US Preparing for a World Without Israel

If the Hindus or Buddhists were in the area instead of the Jews, you wouldn't be pulling up the stuff you have been because you couldn't drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into this.
It isn't the Hindus or Buddhists who are responsible for this:

It's the Jews.

Dopey Gaza George, who apparently has no friends, spends Saturday night on his computer bashing his scapegoats. The map of the world has change in many countries, Gaza George, so pull up whatever you want. Naturally Gaza George has no problem with a huge chunk of land that belonged to the Hindus and whose ancestors lived on that land for thousands of years being carved off to make the country of Pakistan. Do you really think that the viewers here with some sense don't realize that you care nothing about the Arabs, but are getting off on this thread because there is nothing in your sad, lonely, miserable life. Does anyone think that Gaza George will start posting articles about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East, or will he continue to get his cheap thrills out of his posts dissing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews?

Gaza George, I found a good psychiatrist for you to contact to help get you over your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Since you can't afford to own a vehicle, you can do your sessions over the computer and not have to worry about getting to the doctor's office.

Dr. Yuhuan Xie Psychiatrist Sacramento CA 95821 Psychology Today s Therapy Directory
...As it should be, no one should trivialize the mass death and dispossession of a group of people regardless of what religion, ethnicity or group the perpetrators are.

Dispossession? Yes.

Mass death? Hardly.

Far fewer deaths than the Muslim-Arab Palestinians have sworn to give the Jews when they drown them in the Mediterranean.

Far fewer deaths than their incessant rocket-barrages and suicide bombings have earned them.

Far fewer deaths than their intransigence and international terrorism and downright stupidity have earned them.

I don't trivialize their deaths.

I trivialize (and poke fun at) their Cause, and their Cowardice and their Stupidity.

I laugh at them.

I piss on the graves of those amongst them who have led their so-called 'people' to this sorry state of affairs.

While standing solidly alongside our good friend and ally, the State of Israel.
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...As it should be, no one should trivialize the mass death and dispossession of a group of people regardless of what religion, ethnicity or group the perpetrators are.

Dispossession? Yes.

Mass death? Hardly.

Far fewer deaths than the Muslim-Arab Palestinians have sworn to give the Jews when they drown them in the Mediterranean.

Far fewer deaths than their incessant rocket-barrages and suicide bombings have earned them.

Far fewer deaths than their intransigence and international terrorism and downright stupidity have earned them.

I don't trivialize their deaths.

I trivialize (and poke fun at) their Cause, and their Cowardice and their Stupidity.

I laugh at them.

I piss on the graves of those amongst them who have led their so-called 'people' to this sorry state of affairs.

While standing solidly alongside our good friend and ally, the State of Israel.

dispossession yes? well ----actually not really. Persons who opted to stay with their property did not lose it. There are arabs who were living in Jaffa in 1948 and their families still own that property. I fully agree that all people who moved around in the 20th century to flee conflict are ENTITLED to compensation-----but the muslim world does not have that much in resources. I also agree that all vandalism against the "holy" places and artifacts of this or that group should be
Kosher karma:

"THIS SCENARIO – may it never come to pass - occurs sometime in the future.

"The combined forces of Syria, Hezbo- Lebanon, a radicalized Egypt and an only semi-reluctant Jordan – spurred on by the Palestinian masses, now fully under the sway of Hamas – have flooded Israel with millions of combatants.

"After bombarding the Jewish state with tens of thousands of missiles, causing hundreds of thousands of Jews to flee (no easy task after a shell-shocked Ben- Gurion airport is closed),

"Arab mobs have crossed our borders, overwhelming the courageous but hopelessly outnumbered soldiers of the IDF.

"The smell of victory finally in their noses, the Arabs reject all international calls for a cease-fire and unleash a brutal assault on the civilian population. The government considers using nuclear weapons, but the enemy is already within the gates, and the Opposition effectively blocks the proposal.

"Independent Israel, as we knew it, has ceased to exist."

A world without Israel - Opinion - Jerusalem Post
If the Hindus or Buddhists were in the area instead of the Jews, you wouldn't be pulling up the stuff you have been because you couldn't drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into this.
It isn't the Hindus or Buddhists who are responsible for this:

It's the Jews.

Dopey Gaza George, who apparently has no friends, spends Saturday night on his computer bashing his scapegoats. The map of the world has change in many countries, Gaza George, so pull up whatever you want. Naturally Gaza George has no problem with a huge chunk of land that belonged to the Hindus and whose ancestors lived on that land for thousands of years being carved off to make the country of Pakistan. Do you really think that the viewers here with some sense don't realize that you care nothing about the Arabs, but are getting off on this thread because there is nothing in your sad, lonely, miserable life. Does anyone think that Gaza George will start posting articles about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East, or will he continue to get his cheap thrills out of his posts dissing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews?

Gaza George, I found a good psychiatrist for you to contact to help get you over your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Since you can't afford to own a vehicle, you can do your sessions over the computer and not have to worry about getting to the doctor's office.

Dr. Yuhuan Xie Psychiatrist Sacramento CA 95821 Psychology Today s Therapy Directory
yet again, poor research. You are telling only half a story

Yochanan Gordon Apologizes for Genocide Is Permissible Op-Ed Mediaite

Why do you think you can pull this nonsense over on the forum?

Shame on you
Yochanan Gordon Apologizes for Genocide Is Permissible Op-Ed Mediaite

"I never intended to call to harm any people although my words may have conveyed that message.

"I wish to express deep regret and beg forgiveness for an article I authored which was posted on, Times of Israel and was tweeted and shared the world over.

"I never intended to call to harm any people although my words may have conveyed that message.

"With that said I pray and hope for a quick peaceful end to the hostilities and that all people learn to coexist with each other in creating a better world for us all.

Yochanan Gordon"

When are you leaving the West Bank?
...As it should be, no one should trivialize the mass death and dispossession of a group of people regardless of what religion, ethnicity or group the perpetrators are.

Dispossession? Yes.

Mass death? Hardly.

Far fewer deaths than the Muslim-Arab Palestinians have sworn to give the Jews when they drown them in the Mediterranean.

Far fewer deaths than their incessant rocket-barrages and suicide bombings have earned them.

Far fewer deaths than their intransigence and international terrorism and downright stupidity have earned them.

I don't trivialize their deaths.

I trivialize (and poke fun at) their Cause, and their Cowardice and their Stupidity.

I laugh at them.

I piss on the graves of those amongst them who have led their so-called 'people' to this sorry state of affairs.

While standing solidly alongside our good friend and ally, the State of Israel.

dispossession yes? well ----actually not really. Persons who opted to stay with their property did not lose it. There are arabs who were living in Jaffa in 1948 and their families still own that property. I fully agree that all people who moved around in the 20th century to flee conflict are ENTITLED to compensation-----but the muslim world does not have that much in resources. I also agree that all vandalism against the "holy" places and artifacts of this or that group should be

They were driven out and dispossessed by the Europeans you nitwit.

": a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
...As it should be, no one should trivialize the mass death and dispossession of a group of people regardless of what religion, ethnicity or group the perpetrators are.

Dispossession? Yes.

Mass death? Hardly.

Far fewer deaths than the Muslim-Arab Palestinians have sworn to give the Jews when they drown them in the Mediterranean.

Far fewer deaths than their incessant rocket-barrages and suicide bombings have earned them.

Far fewer deaths than their intransigence and international terrorism and downright stupidity have earned them.

I don't trivialize their deaths.

I trivialize (and poke fun at) their Cause, and their Cowardice and their Stupidity.

I laugh at them.

I piss on the graves of those amongst them who have led their so-called 'people' to this sorry state of affairs.

While standing solidly alongside our good friend and ally, the State of Israel.

dispossession yes? well ----actually not really. Persons who opted to stay with their property did not lose it. There are arabs who were living in Jaffa in 1948 and their families still own that property. I fully agree that all people who moved around in the 20th century to flee conflict are ENTITLED to compensation-----but the muslim world does not have that much in resources. I also agree that all vandalism against the "holy" places and artifacts of this or that group should be

They were driven out and dispossessed by the Europeans you nitwit.

": a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

I see no description there as Europeans. My own husband's parents fled the filth of the stinking shariah shit hole Yemen ------their journey began sometime
in the mid 1930s ------accomplished in order to save his then adolescent mother to rape by muslims and forced conversion to the stinking filth. He was born on the way-----it took years to escape the stench of Islamic violence in aden. Several members of the party died on the way------his parents ---brother and he made it out by about 1941. THUS he was witness to the war in question-----not European witness------victim of the filth you endorse, witness -----now for the good news----his cousin was LEHI too. Who told you "Europeans"? BTW----the little squat shanty town of arabs nearby did leave-----they simply left----packed up the family donkey and left-----1948----no violence----not gun point---they simply left. walked away Nobody was interested in their shacks and they did not own the land on which they had been squatting
I see no description there as Europeans. My own husband's parents fled the filth of the stinking shariah shit hole Yemen ------their journey began sometime
What percentage of Jews living in Palestine in 1948 were born there? What percentage of land did Jews own in Palestine at that time? What brand of hasbara donkey did hubby ride out of Yemen?
I see no description there as Europeans. My own husband's parents fled the filth of the stinking shariah shit hole Yemen ------their journey began sometime
What percentage of Jews living in Palestine in 1948 were born there? What percentage of land did Jews own in Palestine at that time? What brand of hasbara donkey did hubby ride out of Yemen?

Sad, isn't it, that Gaza George felt that he had to post that fake Ben Gurion quote so that he would feel he was the HNIC on this forum. He is so busy getting his cheap thrills that he couldn't spend the time to research it to find out that the reporter apologized for it.. By the way, Gaza George, since you are so busy with the two threads which are giving you this thrill, did Meals on Wheels deliver dinner to your little apartment
If the Hindus or Buddhists were in the area instead of the Jews, you wouldn't be pulling up the stuff you have been because you couldn't drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into this.
It isn't the Hindus or Buddhists who are responsible for this:

It's the Jews.

Dopey Gaza George, who apparently has no friends, spends Saturday night on his computer bashing his scapegoats. The map of the world has change in many countries, Gaza George, so pull up whatever you want. Naturally Gaza George has no problem with a huge chunk of land that belonged to the Hindus and whose ancestors lived on that land for thousands of years being carved off to make the country of Pakistan. Do you really think that the viewers here with some sense don't realize that you care nothing about the Arabs, but are getting off on this thread because there is nothing in your sad, lonely, miserable life. Does anyone think that Gaza George will start posting articles about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East, or will he continue to get his cheap thrills out of his posts dissing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews?

Gaza George, I found a good psychiatrist for you to contact to help get you over your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Since you can't afford to own a vehicle, you can do your sessions over the computer and not have to worry about getting to the doctor's office.

Dr. Yuhuan Xie Psychiatrist Sacramento CA 95821 Psychology Today s Therapy Directory

Since you were always a loser, Gaza George, I doubt that you ever had a girlfriend. However, I really suggest that you contact that psychiatrist and maybe she can get to the root of your problems so that you can convince some unfortunate homeless woman to share your little subsidized one-room apartment with her. This might be the only way you will ever have female companionship. You see, folks, how Gaza George is forced to get his cheap thrills by just two threads.
It isn't the Hindus or Buddhists who are responsible for this:

It's the Jews.

Dopey Gaza George, who apparently has no friends, spends Saturday night on his computer bashing his scapegoats. The map of the world has change in many countries, Gaza George, so pull up whatever you want. Naturally Gaza George has no problem with a huge chunk of land that belonged to the Hindus and whose ancestors lived on that land for thousands of years being carved off to make the country of Pakistan. Do you really think that the viewers here with some sense don't realize that you care nothing about the Arabs, but are getting off on this thread because there is nothing in your sad, lonely, miserable life. Does anyone think that Gaza George will start posting articles about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East, or will he continue to get his cheap thrills out of his posts dissing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews?

Gaza George, I found a good psychiatrist for you to contact to help get you over your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Since you can't afford to own a vehicle, you can do your sessions over the computer and not have to worry about getting to the doctor's office.

Dr. Yuhuan Xie Psychiatrist Sacramento CA 95821 Psychology Today s Therapy Directory

Since you were always a loser, Gaza George, I doubt that you ever had a girlfriend. However, I really suggest that you contact that psychiatrist and maybe she can get to the root of your problems so that you can convince some unfortunate homeless woman to share your little subsidized one-room apartment with her. This might be the only way you will ever have female companionship. You see, folks, how Gaza George is forced to get his cheap thrills by just two threads.

"The Greater Middle East is a political term coined by the second Bush administration in the first decade of the 21st century,[1] to denote various countries, pertaining to the Muslim world, specifically Iran,Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan.[2]

"Various Central Asian countries are sometimes also included.

"Some speakers may use the term to denote areas with significant Muslim majorities, but this usage is not universal.[3]

"The Greater Middle East is sometimes referred to as 'The New Middle East',[4] or 'The Great Middle East Project".[5][6]

Greater Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I see no description there as Europeans. My own husband's parents fled the filth of the stinking shariah shit hole Yemen ------their journey began sometime
What percentage of Jews living in Palestine in 1948 were born there? What percentage of land did Jews own in Palestine at that time? What brand of hasbara donkey did hubby ride out of Yemen?

what brand of shit ass donkey did Georgie's daddy ride. what percentage of the USA do you own. Of the OWNED land in Palestine----jews owned far more than did arabs -----arebs were squatters. I own land in the USA----so get your stinking ass out.
what brand of shit ass donkey did Georgie's daddy ride. what percentage of the USA do you own. Of the OWNED land in Palestine----jews owned far more than did arabs -----arebs were squatters. I own land in the USA----so get your stinking ass out.
You and yours, Dick-Lick.

You're less American than Ben was.
what brand of shit ass donkey did Georgie's daddy ride. what percentage of the USA do you own. Of the OWNED land in Palestine----jews owned far more than did arabs -----arebs were squatters. I own land in the USA----so get your stinking ass out.
You and yours, Dick-Lick.

You're less American than Ben was.

ben who? Ben Franklin? -------oh that's the fake letter to a kid less than
10 years old
I see no description there as Europeans. My own husband's parents fled the filth of the stinking shariah shit hole Yemen ------their journey began sometime
What percentage of Jews living in Palestine in 1948 were born there? What percentage of land did Jews own in Palestine at that time? What brand of hasbara donkey did hubby ride out of Yemen?

what brand of shit ass donkey did Georgie's daddy ride. what percentage of the USA do you own. Of the OWNED land in Palestine----jews owned far more than did arabs -----arebs were squatters. I own land in the USA----so get your stinking ass out.

I doubt that they owned donkeys. Perhaps a mule as they plowed a couple of acres down South working as sharecroppers. Anyhow, IRosie, both you and I know that when people are losers in their lives, they always need a scapegoat to blame for their failures. Seeing how Gaza George is going crazy over just two threads shows you how desperately he needs a scapegoat in his sorry life.

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