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US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Republicans can't say poor people use welfare as a crutch then turn around and say people don't consider welfare when deciding if they are going to keep a baby or not.

Why is a personal issue a governments concern? Power to the People! The gov won't have shit to say if individual citizens control their own lives without gov interfering.

Remember the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Yes we need to fix our welfare society but I don't want to eliminate safety nets but I agree we just give them $ and hope they do the right thing. We need to insist they do their part and too often these people are hopeless.

I don't know why people don't leave poor/bad communities. I know it's not that easy but it's not like moving to another country like my parents did
The very democrat party that opposes guns are the ones using it to kill
Subjective cherry picking. Where would I start[/QUOTE]

Start at deflecting. It always work when you only have an objective response. Over ruled. Librats learn well from their political spin masters how to use smoking mirrors.

Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
Keep pretending you give a damn about the people living in poverty.

Because the POTUS does?

Obama, Cameron and the Day of the 'Remains'
Wall Street Journal-15 hours ago
Certainly, his efforts to accommodate millions of illegal immigrants suggest that, if it were politically possible, he might well countenance an ...




Illegal Immigrants Cost U.S. $100 Billion per Year ...
May 21, 2010 - Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost? ... spends money on the workers, and they almost never pay income taxes.

View attachment 72598
Medi-Cal for immigrant kids in US illegally starts in May
89.3 KPCC-Apr 21, 2016
Medi-Cal for immigrant kids in US illegally starts in May ... The legislature did not pass that measure; the final 2015 version of the bill only ... California will cover the cost of care for unauthorizedimmigrant kids, since they are ...


Hopefully both sides hear loud and clear this is unacceptable.

Keep in mind who wants more bodies in this country. It's corporations. They want the cheap labor and consumers. They always want growth. I'm all for shrinking the US population.

That's because you don't understand the first thing about what you're trying to talk about, as usual.
The very democrat party that opposes guns are the ones using it to kill
Subjective cherry picking. Where would I start

Start at deflecting. It always work when you only have an objective response. Over ruled. Librats learn well from their political spin masters how to use smoking mirrors.

Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.[/QUOTE]
Then read my replies to other peoples rational posts. I'm not responding to your trash.

But thanks for letting me know I'm infuriating you. Good!
When the unemployment rate was 5% while Bush was president, how come you righties weren't accusing Bush of using that stat as a straw man fallacy to celebrate false victories? How come none of you said then that an unemployment rate of 5% is a lie, that the actual unemployment rate was as high as 20% to 40%?
Welfare gov. Spy on you gov. Help me gov. Tell you what to do gov. Nurse Betty gov. Hold your hand gov. Be your friend gov. Hand out gov. Control gov. Defend me gov. Gestapo get their guns gov. Free gov.
We want effective government. Yes we want welfare as a safety net. Don't you?

Don't you want the government spying on Muslim Americans?

What about physician assisted suicide?

With all due respect, Sealy...Unemployment Insurance is a "safety net"...it helps people who through no fault of their own have lost employment. Welfare, sadly is a trap...it trains people to be dependent on the government instead of being self sufficient. I don't want welfare for anyone that I care about because I know what welfare does to people. I want jobs for people.

I want the government tracking anyone who's a danger to society. At the moment that list of people includes radicalized Muslims. It also includes far right militia groups and far left anarchists. I don't consider monitoring these people "spying"...I consider it due diligence!

I have absolutely no problem with physician assisted suicide. We put down pets to keep them from suffering but don't do the same thing for our human loved ones? That makes no sense to me.
When the unemployment rate was 5% while Bush was president, how come you righties weren't accusing Bush of using that stat as a straw man fallacy to celebrate false victories? How come none of you said then that an unemployment rate of 5% is a lie, that the actual unemployment rate was as high as 20% to 40%?
Welfare gov. Spy on you gov. Help me gov. Tell you what to do gov. Nurse Betty gov. Hold your hand gov. Be your friend gov. Hand out gov. Control gov. Defend me gov. Gestapo get their guns gov. Free gov.
We want effective government. Yes we want welfare as a safety net. Don't you?

Don't you want the government spying on Muslim Americans?

What about physician assisted suicide?

With all due respect, Sealy...Unemployment Insurance is a "safety net"...it helps people who through no fault of their own have lost employment. Welfare, sadly is a trap...it trains people to be dependent on the government instead of being self sufficient. I don't want welfare for anyone that I care about because I know what welfare does to people. I want jobs for people.

I want the government tracking anyone who's a danger to society. At the moment that list of people includes radicalized Muslims. It also includes far right militia groups and far left anarchists. I don't consider monitoring these people "spying"...I consider it due diligence!

I have absolutely no problem with physician assisted suicide. We put down pets to keep them from suffering but don't do the same thing for our human loved ones? That makes no sense to me.

Then you're not very bright.
The wallstreet journal title reads " us joless claims 4 decade low", but you are right in the piece they said new.

Still this is a good economy. Republicans wanted to blame Obama for a bad economy but won't give him credit for a good one

Sealy...this is NOT a good economy! I'm sorry but it isn't. Is it better than it was back in 2008 and 2009? Heck yeah! And it should be! We've done nonstop quantitative easing and kept interest rates at nearly zero for eight years now. That should have had the economy on a fast boil years ago but instead we've got an economy that's just grinding along. I don't blame Barry for a bad economy...I blame him for a total lack of initiatives to grow the economy and put people back to work for much of the last six years. He owns "The Great Recession" because he hasn't had a clue when it comes to economics.
Dems give us 40 years of slow steady growth Republicans give us ten years bust ten years booms. Hard to survive gopanomics if you aren't rich. What do you do?

But I agree I hate interest rates being so low

Will you admit WHY interest rates have been kept so low? I'll give you a hint...it's NOT because the Fed thinks the economy is "good"!
What do we need to do?

Well, for starters...we need to gradually raise interest rates to something sane. I say that for two reasons. First of all it will give us a real idea of how strong the economy really is...but more importantly...if we do have another financial crisis we'll have that tool (lowering interest rates) to combat it. As it stands right now...if we have another recession...our "quiver" of economic arrows to address that is basically empty. All we've done for the past eight years is artificially prop up the stock market which allowed wealthy people who had credit to invest with to make a fortune. You want to know why there is such "inequality" between the wealthy and the Lower Class? It's because of things like what the Fed has done with interest rates. Poor people didn't gain from the stock market rebound...wealthy people sure as heck did!
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?
That pic of the black dude with the shotgun. I thought you guys were cool with open carry?

Not when its a democrat.


– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.

– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter

– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.

– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.

– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.

– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat

– James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.

– Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.

– Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.

– Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.

– Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy…

mostly pro-choice democrats are the ones usually doing all the murdering. 95% black households democrat 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35yrs.

Why are no conservative NRA members involved in mass shootings?

Curious, isn’t it? So I was thinking, maybe we should just make it illegal for Democrats to buy guns?

Democrats More Deadly Than Republicans? In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States ..

In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who later died from the wound.

In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.

In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States . . .

In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.

In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.

In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.

In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.

In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby’s cafeteria.

In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.

In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.

In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.

In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.

In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung – Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.

In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.

In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.

In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people, mostly children, in a school.

As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.

One could go on, but you get the point, even if the media does not. Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns. Not one NRA member, Tea Party member, nor Republican conservative was involved in these shootings and murders.

ONLY SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.

The very democrat party that opposes guns are the ones using it to kill
Care to prove those? Or are you only capable of cutting and pasting?

Start with Columbine.... you know... Harris who just turned 18 about a week earlier; and Klebold who wasn't old enough to vote.

And don't forget about Timothy McVeigh... the NRA card carrying registered Republican who killed more people than everyone on your list.
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
November 11, 2009

RUSH: I think that's the fastest way to persuade people, you know, is to ridicule and make fun of the people that you're having problems with.

May 14, 2007

RUSH: Everything we did about Clinton was humorous. It had a political point. We were making fun of and laughing.

January 24, 2007

RUSH: One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there's no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that's the toughest thing to have a response because everybody's laughing at you... In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them.

June 23, 2008

RUSH: Ronald Reagan said, "Just laugh at 'em, just laugh at 'em and just ridicule it,"
Sealy...this is NOT a good economy! I'm sorry but it isn't. Is it better than it was back in 2008 and 2009? Heck yeah! And it should be! We've done nonstop quantitative easing and kept interest rates at nearly zero for eight years now. That should have had the economy on a fast boil years ago but instead we've got an economy that's just grinding along. I don't blame Barry for a bad economy...I blame him for a total lack of initiatives to grow the economy and put people back to work for much of the last six years. He owns "The Great Recession" because he hasn't had a clue when it comes to economics.
Dems give us 40 years of slow steady growth Republicans give us ten years bust ten years booms. Hard to survive gopanomics if you aren't rich. What do you do?

But I agree I hate interest rates being so low

Will you admit WHY interest rates have been kept so low? I'll give you a hint...it's NOT because the Fed thinks the economy is "good"!
What do we need to do?

Well, for starters...we need to gradually raise interest rates to something sane. I say that for two reasons. First of all it will give us a real idea of how strong the economy really is...but more importantly...if we do have another financial crisis we'll have that tool (lowering interest rates) to combat it. As it stands right now...if we have another recession...our "quiver" of economic arrows to address that is basically empty. All we've done for the past eight years is artificially prop up the stock market which allowed wealthy people who had credit to invest with to make a fortune. You want to know why there is such "inequality" between the wealthy and the Lower Class? It's because of things like what the Fed has done with interest rates. Poor people didn't gain from the stock market rebound...wealthy people sure as heck did!
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?

Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others. Reagan for instance. He inherited Stagflation from Jimmy Carter...bit the bullet and did the politically unpopular thing by tightening up the money supply...which caused unemployment to rise and Reagan's approval ratings to plummet. Then when inflation was lessened...he cut taxes, the economy started to boom and unemployment went down. Now contrast that with what Barack Obama has done for the past seven plus years. He's kept interest rates at almost zero. Why? Because he knows that the stock market "recovery" has been a bubble driven almost exclusively by cheap money. He CAN'T raise interest rates because it would expose how shaky the economic recovery has been under his stewardship.

Obama hasn't pushed for a raise in interest rates. Why? Because he understands that the economy really isn't strong and that even proposing a raise in interest rates sends the Dow plummeting. He won't do the hard things that Reagan did because Barry doesn't DO hard. He does EASY. Like lowering interest rates for seven plus years.
He inherited Stagflation from Jimmy Carter...bit the bullet and did the politically unpopular thing by tightening up the money supply...which caused unemployment to rise and Reagan's approval ratings to plummet. Then when inflation was lessened...he cut taxes, the economy started to boom and unemployment went down.
Typical Right-wing revisionist history. It was Carter's Fed chairman Volcker who tightened the money supply, and Reagan got his "job creating" tax cuts BEFORE he caused unemployment to skyrocket.
Last time it was this low was 1973

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.

That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

Last time it was this low was 1973

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.

That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

The Bush and Clintons are thicker than thieves and there has never been a surplus because USA.INC has always ran a deficit because there is interest attached to every fiat dollar created. Barrypuppet hasn't fixed anything and the huge bubble that burst in 2008 has reappeared and it's about to pop as well and it's even bigger than the last time. The warning signs are everywhere that the economy is about to implode and it's gonna be epic.
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

Just goes to prove that Capitalism works despite the best efforts of Obama and the Democrats to stop it. Oh for sure, they are the reason it took so long to recover, but even they cannot keep the US Economy down forever.
Dems give us 40 years of slow steady growth Republicans give us ten years bust ten years booms. Hard to survive gopanomics if you aren't rich. What do you do?

But I agree I hate interest rates being so low

Will you admit WHY interest rates have been kept so low? I'll give you a hint...it's NOT because the Fed thinks the economy is "good"!
What do we need to do?

Well, for starters...we need to gradually raise interest rates to something sane. I say that for two reasons. First of all it will give us a real idea of how strong the economy really is...but more importantly...if we do have another financial crisis we'll have that tool (lowering interest rates) to combat it. As it stands right now...if we have another recession...our "quiver" of economic arrows to address that is basically empty. All we've done for the past eight years is artificially prop up the stock market which allowed wealthy people who had credit to invest with to make a fortune. You want to know why there is such "inequality" between the wealthy and the Lower Class? It's because of things like what the Fed has done with interest rates. Poor people didn't gain from the stock market rebound...wealthy people sure as heck did!
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?

Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others. Reagan for instance. He inherited Stagflation from Jimmy Carter...bit the bullet and did the politically unpopular thing by tightening up the money supply...which caused unemployment to rise and Reagan's approval ratings to plummet. Then when inflation was lessened...he cut taxes, the economy started to boom and unemployment went down. Now contrast that with what Barack Obama has done for the past seven plus years. He's kept interest rates at almost zero. Why? Because he knows that the stock market "recovery" has been a bubble driven almost exclusively by cheap money. He CAN'T raise interest rates because it would expose how shaky the economic recovery has been under his stewardship.

Obama hasn't pushed for a raise in interest rates. Why? Because he understands that the economy really isn't strong and that even proposing a raise in interest rates sends the Dow plummeting. He won't do the hard things that Reagan did because Barry doesn't DO hard. He does EASY. Like lowering interest rates for seven plus years.

Barrypuppet has also been the beneficiary of the QE program that kept Wall Street propped up while debasing this fiat currency that is already in the system. Of course the wealthiest benefited the most from it because new money because it takes time for it to trickle down thus inflating and lowering the purchasing power of the dolllar.
Dems give us 40 years of slow steady growth Republicans give us ten years bust ten years booms. Hard to survive gopanomics if you aren't rich. What do you do?

But I agree I hate interest rates being so low

Will you admit WHY interest rates have been kept so low? I'll give you a hint...it's NOT because the Fed thinks the economy is "good"!
What do we need to do?

Well, for starters...we need to gradually raise interest rates to something sane. I say that for two reasons. First of all it will give us a real idea of how strong the economy really is...but more importantly...if we do have another financial crisis we'll have that tool (lowering interest rates) to combat it. As it stands right now...if we have another recession...our "quiver" of economic arrows to address that is basically empty. All we've done for the past eight years is artificially prop up the stock market which allowed wealthy people who had credit to invest with to make a fortune. You want to know why there is such "inequality" between the wealthy and the Lower Class? It's because of things like what the Fed has done with interest rates. Poor people didn't gain from the stock market rebound...wealthy people sure as heck did!
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?

Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others.
I notice you decided to avoid answering my question and respond with a bullshit non-answer instead.

Carter didn't hand Reagan a structurely broken economy like Bush handed Obama. As you point out, Reagan had tools at his disposal to work with... lowering taxes, lowering interest rates, driving down inflation... again I ask... what tools did Obama have to fight a massive recession...?
Will you admit WHY interest rates have been kept so low? I'll give you a hint...it's NOT because the Fed thinks the economy is "good"!
What do we need to do?

Well, for starters...we need to gradually raise interest rates to something sane. I say that for two reasons. First of all it will give us a real idea of how strong the economy really is...but more importantly...if we do have another financial crisis we'll have that tool (lowering interest rates) to combat it. As it stands right now...if we have another recession...our "quiver" of economic arrows to address that is basically empty. All we've done for the past eight years is artificially prop up the stock market which allowed wealthy people who had credit to invest with to make a fortune. You want to know why there is such "inequality" between the wealthy and the Lower Class? It's because of things like what the Fed has done with interest rates. Poor people didn't gain from the stock market rebound...wealthy people sure as heck did!
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?

Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others.
I notice you decided to avoid answering my question and respond with a bullshit non-answer instead.

Carter didn't hand Reagan a structurely broken economy like Bush handed Obama. As you point out, Reagan had tools at his disposal to work with... lowering taxes, lowering interest rates, driving down inflation... again I ask... what tools did Obama have to fight a massive recession...?

Since you have no clue as to how this system was intentionally broken down or the players behind it, your question is meaningless and you are just playing partisan politics. I have explained this many times as to what is really going on because I have spent lots of time trying to figure out things really work and politicians in D.C are just corporate offices and Barrypuppet is simply the face of the franchise and CEO of this corporation in name only. He does as he is told. We have a government that we see and there is one that we don't see and they are the ones really calling the shots behind the scenes.
What do we need to do?

Well, for starters...we need to gradually raise interest rates to something sane. I say that for two reasons. First of all it will give us a real idea of how strong the economy really is...but more importantly...if we do have another financial crisis we'll have that tool (lowering interest rates) to combat it. As it stands right now...if we have another recession...our "quiver" of economic arrows to address that is basically empty. All we've done for the past eight years is artificially prop up the stock market which allowed wealthy people who had credit to invest with to make a fortune. You want to know why there is such "inequality" between the wealthy and the Lower Class? It's because of things like what the Fed has done with interest rates. Poor people didn't gain from the stock market rebound...wealthy people sure as heck did!
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?

Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others.
I notice you decided to avoid answering my question and respond with a bullshit non-answer instead.

Carter didn't hand Reagan a structurely broken economy like Bush handed Obama. As you point out, Reagan had tools at his disposal to work with... lowering taxes, lowering interest rates, driving down inflation... again I ask... what tools did Obama have to fight a massive recession...?

Since you have no clue as to how this system was intentionally broken down or the players behind it, your question is meaningless and you are just playing partisan politics. I have explained this many times as to what is really going on because I have spent lots of time trying to figure out things really work and politicians in D.C are just corporate offices and Barrypuppet is simply the face of the franchise and CEO of this corporation in name only. He does as he is told. We have a government that we see and there is one that we don't see and they are the ones really calling the shots behind the scenes.
Translation: you can't answer the question, What tools did Obama have at his disposal to combat the Great Recession, either.

Thanks for that utterly useless post.
Well, for starters...we need to gradually raise interest rates to something sane. I say that for two reasons. First of all it will give us a real idea of how strong the economy really is...but more importantly...if we do have another financial crisis we'll have that tool (lowering interest rates) to combat it. As it stands right now...if we have another recession...our "quiver" of economic arrows to address that is basically empty. All we've done for the past eight years is artificially prop up the stock market which allowed wealthy people who had credit to invest with to make a fortune. You want to know why there is such "inequality" between the wealthy and the Lower Class? It's because of things like what the Fed has done with interest rates. Poor people didn't gain from the stock market rebound...wealthy people sure as heck did!
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?

Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others.
I notice you decided to avoid answering my question and respond with a bullshit non-answer instead.

Carter didn't hand Reagan a structurely broken economy like Bush handed Obama. As you point out, Reagan had tools at his disposal to work with... lowering taxes, lowering interest rates, driving down inflation... again I ask... what tools did Obama have to fight a massive recession...?

Since you have no clue as to how this system was intentionally broken down or the players behind it, your question is meaningless and you are just playing partisan politics. I have explained this many times as to what is really going on because I have spent lots of time trying to figure out things really work and politicians in D.C are just corporate offices and Barrypuppet is simply the face of the franchise and CEO of this corporation in name only. He does as he is told. We have a government that we see and there is one that we don't see and they are the ones really calling the shots behind the scenes.
Translation: you can't answer the question, What tools did Obama have at his disposal to combat the Great Recession, either.

Thanks for that utterly useless post.

He could have disbanded and nationalized the Federal Reserve Bank and sign an executive order to have a top to bottom audit of the Fed. He could have done what Kennedy did and have silver backed currency printed because that Executive order of Kennedy's was never rescinded...just the money was taken out of circulation. Barrypuppet's masters at the Federal Reserve introduced the QE program where they dumped cheap money on Wall Street to keep it propped up. But Barry just does as he is told because he was groomed to be the CEO of this massive corporate entity and they own him. So much that you don't know and so much that you lack the ability to understand. The bottom line is that we are going to have an economic event that is going to make 2008 seem like a walk in the park. It's not a matter if if it's going to happen but rather when....
Ummm... what "quivers" did Obama have when he came into office in 2009?

Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others.
I notice you decided to avoid answering my question and respond with a bullshit non-answer instead.

Carter didn't hand Reagan a structurely broken economy like Bush handed Obama. As you point out, Reagan had tools at his disposal to work with... lowering taxes, lowering interest rates, driving down inflation... again I ask... what tools did Obama have to fight a massive recession...?

Since you have no clue as to how this system was intentionally broken down or the players behind it, your question is meaningless and you are just playing partisan politics. I have explained this many times as to what is really going on because I have spent lots of time trying to figure out things really work and politicians in D.C are just corporate offices and Barrypuppet is simply the face of the franchise and CEO of this corporation in name only. He does as he is told. We have a government that we see and there is one that we don't see and they are the ones really calling the shots behind the scenes.
Translation: you can't answer the question, What tools did Obama have at his disposal to combat the Great Recession, either.

Thanks for that utterly useless post.

He could have disbanded and nationalized the Federal Reserve Bank and sign an executive order to have a top to bottom audit of the Fed. He could have done what Kennedy did and have silver backed currency printed because that Executive order of Kennedy's was never rescinded...just the money was taken out of circulation. Barrypuppet's masters at the Federal Reserve introduced the QE program where they dumped cheap money on Wall Street to keep it propped up. But Barry just does as he is told because he was groomed to be the CEO of this massive corporate entity and they own him. So much that you don't know and so much that you lack the ability to understand. The bottom line is that we are going to have an economic event that is going to make 2008 seem like a walk in the park. It's not a matter if if it's going to happen but rather when....
Sorry, but you're too fucking demented. QE started under Bush.
Every President works with the same economic "tools", Faun...some simply understand how to use them better than others.
I notice you decided to avoid answering my question and respond with a bullshit non-answer instead.

Carter didn't hand Reagan a structurely broken economy like Bush handed Obama. As you point out, Reagan had tools at his disposal to work with... lowering taxes, lowering interest rates, driving down inflation... again I ask... what tools did Obama have to fight a massive recession...?

Since you have no clue as to how this system was intentionally broken down or the players behind it, your question is meaningless and you are just playing partisan politics. I have explained this many times as to what is really going on because I have spent lots of time trying to figure out things really work and politicians in D.C are just corporate offices and Barrypuppet is simply the face of the franchise and CEO of this corporation in name only. He does as he is told. We have a government that we see and there is one that we don't see and they are the ones really calling the shots behind the scenes.
Translation: you can't answer the question, What tools did Obama have at his disposal to combat the Great Recession, either.

Thanks for that utterly useless post.

He could have disbanded and nationalized the Federal Reserve Bank and sign an executive order to have a top to bottom audit of the Fed. He could have done what Kennedy did and have silver backed currency printed because that Executive order of Kennedy's was never rescinded...just the money was taken out of circulation. Barrypuppet's masters at the Federal Reserve introduced the QE program where they dumped cheap money on Wall Street to keep it propped up. But Barry just does as he is told because he was groomed to be the CEO of this massive corporate entity and they own him. So much that you don't know and so much that you lack the ability to understand. The bottom line is that we are going to have an economic event that is going to make 2008 seem like a walk in the park. It's not a matter if if it's going to happen but rather when....
Sorry, but you're too fucking demented. QE started under Bush.

Bushpuppet was president in 2009? You are the one that is demented and totally blinded by an ideology and political party that doesn't give a fuck about you...but yet you cling too and defend the indefensible because you are so dug .

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