US National Debt is going up $1 million every minute.

It’s all good, we have a conservative businessman running the country now so that clock should start reversing any day now. Go ahead and start holding your breath!

You conveniently overlook the fact,
Trump only has 2 years in....

A Democrat was at the helm,
16 of the last 24 years

Politicians have always run the show

Shit has been fucked up,
Our financial system is a giant Ponzi scheme

You can’t keep spending what you don’t have
borrowing what you can’t pay back
and avoid consequences

The last bailout only prolonged the inevitable
It’s all good, we have a conservative businessman running the country now so that clock should start reversing any day now. Go ahead and start holding your breath!

You conveniently overlook the fact,
Trump only has 2 years in....

A Democrat was at the helm,
16 of the last 24 years

Politicians have always run the show

Shit has been fucked up,
Our financial system is a giant Ponzi scheme

You can’t keep spending what you don’t have
borrowing what you can’t pay back
and avoid consequences

The last bailout only prolonged the inevitable
I agree. And unfortunately getting the great businessman in there isn’t changing a thing with the debt
Our National Debt, which was $900 billion in 1980 has spiraled up to nearly $22 trillion in less than 40 years.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The U.S. is currently experiencing a disastrous “new normal”: The economy is booming at the same time that government debt and deficits are exploding. That scenario is a radical departure from the normally healthy, self-correcting interplay between economic growth and budget shortfalls—and its likely long-term consequences are worth losing sleep over.

In almost every other period in recent history, U.S. deficits have been counter-cyclical. When growth weakens, unemployment rises, so that fewer people are paying taxes. Falling profits shrink revenues from corporate levies, and the government frequently enacts emergency spending measures to recharge the economy. The shrinking tax receipts and temporary outlays swell the deficit. When the economy revives, in contrast, an expanding workforce and a surge in earnings lifts revenues and narrows the budget gap.

America's Disastrous New Normal: A Booming Economy and Soaring Deficits

This only mattered to most on here between 2008 and 2016. The hypocrisy marks have been tattooed on.
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, .
While you're pulling numbers out of the air and paying off the debt by cutting education ( :lmao::lol: ) let's cut the VA budget to help pay for our 965 military bases around the world.
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.

Makes that corporations and trump's wealthy friends have gotten their money....time to cut Medicare and Social Security. Those damnpoor people are sending our deficit through the roof...

Where did all the GOP deficit hawks go? Did trump castrate them? He needs a new pair after Nancy took his.
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
Funny you call the DOE unconstitutional despite two constitutional clauses that justify it. Promoting the general welfare and the feds right to regulate that which has a significant imfluence our economy, which an educated populace obviously does. And in the next breath you’re fine with a POTUS declaring a national emergency to fund a pet project?! Wow
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
Funny you call the DOE unconstitutional despite two constitutional clauses that justify it. Promoting the general welfare and the feds right to regulate that which has a significant imfluence our economy, which an educated populace obviously does. And in the next breath you’re fine with a POTUS declaring a national emergency to fund a pet project?! Wow

Just humping trump's leg again...
There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, .
While you're pulling numbers out of the air and paying off the debt by cutting education ( :lmao::lol: ) let's cut the VA budget to help pay for our 965 military bases around the world.
Lets not, since covering our war vets are legitimate Constitutional expenditures.

Education, whose budget is approx 70 billion dollars, is unnecessary spending.

We have a spending problem, so let's start cutting the spending we don't have any real authority to spend.

Education. I agree that we can close military bases overseas. We can stop sending money to other countries. We can do away with about 60% of the Federal governments. We can move taxes for SS and Medicare into separate lockboxes that our government cannot touch.

We can do away with unfunded requirements to the States and let them make up their minds if they want these programs or if they want to save the money.
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.

Makes that corporations and trump's wealthy friends have gotten their money....time to cut Medicare and Social Security. Those damnpoor people are sending our deficit through the roof...

Where did all the GOP deficit hawks go? Did trump castrate them? He needs a new pair after Nancy took his.
Where did I say cut SS and Medicare?

Are you brain dead or just unable to comprehend what you read?
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
Funny you call the DOE unconstitutional despite two constitutional clauses that justify it. Promoting the general welfare and the feds right to regulate that which has a significant imfluence our economy, which an educated populace obviously does. And in the next breath you’re fine with a POTUS declaring a national emergency to fund a pet project?! Wow
If they were part of the Constitution, they'd have been made amendments. DOE is not an amendment, therefore it can be cut. It is NOT an enumerated power of the Feds.
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
Funny you call the DOE unconstitutional despite two constitutional clauses that justify it. Promoting the general welfare and the feds right to regulate that which has a significant imfluence our economy, which an educated populace obviously does. And in the next breath you’re fine with a POTUS declaring a national emergency to fund a pet project?! Wow

Just humping trump's leg again...
Really? Has Trump proposed any of this?

I've been proposing this for 30 years or more. Guess you are brain dead.
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
Funny you call the DOE unconstitutional despite two constitutional clauses that justify it. Promoting the general welfare and the feds right to regulate that which has a significant imfluence our economy, which an educated populace obviously does. And in the next breath you’re fine with a POTUS declaring a national emergency to fund a pet project?! Wow
If they were part of the Constitution, they'd have been made amendments. DOE is not an amendment, therefore it can be cut. It is NOT an enumerated power of the Feds.
If it wasn’t constitutional then it would be shut down by the Supreme Court. That’s how our system works as defined by the constitution. Arguments were made and the department exists. Deal with it.

I’m not a big fan BTW. I like states rights but I’m not going to deny reality because I don’t like something politically
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
Funny you call the DOE unconstitutional despite two constitutional clauses that justify it. Promoting the general welfare and the feds right to regulate that which has a significant imfluence our economy, which an educated populace obviously does. And in the next breath you’re fine with a POTUS declaring a national emergency to fund a pet project?! Wow

Just humping trump's leg again...
Really? Has Trump proposed any of this?

I've been proposing this for 30 years or more. Guess you are brain dead.
Has Trump proposed a national emergency to fund his wall? Uhh yes.
I love that all the Democrats are now fiscal conservatives now that Hillary is in office. Oh wait!
Build the wall !

And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.

Makes that corporations and trump's wealthy friends have gotten their money....time to cut Medicare and Social Security. Those damnpoor people are sending our deficit through the roof...

Where did all the GOP deficit hawks go? Did trump castrate them? He needs a new pair after Nancy took his.
Where did I say cut SS and Medicare?

Are you brain dead or just unable to comprehend what you read?

YOU HERO trump Did! Stop watching FOX and listen and read real news...
And if we need to borrow money to get it built....SO BE IT! A so called Repub is in the White House....DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER NOW!
We don't have to borrow a dime for the wall. There is 70 bilion dollars in the budget targeted for education, something that the Feds are not authorized by the Constitution to spend.

Close it down, build the wall and put the balance of the money toward the debt.

At one million dollars a second, we need to cut spending like a surgeon who is excising a cancerous growth from the body.

Without mercy.
Funny you call the DOE unconstitutional despite two constitutional clauses that justify it. Promoting the general welfare and the feds right to regulate that which has a significant imfluence our economy, which an educated populace obviously does. And in the next breath you’re fine with a POTUS declaring a national emergency to fund a pet project?! Wow

Just humping trump's leg again...
Really? Has Trump proposed any of this?

I've been proposing this for 30 years or more. Guess you are brain dead.
Has Trump proposed a national emergency to fund his wall? Uhh yes.

Such an will take years to even begin.

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