US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Ohhh, he's a Nobel prize winner?

So's Obama.

He's still among those Conservatives trying to rewrite history. His claims are nothing but theory and in no way, represent reality. Americans, by and large, agreed with FDR's policies as they re-elected him 3 times until he died.

So yeah... who cares what a conservative economist thinks about Liberal policies. It's often conservative policies which trashes the economy.
Yeah, but Milton Friedman actually did something to earn his Nobel Prize...Barry got his for showing up!
Oh, my. You don't even know the jobless claims figure which fell is based on new claims filed, not those whose benefits expired.

No wonder you look like such an imbecile.

So you think people all over the country are finding jobs in 26 weeks? You a special kind of stupid
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

Since I didn't post that...I guess the special kind of stupid might be you, Faun...just saying! LOL
You're as dumb as fbj to think my reply was meant for you and not for him.

Don't get your undies in a bunch, Faun...I knew it wasn't for me. I was giving you a little dig! My, but you progressives are sensitive today!

Progressives are always angry and have no sense of humor whatsoever.
That, me boy, would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion,

I am really impressed that you teamed with Ed, who for years has been know as The Troll. of this board And with him, waste everyones time with an incredibly stupid post trying to say that Hoobert Hoover did not stand by watching ort Unemployment Rate go from 3.5% to 25% while doing NOTHING. Which I had stated in my post. And saying that he passed much of the stimulus legislation that was, in fact, passed and signed into law by FDR. Truth was EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN in the US was scared shitless, and if they were Republican, were about to loose their jobs in the next election after the Great Republican Recession Started in 1929. And suddenly, with the ue rate soaring past 20%, republicans became democrats. But not until the ue rate passed 20% on its way to 25%. That caused human misery beyond belief, me boy.
And you, to stand with the great Troll, Ed, and suggest that the problem was one Republican, that being Hoover, was beyond untrue. It was an effort to rewrite history, me boy. The great depression happened in 1929, but had been led up to since 1920, and pretty much entirely by three Republican Presidents (Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover), and three Republican Controlled Congresses.
And then, to blame the Great Republican Depression of 1929 on republican efforts to control the Economy with Tariffs and suggest that those bills had ANYTHING TO DO WITH controlling the human misery caused by the Great Depression was not only untrue, but a complete misstating of the causes of the Great Depression and the efforts to bring unemployment back under control.
Truth was that Hoover and his team tried, after the country literally exploded into chaos caused by the crash of 1929, to draft legislation and get it into law, it was only after the fact. Way too late. Way too small.
Now, most would be ashamed of the lies and distortion of your post. But instead, you suggest it was I who posted untruths. I did not, me boy. The truth is a well known thing. Your, and Ed's, revision is where the lies are. And you posted them. No one else but you and your friend, Ed.
Here is a bit of truth, me boy. Try and read and understand:
"In general, the Republicans retained control of Congress until 1931, after 19 Republicans in the US House of Representatives died and Democrats took their places in the special elections- after Republican President Herbert Hoover had continuously failed to get the US out of the Great Depression.
The Great Depression
On October 29, 1929, a day known in history as Black Tuesday, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a significant crash and the United States, as well as most of the world, would enter a major recession.[47] In response, President Herbert Hoover and the Republican Congress passed the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. However, it has been recognized that this act only made economic condition far worse.[47] The 1930 midterm election saw the Republicans barely maintain control of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.[48][49] Shortly after the 1930 midterm election, however, special elections were held to replace 19 House of Representative-elects who died, and Democrats would gain a four-seat majority in the US House of Representatives as a result of the outcome of these elections.[50] In the 1932 US Senate elections, the Democrats easily regained control over the US Senate once again; this 1932 election also saw Franklin Roosevelt get elected US President as well, and Roosevelt could now begin his historic New Deal policies through the Democrat-dominated US Congress, and could bring the US out of the Great Depression.
History of the United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

FDR took over the Presidency in late March of 1933, with the depression raging. As I have been saying, the Great Depression of 1929 was a Republican affair. And conservatives have been hard at trying to rewrite that history for decades.

FDR didn't end the Depression either! UE didn't drop below 14% under FDR until Hitler conquered France in 1940. So technically Hitler ended the FDR Depression

That would be true. First, you never give the name of a depression to the person you task with ending a depression created by the other party. He only brought ue down from 25.4% to 14.2% before your arbitrary date. That would be, what, 11.3% from the high of the Great Republican Depression. And a decrease of MORE than any unemployment percentage EXCEPT the Great Republican Depression of 1929. I mean, there must have been something like that accomplished by a republican,right??????????????????????????????????????????
"And not down by the time Germany invaded France"??? Maybe we should look at when the Crusades occurred. Or the Vietnam War occurred. Most think the depression was heavily influenced by the US entering the war. But that was December, of 1941, And by then, the ue was at about 9.65% Down over 15% from the high of the Great Republican Depression of 1929.
1941 ue rate was 9.66%
Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

It's the FDR Depression because he's the joker that made it last his first two whole terms.

What a shame you know so little.

WWII Started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. The USA stood aside while Poland then the lowlands fell. Once France fell in 1940 (look it up if you don't know), it was obvious we could not sit aside much longer and men started joining the US military and we started moving to wartime footing

I'd bet on the box of rock against you in Rock, Paper and Scissors and give you 2-1 odds as well and still make a fortune
No sane person (rules you out) blames FDR for the Great Depression which started some 3½ years before he even became president. Regardless, the unemployment rate dropped to under 10% in 1941 -- when government spending began skyrocketing in preparation of the war.

As you too know, FDR EXTENDED the Great Depression by SEVEN YEARS.

He did not. But his policies reduced unemployment by more than any other president in american history. And, as opposed to republicans, he stopped a great deal of human suffering. Which, I know, you do not care about.
Hmmmmm...I've got a choice on who to believe about the Fed...Milton Friedman who was the Fed Chief and Ben S. Bernanke, who was the Fed Chief...or Mark Thoma, who is a professor of macro economics at Oregon State? You know what...I'm going with the two Fed Chiefs on this one! Duh?
Who am I going to believe about global warming the scientists employed by corporations that pollute or the other 97% who aren't paid to lie.

If the fed reserve is corrupt I wouldn't believe the guys who run it

You're joking, are you not? The 97% is BOGUS and any of them are PAID TO LIE. No Global Warming Scam, NO MONEY FOR BOGUS RESEARCH.
Oh, absolutely. Do not believe scientists. They try to provide facts. Believe republican politicians, paid by the energy industry. Now, why would they want to lie. Like rugs. And no, me poor stupid con tool, the 97% is a true number.
Another nonsensical claim you can't prove. But then again -- until I educated you on the matter, you actually thought that figure fell because people already collecting unemployment benefits exhausted their 26 weeks.

Even funnier was you saying anyone who believes the drop in jobs claim "belongs in a mental institution," when you didn't even know that figure is based on initial jobs claims, not exhausted benefits claims.


In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.


so Bill Clinton is lying to hurt his wives chances of becoming president??

Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
You can read charts, can't ya, Crazy Eddie? What does the chart I posted tell you?

are you saying that Bill Clinton was mistaken and so trying to hurt his wife???

“The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”

The fact of the matter is if a worker is doing the same job, with the same production and value to an employer 15 years ago, there is no reason for them to have improved their living standards or income one cent beyond what inflation has done.

I don't understand how what former President Bill Clinton would hurt Hillary Clinton. Lame Duck President Obama is responsible for the wreck of the economy. Former Secretary of State, along with President Obama together are responsible for the total SNAFU in the world centered on President Obama's massive failure in Iraq and Libya.
Yeah, but Milton Friedman actually did something to earn his Nobel Prize...Barry got his for showing up!
So you think people all over the country are finding jobs in 26 weeks? You a special kind of stupid
Yikes! You're even dumber than I thought. :ack-1:

I never said that.

What I did say was ... the fall in jobless claims was for new claims filed. You're such an idiot, you thought it was for unemployed folks whose benefits ran out.

Since I didn't post that...I guess the special kind of stupid might be you, Faun...just saying! LOL
You're as dumb as fbj to think my reply was meant for you and not for him.

Don't get your undies in a bunch, Faun...I knew it wasn't for me. I was giving you a little dig! My, but you progressives are sensitive today!

Progressives are always angry and have no sense of humor whatsoever.

Actually that is just your opinion, not backed by anything at all. Now, studies suggest something quite different:
New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist
New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist
If only you could show me the bill that a republican sponsored to help decrease unemployment during the great republican recession of 2008. Still waiting, me boy.

100% stupid and liberal!!! new inventions create new jobs not new bills !!!! 1+1=2

I'm not sure why folks respond to the childish rantings of Rshermr. Certainly he must know better and is simply playing.
Did you just accuse Ed and I of being "but buddies", Georgie? I thought you were the guy who abhorred personal attacks? So Ed, brings up valid points about something you've claimed...cites examples of how you're wrong...and you respond how? Not with a well reasoned rebuttal...but with snide homosexual innuendoes?

You simply proved my point...someone confronts you with facts and you respond with personal attacks. That's not a problem either...I could care less when you go all juvenile on us...but it borders on farce when you do THAT and then whine about supposed "personal attacks" by others!

just conjecture. More likely, you simply have similar IQ's, Ed is and has been long known as the site Troll. Stupid as a post. And you seem to be trying to get there.

And you've long been known as the site POSER...

Don't you get tired of making an ass out of yourself with this stuff? come on here and pretend to know something about economics but then you post some of the most unintelligent things I've ever heard on the subject...proving without question that you don't have a clue about what you're talking about. Yet you don't seem to realize how bad you look. I've never seen anything quite like it.

That, me boy, would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion,

I am really impressed that you teamed with Ed, who for years has been know as The Troll. of this board And with him, waste everyones time with an incredibly stupid post trying to say that Hoobert Hoover did not stand by watching ort Unemployment Rate go from 3.5% to 25% while doing NOTHING. Which I had stated in my post. And saying that he passed much of the stimulus legislation that was, in fact, passed and signed into law by FDR. Truth was EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN in the US was scared shitless, and if they were Republican, were about to loose their jobs in the next election after the Great Republican Recession Started in 1929. And suddenly, with the ue rate soaring past 20%, republicans became democrats. But not until the ue rate passed 20% on its way to 25%. That caused human misery beyond belief, me boy.
And you, to stand with the great Troll, Ed, and suggest that the problem was one Republican, that being Hoover, was beyond untrue. It was an effort to rewrite history, me boy. The great depression happened in 1929, but had been led up to since 1920, and pretty much entirely by three Republican Presidents (Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover), and three Republican Controlled Congresses.
And then, to blame the Great Republican Depression of 1929 on republican efforts to control the Economy with Tariffs and suggest that those bills had ANYTHING TO DO WITH controlling the human misery caused by the Great Depression was not only untrue, but a complete misstating of the causes of the Great Depression and the efforts to bring unemployment back under control.
Truth was that Hoover and his team tried, after the country literally exploded into chaos caused by the crash of 1929, to draft legislation and get it into law, it was only after the fact. Way too late. Way too small.
Now, most would be ashamed of the lies and distortion of your post. But instead, you suggest it was I who posted untruths. I did not, me boy. The truth is a well known thing. Your, and Ed's, revision is where the lies are. And you posted them. No one else but you and your friend, Ed.
Here is a bit of truth, me boy. Try and read and understand:
"In general, the Republicans retained control of Congress until 1931, after 19 Republicans in the US House of Representatives died and Democrats took their places in the special elections- after Republican President Herbert Hoover had continuously failed to get the US out of the Great Depression.
The Great Depression
On October 29, 1929, a day known in history as Black Tuesday, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a significant crash and the United States, as well as most of the world, would enter a major recession.[47] In response, President Herbert Hoover and the Republican Congress passed the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. However, it has been recognized that this act only made economic condition far worse.[47] The 1930 midterm election saw the Republicans barely maintain control of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.[48][49] Shortly after the 1930 midterm election, however, special elections were held to replace 19 House of Representative-elects who died, and Democrats would gain a four-seat majority in the US House of Representatives as a result of the outcome of these elections.[50] In the 1932 US Senate elections, the Democrats easily regained control over the US Senate once again; this 1932 election also saw Franklin Roosevelt get elected US President as well, and Roosevelt could now begin his historic New Deal policies through the Democrat-dominated US Congress, and could bring the US out of the Great Depression.
History of the United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

FDR took over the Presidency in late March of 1933, with the depression raging. As I have been saying, the Great Depression of 1929 was a Republican affair. And conservatives have been hard at trying to rewrite that history for decades.

There was another depression, one in 1921 which was equal to or worse than that of 1929. The Republican President, Warren G. Harding did nothing. The Depression ended in 18 months.

Franklin Roosevelt, through his Socialist, draconian policies extended the Great Depression by seven years.

That is not re-writing history, that is FACT.
Did you just accuse Ed and I of being "but buddies", Georgie? I thought you were the guy who abhorred personal attacks? So Ed, brings up valid points about something you've claimed...cites examples of how you're wrong...and you respond how? Not with a well reasoned rebuttal...but with snide homosexual innuendoes?

You simply proved my point...someone confronts you with facts and you respond with personal attacks. That's not a problem either...I could care less when you go all juvenile on us...but it borders on farce when you do THAT and then whine about supposed "personal attacks" by others!

just conjecture. More likely, you simply have similar IQ's, Ed is and has been long known as the site Troll. Stupid as a post. And you seem to be trying to get there.

And you've long been known as the site POSER...

Don't you get tired of making an ass out of yourself with this stuff? come on here and pretend to know something about economics but then you post some of the most unintelligent things I've ever heard on the subject...proving without question that you don't have a clue about what you're talking about. Yet you don't seem to realize how bad you look. I've never seen anything quite like it.

That, me boy, would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion,

I am really impressed that you teamed with Ed, who for years has been know as The Troll. of this board And with him, waste everyones time with an incredibly stupid post trying to say that Hoobert Hoover did not stand by watching ort Unemployment Rate go from 3.5% to 25% while doing NOTHING. Which I had stated in my post. And saying that he passed much of the stimulus legislation that was, in fact, passed and signed into law by FDR. Truth was EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN in the US was scared shitless, and if they were Republican, were about to loose their jobs in the next election after the Great Republican Recession Started in 1929. And suddenly, with the ue rate soaring past 20%, republicans became democrats. But not until the ue rate passed 20% on its way to 25%. That caused human misery beyond belief, me boy.
And you, to stand with the great Troll, Ed, and suggest that the problem was one Republican, that being Hoover, was beyond untrue. It was an effort to rewrite history, me boy. The great depression happened in 1929, but had been led up to since 1920, and pretty much entirely by three Republican Presidents (Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover), and three Republican Controlled Congresses.
And then, to blame the Great Republican Depression of 1929 on republican efforts to control the Economy with Tariffs and suggest that those bills had ANYTHING TO DO WITH controlling the human misery caused by the Great Depression was not only untrue, but a complete misstating of the causes of the Great Depression and the efforts to bring unemployment back under control.
Truth was that Hoover and his team tried, after the country literally exploded into chaos caused by the crash of 1929, to draft legislation and get it into law, it was only after the fact. Way too late. Way too small.
Now, most would be ashamed of the lies and distortion of your post. But instead, you suggest it was I who posted untruths. I did not, me boy. The truth is a well known thing. Your, and Ed's, revision is where the lies are. And you posted them. No one else but you and your friend, Ed.
Here is a bit of truth, me boy. Try and read and understand:
"In general, the Republicans retained control of Congress until 1931, after 19 Republicans in the US House of Representatives died and Democrats took their places in the special elections- after Republican President Herbert Hoover had continuously failed to get the US out of the Great Depression.
The Great Depression
On October 29, 1929, a day known in history as Black Tuesday, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a significant crash and the United States, as well as most of the world, would enter a major recession.[47] In response, President Herbert Hoover and the Republican Congress passed the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. However, it has been recognized that this act only made economic condition far worse.[47] The 1930 midterm election saw the Republicans barely maintain control of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.[48][49] Shortly after the 1930 midterm election, however, special elections were held to replace 19 House of Representative-elects who died, and Democrats would gain a four-seat majority in the US House of Representatives as a result of the outcome of these elections.[50] In the 1932 US Senate elections, the Democrats easily regained control over the US Senate once again; this 1932 election also saw Franklin Roosevelt get elected US President as well, and Roosevelt could now begin his historic New Deal policies through the Democrat-dominated US Congress, and could bring the US out of the Great Depression.
History of the United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

FDR took over the Presidency in late March of 1933, with the depression raging. As I have been saying, the Great Depression of 1929 was a Republican affair. And conservatives have been hard at trying to rewrite that history for decades.

There was another depression, one in 1921 which was equal to or worse than that of 1929. The Republican President, Warren G. Harding did nothing. The Depression ended in 18 months.

Franklin Roosevelt, through his Socialist, draconian policies extended the Great Depression by seven years.

That is not re-writing history, that is FACT.

Well, me boy, hardly fact. The depression of 1921 was an odd little thing. Not a aggregate demand based recession. It was a simple depression that cured itself pretty much before anyone noticed it. It was looked at by economists as an adjustment after WWI.
Now here is the thing. What harding did was, as you say, nothing. the Fed helped some, but had to do little.
Now the Great Republican Depression of 1929 was something quite different. It did not come and go in 18 months. It was indeed a aggregate demand depression.
And, the new president in power, Hoover, Tried the Harding methodology. You love it, of course. It is called DO NOTHING. Problem, while harding was faced with an end of war adjustment, Hoover had a fully created no shit depression. And he sat and watched as the ue rate went from around 3.5% to 25%. LIKE A ROCKET. He watched as people starved, me boy. It was desperation time. Even he, in the end of his term, sent bills to congress to provide stimulus. You know, what economists who are not brain dead suggest. And those stimulus requests were the basis of what happened over the next several years.

I pity the electrons I waste replying to you
If only you could show me the bill that a republican sponsored to help decrease unemployment during the great republican recession of 2008. Still waiting, me boy.

100% stupid and liberal!!! new inventions create new jobs not new bills !!!! 1+1=2

I'm not sure why folks respond to the childish rantings of Rshermr. Certainly he must know better and is simply playing.

Well, I don't really think he's playing. He's a socialist and makes about as much sense as any socialist. They simple lack the intelligence to understand capitalism so what they say is little more than gibberish but to them it passes for thinking.
In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.


so Bill Clinton is lying to hurt his wives chances of becoming president??

Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
You can read charts, can't ya, Crazy Eddie? What does the chart I posted tell you?

are you saying that Bill Clinton was mistaken and so trying to hurt his wife???

“The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”

The fact of the matter is if a worker is doing the same job, with the same production and value to an employer 15 years ago, there is no reason for them to have improved their living standards or income one cent beyond what inflation has done.

I don't understand how what former President Bill Clinton would hurt Hillary Clinton. Lame Duck President Obama is responsible for the wreck of the economy. Former Secretary of State, along with President Obama together are responsible for the total SNAFU in the world centered on President Obama's massive failure in Iraq and Libya.

Are you just trying to prove that study I posted. about conservatives being angry??
How about these:
5 Scientific Studies That Prove Republicans Are Plain Stupid
5 Scientific, Peer-Reviewed Studies That Prove Republicans Are Just Stupid

Or, we could watch a trump rally. Or, we could just look at the CLOWN CAR that was the republican presidential candidates. Or, we could just read your posts.
In any case Barry's recovery is worst since Great Depression. Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, Crazy Eddie, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.


so Bill Clinton is lying to hurt his wives chances of becoming president??

Here what Bill Clinton said: “The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
You can read charts, can't ya, Crazy Eddie? What does the chart I posted tell you?

are you saying that Bill Clinton was mistaken and so trying to hurt his wife???

“The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”

The fact of the matter is if a worker is doing the same job, with the same production and value to an employer 15 years ago, there is no reason for them to have improved their living standards or income one cent beyond what inflation has done.
I think that they should not get more wealth or income increase than the upper 1%, Seems fair.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

How about these:
5 Scientific Studies That Prove Republicans Are Plain Stupid
5 Scientific, Peer-Reviewed Studies That Prove Republicans Are Just Stupid

Or, we could watch a trump rally. Or, we could just look at the CLOWN CAR that was the republican presidential candidates. Or, we could just read your posts.

The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. and M.D. (Oct 30, 2006)
(60 customer reviews)
If only you could show me the bill that a republican sponsored to help decrease unemployment during the great republican recession of 2008. Still waiting, me boy.

100% stupid and liberal!!! new inventions create new jobs not new bills !!!! 1+1=2

I'm not sure why folks respond to the childish rantings of Rshermr. Certainly he must know better and is simply playing.

Well, I don't really think he's playing. He's a socialist and makes about as much sense as any socialist. They simple lack the intelligence to understand capitalism so what they say is little more than gibberish but to them it passes for thinking.
And that, me boy, is your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinon, dipshit.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

How can poor folks get more money when liberals have attacked their families, schools, and religion?? And when they have driven our corporations out with the highest taxes in world?
How about these:
5 Scientific Studies That Prove Republicans Are Plain Stupid
5 Scientific, Peer-Reviewed Studies That Prove Republicans Are Just Stupid

Or, we could watch a trump rally. Or, we could just look at the CLOWN CAR that was the republican presidential candidates. Or, we could just read your posts.

The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. and M.D. (Oct 30, 2006)
(60 customer reviews)
I post studies. Actual studies, me poor ignorant con tool. And you post a 10 year old book written by a conservative aurhor. You loose, I could give you 100 books about conservative stupidity. But I believe the authors are all questionable. But then, being a con, you do not care or understand.
Why? I would love to hear your explanation of the relationship.
There are still millions of people unemployed who don't file anymore because UC is only 26 weeks
Right, but this thread is about NEW jobless claims. So it doesn't matter how long anyone receives benefits.
During the week ending April 16, there were a seasonally adjusted 248,000 new applications for state unemployment insurance benefits. That is a record low.

For that same week, a total of 2,198,093 collected benefits from federal and state agencies.

And in the 4 weeks ending then, 7.9 million people unsuccessfully looked for work and a further 5.8 million said they wanted a job but weren't looking for one.

Now, what are you thinking I don't understand, or are you going to just insult me?

In the words of my grandmom..........."NOTHING BUT LIES"
And what makes you think that? Have you actually studied the matter or is it just a knee-jerk reaction?

Anything to make it look like the RETARD named Obama is doing a great job
So, knee-jerk reaction. It's can admit it. Nobody thinks you had an actual argument or evidence.
Did you just accuse Ed and I of being "but buddies", Georgie? I thought you were the guy who abhorred personal attacks? So Ed, brings up valid points about something you've claimed...cites examples of how you're wrong...and you respond how? Not with a well reasoned rebuttal...but with snide homosexual innuendoes?

You simply proved my point...someone confronts you with facts and you respond with personal attacks. That's not a problem either...I could care less when you go all juvenile on us...but it borders on farce when you do THAT and then whine about supposed "personal attacks" by others!

just conjecture. More likely, you simply have similar IQ's, Ed is and has been long known as the site Troll. Stupid as a post. And you seem to be trying to get there.

And you've long been known as the site POSER...

Don't you get tired of making an ass out of yourself with this stuff? come on here and pretend to know something about economics but then you post some of the most unintelligent things I've ever heard on the subject...proving without question that you don't have a clue about what you're talking about. Yet you don't seem to realize how bad you look. I've never seen anything quite like it.

That, me boy, would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion,

I am really impressed that you teamed with Ed, who for years has been know as The Troll. of this board And with him, waste everyones time with an incredibly stupid post trying to say that Hoobert Hoover did not stand by watching ort Unemployment Rate go from 3.5% to 25% while doing NOTHING. Which I had stated in my post. And saying that he passed much of the stimulus legislation that was, in fact, passed and signed into law by FDR. Truth was EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN in the US was scared shitless, and if they were Republican, were about to loose their jobs in the next election after the Great Republican Recession Started in 1929. And suddenly, with the ue rate soaring past 20%, republicans became democrats. But not until the ue rate passed 20% on its way to 25%. That caused human misery beyond belief, me boy.
And you, to stand with the great Troll, Ed, and suggest that the problem was one Republican, that being Hoover, was beyond untrue. It was an effort to rewrite history, me boy. The great depression happened in 1929, but had been led up to since 1920, and pretty much entirely by three Republican Presidents (Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover), and three Republican Controlled Congresses.
And then, to blame the Great Republican Depression of 1929 on republican efforts to control the Economy with Tariffs and suggest that those bills had ANYTHING TO DO WITH controlling the human misery caused by the Great Depression was not only untrue, but a complete misstating of the causes of the Great Depression and the efforts to bring unemployment back under control.
Truth was that Hoover and his team tried, after the country literally exploded into chaos caused by the crash of 1929, to draft legislation and get it into law, it was only after the fact. Way too late. Way too small.
Now, most would be ashamed of the lies and distortion of your post. But instead, you suggest it was I who posted untruths. I did not, me boy. The truth is a well known thing. Your, and Ed's, revision is where the lies are. And you posted them. No one else but you and your friend, Ed.
Here is a bit of truth, me boy. Try and read and understand:
"In general, the Republicans retained control of Congress until 1931, after 19 Republicans in the US House of Representatives died and Democrats took their places in the special elections- after Republican President Herbert Hoover had continuously failed to get the US out of the Great Depression.
The Great Depression
On October 29, 1929, a day known in history as Black Tuesday, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a significant crash and the United States, as well as most of the world, would enter a major recession.[47] In response, President Herbert Hoover and the Republican Congress passed the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. However, it has been recognized that this act only made economic condition far worse.[47] The 1930 midterm election saw the Republicans barely maintain control of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.[48][49] Shortly after the 1930 midterm election, however, special elections were held to replace 19 House of Representative-elects who died, and Democrats would gain a four-seat majority in the US House of Representatives as a result of the outcome of these elections.[50] In the 1932 US Senate elections, the Democrats easily regained control over the US Senate once again; this 1932 election also saw Franklin Roosevelt get elected US President as well, and Roosevelt could now begin his historic New Deal policies through the Democrat-dominated US Congress, and could bring the US out of the Great Depression.
History of the United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

FDR took over the Presidency in late March of 1933, with the depression raging. As I have been saying, the Great Depression of 1929 was a Republican affair. And conservatives have been hard at trying to rewrite that history for decades.

There was another depression, one in 1921 which was equal to or worse than that of 1929. The Republican President, Warren G. Harding did nothing. The Depression ended in 18 months.

Franklin Roosevelt, through his Socialist, draconian policies extended the Great Depression by seven years.

That is not re-writing history, that is FACT.
Did you just accuse Ed and I of being "but buddies", Georgie? I thought you were the guy who abhorred personal attacks? So Ed, brings up valid points about something you've claimed...cites examples of how you're wrong...and you respond how? Not with a well reasoned rebuttal...but with snide homosexual innuendoes?

You simply proved my point...someone confronts you with facts and you respond with personal attacks. That's not a problem either...I could care less when you go all juvenile on us...but it borders on farce when you do THAT and then whine about supposed "personal attacks" by others!

just conjecture. More likely, you simply have similar IQ's, Ed is and has been long known as the site Troll. Stupid as a post. And you seem to be trying to get there.

And you've long been known as the site POSER...

Don't you get tired of making an ass out of yourself with this stuff? come on here and pretend to know something about economics but then you post some of the most unintelligent things I've ever heard on the subject...proving without question that you don't have a clue about what you're talking about. Yet you don't seem to realize how bad you look. I've never seen anything quite like it.

That, me boy, would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion,

I am really impressed that you teamed with Ed, who for years has been know as The Troll. of this board And with him, waste everyones time with an incredibly stupid post trying to say that Hoobert Hoover did not stand by watching ort Unemployment Rate go from 3.5% to 25% while doing NOTHING. Which I had stated in my post. And saying that he passed much of the stimulus legislation that was, in fact, passed and signed into law by FDR. Truth was EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN in the US was scared shitless, and if they were Republican, were about to loose their jobs in the next election after the Great Republican Recession Started in 1929. And suddenly, with the ue rate soaring past 20%, republicans became democrats. But not until the ue rate passed 20% on its way to 25%. That caused human misery beyond belief, me boy.
And you, to stand with the great Troll, Ed, and suggest that the problem was one Republican, that being Hoover, was beyond untrue. It was an effort to rewrite history, me boy. The great depression happened in 1929, but had been led up to since 1920, and pretty much entirely by three Republican Presidents (Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover), and three Republican Controlled Congresses.
And then, to blame the Great Republican Depression of 1929 on republican efforts to control the Economy with Tariffs and suggest that those bills had ANYTHING TO DO WITH controlling the human misery caused by the Great Depression was not only untrue, but a complete misstating of the causes of the Great Depression and the efforts to bring unemployment back under control.
Truth was that Hoover and his team tried, after the country literally exploded into chaos caused by the crash of 1929, to draft legislation and get it into law, it was only after the fact. Way too late. Way too small.
Now, most would be ashamed of the lies and distortion of your post. But instead, you suggest it was I who posted untruths. I did not, me boy. The truth is a well known thing. Your, and Ed's, revision is where the lies are. And you posted them. No one else but you and your friend, Ed.
Here is a bit of truth, me boy. Try and read and understand:
"In general, the Republicans retained control of Congress until 1931, after 19 Republicans in the US House of Representatives died and Democrats took their places in the special elections- after Republican President Herbert Hoover had continuously failed to get the US out of the Great Depression.
The Great Depression
On October 29, 1929, a day known in history as Black Tuesday, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a significant crash and the United States, as well as most of the world, would enter a major recession.[47] In response, President Herbert Hoover and the Republican Congress passed the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. However, it has been recognized that this act only made economic condition far worse.[47] The 1930 midterm election saw the Republicans barely maintain control of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.[48][49] Shortly after the 1930 midterm election, however, special elections were held to replace 19 House of Representative-elects who died, and Democrats would gain a four-seat majority in the US House of Representatives as a result of the outcome of these elections.[50] In the 1932 US Senate elections, the Democrats easily regained control over the US Senate once again; this 1932 election also saw Franklin Roosevelt get elected US President as well, and Roosevelt could now begin his historic New Deal policies through the Democrat-dominated US Congress, and could bring the US out of the Great Depression.
History of the United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

FDR took over the Presidency in late March of 1933, with the depression raging. As I have been saying, the Great Depression of 1929 was a Republican affair. And conservatives have been hard at trying to rewrite that history for decades.

There was another depression, one in 1921 which was equal to or worse than that of 1929. The Republican President, Warren G. Harding did nothing. The Depression ended in 18 months.

Franklin Roosevelt, through his Socialist, draconian policies extended the Great Depression by seven years.

That is not re-writing history, that is FACT.

Well, me boy, hardly fact. The downturn of 1921 was an odd little thing. Not a aggregate demand based recession. It was a simple downturn that cured itself pretty much before anyone noticed it. It was looked at by economists as an adjustment after WWI.
Now here is the thing. What harding did was, as you say, nothing. the Fed helped some, but had to do little.
Now the Great Republican Depression of 1929 was something quite different. It did not come and go in 18 months. It was indeed a aggregate demand depression.
And, the new president in power, Hoover, Tried the Harding methodology. You love it, of course. It is called DO NOTHING. Problem was, while harding was faced with an end of war adjustment, Hoover had a fully created no shit depression. And he sat and watched as the ue rate went from around 3.5% to 25%. LIKE A ROCKET. He watched as people starved, me boy. It was desperation time. Even he, in the end of his term, sent bills to congress to provide stimulus. You know, what economists who are not brain dead suggest. And those stimulus requests were the basis of what happened over the next several years. are your words: "Well, me boy, hardly fact. The downturn of 1921 was an odd little thing."

So now a DEPRESSION is an odd little thing when handled correctly, BUT the 2008 RECESSION, handled abysmally... is the fault of President Bush, eight years later when we have yet to recover.
Keep on believing that things are looking up and that the average Joe is just one more election cycle away from prosperity. I am in the real world, I see the real world. I was in Detroit, Michigan from January of 2013 to July of 2015 and I never saw a fucking thing get better for those people there. I came back to Dallas Texas and I see the cracks in the economy and friends of mine hoping to get even so much as part-time gig at Home Depot or Lowes and it's much worse than when I left in 2013. I am here in Florida where there is a HUGE divide between the haves and the have nots and if you are a "have" you are gonna pay through the nose and this system will drain you for every dime they is fucking insane....but morons like you act like we are sitting in high cotton. You must be doing one could have the optimistic attitude that you have concerning the condition of this country unless they were on some kind of drug....seriously.

Studies? Have these "professionals" go out into the real world instead of crunching numbers this corporate "gubermint" gives them in order to paint a rosy picture that doesn't fucking exist in the real world
Well of course.
Detroit ruined by manufacturing jobs moved overseas.
Texas is a cesspool run into the ground by Republicans for decades.
Texas ranks number one in a many categories of pollution and environmental degradation. For example, Texas is:
  • #1 in the Emission of Ozone Causing Air Pollution Chemicals
  • #1 in Toxic Chemical releases into the Air
  • #1 in use of Deep Well Injectors as method of Waste Disposal
  • #1 in counties listed in top 20 of Emitting Cancer Causing Chemicals
  • #1 in Total Number of Hazardous Waste Incinerators
  • #1 in Environmental Justice Title 6 complaints
  • #1 in production of Cancer causing Benzene & Vinyl Chloride
  • #1 Largest Sludge Dump in Country
Texas is Number 1

Florida is a Rick Scott disaster.

A leftard slanted website making claims? Too funny. While I am no fan of Bush, we have had leftard governors like
Keep on believing that things are looking up and that the average Joe is just one more election cycle away from prosperity. I am in the real world, I see the real world. I was in Detroit, Michigan from January of 2013 to July of 2015 and I never saw a fucking thing get better for those people there. I came back to Dallas Texas and I see the cracks in the economy and friends of mine hoping to get even so much as part-time gig at Home Depot or Lowes and it's much worse than when I left in 2013. I am here in Florida where there is a HUGE divide between the haves and the have nots and if you are a "have" you are gonna pay through the nose and this system will drain you for every dime they is fucking insane....but morons like you act like we are sitting in high cotton. You must be doing one could have the optimistic attitude that you have concerning the condition of this country unless they were on some kind of drug....seriously.

Studies? Have these "professionals" go out into the real world instead of crunching numbers this corporate "gubermint" gives them in order to paint a rosy picture that doesn't fucking exist in the real world
Well of course.
Detroit ruined by manufacturing jobs moved overseas.
Texas is a cesspool run into the ground by Republicans for decades.
Texas ranks number one in a many categories of pollution and environmental degradation. For example, Texas is:
  • #1 in the Emission of Ozone Causing Air Pollution Chemicals
  • #1 in Toxic Chemical releases into the Air
  • #1 in use of Deep Well Injectors as method of Waste Disposal
  • #1 in counties listed in top 20 of Emitting Cancer Causing Chemicals
  • #1 in Total Number of Hazardous Waste Incinerators
  • #1 in Environmental Justice Title 6 complaints
  • #1 in production of Cancer causing Benzene & Vinyl Chloride
  • #1 Largest Sludge Dump in Country
Texas is Number 1

Florida is a Rick Scott disaster.

No, Detroit is the by-product of a very uncaring, for profit composite "gubermint" that is being controlled by the IMF. They have no problem with sucking the people dry and then discarding them. USA.INC is sitting on a mountain of wealth that exceeds the GDP of the private sector each and every year but yet they run a deficit...why is that? Because they can pass the debt off on us while tucking some of the wealth away in tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, etc, etc and re-investing the rest. They are already the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries and here lately they have been investing overseas. You are so convinced that the "demcrat" party is the end all be all but they are just as much to blame as the neocons at the top that know about this outrageous fraud, extortion and outright thievery. They make the mafia seem like mere pikers. Get out of the paradigm because your beloved "libruls" are not gonna save you or anyone else. There is no Santa Claus....hate to be the one to break it to you but you need to know.

Did you forget you links to back any of your bullshit? Oh, you didn't add links because you KNOW it's bullshit. Then why bother, nitwit?

I have posted links ad naseum proving that USA.INC is a corporate entity. I have posted links from showing the mass amount of wealth that this composite "gubermint" is holding. I have posted links from Dun and Bradstreet proving my point. This shit is common knowledge to me and I shouldn't have to post a fucking link every damn time I write a post. Look it up yourself and dis prove that the CAFR isn't the holy grail of information that proves that they have been skimming off the top for decades. Walter Burien and others that worked in HUGE corporations and had to participate in the writing of a CAFR because it is required by ALL corporations. If USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries were not corporations, they wouldn't have to fill out a CAFR...get it now? I shouldn't have to take you by your little hand and guide you down the path since I have been posting about this for almost 9 months...and frankly, I doubt that you have the brain power to digest the information anyway, ya numb fuck....

The truth is if anyone were to go after a particular city, it certainly wouldn't be Detroit. We know why and how Detroit was savaged.

That is the best that you could come up with? I gave you a gold mine of information and that was the best you had? It proves to me that you don't have a fucking clue as to the gravity of the situation and the level of fraud.....typical for a leftard that is in total denial.
From UCLA at Berkley. EVEN the PROGRESSIVES here have to admit that is one of the most Progressive, Liberal schools in America

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

By Meg Sullivan August 10, 2004

Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.


"We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."


"We show that they really did artificially inflate wages and prices."


"Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened."

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

I have emphasized two particularly interesting sentences in the study which make note of exactly what we should NOT do in the event of another Depression or Recession . Exactly what DID Lame Duck President Obama and his cabal do?

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