US Legacy:


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
though it could be reflected in Current Events- and should be the pre-amble to the constitution;

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

and the philosophy of " We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"-

History determines legacy. US History is War (foreign and domestic), therefore it's "Legacy", rationalized with deceit and outright lies and ignoring the principles set forth in the pre-amble to the constitution and disavowing the philosophy of life set forth in the Declaration of Independence- yet we point fingers at other sovereign nations- and ignore sovereignty at home- SMH- and voters line up to argue with each other about professional liars (elected representatives) who lie in their sworn oath (as well as nearly every time they open their mouth to spew their propaganda rhetoric to the truly ignorant (which BOTH sides subscribe to keeping them that way and fund the purpose with fiat currency to rob tax payers with a hidden tax, "officially sanctioned inflation" to control the economy, from a top down (trickle down) effect using a theory of monetary policy of a Country we fought a War to get out from under the thumb of- that war was justified- it didn't need rationalizing or lying to understand the results of remaining ruled over (from a monarchy in the distance)- and they had, indeed, been attacked by invasion of Monarchy military in their homes, which they believed to be sovereign- yet, the US gov't declares war at the drop of a hat, ignoring the constitution, never mind the DoI philosophy- and sovereignty be damned- thus, US Legacy: War.
You're just a ray of sunshine today, GD.
If that's all there is, my friend, then why keep dancing? If that all, there is. But it's not, is it? Even to you? I don't buy it, not even from you, maybe especially not from you. So, don't pull out the .45 unless going to the range or you need to keep the forcible vaccinators off your property.
They still haven't showed up yet, right?
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This particular line was from the Declaration of Independence--not the constitution.
No shit?! I didn't know that

and should be the pre-amble to the constitution;

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

and the philosophy of " We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"-
Maybe reading isn't your strong suit?
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You're just a ray of sunshine today, GD.
If that's all there is, my friend, then why keep dancing? If that all, there is. But it's not, is it? Even to you? I don't buy it, not even from you, maybe especially not from you. So, don't pull out the .45 unless going to the range or you need to keep the forcible vaccinators off your property.
They still haven't showed up yet, right?
Not sure what you're trying to get across- my post is about the legacy of the US- not me or a shot- Wars, (the initiation of force) foreign and domestic is what History will see- and the funding of wars through theft implemented with keynesean monetary policy (top down spending) theorized by a British subject for the Monarchy that "rules" Britain, which we fought a justified war to get out from under the thumb of-
though it could be reflected in Current Events- and should be the pre-amble to the constitution;

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

and the philosophy of " We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"-

History determines legacy. US History is War (foreign and domestic), therefore it's "Legacy", rationalized with deceit and outright lies and ignoring the principles set forth in the pre-amble to the constitution and disavowing the philosophy of life set forth in the Declaration of Independence- yet we point fingers at other sovereign nations- and ignore sovereignty at home- SMH- and voters line up to argue with each other about professional liars (elected representatives) who lie in their sworn oath (as well as nearly every time they open their mouth to spew their propaganda rhetoric to the truly ignorant (which BOTH sides subscribe to keeping them that way and fund the purpose with fiat currency to rob tax payers with a hidden tax, "officially sanctioned inflation" to control the economy, from a top down (trickle down) effect using a theory of monetary policy of a Country we fought a War to get out from under the thumb of- that war was justified- it didn't need rationalizing or lying to understand the results of remaining ruled over (from a monarchy in the distance)- and they had, indeed, been attacked by invasion of Monarchy military in their homes, which they believed to be sovereign- yet, the US gov't declares war at the drop of a hat, ignoring the constitution, never mind the DoI philosophy- and sovereignty be damned- thus, US Legacy: War.
if you are so mad, pack up and move to venzuela or cuba it chairman mao
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America Is The Most Dangerous Country on Earth and Is the Head of This Snake

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 to 1812) put together a plan ‘with the objective of world domination and the imposition of the Luciferian ideology “upon what would remain of the human race” after a final orchestrated social-cataclysm. In 1773, Mayer summoned twelve wealthy men to Frankfort and asked them to pool their resources, then presented the 25-point plan that would enable them to gain control of the wealth, natural resources and manpower of the entire world.’

Obviously, his plan did not succeed in his lifetime, but it is very eerie to look at much of his plot that was designed 248 years ago, and compare the goals anticipated to today’s situation. It is as if this plan has been in the making ever since, and is just now coming to fruition. While this seems almost fantastical, one reading of these 25 points sought should be enough for even the most common man to understand. It is important to realize that nothing done by the most powerful and their pawns in government is accidental or organic; it is always by design. The agendas accomplished are never coincidental; they are always purposely devised.
The little fledgling government created in the backwoods of the known world changed humanity forever. Government of the people was unknown in the civilized world and England was ruled by a mad king. The United States is the only democracy that lists basic freedoms in a "Bill of Rights" and we should thank God every day that we live in the greatest, most tolerant and strongest democracy in the world.
The United States is the only democracy that lists basic freedoms in a "Bill of Rights" and we should thank God every day that we live in the greatest, most tolerant and strongest democracy in the world.
We're a republic, if you can keep it ma'am- from someone who was there- so, that we have strong democracy is a slap in the face to the founders and the principles of the United States-

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