US Preparing for a World Without Israel

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel
Apartheid Israel, "Free Trade, and the US Congress?
The House Ways and Means Committee approved a trade promotion authority (TPA) measure -- 25-13 -- with only two Democrats lending their support to the divisive bill, highlighting the difficulty President Obama is having courting members of his own party.

"As expected, Democratic Reps. Ron Kind (Wis.) and Earl Blumenauer (Ore.) backed the measure.
"Ryan offered an amendment at the end of the markup that incorporated two amendments adopted by the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday night.

"One discourages boycotts, divestments and sanctions by European countries against Israel and would allow negotiators to raise the issue in the TTIP talks."
Does Fast Track Supporter Earl Blumenauer Also Support Israeli Settlements Robert Naiman
Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel
What is your problem with the truth, Bigot?
"The South African government announced that it has instructed that products made in Judea and Samaria not be labeled as products of Israel."
Only racist Jews and their useful US whores believe Judea and Samaria are part of Israel; they are part of Occupied Palestine, and soon the racist bigots who are currently living there illegally will be forced to leave.

Maybe you can find room for a few of your fellow racists?
ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:


"The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law was passed by the Knesset in 2003 as an interim emergency measure after Israel had suffered its worst ever spate of suicide bombings[73] and after several Palestinians who had been granted permanent residency on the grounds of family reunification took part in terrorist attacks in Israel.[74]

"The law makes inhabitants of Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, and areas governed by the Palestinian Authority ineligible for the automatic granting of Israeli citizenship and residency permits that is usually available through marriage to an Israeli citizen.

"This applies equally to a spouse of any Israeli citizen, whether Arab or Jewish, but in practice the law mostly affects Palestinian Israelis living in the towns bordering the West Bank.[73] The law was intended to be temporary but has since been extended annually."
Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel
What is your problem with the truth, Bigot?
"The South African government announced that it has instructed that products made in Judea and Samaria not be labeled as products of Israel."
Only racist Jews and their useful US whores believe Judea and Samaria are part of Israel; they are part of Occupied Palestine, and soon the racist bigots who are currently living there illegally will be forced to leave.

Maybe you can find room for a few of your fellow racists?

It never would occur to you that this area was supposed to be part of Israel, but that Jordan conquered it in 1948. Maybe you can tell us, Gaza George, why when Jordan had the area, the Arabs living there weren't clamoring for a state then. Listen, Pimp, if you have retired from Pimping and never get out of your house because you are so busy with these two threads, we will have to call the County Hospital to send over a couple of guys in white coats carrying restrains. They will go into your neighborhood and ask where the Gringo lives who is loco en la cabeza. One of the hombres standing around will say -- Jorge Felipe? The man in the white coat will say "si, si." One thing we do know, Gaza George, is that it would be pretty difficult for you to have an Arab living in your tiny, one-room subsidized apartment.
ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

Why, Haniyah, if anyone is a paid propagandist, it is you, a good Muslim convert. Anyone can use the search feature and see how busy you are vomiting out your propaganda from morning to night. I am beginning to wonder if you even have time to wash out your burqa (let alone your underwear) and if you wear the same one all week long since you are so busy posting. You can see how Gaza George, the loser who desperately needs a scapegoat for his failure in life, and the Muslim propagandist can't get enough of bringing up South Africa when so much is happening in the Middle East at the moment. If they can't drag in the Jews, they just aren't interested -- no many how much blood is running in the streets -- even though this happens to be the Middle East forum. You two phonies are not fooling anyone.
ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
Ben the Mad Dog

You're the fake around here.

And you are the psychotic one around here. I am sure that the viewers have picked up how mentally unbalanced you are.

Now, Gaza George, why not read what someone has to say who at present resides in Israel but fought apartheid in South Africa as a young pastor. Also, make note of what he would tell Tutu and Carter.
Still Fighting Apartheid ICEJ International

Also take note what a Black MP from South Africa said about Israel.
South Africa Bans Made in Israel Labels United with Israel

Those two paid for propaganda pieces do not jive with what South African leaders have actually stated:

Why, Haniyah, if anyone is a paid propagandist, it is you, a good Muslim convert. Anyone can use the search feature and see how busy you are vomiting out your propaganda from morning to night. I am beginning to wonder if you even have time to wash out your burqa (let alone your underwear) and if you wear the same one all week long since you are so busy posting. You can see how Gaza George, the loser who desperately needs a scapegoat for his failure in life, and the Muslim propagandist can't get enough of bringing up South Africa when so much is happening in the Middle East at the moment. If they can't drag in the Jews, they just aren't interested -- no many how much blood is running in the streets -- even though this happens to be the Middle East forum. You two phonies are not fooling anyone.

sally-----the political leaders and just about everyone else associated with the issue of SOUTH AFRICA have been kissing muslim ass for many decades.
It is the POLITIC thing to do. Islam is big in Africa------even mahatma Gandhi was forced to kiss the stinking ass of muhummad-----for the sake of HINDU SHANTI
"Pouring Poison into the Internet - A Special Investigative Report' ?

They're on to you, Achmed...

And Bibi too.

he went to jail after a year long trial

All Israelis serve, men, women, jew and arab. They have equal rights, higher education, participation in government and a higher standard of living.
Palestinians do not have 'equal rights' in Israel but get their rights from their own government in the PA. Palestinians do not serve in the military in Israel, nor do they vote in Israel but they do get equal pay. Palestinians are not Israelis. They have access to the Israelis courts, same as people that come to the US have rights within the legal system. Canadians and mexicans do not to serve in the US military or vote in the US. The same way americans overseas do not vote in elections or serve in the military in the country they are living in. They vote through their embassy in US elections.
Palestinian right between the WB and G are not the same. G uses sharia law while the WB use basic law. Palestinians in camps in other courtesies have even few rights since few are allowed to work in those countries or have free movement outside the camps. That is not the fault of Israel, that is between the host country, the UN that run the camps and the PA as the representative of the people.
If palestinians feel deprived then perhaps the path of peace and open trade and relations with Israel and other state would be a wiser course for them. As long as they declare war on Israel, they will be viewed with a cautious eye. Where does a hostile nation have equal right with the country they are at war with and wants to destroy? If somehow Israel was to be destroyed, what rights do you think they will have? They won't move up, just bring the neighborhood down. That is not an improvement, just eliminating those they envy. They should strive to improve their own lives within their country instead of envy Israelis for what they have built and how they live.
It never would occur to you that this area was supposed to be part of Israel, but that Jordan conquered it in 1948
You're full of shit, as usual:

Map of the U.N. Partition Plan Jewish Virtual Library

Georgie exhibits his very best level of intellect

"Pouring Poison into the Internet - A Special Investigative Report' ?

They're on to you, Achmed...

Gaza George is really a hoot. I guess he is so far gone that he doesn't realize that he is the one into Internet hate.

Poisoning the Web - Ahmed Rami -- stylesheet outside link --

Hate and Internet Hate
All Israelis serve, men, women, jew and arab. They have equal rights, higher education, participation in government and a higher standard of living.
Arabs in Israel face segregated schooling until their elite advance to college, and they are discriminated against in housing for their entire lives. A 2007 opinion survey found that more than half of all Israeli Jews believed intermarriage was equivalent to national treason.
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
All Israelis serve, men, women, jew and arab. They have equal rights, higher education, participation in government and a higher standard of living.
Arabs in Israel face segregated schooling until their elite advance to college, and they are discriminated against in housing for their entire lives. A 2007 opinion survey found that more than half of all Israeli Jews believed intermarriage was equivalent to national treason.
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Still on your favorite scapegoats, Gaza George. I hope you at least got some fresh air today. Speaking of intermarriage, I wonder if Gaza George would ever bring up the fact that the Muslims in India and Pakistan murder their own relative plus the person they married if one is a Muslim and the other a Hindu. By the way, I was reading that this happened just recently here in Texas. Gaza George probably didn't notice this incident because he is too busy with his favorite scapegoats.
All Israelis serve, men, women, jew and arab. They have equal rights, higher education, participation in government and a higher standard of living.
Arabs in Israel face segregated schooling until their elite advance to college, and they are discriminated against in housing for their entire lives. A 2007 opinion survey found that more than half of all Israeli Jews believed intermarriage was equivalent to national treason.
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Hell, at least the Jews of Israel don't proscribe and kill their peers, who sell land to the other side, or who intermarry, unlike the Muslim-Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza.
All Israelis serve, men, women, jew and arab. They have equal rights, higher education, participation in government and a higher standard of living.
Arabs in Israel face segregated schooling until their elite advance to college, and they are discriminated against in housing for their entire lives. A 2007 opinion survey found that more than half of all Israeli Jews believed intermarriage was equivalent to national treason.
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Still on your favorite scapegoats, Gaza George. I hope you at least got some fresh air today. Speaking of intermarriage, I wonder if Gaza George would ever bring up the fact that the Muslims in India and Pakistan murder their own relative plus the person they married if one is a Muslim and the other a Hindu. By the way, I was reading that this happened just recently here in Texas. Gaza George probably didn't notice this incident because he is too busy with his favorite scapegoats.

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