they could care less about the middle class.
Relative to the multipliers, those like other numbers that come from economists are based, typically, on the results derived from experience with stimulus. I know, you believe like R. Reagan used to believe, before he died and before he determined that stimulus was in his best interest.
I have it, oldstyle, you are a true con tool. You drink the coolaid. You prefer to believe what you are told. Because that is what cons do. They do not believe economists, but they do believe other cons. The cons have no credentials, but you WANT to believe. Which is the way cons are. Which is why it is SOOOO easy to get you to believe, say, and do what they want you to.
You do not believe in global climate change, because you would rather believe the energy industry than scientists. You believe in money in politics because that is what you have been told is a good thing. If the middle class is going away, that is fine with you. You hate unions, because you have been told to. You, in fact, always line up perfectly with the bat shit crazy con web sites. Because you want to believe. You like being angry. And you like being part of a team that is against everything that is conservative.
I, me boy, and most people, like truth, and reason, and journalistic work, So, there you are. You are living in a false belief system, but it is truth as far as you are concerned.
The CBO has been trusted by conservatives and liberals for decades. But not real cons. Because the CBO does everything it can to provide the truth. And cons, like you, hate the truth. If it does not meet with what you are told to believe, you hate it.
You make nonsense claims like Obama, or his people, give the cbo bullshit numbers. But you have no proof. And the CBO says that does not ever happen. But your bat shit nut case web sites give you the information you CHOOSE to believe. I am not sure how anyone would want to be that small. But obviously you do.

You do make some incredibly amusing posts. May I quote on that was so good, there was no reason to read further.

"There are indeed formulas, or at least one. But no, I will not show it to you."

NO ONE could make these things up!


Oh the initial fell because someone got a low paying job at Trickey D's

Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.


In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.


so Bill Clinton is lying to hurt his wives chances of becoming president??

Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
You can read charts, can't ya, Crazy Eddie? What does the chart I posted tell you?

are you saying that Bill Clinton was mistaken and so trying to hurt his wife???

“The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
What I find amusing, that this President has overseen a recovery that benefited only the wealthy...yet he continues to complain about "income inequality"!

Gee, Barry...if you'd had an economic plan that consisted of something besides keeping interest rates at near zero for the past seven years so that rich people could invest in the stock market and make a killing...maybe the other 80% of Americans wouldn't be so bad off right now?

yes, between attacking the families, schools, and religion of the most vulnerable among us,overtly shipping jobs offshore with liberal taxes, unions, and deficits, and inviting in 20 million illegals to take 20 million jobs liberals have created huge inequality! And, they are getting away with it making our country as gullible as the Germans were in the 1933. Humans always revert to type.

The best "safety net" for society will always be a good job. Not an entry skill job that government extortion forces high wages for...but a skilled job that is in demand. Liberals can't seem to grasp that concept.

That would be great, me boy. Now, tell me how, when during the great republican recession began in 2008 and as it went on for years, conservative congressmen did NOTHING to help those that needed that good paying job. Nothing, my boy. And to this day, NOTHING. Unless you know of a bill that the rest of us are unaware of.
A great safety net did not appear in 1929 through 1932 as Hoover watched the ue rate raise from around 4.5/% to over 24%. Nothing, me boy, nothing, except misery for the middle and lower classes.
But Reagan, he had learned. When his great top down economic theory failed, and the ue rate hit it's SECOND highest rate ever at 10.8%, he found it necessary to work for a safety net, called the largest stimulative spending effort in the history of the world.
After W presided over the third largest downturn of all time, and the ue rate went to about 10%, republicans did NOTHING. They voted after every attempt the new president brought forward.
So, be proud. The middle class is getting smaller and smaller, while the most wealthy few got richer and richer.
But, me boy, you are a con tool, and you believe what you want to believe. But you are an idiot. And you could care less about the middle class.

Simple question for a simple poster...has the gap between the Middle Class and the wealthy gotten smaller or larger during the seven plus years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office?
Larger, of course, because the republicans have blocked every economic bill that he or his team have put forward. As everyone knows.
"There are indeed formulas, or at least one. But no, I will not show it to you."

Gee, what a surprise! George Costanza the economist can't come up with a formula!

When are you ever going to grow up, me boy. But, I am not an economist. Any more than you are a historian. And, I can provide you with the formula you so badly want. If only you could show me the bill that a republican sponsored to help decrease unemployment during the great republican recession of 2008. Still waiting, me boy.

Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.


In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.


so Bill Clinton is lying to hurt his wives chances of becoming president??

Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
You can read charts, can't ya, Crazy Eddie? What does the chart I posted tell you?

are you saying that Bill Clinton was mistaken and so trying to hurt his wife???

“The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
Bill Clinton can say whatever he likes, just as you or I can. What I'm saying is the actual figures prove your claim to be abject nonsense.

You would know that if you knew how to read a chart. But sadly.....
Bill Clinton can say whatever he likes..

I didn't ask if he could say what he likes. I asked if he was mistaken and hurting his wife's chances of winning.

Bill Clinton:
“The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”

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