US Oil Rig Count has Doubled Under Biden

That's right, Biden has more than doubled the US oil rig count because energy companies are ramping up production big time under Biden.

Biden inherited an underproducing country from Trump, we only had a meager 287 oil rigs when Biden took over, not good.
Now we 623, more than double, thanks to Biden.
The US oil rig count is set to rise further, thanks to Biden and the US is also building solar and wind installations at a record pace, and the US is producing and exporting record amounts of Nat gas thanks to Biden.

Biden is the energy president, he has made the US the dominant energy producer AND exporter in the entire world. Doubling oil rigs, world leading Nat gas and exports, and ramping up renewable energy.

The US energy industry is better now than ever before thanks to Biden.

oil production and export is up substantially since Biden took over
Nat gas production and export is up substantially since Biden took over
Total oil drilling permits are up substantially sicne Biden took over and Boden has approved more drilling permits than Trump did.

Its pretty cut and dry. You just can;t handle the facts

Basically the life of a MAGA republican is too try and spin facts and reality because facts crush MAGA.

You people can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, that says it all.

Oil production has skyrocketed under Biden
Nat gas production has skyrocketed under Biden
Oil and gas exports have skyrocketed under Biden
the US the the world leading producer and exporter of Nat gas. Thank you Joe, you are doing great !
I am using the numbers that exist.
Biden inherited an under producing country from Trump.
Biden has ramped up oil production at a record pace.

The facts don't fit your biased, sheep agenda so you try to spin the facts. Biden has approved more total drilling permits than Trump did. Deal with it.
I'll take that as a "ZERO" rigs on Traitor Joe's new leases.
Permits mean everything you retarded Loon, because oil companies decide the drilling, not Biden. WTF is wrong with you? Don't you know any fucking thing?

Folks, retardation is a real thing within Trumps idiocracy party.
LOL...did you even look at that graph? The number of oil rigs active when Trump was in office was up over 800! That number plummeted as soon as Joe Biden was elected. Talk about a stupid string!

WTF?? Biden was elected in the spring of 2020?? Are you completely out of your mind?

And by the way, while the rig count did go over 800 under Trump, it began falling before covid. It peaked at 888 in November, 2018; but fell to 678 when the first covid death in America occurred. A 24% decrease.

Also, Biden's been president for 2 years so far. Rig count under his watch has gone from 287 to 613 -- an increase of 326 rigs, up 114%.

Compared to Trump's first 2 years in office where the rig count went from 551 to 852 -- an increase of 301 rigs, up 55%.
WTF?? Biden was elected in the spring of 2020?? Are you completely out of your mind?

And by the way, while the rig count did go over 800 under Trump, it began falling before covid. It peaked at 888 in November, 2018; but fell to 678 when the first covid death in America occurred. A 24% decrease.

Also, Biden's been president for 2 years so far. Rig count under his watch has gone from 287 to 613 -- an increase of 326 rigs, up 114%.

Compared to Trump's first 2 years in office where the rig count went from 551 to 852 -- an increase of 301 rigs, up 55%.
They don't understand numbers on purpose. They believe in alternate math.
Find a retaded 6th grader to read and explain the thread to you, Simp.

He started the thread by giving Traitor Joe credit, Dumbass. He has several post in this thread, have the 6th grader start there.

My God you are one stupid halfwit.

So he didn't claim more leases doled out under Biden led to increased production. Thanks for admitting what I already knew...

He never said that.

It's you with the reading comprehension disabilities.

And no, you didn't know it takes up to a decade for new leases to begin producing oil.

As always, you prove to be a glutton for punishment.

Permits mean everything you retarded Loon, because oil companies decide the drilling, not Biden. WTF is wrong with you? Don't you know any fucking thing?

Folks, retardation is a real thing within Trumps idiocracy party.
The rig count is still ZERO on Traitor Joe's leases, Folks.

Hey Fawnboi, thanks for agreeing with me that The Banker is a lying sack of shit.

:113: :113: :113:
So he didn't claim more leases doled out under Biden led to increased production. Thanks for admitting what I already knew...

He never said that.

It's you with the reading comprehension disabilities.

And no, you didn't know it takes up to a decade for new leases to begin producing oil.

As always, you prove to be a glutton for punishment.

Permits mean everything you retarded Loon, because oil companies decide the drilling, not Biden. WTF is wrong with you? Don't you know any fucking thing?

Folks, retardation is a real thing within Trumps idiocracy party.

You need more than just a lease.

“A federal permit, that’s not the only permit required, there has to be right of way. There’s all kinds of red tape to cut through in this process, right?” Taylor asked.

“That’s right. So your first step is getting a lease, then you’ve got to do years of environmental analysis on it. And then you have to get a permit. So the White House has been confusing permits and leases somewhat,” Sgamma said, adding there are also air and water permits that must be obtained.


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