US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

The United States helps the rest of the world maintain their economies, improve their standard of living, while preventing Rogue nations from committing the same actions and crimes that the AXIS powers
Can you explain how the US has helped the economies of Iraq and Syria today? Millions of civilians in those countries have been deprived of their jobs, property, and lives in order for US elites to maintain control of global oil spigots. How does that qualify as making the world a better place?

Syria is a different conflict from Iraq and one that the United States has had very limited involvement in.

In Iraq, the United States has freed the country from Dictatorship of SADDAM who invaded and attacked four different countries while he was in power for 24 years from 1979 to 2003. SADDAM strangled Iraq's economy by committing it to several wars, developing weapons of Mass Destruction, and using all the countries funds for the military and to increase his own power and security. With Saddam gone, Iraq is free of mad dictator committing the country to fighting costly wars. Iraq is now at peace with its neighbors and does not harbor territorial designs or ideas about annexing or invading its neighbors. Oil wealth is now more evenly spread among the various groups that make up Iraqi society.

According to the UN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX, the standard of living in Iraq in 2019 is better than Morocco and will soon be better than countries like Vietnam and India. The Human Development Index is based on a countries real GDP per capita, education levels, and life expectancy. Iraq currently ranks at #120 on the index and is improving every year. It will likely pass the Philippines and Jordan in on the annual rankings in the next 5 years if the current conditions continue.

As I said before, Syria's problems are do to the Assad Regime and their allies in Russia and Iran. None the less, the situation there is stable, although much of the country is in ruins do to 9 years of heavy fighting. Syria ranks at #154 on the Human Development Index and is declining every year.
he United States saved the world from World War III, Soviet Communism, and aggressive Rogue States. The United States is the #1 reason why the standard of living on the planet and life expectancy is the highest it has ever been in human history.
Where did you get the idea the standard of living and life expectancy is currently the highest in human history?

Specifically, how did life expectancy and standard of living rise in Russia after the US meddled in its 1996 presidential election?

From Russia with Revenge

THE UN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX. If you know of a time when the global standard living and global life expectancy was higher than it is now, give us the date.
The nearest United States ground combat unit to Ukraine was nearly 600 miles away from Ukraine's border. Compare that
Compare that to the nearest Russian ground combat unit to the US homeland? I understand you believe the US is the "good guy" and in many domestic arenas I agree; however, in foreign policy the US is responsible for much of the instability across the Middle East today and Africa tomorrow.

Hegemony or Survival - Wikipedia

"Noting that economic decision making in the United States is highly centralized among a select socio-economic elite who control big business, he argues that this elite play a dominant role in this Imperial Grand Strategy because they consistently maintain a strong influence over successive U.S. governments.

"As a result, he argues that U.S. foreign policy has focused on gaining and maintaining unrestricted access to markets, energy supplies, and strategic resources across the world.[26]

"Chomsky goes on to categorize the specific purposes of the doctrine as:

"containing other centers of global power within the 'overall framework of order' managed by the United States; maintaining control of the world's energy supplies; barring unacceptable forms of independent nationalism; and overcoming 'crisis of democracy' within domestic enemy territory."

The United States on the contrary has brought stability to the Middle East which is why oil prices remain low. The United States has eliminated Saddam from power, the Taliban from power, destroyed ISIS semi-state. Countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emerites, Bahrain, and Qatar are much safer and secure today than they were in the 1990s, 1980s and 1970s. Israel is stronger today than its ever been. Israel and Egypt still have strong ties and peace between them. The Arab world is closer to and more at peace with Israel TODAY than at any time in its history.

Nearest Russian Ground Combat Unit to the U.S. homeland is only about 55 miles. That's right, its only 55 miles that separate Alaska from mainland Russia. Then, there are of course Russian Nuclear armed Submarines which sometimes violate U.S. waters coming to within 10 miles of the U.S. coast line with dozens of nuclear warheads. Russian nuclear long Range Bombers regular approach U.S. airspace. Then of course Russia has ICBM's all across its territory that can reach places from Kansas City to San Diego to Miami in less than 30 minutes.
You should consider the possibility much of what you've been told about US foreign policy since WWII is just another lie the rich tell:

Telling the Truth about Imperialism, Noam Chomsky interviewed by David Barsamian

I have no illusions about the version of the rich [which is pretty much a bland and vague reference] nor am I naive enough to have any illusions about your motives which is what I was commenting on

"State Department Policy Study 23, issued in 1948, which was apparently written by George Kennan: 'The U.S. has about 50 percent of the world’s wealth but only 6.3 percent of its population. In this situation we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security.'"
I agree with that statement and had and have deemed that posts like yours are derived from that envy and resentment
The sanctions were largely self imposed since n korea basically produces nothing of trade value
Sanctions against North Korea are largely futile and counterproductive unless you believe killing thousands of innocent civilians every year makes you Great Again:

Sanctions against North Korea - Wikipedia

"Since 2003 the sanctions on North Korea have caused estimated half a million deaths in a decade.[48]

"Independent studies conducted by experts in various fields such as law, economics and healthcare have participated in various humanitarian NGO projects in North Korea.

"Based on observation of the effects that U.N. mandated sanctions have on North Korea, it is demonstrated that they make it difficult to import necessary items in order to conduct medical treatment for children with disabilities and autism. This has led to many deaths due to medical equipment containing metals and electronics.

"Much of the medical equipment was either not approved or took too long to import into North Korea.

"Sanctions have disproportionate effect on women in North Korea as the sanctions have a heavy impact on the importation of food."
Thats not difficult to understand if you know the geography of the region during WWII

japan occupied all of korea and all of china bordering korea
Korea fought as an ally with the US in WWII, and we rewarded them by imposing a military dictatorship south of the 38th parallel at the end of that war largely because the US had nuclear weapons at that time and Russia did not. It was all part of the post-war Grand Area strategy most Americans know nothing about:

Telling the Truth about Imperialism, Noam Chomsky interviewed by David Barsamian

"State Department Policy Study 23, issued in 1948, which was apparently written by George Kennan: 'The U.S. has about 50 percent of the world’s wealth but only 6.3 percent of its population. In this situation we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security.'"
Sanctions against North Korea are largely futile and counterproductive unless you believe killing thousands of innocent civilians every year makes you Great Again:
Your link demonstrates how the liberal mind works

the left assumes that because of sanctions north korea is unable to import medical supplies needed to prevent thousands of deaths each year

oh well, thinks the liberal brain, we must remove the sanctions since they are not preventing north korea from acquiring an illegal nuclear stockpile anyway

my conservative brain tells me that if north korea can find parts on the international black market to build its nuclear stockpile it could find medical equipment for its people instead

so put blame for the half million deaths you claim where it belongs - on the north korean dictatorship
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Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security.'"
You can simplify that by saying America should avoid unequal trade deals with other countries

if we maintain our economic advantage no country in the world can challenge us

that is a legitimate and morally defendable policy that the US did not adopt

instead we allowed friendly countries to trade and build up their economies at our expense

which why china is an emerging economy and growing military threat today
Trump is a vulgar braggart. Your attempt to spin that into something sinister, is you being hysterical.
Trump is a vulgar braggart like Hitler was a troublemaker.
Trump is a low-IQ bigot and malignant narcissist who lies pathologically. His indifference, arrogance, and blatant stupidity make him the most dangerous man on the planet. Those who say otherwise are likely partisan hacks.

Mary Trump book: How she leaked Trump financials to NYT
Trump is a vulgar braggart. Your attempt to spin that into something sinister, is you being hysterical.
Trump is a vulgar braggart like Hitler was a troublemaker.
Trump is a low-IQ bigot and malignant narcissist who lies pathologically. His indifference, arrogance, and blatant stupidity make him the most dangerous man on the planet. Those who say otherwise are likely partisan hacks.

Mary Trump book: How she leaked Trump financials to NYT
Maybe if your other opinions were not so far out in left field and full of holes your rant against trump might get some respect

but they are so you dont
Yep. He backed away. That was him failing.

But if he had gotten a ground swell of support, he would have gone with it.
Leaders lead with or without a groundswell of support.

Trump claimed to support a withdrawal from NATO without doing anything to build the support necessary for such a radical change.

He has proven as impotent in that regard as he has with Covid-19:

Withdrawal from NATO - Wikipedia.

"Polling conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017, said that 62% of Americans are favourable to NATO compared to 23% who are not favourable.

"In terms of voters, over three-quarters of Democrats are favourable with just 48% of Republicans favourable.

"Also they said that a plurality of those surveyed, 47% said NATO does too little globally.[7]

"In further polling in 2019 on the eve of NATO's 70th birthday, 77% of Americans say being a member of NATO is good for the United States."
whites built the country

but have since agreed to share the greatest nation on eath that they created with people who are not white
How are you defining "whites"?
America is a nation of immigrants, so what countries did "white" immigrants come from?
Black slave labor was key to US GDP for centuries when King Cotton was grown on stolen indigenous land, and you imagine the whites who held the whip built this country?

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