US Oil Rig Count has Doubled Under Biden

It was already posted (citation provided) that oil rig count went from 287 to 623 under Biden. It doesn't matter whether they're on public, private, or federal land, the department of energy has to grant them permission to drill. And Biden has been approving drilling permits BIGLY!

Biden's First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump's By 34%
Jan 21, 2022 — WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands
Yes, it does matter if the idiot OP is giving Biden credit, Moron.

How many rigs are there on the new Biden leases? Give us the number.
See below as you are ONLY counting USA shipments.

Global industry tire volume to reach 2.7 billion units by 2022​

But see, only America needs to give up fossil fuels to save the planet. That's how stupid the Cult is.
Really a dumbfuck you are to NOT comprehend what the oil companies DID when Biden told them this:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

SO... what were the oil companies response to this dumbfuck telling the fossil fuels they are NO longer wanted and he will get rid of them????
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

So DUMBFUCK>... what a great excuse to raise gas prices like this:
Go to the web site dumbfuck and SEE the proof! Highest price of $4.26 vs Trump's $2.82 or Biden's nearly 50% more!
And Dumbfucks like you are paying for it while kissing Biden's butt!

View attachment 749241

Retard, the president doesn't set gas prices. And by the way, if it were to turn out that no more refineries are ever built in the U.S. -- that would be because no more are needed. No other reason.
Hey The Banker how many new rigs on Biden's leases? How many bbls of oil are we getting from Biden's new leases?

Give us some numbers, Simp.

Why do you keep running away from these questions?

Looks like Dumbfuck is unaware it can take up to a decade for a new lease to produce oil.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Looks like Dumbfuck is unaware it can take up to a decade for a new lease to produce oil.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

I know that, Halfwit. Why do you think I am in this thread mocking the dumbassery of the OP giving Traitor Joe credit?

Learn to read simple English, you blithering idiot.
He did the same as all other presidents... worked in the Oval Office
Your reading comprehension skills fall well below the level of a 6 year old retard who just got dropped on his head.
It was already posted (citation provided) that oil rig count went from 287 to 623 under Biden. It doesn't matter whether they're on public, private, or federal land, the department of energy has to grant them permission to drill. And Biden has been approving drilling permits BIGLY!

Biden's First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump's By 34%
Jan 21, 2022 — WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands

It doesn't matter whether they're on public, private, or federal land, the department of energy has to grant them permission to drill. And Biden has been approving drilling permits BIGLY!

Really? How many has he approved on private land?
Retard, the president doesn't set gas prices. And by the way, if it were to turn out that no more refineries are ever built in the U.S. -- that would be because no more are needed. No other reason.
GEEZ retard! And you think gas is the ONLY product that comes from fossil fuel - oil?
How dumb you must be and when you ask..."why is the price of my tires gone up so high" or "why has my property taxes gone up so high"? Two simple products made from oil that almost ALL of us depend on will be skyrocketing in costs!
Tires... to make one tire requires 7 gallons of oil.
In 2022 there were 2.7 Billion tires made! Each at 7 gallons is 450 million barrels of oil EVERY YEAR... Now if no gas... what will the cost of these tires be?
And the roads all of us travel on...made from Asphalt.
asphalt: asphalt that makes up 94% of our roads and the production of asphalt depends
on 3% of all oil production or over 1 billion barrels of oil... you think the price of oil will increase if there is no need for gas?
Oil consumption worldwide reached approximately 94.1 million barrels per day in 2021.
I know that, Halfwit. Why do you think I am in this thread mocking the dumbassery of the OP giving Traitor Joe credit?

Learn to read simple English, you blithering idiot.

Either quote him saying new leases have led to increased production or no, you didn't know that...
GEEZ retard! And you think gas is the ONLY product that comes from fossil fuel - oil?
How dumb you must be and when you ask..."why is the price of my tires gone up so high" or "why has my property taxes gone up so high"? Two simple products made from oil that almost ALL of us depend on will be skyrocketing in costs!
Tires... to make one tire requires 7 gallons of oil.
In 2022 there were 2.7 Billion tires made! Each at 7 gallons is 450 million barrels of oil EVERY YEAR... Now if no gas... what will the cost of these tires be?
And the roads all of us travel on...made from Asphalt.
asphalt: asphalt that makes up 94% of our roads and the production of asphalt depends
on 3% of all oil production or over 1 billion barrels of oil... you think the price of oil will increase if there is no need for gas?
Oil consumption worldwide reached approximately 94.1 million barrels per day in 2021.
View attachment 749536

Oil has always been refined for multiple purposes. Still, we're producing more now than we were when Biden became president. Sucks for you.

Also sucking for you, you didn't address what I said. Your diversion lets me know even you know you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Yes, it does matter if the idiot OP is giving Biden credit, Moron.

How many rigs are there on the new Biden leases? Give us the number.
I already posted that Biden issued 34% more drilling permits than Trump did the previous year.

34% more drill permits

That explains why there are more drilling rigs.

DUH !!!!!
Either quote him saying new leases have led to increased production or no, you didn't know that...
Find a retaded 6th grader to read and explain the thread to you, Simp.

He started the thread by giving Traitor Joe credit, Dumbass. He has several post in this thread, have the 6th grader start there.

My God you are one stupid halfwit.
I already posted that Biden issued 34% more drilling permits than Trump did the previous year.

34% more drill permits

That explains why there are more drilling rigs.

DUH !!!!![/size]
How many rigs are on those new leases? Why can't you give us a number?
Oil has always been refined for multiple purposes. Still, we're producing more now than we were when Biden became president. Sucks for you.

Also sucking for you, you didn't address what I said. Your diversion lets me know even you know you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Still below production under Trump pre-Fauci Flu, Simp.
My God man, are you fucking brain dead? I already took your stupid ass to school on this. Wake the fuck up.

So you can't tell us how many rigs are on Biden's new leases.

Got it.

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