US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

It's the FDR Depression because he's the joker that made it last his first two whole terms.

What a shame you know so little.

WWII Started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. The USA stood aside while Poland then the lowlands fell. Once France fell in 1940 (look it up if you don't know), it was obvious we could not sit aside much longer and men started joining the US military and we started moving to wartime footing

I'd bet on the box of rock against you in Rock, Paper and Scissors and give you 2-1 odds as well and still make a fortune
No sane person (rules you out) blames FDR for the Great Depression which started some 3½ years before he even became president. Regardless, the unemployment rate dropped to under 10% in 1941 -- when government spending began skyrocketing in preparation of the war.

Do you consider Milton Friedman insane, Faun? He does in fact blame FDR for the longevity of the Great Depression.

The fact is most economists now believe that the Keynesian policies of FDR and the failure of the newly formed FED to respond to the banking crisis led to a worsening of the economic situation. For some reason that concept hasn't filtered down yet to the general public who know little about Georgie?

MILTON? INSANE? Hardly, me boy. Milton was a respected economist once. He went out of favor as other economists determined that he was simply a supply side economist, supporting an economic theory which died out over the years with the help of the great Republican experiment of 1981. You know, me boy, when supply side economics was proven to be a hoax by Ronald Reagan, when he raised taxes and cut spending, just as Supply Side economics (aka reaganomics) called for, and watched in horror as the ue rate raised to the second highest level un US History.. You remember, before he resorted to Keynesian principles of increasing spending, which eliminated unemployment.
People, me boy, believe that EVERY SINGLE THEORY OF ECONOMICS IN THE WORLD is invalid. Perhaps, me boy, your belief that most economists do not believe in Keynesian policies came from your ass. Because you forgot to provide a link to proof of your claim. And, me boy, as a student of history, you are making unsubstantiated claims again.
Now, Milty is about your speed. He was a Libertarian. Defined as a person who supports a socio-economic theory that has never worked in the real world. Nice. But, as an economist willing to push those concepts he would be well paid by the Koch brothers and their many think tanks. As any economist with a higher level degree in economics or one of several other degrees has the option of doing, if they are willing to trade on their ethics.
Sorry it has not filtered down to you yet, but milton freedman and his supply side economics have long become about as popular among economists as a fart in church.

Really? Then you might want to try explaining that to Ben Bernanke, Rshermr...he holds a different view.

Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

"Although economists have pontificated over the decades about this or that cause of the Great Depression, even the current Fed chairman Ben S. Bernanke, agrees with Friedman’s assessment that the Fed caused the Great Depression.

At a Nov. 8, 2002, conference to honor Friedman’s 90th birthday, Bernanke, then a Federal Reserve governor, gave a speech at Friedman’s old home base, the University of Chicago. Here’s a bit of what Bernanke, the man who now runs the Fed – and thus, one of the most powerful people in the world – had to say that day:

I can think of no greater honor than being invited to speak on the occasion of Milton Friedman’s ninetieth birthday. Among economic scholars, Friedman has no peer. …

Today I’d like to honor Milton Friedman by talking about one of his greatest contributions to economics, made in close collaboration with his distinguished coauthor, Anna J. Schwartz. This achievement is nothing less than to provide what has become the leading and most persuasive explanation of the worst economic disaster in American history, the onset of the Great Depression – or, as Friedman and Schwartz dubbed it, the Great Contraction of 1929-33.

… As everyone here knows, in their “Monetary History” Friedman and Schwartz made the case that the economic collapse of 1929-33 was the product of the nation’s monetary mechanism gone wrong. Contradicting the received wisdom at the time that they wrote, which held that money was a passive player in the events of the 1930s, Friedman and Schwartz argued that “the contraction is in fact a tragic testimonial to the importance of monetary forces.”

After citing how Friedman and Schwartz documented the Fed’s continual contraction of the money supply during the Depression and its aftermath – and the subsequent abandonment of the gold standard by many nations in order to stop the devastating monetary contraction – Bernanke adds:

Before the creation of the Federal Reserve, Friedman and Schwartz noted, bank panics were typically handled by banks themselves – for example, through urban consortiums of private banks called clearinghouses. If a run on one or more banks in a city began, the clearinghouse might declare a suspension of payments, meaning that, temporarily, deposits would not be convertible into cash. Larger, stronger banks would then take the lead, first, in determining that the banks under attack were in fact fundamentally solvent, and second, in lending cash to those banks that needed to meet withdrawals. Though not an entirely satisfactory solution – the suspension of payments for several weeks was a significant hardship for the public – the system of suspension of payments usually prevented local banking panics from spreading or persisting. Large, solvent banks had an incentive to participate in curing panics because they knew that an unchecked panic might ultimately threaten their own deposits.

It was in large part to improve the management of banking panics that the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. However, as Friedman and Schwartz discuss in some detail, in the early 1930s the Federal Reserve did not serve that function. The problem within the Fed was largely doctrinal: Fed officials appeared to subscribe to Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon’s infamous ‘liquidationist’ thesis, that weeding out “weak” banks was a harsh but necessary prerequisite to the recovery of the banking system. Moreover, most of the failing banks were small banks (as opposed to what we would now call money-center banks) and not members of the Federal Reserve System. Thus the Fed saw no particular need to try to stem the panics. At the same time, the large banks – which would have intervened before the founding of the Fed – felt that protecting their smaller brethren was no longer their responsibility. Indeed, since the large banks felt confident that the Fed would protect them if necessary, the weeding out of small competitors was a positive good, from their point of view.

In short, according to Friedman and Schwartz, because of institutional changes and misguided doctrines, the banking panics of the Great Contraction were much more severe and widespread than would have normally occurred during a downturn. …

Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again."
Cute how you're trying to change the discussion... which is about it being the "FDR Great Depression." Where did Bernake say that?
It's the FDR Depression because he's the joker that made it last his first two whole terms.

What a shame you know so little.

WWII Started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. The USA stood aside while Poland then the lowlands fell. Once France fell in 1940 (look it up if you don't know), it was obvious we could not sit aside much longer and men started joining the US military and we started moving to wartime footing

I'd bet on the box of rock against you in Rock, Paper and Scissors and give you 2-1 odds as well and still make a fortune
No sane person (rules you out) blames FDR for the Great Depression which started some 3½ years before he even became president. Regardless, the unemployment rate dropped to under 10% in 1941 -- when government spending began skyrocketing in preparation of the war.

Do you consider Milton Friedman insane, Faun? He does in fact blame FDR for the longevity of the Great Depression.

The fact is most economists now believe that the Keynesian policies of FDR and the failure of the newly formed FED to respond to the banking crisis led to a worsening of the economic situation. For some reason that concept hasn't filtered down yet to the general public who know little about Georgie?

MILTON? INSANE? Hardly, me boy. Milton was a respected economist once. He went out of favor as other economists determined that he was simply a supply side economist, supporting an economic theory which died out over the years with the help of the great Republican experiment of 1981. You know, me boy, when supply side economics was proven to be a hoax by Ronald Reagan, when he raised taxes and cut spending, just as Supply Side economics (aka reaganomics) called for, and watched in horror as the ue rate raised to the second highest level un US History.. You remember, before he resorted to Keynesian principles of increasing spending, which eliminated unemployment.
People, me boy, believe that EVERY SINGLE THEORY OF ECONOMICS IN THE WORLD is invalid. Perhaps, me boy, your belief that most economists do not believe in Keynesian policies came from your ass. Because you forgot to provide a link to proof of your claim. And, me boy, as a student of history, you are making unsubstantiated claims again.
Now, Milty is about your speed. He was a Libertarian. Defined as a person who supports a socio-economic theory that has never worked in the real world. Nice. But, as an economist willing to push those concepts he would be well paid by the Koch brothers and their many think tanks. As any economist with a higher level degree in economics or one of several other degrees has the option of doing, if they are willing to trade on their ethics.
Sorry it has not filtered down to you yet, but milton freedman and his supply side economics have long become about as popular among economists as a fart in church.

Really? Then you might want to try explaining that to Ben Bernanke, Rshermr...he holds a different view.

Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

"Although economists have pontificated over the decades about this or that cause of the Great Depression, even the current Fed chairman Ben S. Bernanke, agrees with Friedman’s assessment that the Fed caused the Great Depression.

At a Nov. 8, 2002, conference to honor Friedman’s 90th birthday, Bernanke, then a Federal Reserve governor, gave a speech at Friedman’s old home base, the University of Chicago. Here’s a bit of what Bernanke, the man who now runs the Fed – and thus, one of the most powerful people in the world – had to say that day:

I can think of no greater honor than being invited to speak on the occasion of Milton Friedman’s ninetieth birthday. Among economic scholars, Friedman has no peer. …

Today I’d like to honor Milton Friedman by talking about one of his greatest contributions to economics, made in close collaboration with his distinguished coauthor, Anna J. Schwartz. This achievement is nothing less than to provide what has become the leading and most persuasive explanation of the worst economic disaster in American history, the onset of the Great Depression – or, as Friedman and Schwartz dubbed it, the Great Contraction of 1929-33.

… As everyone here knows, in their “Monetary History” Friedman and Schwartz made the case that the economic collapse of 1929-33 was the product of the nation’s monetary mechanism gone wrong. Contradicting the received wisdom at the time that they wrote, which held that money was a passive player in the events of the 1930s, Friedman and Schwartz argued that “the contraction is in fact a tragic testimonial to the importance of monetary forces.”

After citing how Friedman and Schwartz documented the Fed’s continual contraction of the money supply during the Depression and its aftermath – and the subsequent abandonment of the gold standard by many nations in order to stop the devastating monetary contraction – Bernanke adds:

Before the creation of the Federal Reserve, Friedman and Schwartz noted, bank panics were typically handled by banks themselves – for example, through urban consortiums of private banks called clearinghouses. If a run on one or more banks in a city began, the clearinghouse might declare a suspension of payments, meaning that, temporarily, deposits would not be convertible into cash. Larger, stronger banks would then take the lead, first, in determining that the banks under attack were in fact fundamentally solvent, and second, in lending cash to those banks that needed to meet withdrawals. Though not an entirely satisfactory solution – the suspension of payments for several weeks was a significant hardship for the public – the system of suspension of payments usually prevented local banking panics from spreading or persisting. Large, solvent banks had an incentive to participate in curing panics because they knew that an unchecked panic might ultimately threaten their own deposits.

It was in large part to improve the management of banking panics that the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. However, as Friedman and Schwartz discuss in some detail, in the early 1930s the Federal Reserve did not serve that function. The problem within the Fed was largely doctrinal: Fed officials appeared to subscribe to Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon’s infamous ‘liquidationist’ thesis, that weeding out “weak” banks was a harsh but necessary prerequisite to the recovery of the banking system. Moreover, most of the failing banks were small banks (as opposed to what we would now call money-center banks) and not members of the Federal Reserve System. Thus the Fed saw no particular need to try to stem the panics. At the same time, the large banks – which would have intervened before the founding of the Fed – felt that protecting their smaller brethren was no longer their responsibility. Indeed, since the large banks felt confident that the Fed would protect them if necessary, the weeding out of small competitors was a positive good, from their point of view.

In short, according to Friedman and Schwartz, because of institutional changes and misguided doctrines, the banking panics of the Great Contraction were much more severe and widespread than would have normally occurred during a downturn. …

Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again."
Cute how you're trying to change the discussion... which is about it being the "FDR Great Depression." Where did Bernake say that?
That great conservative journalistic rag, WorldNetDaily. Oldstyle found it while perusing bat shit crazy con web sites. I mean, why use a rational source when you can use a source like wnd. Then, the boy suggests that by useing Time, it was I that was using agenda driven sources. Poor stupid moron.
FDR didn't end the Depression either! UE didn't drop below 14% under FDR until Hitler conquered France in 1940. So technically Hitler ended the FDR Depression

That would be true. First, you never give the name of a depression to the person you task with ending a depression created by the other party. He only brought ue down from 25.4% to 14.2% before your arbitrary date. That would be, what, 11.3% from the high of the Great Republican Depression. And a decrease of MORE than any unemployment percentage EXCEPT the Great Republican Depression of 1929. I mean, there must have been something like that accomplished by a republican,right??????????????????????????????????????????
"And not down by the time Germany invaded France"??? Maybe we should look at when the Crusades occurred. Or the Vietnam War occurred. Most think the depression was heavily influenced by the US entering the war. But that was December, of 1941, And by then, the ue was at about 9.65% Down over 15% from the high of the Great Republican Depression of 1929.
1941 ue rate was 9.66%
Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

It's the FDR Depression because he's the joker that made it last his first two whole terms.

What a shame you know so little.

WWII Started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. The USA stood aside while Poland then the lowlands fell. Once France fell in 1940 (look it up if you don't know), it was obvious we could not sit aside much longer and men started joining the US military and we started moving to wartime footing

I'd bet on the box of rock against you in Rock, Paper and Scissors and give you 2-1 odds as well and still make a fortune
No sane person (rules you out) blames FDR for the Great Depression which started some 3½ years before he even became president. Regardless, the unemployment rate dropped to under 10% in 1941 -- when government spending began skyrocketing in preparation of the war.

Do you consider Milton Friedman insane, Faun? He does in fact blame FDR for the longevity of the Great Depression.

The fact is most economists now believe that the Keynesian policies of FDR and the failure of the newly formed FED to respond to the banking crisis led to a worsening of the economic situation. For some reason that concept hasn't filtered down yet to the general public who know little about Georgie?
Why would anyone care what a conservative economist thinks about FDR's Liberal policies? Anyone can look back at that period and contend anything. It's completely meaningless and unprovable.

What remains, however, is the insanity of calling it FDR's Great Depression given it started years earlier under Republican leadership and years of Republican policies; and grew worse with every passing year under Republicans until Democrats took over. Color me surprised that Conservatives want to rewrite history 80 years later to blame those who cleaned up that massive pile of Republican dung.

Why would anyone care? Quite's a reexamination of the limitations of Keynesian Economic Theory after eighty years of practice. It's a reexamination of what caused the Great Depression to linger as long as it did and a questioning of whether FDR's policies made things better or delayed the recovery. Milton Friedman isn't just any conservative economist! He's a Nobel Prize winner who is considered the second most important economist (behind Keynes) of modern times.
Georgie STILL can't come up with the economic formula used to determine "jobs saved"...because he's finally figured out that it's a number that's total bullshit...hence the "A-B=Jobs Saved"...which is him waving a white flag of surrender!
That would be true. First, you never give the name of a depression to the person you task with ending a depression created by the other party. He only brought ue down from 25.4% to 14.2% before your arbitrary date. That would be, what, 11.3% from the high of the Great Republican Depression. And a decrease of MORE than any unemployment percentage EXCEPT the Great Republican Depression of 1929. I mean, there must have been something like that accomplished by a republican,right??????????????????????????????????????????
"And not down by the time Germany invaded France"??? Maybe we should look at when the Crusades occurred. Or the Vietnam War occurred. Most think the depression was heavily influenced by the US entering the war. But that was December, of 1941, And by then, the ue was at about 9.65% Down over 15% from the high of the Great Republican Depression of 1929.
1941 ue rate was 9.66%
Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

It's the FDR Depression because he's the joker that made it last his first two whole terms.

What a shame you know so little.

WWII Started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. The USA stood aside while Poland then the lowlands fell. Once France fell in 1940 (look it up if you don't know), it was obvious we could not sit aside much longer and men started joining the US military and we started moving to wartime footing

I'd bet on the box of rock against you in Rock, Paper and Scissors and give you 2-1 odds as well and still make a fortune
No sane person (rules you out) blames FDR for the Great Depression which started some 3½ years before he even became president. Regardless, the unemployment rate dropped to under 10% in 1941 -- when government spending began skyrocketing in preparation of the war.

Do you consider Milton Friedman insane, Faun? He does in fact blame FDR for the longevity of the Great Depression.

The fact is most economists now believe that the Keynesian policies of FDR and the failure of the newly formed FED to respond to the banking crisis led to a worsening of the economic situation. For some reason that concept hasn't filtered down yet to the general public who know little about Georgie?
Why would anyone care what a conservative economist thinks about FDR's Liberal policies? Anyone can look back at that period and contend anything. It's completely meaningless and unprovable.

What remains, however, is the insanity of calling it FDR's Great Depression given it started years earlier under Republican leadership and years of Republican policies; and grew worse with every passing year under Republicans until Democrats took over. Color me surprised that Conservatives want to rewrite history 80 years later to blame those who cleaned up that massive pile of Republican dung.

Why would anyone care? Quite's a reexamination of the limitations of Keynesian Economic Theory after eighty years of practice. It's a reexamination of what caused the Great Depression to linger as long as it did and a questioning of whether FDR's policies made things better or delayed the recovery. Milton Friedman isn't just any conservative economist! He's a Nobel Prize winner who is considered the second most important economist (behind Keynes) of modern times.

And being a con, Oldstyle atackes those things that as a con troll he has to attack, because he has the con talking points. So he attacks 24/7/365 and expects anyone to take him seriously. Why, did you know that obama has done nothing good in his 7 years? Are you surprised that oldstyle makes attacks on any economic theory that is not supply side or Reaganomics. And he expects to be taken seriously. Hates labor unions. Hates minimum wage. Hates economic stimulus. Does not believe in global warming warnings of Scientists. States there are no Socialist Nations that are successful. Attacks H. Clinton over Benghazi, though the many trials brought on by republican congressmen have found ZERO laws broken.
And you can go on, for stupid issue over stupid issue. Because that is what Oldstyle has been told. And here, he says that the FDR recession was slow, and he is just re-examining why it lingered as long as it did:
Lets see. The fact is, that: 1. For the first 4 years, the ue rate dropped faster than at any time in the history of the US.
2. That until the end of the Great Republican Recession, the ue rate dropped slower, but overall, from start to end, it dropped FASTER than for any other Recession.
3. The drop in the ue rate was overall greater than for any downturn in us history, by a mile.
4. That the ue rate went up in 1937 only after FDR bent to the pressure of conservatives and slowed stimulus efforts for a year in 1936,
So, Oldstyle does not care about economic history. At all. Obviously. He just cares about conservative talking points, and attacking 24/7/365.

It may seem odd that oldstyle did not want to reexamine why the FDR reduction in the ue rate was so large and so successful. Or why the great republican depression was so massive. Or what ACTUALLY went wrong. Instead of attacking FDR and regurgitating talking points. That is because he is unwilling to consider the truth. No facts for oldstyle. No discussion of the actual economy. Just conservative talking points.
Georgie STILL can't come up with the economic formula used to determine "jobs saved"...because he's finally figured out that it's a number that's total bullshit...hence the "A-B=Jobs Saved"...which is him waving a white flag of surrender!

So, oldstyle, you are LYING AGAIN. Like you always do. With no shame of any kind. I offered to provide you with the formula on the condition that you provide the proof of a bill that republicans brought forward to lower the misery caused by the great republican recession of 2008.
Now, had you done so, I would have kept my promise. That you did not is you, me boy, admitting that you can not show that the republicans ever brought any such bill forward, and that they could care less about the middle class. And it proves that you lie, over and over, not willing to admit what is out there in my post in black and white, offering your formula on a condition you can not keep.
It must be awful to have no integrity.
Further, me conservative troll, it proves the obvious. That republican congress representatives and senators did not do what they were elected to do. They did not do what would have been decent. That they only cared about their wealthy benefactors, and not at all about the middle class.
JUST LIKE YOU, oldstyle.
That would be true. First, you never give the name of a depression to the person you task with ending a depression created by the other party. He only brought ue down from 25.4% to 14.2% before your arbitrary date. That would be, what, 11.3% from the high of the Great Republican Depression. And a decrease of MORE than any unemployment percentage EXCEPT the Great Republican Depression of 1929. I mean, there must have been something like that accomplished by a republican,right??????????????????????????????????????????
"And not down by the time Germany invaded France"??? Maybe we should look at when the Crusades occurred. Or the Vietnam War occurred. Most think the depression was heavily influenced by the US entering the war. But that was December, of 1941, And by then, the ue was at about 9.65% Down over 15% from the high of the Great Republican Depression of 1929.
1941 ue rate was 9.66%
Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

It's the FDR Depression because he's the joker that made it last his first two whole terms.

What a shame you know so little.

WWII Started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. The USA stood aside while Poland then the lowlands fell. Once France fell in 1940 (look it up if you don't know), it was obvious we could not sit aside much longer and men started joining the US military and we started moving to wartime footing

I'd bet on the box of rock against you in Rock, Paper and Scissors and give you 2-1 odds as well and still make a fortune
No sane person (rules you out) blames FDR for the Great Depression which started some 3½ years before he even became president. Regardless, the unemployment rate dropped to under 10% in 1941 -- when government spending began skyrocketing in preparation of the war.

Do you consider Milton Friedman insane, Faun? He does in fact blame FDR for the longevity of the Great Depression.

The fact is most economists now believe that the Keynesian policies of FDR and the failure of the newly formed FED to respond to the banking crisis led to a worsening of the economic situation. For some reason that concept hasn't filtered down yet to the general public who know little about Georgie?
Why would anyone care what a conservative economist thinks about FDR's Liberal policies? Anyone can look back at that period and contend anything. It's completely meaningless and unprovable.

What remains, however, is the insanity of calling it FDR's Great Depression given it started years earlier under Republican leadership and years of Republican policies; and grew worse with every passing year under Republicans until Democrats took over. Color me surprised that Conservatives want to rewrite history 80 years later to blame those who cleaned up that massive pile of Republican dung.

Why would anyone care? Quite's a reexamination of the limitations of Keynesian Economic Theory after eighty years of practice. It's a reexamination of what caused the Great Depression to linger as long as it did and a questioning of whether FDR's policies made things better or delayed the recovery. Milton Friedman isn't just any conservative economist! He's a Nobel Prize winner who is considered the second most important economist (behind Keynes) of modern times.

The Nobel Prize in economics has been awarded 71 times. Just wondering why you would pick a discredited economist who is a Libertarian, believing in a system that has never worked to produce a successful socio-economic system in the history of the earth? Odd, how you choose your economists. Perfectly in line with the favorites of the bat shit crazy con web sites.
Three Nobel Prize winners in particular have identified themselves with libertarianism: F.A. Hayek,Milton Friedman, and James Buchanan.

And, coincidentally, oldstyle picks one
Georgie STILL can't come up with the economic formula used to determine "jobs saved"...because he's finally figured out that it's a number that's total bullshit...hence the "A-B=Jobs Saved"...which is him waving a white flag of surrender!

So, oldstyle, you are LYING AGAIN. Like you always do. With no shame of any kind. I offered to provide you with the formula on the condition that you provide the proof of a bill that republicans brought forward to lower the misery caused by the great republican recession of 2008.
Now, had you done so, I would have kept my promise. That you did not is you, me boy, admitting that you can not show that the republicans ever brought any such bill forward, and that they could care less about the middle class. And it proves that you lie, over and over, not willing to admit what is out there in my post in black and white, offering your formula on a condition you can not keep.
It must be awful to have no integrity.
Further, me conservative troll, it proves the obvious. That republican congress representatives and senators did not do what they were elected to do. They did not do what would have been decent. That they only cared about their wealthy benefactors, and not at all about the middle class.
JUST LIKE YOU, oldstyle.

You are so full of shit, Georgie! Why would you even need need "conditions"? You should be chomping at the bit to show us all the formula used to determine "jobs saved" to prove you're right. But you're not? So why is that? Because you need an excuse for not showing what you said you would? Who do you think you fool with your bluster?
It's the FDR Depression because he's the joker that made it last his first two whole terms.

What a shame you know so little.

WWII Started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. The USA stood aside while Poland then the lowlands fell. Once France fell in 1940 (look it up if you don't know), it was obvious we could not sit aside much longer and men started joining the US military and we started moving to wartime footing

I'd bet on the box of rock against you in Rock, Paper and Scissors and give you 2-1 odds as well and still make a fortune
No sane person (rules you out) blames FDR for the Great Depression which started some 3½ years before he even became president. Regardless, the unemployment rate dropped to under 10% in 1941 -- when government spending began skyrocketing in preparation of the war.

Do you consider Milton Friedman insane, Faun? He does in fact blame FDR for the longevity of the Great Depression.

The fact is most economists now believe that the Keynesian policies of FDR and the failure of the newly formed FED to respond to the banking crisis led to a worsening of the economic situation. For some reason that concept hasn't filtered down yet to the general public who know little about Georgie?
Why would anyone care what a conservative economist thinks about FDR's Liberal policies? Anyone can look back at that period and contend anything. It's completely meaningless and unprovable.

What remains, however, is the insanity of calling it FDR's Great Depression given it started years earlier under Republican leadership and years of Republican policies; and grew worse with every passing year under Republicans until Democrats took over. Color me surprised that Conservatives want to rewrite history 80 years later to blame those who cleaned up that massive pile of Republican dung.

Why would anyone care? Quite's a reexamination of the limitations of Keynesian Economic Theory after eighty years of practice. It's a reexamination of what caused the Great Depression to linger as long as it did and a questioning of whether FDR's policies made things better or delayed the recovery. Milton Friedman isn't just any conservative economist! He's a Nobel Prize winner who is considered the second most important economist (behind Keynes) of modern times.

The Nobel Prize in economics has been awarded 71 times. Just wondering why you would pick a discredited economist who is a Libertarian, believing in a system that has never worked to produce a successful socio-economic system in the history of the earth? Odd, how you choose your economists. Perfectly in line with the favorites of the bat shit crazy con web sites.
Three Nobel Prize winners in particular have identified themselves with libertarianism: F.A. Hayek,Milton Friedman, and James Buchanan.

And, coincidentally, oldstyle picks one
Friedman is "discredited"? By who? You? Someone who pretends to have an economics degree on the internet? Milton Friedman was described by Paul Krugman as one of the economic giants of the 20th century...even if Krugman doesn't agree with all of his economic theories and is about a far left as they come...yet YOU have decided that Friedman is discredited because he believed in the ability of free markets to correct themselves.
Have you even read Friedman's book? I don't know how you could have graduated with a degree in economics when you did and NOT have had that work as part of your curriculum...yet you don't seem to understand anything that Friedman was saying about what took place back in the 1930's. How can that be? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that you only PRETEND to have gotten a degree in economics and to have taught the subject at the college level! There's no reason why you would have read one of the seminal books on the that was at the very center of economic debate during that time period!
Georgie STILL can't come up with the economic formula used to determine "jobs saved"...because he's finally figured out that it's a number that's total bullshit...hence the "A-B=Jobs Saved"...which is him waving a white flag of surrender!

So, oldstyle, you are LYING AGAIN. Like you always do. With no shame of any kind. I offered to provide you with the formula on the condition that you provide the proof of a bill that republicans brought forward to lower the misery caused by the great republican recession of 2008.
Now, had you done so, I would have kept my promise. That you did not is you, me boy, admitting that you can not show that the republicans ever brought any such bill forward, and that they could care less about the middle class. And it proves that you lie, over and over, not willing to admit what is out there in my post in black and white, offering your formula on a condition you can not keep.
It must be awful to have no integrity.
Further, me conservative troll, it proves the obvious. That republican congress representatives and senators did not do what they were elected to do. They did not do what would have been decent. That they only cared about their wealthy benefactors, and not at all about the middle class.
JUST LIKE YOU, oldstyle.

You are so full of shit, Georgie! Why would you even need need "conditions"? You should be chomping at the bit to show us all the formula used to determine "jobs saved" to prove you're right. But you're not? So why is that? Because you need an excuse for not showing what you said you would? Who do you think you fool with your bluster?

No, me boy. I want you to answer my question. I could care less about your stated need to see a formula. That, of course, is just you being a dipshit.
Georgie STILL can't come up with the economic formula used to determine "jobs saved"...because he's finally figured out that it's a number that's total bullshit...hence the "A-B=Jobs Saved"...which is him waving a white flag of surrender!

So, oldstyle, you are LYING AGAIN. Like you always do. With no shame of any kind. I offered to provide you with the formula on the condition that you provide the proof of a bill that republicans brought forward to lower the misery caused by the great republican recession of 2008.
Now, had you done so, I would have kept my promise. That you did not is you, me boy, admitting that you can not show that the republicans ever brought any such bill forward, and that they could care less about the middle class. And it proves that you lie, over and over, not willing to admit what is out there in my post in black and white, offering your formula on a condition you can not keep.
It must be awful to have no integrity.
Further, me conservative troll, it proves the obvious. That republican congress representatives and senators did not do what they were elected to do. They did not do what would have been decent. That they only cared about their wealthy benefactors, and not at all about the middle class.
JUST LIKE YOU, oldstyle.

You are so full of shit, Georgie! Why would you even need need "conditions"? You should be chomping at the bit to show us all the formula used to determine "jobs saved" to prove you're right. But you're not? So why is that? Because you need an excuse for not showing what you said you would? Who do you think you fool with your bluster?

Now, now oldstyle. I gave you your chance to prove I do not have an econ degree. But you, being a simple con tool, have no balls. None. A person who believed what he said (decidedly NOT YOU) would take the bet. But, being a simple con coward, you do not. But, on the other hand, you are funny.
I already answered your question. You asked for one bill the GOP House passed that would have created jobs. I gave you two.

So when were you going to keep your word and provide the formula for determining "jobs saved"?

We both know that will never happen, Georgie! Your A-B=Jobs Saved proved just how clueless you are on the subject! All you're doing now is desperately trying to come up with some way to save face. Don't you get tired of being embarrassed on this board for being the poser that you are?
You prove that you never got a degree in economics with every post that you make dealing with that subject, Georgie! A-B=Jobs Saved? That's your economic "knowledge" in a nutshell! NON-EXISTENT!!!
Georgie STILL can't come up with the economic formula used to determine "jobs saved"...because he's finally figured out that it's a number that's total bullshit...hence the "A-B=Jobs Saved"...which is him waving a white flag of surrender!

So, oldstyle, you are LYING AGAIN. Like you always do. With no shame of any kind. I offered to provide you with the formula on the condition that you provide the proof of a bill that republicans brought forward to lower the misery caused by the great republican recession of 2008.
Now, had you done so, I would have kept my promise. That you did not is you, me boy, admitting that you can not show that the republicans ever brought any such bill forward, and that they could care less about the middle class. And it proves that you lie, over and over, not willing to admit what is out there in my post in black and white, offering your formula on a condition you can not keep.
It must be awful to have no integrity.
Further, me conservative troll, it proves the obvious. That republican congress representatives and senators did not do what they were elected to do. They did not do what would have been decent. That they only cared about their wealthy benefactors, and not at all about the middle class.
JUST LIKE YOU, oldstyle.

You are so full of shit, Georgie! Why would you even need need "conditions"? You should be chomping at the bit to show us all the formula used to determine "jobs saved" to prove you're right. But you're not? So why is that? Because you need an excuse for not showing what you said you would? Who do you think you fool with your bluster?

No georgie here. What are you selling, dipshit?
I already answered your question. You asked for one bill the GOP House passed that would have created jobs. I gave you two.

So when were you going to keep your word and provide the formula for determining "jobs saved"?

We both know that will never happen, Georgie! Your A-B=Jobs Saved proved just how clueless you are on the subject! All you're doing now is desperately trying to come up with some way to save face. Don't you get tired of being embarrassed on this board for being the poser that you are?

Well, as you know, there was a simple, and I mean a really simple, condition. You can not keep it, because republicans did not try to help get out of the very mess they created, the Great Republican Recession. So, me boy, because you keep acting like what you are (a little person wanting to be a conservative troll) I see no reason to help you at all. I keep educating you, and you keep lying. Sad.
How about this formula?

Rshermr + Economics = George Costanza "Architect".

I have a 14 year old grandson. Much more mature, and much smarter than you. In his words, you are a retard. Even at his age, he sees making constanza comments as just plain stupid.
Now, this is also stupid: Oldstyle X Rational Thought = 0. But then, it is true.
How about this formula?

Rshermr + Economics = George Costanza "Architect".
How about this formula?

Rshermr + Economics = George Costanza "Architect".
How about this formula?

Rshermr + Economics = George Costanza "Architect".
So, Oldstyle, apparently you are incapable of anything close to economic argument. You are posting worthless post after worthless post. So, it does not bother me in the slightest. But I rather believe it is annoying to others on this board And I am sure you could care less.
You are incapable of conversation, or debate, me boy. Totally. And your insults are getting old. As of now, in deference to others who may want to actually engage in discussion about the subject of this thread, you are now officially on ignore. Knock yourself out with your drivel, me boy.

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